Join Captain Ron and the intrepid crew of Contact In The Desert, the largest UFO Conference in the world, as they set sail on a cosmic voyage with “The Captain’s Log.” This new addition to our website will deliver the latest in Ufology and beyond, while diving deep into intriguing old UFO cases and unraveling new mysteries from the cosmos.

Fall Equinox

Fall Equinox

The fall equinox marks the first day in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, this day marks the start of spring. The term "equinox" comes from the Latin words "aequi," meaning equal, and "nox," meaning night. The equinox happens when the sun crosses...

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The 72nd Anniversary of The Flatwoods Monster

The 72nd Anniversary of The Flatwoods Monster

The Flatwoods Monster incident occurred on September 12, 1952, in Flatwoods, West Virginia, and remains one of the most intriguing cases of alleged cryptid or extraterrestrial encounters. The event began when a group of local boys and their families observed a bright,...

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