The 72nd Anniversary of The Flatwoods Monster

by | Sep 1, 2024

The Flatwoods Monster incident occurred on September 12, 1952, in Flatwoods, West Virginia, and remains one of the most intriguing cases of alleged cryptid or extraterrestrial encounters. The event began when a group of local boys and their families observed a bright, fireball-like light streaking across the sky and landing on a nearby hill. The group, including two of the boys’ mothers, decided to investigate.

When they reached the hill, they reported encountering a strange, towering figure. Descriptions of the creature varied, but it was generally described as humanoid with a spade-shaped head, glowing red eyes, and a body covered in a dark, metallic or greenish material. The creature stood approximately 10 feet tall and was said to emit a noxious, sulfurous odor. Some reports also noted a pulsating or glowing light associated with the entity.

The witnesses, including the boys and their mothers, experienced a range of symptoms afterward, such as nausea and eye irritation, which they attributed to the encounter. Some claimed that the symptoms were severe and persistent.

Local authorities and UFO enthusiasts conducted investigations, but no conclusive evidence was found to support the existence of the creature. Despite this, the Flatwoods Monster incident remains a subject of ongoing interest and debate among researchers and enthusiasts.

This case is an interesting one. It is well known, and did have multiple witnesses, all with consistent accounts of what they saw. Additionally, many of the witnesses actually experienced physical symptoms after the encounter, ranging from nausea to an irritated throat and eyes. I think it has an unfortunate name, which may hurt its credibility. Also, There is no physical evidence or photographs that I know of. Another problem is it is so unique…. It just doesn’t match up ANY with other cases I’ve seen.

Captain Ron

Captain Ron has been immersed in the UFO/paranormal community for many years. Through working with various conferences, reading and researching, and doing hundreds of interviews, he has built up an extensive knowledge of the subject.

He began podcasting back in 2014. In April of 2021 he co-founded The Observation Deck, an online source for information on speakers, as well as a place to host virtual events in and around the UFO community. In 2023, along with Gordon Pekrul, he bought the Contact In The Desert Conference.

Ron’s latest Podcast is ‘BEYOND CONTACT.’ Every Friday, Captain Ron will explore the latest news in Ufology, discuss some of the classic cases, and bring you the latest information from the newest cases as he talks with the top experts!

Available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows

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