The Pascagoula Abduction

by | Oct 11, 2024

October 11th marks the 51st anniversary of the Pascagoula UFO/Abduction incident involving Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson.  This has been an important case for many years.

According to their account, they saw a strange, oval-shaped craft hovering above them and emitting a glowing blue light.  Then they claim three humanoid creatures emerged from the craft who took them aboard. The aliens reportedly conducted medical examinations on them before releasing them. Hickson and Parker went to the local authorities and reported the incident, which garnered widespread media attention and sparked a national debate about the existence of extraterrestrial life. The two men underwent hypnosis and polygraph tests, which supported their claims of abduction. 
A well known and interesting aspect of this case is that while at the sheriff’s station reporting their incident, the Sheriff hid a tape recorder and left the men alone.  He was hoping to catch them in a lie.  However, the recording captured the two men discussing the incident in a sincere and consistent manner, leading the sheriff to believe that they were telling the truth about their experience.
I recently found an interesting documentary on Youtube, made not by a filmmaker, but one of the 1st hand witnesses of the UFO that night.  I thought it was very interesting, as he had Calvin Parker recount his recollections first hand of what happened that night, and was also able to locate other witnesses who saw a UFO right in that area on that same night.  Additionally he was able to obtain some recordings of Calvin Parker recounting the abduction as well which are quite compelling.

Bri Matts is the producer of the Contact In The Desert Conference and the Beyond Contact Podcast. Her interest in the UFO topic began with personal encounters, leading her “down the rabbit hole”. Bri first started attending Contact In The Desert in 2015 and never missed a show since. She also has a background in podcasting about UFO's, which became the path that enabled her to switch from behind the microphone, to behind the Contact In The Desert team. Bri firmly believes her unwavering passion, curiosity, and dedication to the integrity of the UFO phenomenon, is what manifested her life today.

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