Bill Homann

The Crystal Skull
Bill became the Legal Guardian of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull in 2007. The Crystal Skull is with him virtually 24/7. His passion is helping people. He is devoted to this work. Bill has conducted thousands of meetings over the past thirty-plus years. He’s been worldwide and met with Aborigines in Australia; Indigenous American Tribal Shamans and Chiefs; Mayan Elders; a Peruvian Tribal Priest; Egyptian Archeologists; Buddhist Rinpoche: Arija Rinpoche, and Turkish Holy Men. All have been in the pursuit of helping people find love, joy, and happiness in their lives.

The Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull

Perhaps, you have heard of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull. Bill met the Skull in 1978 when he met the adopted daughter of F.A. Mitchell-Hedges in Canada.

Keep reading to find out more about the Mitchell Hedges Crystal Skull. The Crystal Skull was discovered in 1924 in an ancient Mayan Temple buried under jungle foliage for a thousand years. The Native Mayans were working to uncover a Lost City, which they found. When they saw the sparkling crystal Skull, they fell to their knees in honor and thanksgiving. When Mitchell-Hedges left the archeological dig two years later, the Maya presented him with their precious Crystal Skull in thanks for all the food and medical gifts he bestowed upon them.

CITD 2024 Presentations


Not presenting lecture this year.


Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull Experience

Bill Homann, legal guardian of the Skull since 2007, and Carole Davis, Official Channel of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal for over 40 years, will answer all your questions about the Mitchell-Hedges …

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Available On-Site
Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull Experience

Bill Homann, legal guardian of the Skull since 2007, and Carole Davis, Official Channel of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal for over 40 years, will answer all your questions about the Mitchell-Hedges …

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Available On-Site


Not presenting an intensive this year.

CITD 2024 Panels

No appearances on panels this year.

Other CITD Appearances Include…

FREE Events

No appearances at other free, community events this year.

PAID Events

Private Session with the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull

Come access higher states of consciousness, healing, guidance and information through powerful guided meditations and visualizations. Each person will get to spend intimate time connecting with the the world’s most …

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Explore More of Bill Homann‘s Work

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