Time: 1:15pm – 2:45pm
Project Doorway and an in-depth study of phenomena both utilized in paranormal and ufological incidents. The physiological and psychological effects of UFO encounters. Conjuring the phenomena and methodologies. The interdimensional ultra-terrestrial hypothesis. Ancient representation of aerial phenomena. New scientific data and evidence of diathermic effects in association with phenomena. UFOs and its connection to the land, boulder fields, volcanoes and magnetic anomalies. UFOs, a timeless phenomenon. UFO Encounters and entities, deception and manipulation of human perceptions. The human looking E.T. scenario. Utilizing Iron and Ultraviolet lighting. Materialization and manifestation of the phenomenon. Strange entities and their intentions and agenda. Negative effects to UFO encounters and the portal hypothesis. Bacterial levels and satellite tracking of encounters. Strange disappearances in connection to geophysical anomalies and the continued drip feed process.
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