Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Jeffrey Long, M.D. established the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF). In the over 20 years of NDERF’s existence, its nderf.org website has received and posted to the Internet over 3500 near-death experiences (NDEs). This allowed the largest scientific study of NDEs in history. An exceptionally consistent finding in NDEs are descriptions of consciousness existing apart from the physical body. This unearthly consciousness has characteristics that include tremendously accelerated thought, telepathic communication, and exceptional sensory awareness such as 360-degree vision. Observations of consciousness in NDE are very relevant in understanding consciousness that may exist during extraterrestrial contact. Descriptions of non-earthly life in NDEs are very rare but have been reported. A special guest, Sandi, will discuss her remarkable NDE. During her NDE she directly observed life on multiple other planets. This included observation of many life forms with characteristics substantially different from our familiar earthly life.
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