Ross Wachsman

Film & TV Director, Songwriter
Ross Wachsman is an American writer, producer, director, and editor. He earned his BA from Yale University and MFA from USC’s School of Cinematic Arts where he was the recipient of the Annenberg Fellowship.

As a director, he is responsible for such films as Ascension and Emotional Vacation which have won numerous awards including Best Independent Feature Film (National Film and Television Awards), Grand Prize for Best Feature Film (Flickers International Film Festival, Vortex), Best Science Fiction Feature Film (Hollywood Reel Independent Film Festival) and Best Science Fiction Feature Film (Hollywood Horrorfest).

In addition to his work in film and television, he is also an AI entrepreneur and songwriter who has written music for artists at Columbia and Virgin Records.

CITD 2024 Presentations


DIY Disclosure: Finding Truth in a Post Truth World

The internet age brought us a paradigm shift in the ways we discover, discern and share the “truth”. Certain suppressed and at times forgotten truths began seeping through the cracks; …

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Not presenting a workshop this year.


Not presenting an intensive this year.

CITD 2024 Panels

UAP Disclosure: The Current State of Affairs

This panel will provide invaluable insights into the ongoing initiatives aimed at transparency and disclosure. From declassified documents to government statements, they will analyze the current landscape of UFO disclosure …

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Other CITD Appearances Include…

FREE Events

FILM Screening: Ascension

Plagued by premonitions, a troubled teen fears her little sister is in danger, but questions whether the threat comes from the distant cosmos, or from herself. Writer, Director, Producer Ross …

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PAID Events

No appearances at additional paid events this year.

Explore More of Ross Wachsman‘s Work


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