DIY Disclosure: Finding Truth in a Post Truth World

Lecture with

Ross Wachsman

Friday, May 31, 2024
Location: Enterprise Room

The internet age brought us a paradigm shift in the ways we discover, discern and share the “truth”. Certain suppressed and at times forgotten truths began seeping through the cracks; patterns that did not conform to the narratives we were told to accept. The dawn of the internet was a paradigm shift towards unprecedented access and sharing of information, but in 2007 our ability to find, discern, and share truth was systematically dismantled by the invention and implementation of the Algorithmic Timeline. This lecture explores these concepts through the lens of a new philosophy called Algorithmic Jiujitsu. Algorithmic Jiujitsu is about uniting the world through the collaborative process of finding and sharing as much truth as possible until the point of death and there beyond should the opportunity present itself. Algorithmic Jiujitsu is the first philosophy to be publicly invented and tested live on the internet. It can be heard in hundreds of hours of live recorded audio streams in collaboration with thousands of people from around the world. This growing global community has since worked together on 27 different projects which include two investigative documentaries on disclosure as well as the world’s first global Open Source Energy Festival. This lecture is about how we find truth and why.


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