Episode 41: Underwater UFOs with Richard Dolan

Feb 28, 2025

Captain Ron is joined by Ufologist Richard Dolan to discuss underwater UFO cases, and to touch on what is happening in the UFO world with regard to who may be coming here and why.

Captain Ron (00:55):
Hey everyone, it’s Captain Ron and. Each week on Beyond Contact,
Wilks for the latest news in ufology, discuss some of
the classic cases and bring you the latest information from
the newest cases as we talk with the top experts.

Speaker 4 (01:11):
Welcome to Beyond Contact on Captain Ron and today I
have the great pleasure of speaking with one of the
world’s leading UFO researchers, historians and publishers, and that is
none other than mister Richard Dolan himself. In addition to
as many books, Richard has also hosting a podcast on
YouTube called Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure. We are thrilled he’s

going to be joining us again at Contact in the Desert.
He’s always a staple there. Great to see again, Richard.

Speaker 5 (01:37):
How you doing, Hi, Ron, I’m always happy to be
on a program with you. Thanks for having me.

Speaker 4 (01:41):
Here, of course. I bet you feel good getting that
first of your three book series done.

Speaker 5 (01:47):
Yeah, this is I have. This is my second series.
I did the UFOs in the National Security State, which
is still, by the way in progress, but this is
a three volume series on USOS so unidentified submerged water
based UFOs we could say what UAP. And it’s been
a really three year project. It’s taken since twenty twenty two,

and I just published the first of those three volumes.
And yeah, it’s been a lot. It’s been a very
long project. But I’m so pleased with this one, and
I’m just happy to say the other two volumes, all
of those cases have been written. They’re all complete. I
will I’ll be organizing them in as proper books for
release in the next couple of months, so I think

all should be out. I’m hoping by midyear of this
year twenty twenty five, certainly this year, they’ll be all out.

Speaker 4 (02:37):
That’s fantastic. I look forward to it all right, So listen,
I feel like you’re one of the most well read
people on this subject, and I’d like to ask you
a few overview questions about where you sit today regarding
the phenomenon before we get into the new books. I’ve
always loved how careful you are not to overreach, and
you pretty much stick to the facts about what the

historical record shows. One thing I’ve noticed in the last
few years is you do seem to be moving much
more on the side of believing that let’s call it
aliens or at least some form of NHI is visiting Earth.
Where I used to feel you were way more cautious
about saying that what caused you to move in this direction.

Speaker 5 (03:18):
Yes, when I first for many years, when I jumped
into the UFO field, I think that’s probably true. I
was very self consciously trying to be just the facts.
I didn’t want to overly conclude. I think it was
enough for a day’s work to just point out what
is the historical reality of this, there is something here

where they’re from, what their agendas were. I was pretty
hesitant to go into that, at least openly. Privately, I’ve
always been happy to speculate about that, but publicly maybe
not as much. But I would say in the last
five even a little more than that five years, I thought,
I have read a lot, I have studied a lot
about this, And I thought, if I’ve been studying this
for now about thirty years, and I still am I

going to pretend that I don’t have an opinion, I don’t.
I don’t want to speculate on this. What is wrong
with speculating. There’s nothing wrong with speculating, as long as
you try to base your speculations on as much accuracy
and truth as you can. So I thought, let’s do that.
I wrote a book called The Alien Agendas, which was
basically that form of speculation where I just thought, look,
I’m not saying that I know this is how it is,

but this is how it looks like to me based
on the evidence that is meaningful to me. And so
I have concluded, at least, let’s say provisionally, that there
are probably a number of intelligences that are say, checking
us out. I think we’re very interesting right now. I
think humanity is very interesting at this time in our history.
I mean, we’re you know, we’ve gone for thousands, hundreds

of thousands, you could see even say millions of years
as developing upright, you know, hominins living in a certain way,
and only in the last couple of hundred years, it’s
really not long we’ve had technology that’s worth anything. That
We’ve had balloons, and then we get railroads, and then
we get airplanes, and then we get the electric light bulb,
and next thing you know, we’re in wireless radio and

atomic weapons and computers, and now we’re into AI. It’s
all been very fast. So that to me, I think
is certainly enough to get the attention of any observing intelligence.
They’re going to know we’re about to make a debut,
and I think they’re looking at us very carefully.

Speaker 4 (05:19):
This is the evidence you’re talking about. What is the
strongest evidence that supports that we’ve been visited?

Speaker 5 (05:24):
I think we have. I’ll go back to, first of all,
the military declassified UFO reports. I’ve always liked to start
with those. What I learned is that there is a
very large cache of declassified United States government documents from
the Department of Defense, different military services and so on,
that described in great detail in many cases objects that

are described as flying saucers hanging out over sensitive installations,
triggering alarms of all types, triggering attempts to intercept frequently,
and you know, you get to read these reports. They
were classified for many years. There was a declassification after
the scandal of Watergate in the nineteen seventies, we had
a bit of an opening of the Freedom of Information Act,

and for about five years particularly, we were able to
get a lot of very very intriguing UFO documents declassified,
and all someone has to do is read them. It
doesn’t prove that aliens are here, but it does prove
doesn’t hint or suggest. It proves that the US government
has lied about UFOs. So we would tell the public

nothing to this. It’s all hoaxes, hallucinations, misidentification, etc. And
then you read the classified reports and you can see
they were thinking nothing of the sort. Once I discovered
in the nineties when I was researching this, that there’s
a disconnect between what we were being told and what
the national security community was actually thinking about this, I felt, well,

I’d like to get to the bottom. Did they ever
stop being interested? Did they ever figure this out? Like
what these UFOs were answer no, not that anyone can see.
This was never resolved. It was always a problem, it
was always a matter of secrecy. To conclude that it’s
alien is that’s a different level of proof than saying
there are UFOs. It’s one thing to say they’re UFOs,

it’s another to say they’re aliens. But one reason I
do conclude that it’s probably aliens is, you know, beyond
the declassified documents, you have just a lot of really
good research. I’m a big fan of the late Leonard Stringfield.
He was one of the og UFO researchers from the
seventies and eighties, actually even before that, but he started
collecting stories and that’s what we can call them, from

retired military people, a lot of Air Force. He lived
not far from Air Force headquarters, and Stringfield collected well
over one hundred testimonies from retired military or sometimes there’s
spouses talking about alien bodies being studied in secure facilities,
or alien craft retrievals from this or that other place.

And I think when you put together or that research,
along with other research that people were doing in that
period of time, it’s actually really strong case that we’ve
got a phenomenon that existed that’s not supposed to exist,
and there’s more than a little bit of evidence or
at least reason to think that there are genuine aliens

that are behind that phenomenon. So I think it’s the
best hypothesis. The extra trastrial one, I think is still
the best. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t other strange
things to this phenomenon. People talk about interdimensional aspects and whatnot,
and all of that is potentially true. Seems to me
they’re coming from somewhere else, and that somewhere else is
probably another world somewhere in this universe.

Speaker 4 (08:40):
I think you’ve also said that you believe that we’ve
recovered ET spacecraft through these various crash retrievals. Do you
believe as some people do, like doctor Greer for example,
and some others that believe there’s a small worldwide, unacknowledged
let’s call it, a cabal hidden within black projects in
our military who hold this knowledge and are the ones

keeping it secret? Or do you think it’s just our
regular military making these recoveries.

Speaker 5 (09:06):
Yeah, that’s a great question. I think it’s a little
bit of both. I think primarily, what when you talk
about the black cabal off the grid. I think that’s
ultimately where this power lies. Yes, but I don’t think
there’s any question that standard military personnel have been involved
in these retrievals, because we have a lot of testimony
from retired military people to exactly that effect that described,

whether it’s to Leonard Stringfield or any other researcher, how
on one occasion they were tasked with performing security detail
or retrieval detail or this type of thing. So it
seems to me that when I say regular military, that’s
not probably accurate for me to put it that way,
but some kind of standard military operation frequently can retrieve this.
But you know, the way that whole system works is

that you could be a in the army, but you
or your colleague might be part of a classified program
that they’re just not telling anyone about. So once once
the secrecy is deep, so once once a craft has recovered.
What it seems to me that we have the activity
of private corporations becoming involved. So what it looks like

in conjunction with military people. I don’t know exactly how
the legal structure of this works like, but it does
seem that you’ve got private corporations that are custodians, let’s say,
or at least in charge of managing the technology of
these these craft. So there’s a lot of legal a

lot of legal information that we still want to get
as in terms of who’s in control of the technology
or and or bodies and how does this all work.
I think a lot of it has been privatized to
some extent.

Speaker 4 (10:49):
Richard, we got to take a quick break there. When
we come back, we’re going to talk more to you
about a couple more et questions, and then we’re going
to move on to your brand new book series on
the USOS. You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the Eye
Heart Radio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

We’re back on Beyond Contact. I’m speaking with mister Richard Dolan.
I’ve been saying for about twelve years now that I
do not see what they call big D disclosure from
our government coming. If someone does have this secret knowledge
in these technologies, I don’t see any upside to them
letting that information out. However, recently I have heard from
more and more individuals besides Steve Bassett, of course, who

now claimed that they feel like there will be some
form of disclosure in fact coming and it seems to
be within the next two years. And that includes doctor Greer,
Danny Sheehan, I think Jeremy Corbel and George Nap have
said something to that effect as well. Where do you
set on that possibility.

Speaker 5 (11:58):
Yeah, I would not make any predictions along those lines.
We’ve been hearing predictions for years and years and years, honestly,
and not to take any thing away from those people,
and maybe it’s possible. I mean, here’s the thing. I
agree with you Ron in your perspective, like, there’s no
upside to those people who have this secret for giving
it up. But the thing is they are not the

only part of this equation. So they don’t have one
hundred percent control. They have a lot of control, but
they’re in a dynamic situation, a dynamic world. Things are changing.
I think of the old phrase the irresistible force versus
the immovable object, and the secrecy is the immovable object
and it always will be. But there is an increasingly
irresistible force to disclosure. And this is really going to

be interesting to see how this plays out. One very
well connected person used the phrase toothpaste out of the
tube with me. One time, and I’ve never forgotten it.
He say, Yep, it’s just more toothpaste out of the tube.
And it’s true, like, once some of this information is out,
it’s it doesn’t go back in. So we’re at a
place now within our public discourse where certain things are

being acknowledged that we’re never acknowledged before. But we are
still in a place that we’re still having real basic,
bare bones, low level conversation. It’s just starting to creep
up there. I mean, publicly speaking, we’re still we’re still
not in a confirmation about UAP or UFOs or ET.
I mean, we’re not anywhere near that. I just watch

some news coverage of annapolinea Luna, who’s going to be
leading a task force in the next few months in
Congress on UFOs USOS. We’re told also JFK RFK, Martin
Luther King, I’m like completely on board with that. That’s wonderful.
But I’ve listened to a lot of media commentary that’s
just vicious and going after these conspiracy mongering people and

so forth. So we’re really not at a place even
now where you know, a lot of folks in the
UFO community think, oh yeah, it’s it’s all out there.
We’re all having this open conversation. Yeah, more than before,
but there is still a very intransit obstinate establishment that
is still not giving anything away here. So where is
this going to lead. We’ve had a lot of disclosure

up till now, where we now know that the US
government had a UFO program called ATIP. We now know
the US government and the Navy have procedures for reporting UFOs.
Ten years ago, that would have been incredible. We would
have thought that’s disclosure. We’ve heard about exotic materials being

studied by the government, by the Army, all of these
I would have thought ten plus years ago, these would
have been enough to cause a kind of avalanche of disclosure,
and it hasn’t happened. We have all of this information
out there and we’re still arguing about what it means.
So to me, that just tells me there’s a lot
more room, very likely for this argument to continue. You know,

Let’s just say some insider, a whistleblower, another David Grush
comes forward and says I have proof about bodies. Well,
unless that person’s able to bring out an alien body,
it’s going to be very tough to get full agreement
on this. You can just see how the media will
work on it for sure.

Speaker 4 (15:09):
And even video and photographic evidence today is so easily manipulated.
No one’s going to believe it anyway. None of the
stuff moves the needle. Even the disclosure project from two
thousand and one didn’t move the needle at all.

Speaker 5 (15:22):
No, no, no, And that was that was a very
you know, a lot of people Stephen Greer is a
very polarizing person in the UFO field, but you got
to give this guy credit for that thing. The two
thousand and one disclosure project was heavy duty. It went
a little too far, in my opinion. They started getting
into the whole political need to ban space based weapons

and this and that. Though that was a bridge too far.
But just putting the evidence out there was a really
great idea and it was powerful, and you’re right, nothing happened.

Speaker 4 (15:51):
You know. I feel also that, you know, we way
oversimplify interacting with an alien race if that’s what’s coming.
Yesally we talk about it like it’s people from across
the globe in another culture, and that will be the difficult,
But in reality, if they have the technology to transverse
space or even travel interdimensionally. However, they’re getting here, their

intellect must be well beyond ours. So how do you
think it would go of us trying to interact with them?
I personally can’t imagine they would care at all. I
equate it to us watching an ant farm.

Speaker 5 (16:28):
I don’t disagree with that at all. I wondered about
this a lot. There’s many many folks connected with this
community who are totally on board with let’s join the
Galactic Federation. Let’s be on board. We’ll become one with
them as if we’re on an equal footing. And I don’t.
I mean, just imagine what it feels like to sit
in a room with someone who’s only got merely twice

your intelligence and looks like ten times better and is
just staring at looking at you, not saying a word.
Very intimidating it, just if it were a human being.
So you have to make you I hope I’m always
like that when I’m with you.

Speaker 4 (17:05):
You. I’m sure Tracy makes you feel that way on
a daily basis.

Speaker 5 (17:10):
She’s been able to I’ll tell you that. But you know, seriously,
when you think about being in the room with I mean,
all of the descriptions that I have ever read or
talked to people about their encounter with beings like actual
face to face, not getting some kind of telepathic download
or anything, but like an actual, alleged face to face.

It’s very intimidating, it’s very powerful. These beings clearly have
an incredible intellect. They’re probably telepathic, they’re probably part of
a hive mind. They may not laugh at all of
our jokes, and you know, they probably have a life
expectancy that’s much longer than ours. Do we think that
we’re just going to be able to get all of
those goodies when we join the galactic community, I don’t know.

But on the other hand, look, if if that’s what
they are like, then I would say, we do want
to know this, and we want to be able to
understand what they’re like as best as we can and
get over the intimidation and get over that stuff, because
if it’s the reality, we’re going to have to deal
with it. So I don’t think it’s the end of
the world. I mean, the story of humanity’s quest through

science is basically, you know, the dethroning of one myth
after another. We used to think that Earth was the
center of the universe, well, okay, it isn’t We used
to think a lot of things about how special the
human race was in this way or that way, And well,
you know now that we learn about the consciousness of
other creatures on this planet intelligence, well, we’re we are intelligent,

but we’re not necessarily completely unique. And if we run
into an intelligence that’s from somewhere else, we will have
to probably recognize the fact that we’re not operating on
their level. So that will be a psychological shock that
we’ll have to deal with. Eventually. I think we’ll learn
to deal with that. But I think a really true

disclosure would form our society in all kinds of ways
that it could be very hard to predict. I tried
myself fifteen years ago with a book with a co author.
We tried to plan that out, but it’s a I
think a genuine opening of this subject would be probably
the most revolutionary act I can imagine.

Speaker 4 (19:15):
No doubt. Okay, let’s move on to your book series,
which is quite an ambitious task, but one I personally
feel really needed to be done. As you’ve specifically looked
at UFO cases that are in fact USO cases. As
you mentioned, unidentified submergen objects which are seen underwater. These
are often the forgotten, you know, misfit step brother of

the UFOs in the sky. And I’ve never been a
fan of this UAP designation, but this made sense when
you think about it, because it’s better to say unidentified
anomalist phenomenon because it includes these usos.

Speaker 5 (19:52):
Right, it does work. Yeah, I feel similarly. In fact,
I started is my newest book out with of pages
which I called a word on UAP slash UFO, and
I wanted to talk a little bit about that. But yeah,
I mean, so this project started out about three years
ago and I just started looking at a couple of

water based cases. There’s a few that have always been
somewhat well known to research. There’s not many, but a few.
I was doing these as video presentations for my website
over at Richard Dolan Members and they were popular and
I thought, this is actually just fascinating, and I could
tell it was a rabbit hole. The next thing I knew.
By the summer of twenty twenty two, I was looking
for every single database that I could find that had

USO cases. I was just hunting through. I went through
the National UFO Reporting Center. I was given access to
the Moufon case management system. I was very grateful for that,
and the website of the late Carl find who was
a very very excellent UFO researcher who focused on water.
He had a good website which is not fully up
any longer. But I was able to hunt through those

in a lot of other books and magazines and out
of print books and all of that, and I ended
up sifting through cases and collecting the USO cases that
I thought were worthy, and I’ve got nearly seven hundred
of them going back a few hundred years.

Speaker 4 (21:11):
Yeah, Richard, it’s a nice testament to those who had
the courage to share these stories, and this book honors
them and their courage to come forward in a way.
I also thought that when we come back, we’re going
to talk to more with Richard about his incredible new
book series on USOS called A History of USOS. You’re
listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to
Coast am Aeronormal podcast Network. We are back on Beyond Contact.

I’m Captain Ron. We’re talking with mister Richard Dolan about
his new book series, A History of USOS. Richard, incredibly,
you’ve uncovered six hundred and seventy two of these USO cases,
and these books seem to breathe life into these cases
that have sort of been overlooked and may not have
had the recognition they deserve, but they very well may
be an important piece to the whole puzzle.

Speaker 5 (22:11):
Right Absolutely, My number one goal was to breathe life
into these cases. I wanted to resuscitate them. They were
I didn’t even always think of them as cases. I
think of them as someone’s incredible life experience. You know,
a lot of these people they’re no longer alive. This
first volume goes up to the end of nineteen sixty nine.
Most of those witnesses, I’m sure are no longer alive,

but they all, you know, they experienced something incredible, extraordinary,
and I just wanted those stories not to be discarded.
They and I thought, I don’t want that to happen.
I want to do my best to write about these
in an accurate way, but also in a way that
brings them to life. So that was my number one goal.

But a lot of other things happen in the course
of this project. One was an idea from my wife.
Tracy was one of the best ideas, which was to
create a series of categories for each sighting. So initially
we thought, well, you know, let’s have a nice little
like a little ID card for each case. You know,
what color was the craft, what was the size of

the craft, was it in the water, was it coming
out of the water, was it going into the water,
was there any effect on witnesses? And all of these
different things that I thought were useful categories. So I
did that for every single case, which was a lot
of extra work, but it was worth it. And then
once that was all put together, I thought, I will
put this into a spreadsheet and let’s see if we

could study the data. All of that was chard.

Speaker 4 (23:38):
Not only did you put these in the categories, you
also give them a specific reading, which I thought was
an excellent idea, as Wow, this is very similar to
Ryan Wood doing that to his book about crash retrievals,
And that’s really great for us viewers to see your
opinion as the strength of evidence of these cases. I
just wanted to throw that in there too.

Speaker 5 (23:57):
Yeah, thank you. That was a suggestion, by the way,
from Colonel Carl Nell in one of my conversations with him.
This was actually Carl was a really helpful reader to
this book, and this was his suggestion, which was to
would I want to grade the strength of evidence of
each of these cases? At first, actually I didn’t even
like I didn’t know if I liked that idea, because

I felt like a lot of those cases that would
look like they had weak evidence very likely could have
been true anyway. So part of me didn’t want to
go down that road. But Carl had a really good point,
which was, we still want to know which cases are
bulletproof in terms of the evidence, And he was right,
And so I did create this five different criteria and

I kind of weighted them, and on the basis of that,
I had a score from two the minimum to twelve
the maximum.

Speaker 4 (24:45):
Right, why do zero to ten when you could do
two to twelve? Well, whose idea was that?

Speaker 5 (24:51):
That was mine? That was at a quirk of my system.
So that’s because there were two categories in which you’d
get a point automatically. That’s how I looked at it.
How I would gauge the source, and I had a
series of criteria for that, and then the things about
the witness himself or herself, you would get one point.

But if it was only two points total that was
considered very weak. There are other categories. Was a corroboration
or how soon was this reported? Or was this reported
firsthand or second hand? Were there independent investigations done? Sometimes yes,
sometimes no, So all of these other factors that went
in there, and I just tried to do my best

to wait it.

Speaker 4 (25:33):
How often did you come across cases that were trans medium,
cases that kind of were both?

Speaker 5 (25:38):
Most were transmedium. I was kind of surprised. So of
the six hundred and seventy two cases, I can’t remember,
more than four hundred were trans medium. So, in other words,
where an object was seen emerging or entering the water,
or sometimes both.

Speaker 4 (25:53):
Do you think that that’s a technology that we possibly
possess or do you think this points to definitely it
being off war because we don’t have that technology yet.

Speaker 5 (26:02):
I don’t think that we have this. I really tried
to look into this question. Do we have the ability
to create a craft of any sort that can function
equally well in water as in the air, And I’m
just not aware of anything along those lines. We know
that there’s a lot of research along those lines. The
trans medium craft had been reported for well over a century. Actually,

say two centuries, maybe more, but for quite a while
when we obviously did not have that capability. So I’m
inclined to think when we see these transmitting cases that
it’s not from our civilization. A certain number of the
cases we’re just operating craft was below the water in

a very unusual way that was not a submarine, not
a weal, this type of thing. And I did include
a couple of small, a very small number of cases
where the object wasn’t necessarily seen interacting with the water,
but it was low over the water. And I would
sometimes include that, especially if you’re over a big ocean
and you’re in the middle of the Atlantic or Pacific

Ocean and there’s a thing hovering ten feet above the
water and maybe it’s sucking up water. Maybe it’s not,
but even if it’s not, you’re out there. If you’re
the Navy you see a craft hovering ten feet over
the water, I’m probably inclined to include that one. So
there were some of those, but most of the cases
that I have, the object was either in the water

or coming out or entering the water.

Speaker 4 (27:33):
Interesting, is there anything else that stood you stood out
to you in the data when you made the spreadsheets. Yeah,
so much examples.

Speaker 5 (27:40):
Yeah, so one thing that I found, well, one has
to do with electromagnetic interference and one has to do
with day versus night sidings. Both of these I think
are quite useful to keep in mind, So day versus night.
So one of the categories I created was when did
this occur? And not necessarily the exact time of day
because that’s not always easy. But did it happen in

the daytime? Did it happen at night? Simple? I thought,
I’ll just think, I’ll just do that. Well, it turns out,
up until nineteen sixty seven, a very consistent, slight majority
of the cases that I was able to collect occurred
during the daytime, although even in that earlier period there
was an absolute difference between military and non military encounters.

So military encounters were something like two thirds night and
civilian counters were something like two thirds in the daytime.
Roughly speaking, after nineteen sixty seven, everything went tonight. It
was like flipping a switch. Whereas a slight majority had
been in the daytime previously, suddenly it’s three quarters or
more are happening at night every year, year and year out,

and military cases nearly ninety percent since nineteen sixty seven
have occurred at night. It’s incredible. So to me, that
shows adaptability at adaptation by them. For some reason, a
behavioral change happened at this time. And I don’t really
know if I have the exact reason why. I mean,
I can speculate, but that definitely has happened. Says to

me that there’s an intelligence operating here. They can distinguish
between military and non military vessels, first of all, because
they behave differently, and they behave differently after the late
sixties as opposed to before the late sixties.

Speaker 4 (29:24):
So that’s one thing.

Speaker 5 (29:25):
And the other thing that’s definitely worth noting is electromagnetic interference,
so em magnetic interference, electronic interference if your clock stops,
or your navy ship and your weapons won’t operate, things
like this. So from the nineteen fifties onward, from when
I got my first EMUSO case, nine point five percent

of all of those cases have electromagnetic interference, almost one
out of ten, quite a lot. What’s crazy is that
military cases that number is doubled, so it’s about twenty percent.
And if there are some cases where there were reports
of missing time in conjunction with these usos or also

there were alleged sightings of alien beings in those instances
missing time or beings. Electromagnetic interference isn’t twice as common,
it’s four times as common. Wow, four times is likely.
I don’t think that’s by accident. That’s not something that
I would have been able to predict beforehand going into

the data. But it’s absolutely in that data. And by
the way, I’ll just point out I made it’s a
huge spreadsheet. I don’t even know if it’s a good spreadsheet,
but it’s thirty seven pages. It’s PDF, but it’s easy
to read. It’s freely available. Anyone can download. It’s like
me showing my homework to the teacher. I want anyone
to be able to see it. It’s a free download

at my website richital and members dot com.

Speaker 4 (30:51):
I have downloaded it here. It’s incredible. It is a
lot of data, and it just shows the amount of
work and effort into this thing.

Speaker 5 (31:01):
Well, yeah, thank you. It’s easier to appreciate if you’ve
read the book. If you haven’t read the book, it
may not be as immediately understandable. Although you can see
the cases chronologically, and I try to give a decent
guideline as to what some of the acronyms and their mean.
When I created that, that was my I never did

a spreadsheet before, and so I didn’t really know how
to how to organize a lot of it to honestly, Like,
how do I mention that there was a sighting in
the South China Sea in nineteen twelve? How do I
do that? How do I write south China Sea in there?
So I used all these acronyms.

Speaker 4 (31:38):
Yeah, can you give us a glossary of what you did?
It’s great if they were to take a break right there, Richard.
We’re going to come right back and talk more with
Richard about his series on a history of UFOs and
hear about some of his favorite cases. You’re listening to
Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM
Paranormal podcast Network. We are back with the great Richard Dolan.

We are talking about his new series of books on
USO’s Richard, you were just talking about the spreadsheet and
the different facts you have in there. You know, another
interesting point that I caught out of this was that
there seems to be cases that are in very isolated
areas and then cases that are in very busy areas.

That’s kind of surprising as well. Huh.

Speaker 5 (32:38):
These things are everywhere on there, everywhere. There’s cases in
some of the most remote, inhospitable bodies of water on
the planet. I think of the Baring Sea that’s north
of the Aleutian Islands. You don’t want to go hang
out there for a vacation. It’s not a place that
you’d want to go. Yet there’s sightings there. There are
sightings in the Sea of O Kosk, which is off

the coast of Russia in eastern Siberia. Utterly like brutal
weather conditions there. But then there’s there are sightings in
some of the major choke points, the Strait of Malacca,
which is one of the major shipping roots of all
of the entire world, or the Red Sea you know,
which leads to the Siouxez Canal, or the Mediterranean Sea,

many many areas in there. So they’re in major shipping lanes,
and they are in the most remote regions of the planet. No, yeah,
I mean mind blowing stuff. I’ll mention the first case
that got me into this, if you don’t mind, It
was nineteen forty five at the end of World War two,
and this was one that researchers kind of knew a

little bit about. In the summer of nineteen forty five,
the US was still at war with Japan. The Germans
had surrendered, but the Japanese were still fighting, and there
was a US transport ship coming back from the far
East to Seattle. It’s coming across the Pacific there along
the Aleutian Islands, and they were near a little island

and the allusions called Adak Island, really tiny, but we
had a military base there for a long time. And
so this transport ship called the Dell Roff was coming
back and an object, a disc shaped object, was seen
by the crew emerging from the water. This is a
very very it’s not a place where you’d expect to

see anything like this, but it comes out of the
water and it circles around the ship utterly silent, two times,
and it’s exactly shaped like a flying saucer. And it
then just took off at a fairly high rate of
speed and slashed a couple of lights as it was

in the distance, and then it was gone. So one
of the witnesses was a man named Robert Crawford. He
spoke about this at great length to a great UFO
researcher and then eighteen sixties doctor James McDonald. A lot
of people know about him, and I think it’s a
great case. But there’s just so many of these, and
they’re so consistent.

Speaker 4 (35:10):
You know. I think you mentioned that some of these
have another unique characteristic that I wasn’t familiar with, which
is that this craft will come out of the water
and it doesn’t seem wet or drip water at all.

Speaker 5 (35:23):
Sometimes that is so yeah, other times not so. I’m
not sure why that is, but without a doubt, and
in fact to the point where witnesses would actively comment
on how strange it seemed to them that there wasn’t
dripping water coming from this craft, although I would emphasize
there were a number of cases where the witness would emphasize,

oh my god, I saw the water just pouring down
from this think so at times yes and at times no.
I mentioned Carl find a little while ago in this conversation,
and Carl is really astute about this. He was trying
to understand the effects physical effects of water with these
UAP or these UFOs, and he believed it had something

to do with the creation of a field, like an
ionic or ionization field around the craft. So if the
field was on he hypothesized that you wouldn’t see the
water pouring off, that somehow the field would protect the
craft from the water. So maybe that’s it, But definitely
it is a feature of some of these cases where
people would not see water on the craft at all

and it should have.

Speaker 4 (36:28):
Had water, which speaks to some sort of advanced technology.
I mean, that’s you think, so pretty unique. Think yes.
Seeing so many of these cases, it reminded me of
things like Ryan Graves saying that he saw objects nearly
every day. I wonder if there’s guys out there in
the military that you know, work on the ships all
the time that see these things more frequently than we realize.

Speaker 5 (36:50):
Oh yeah, my opinion. I mean, you know, when I
think about how I found the cases that I found,
so there, look, I went through thousands. I probably looked
at ten thousands and cases to select the six hundred
and seventy two that are in here. I’m just estimating,
but probably. But what you find is that frequently, like
with a good USO case, they’re often written about years

after the fact by the witness to some online community
like the National UFO Reporting Center is a really big
place where these go. And a typical story will be
someone saying, yeah, you know, thirty years ago, I was
with my girlfriend at the time and we were out
and we saw this thing enter the water or come
out of the water or whatever, and they’re just writing

about it now for the first time. Sometimes those are
military cases. You really get the idea that there are many,
many more of these stories out there than people are reporting.
And I absolutely believe that there is more of this
activity than even I was able to find. Definitely, there’s
I think there’s a lot of options.

Speaker 4 (37:54):
Right was that UFOs as well, It’s the same. Absolutely,
these guys can tell that.

Speaker 5 (38:01):
I tend to think that there’s more aerial activity than
water based activity. Sometimes you hear people say, well, most
of this takes place in around water. I don’t know
if that’s actually true. Maybe, but my take is that
there are many, many more aerial sightings and water based
But the water based aspect of this is very significant

and has been overlooked for years. And I’m so glad
that I got to do this project. It was a
real labor of love. Honestly, these cases are just mind blowing.
They’re not even they’re beyond fascinating. They are mind blowing
in many cases, and I’m just astonished at what these
people clearly went through. You know, you could be a

hardcore skeptic and say, well, I can’t believe this until
there’s actual provable evidence. Well, what you could say is
that there’s many cases where the evidence is open and
shut and something absolutely happened, and we can maybe argue
over the interpretation, but there’s definitely something going on. But
I take it a step further when I encounter a

heartfelt story from someone who is clearly telling something that
here’s another example. This is from a later case. This
is from the twenty first century, and it will appear
in my third volume. I can’t remember all the details.
Ohio Lake in Ohio, near the border, I think with Kentucky,
somewhat elderly couple, I probably around two thousand and five,

two thousand and eight. They’re hanging out by themselves. They
like to walk by the lake there. So she’s writing,
she’s now a widow, her husband has died, and she
just is writing into I think it was a national
UFO Reporting center, and she said, look, I just have
to tug at this story. My husband and I were
out there and we saw this immense object, she says,
come out of the water. It was if I had

sat on my husband’s shoulders, she said, I could have
almost reached up and touched it. And she described the
detailed underside of this craft and how immense it was,
and just how blown away they were by this, and
then it just drifted off. Now I’m reading this woman’s
account and I could say, well, I haven’t been able
to measure this in the laboratory, so I’m not going

to believe it. But being a reasonable human being, you
read these stories. This woman clearly was not making this up.
I’m sure because it’s so many others. So yeah, I
choose to believe it, and I think she’s telling the truth.

Speaker 4 (40:25):
Yeah, why would people? Why to what? End of it?
Doesn’t make sense to me exactly. And Richard, we’re out
of time here, but I really do appreciate your objective
approach to this subject. This book series is going to
provide us with excellent data set that we can move
closer towards deciphering what is actually happening with this phenomenon.
So thanks for pouring so much of your time and

obvious efforts.

Speaker 5 (40:49):
Hey, I’ll just mention the book is very amply illustrated.
I had a great illustrator, Alan Levine. He’s an early
UFO researcher himself from the nineteen seventies, and he’s a
great artist. He did wonderful work help you further bringing
good life into these cases, and I wanted it to
be a good rate. I think it is. Actually, I
think it’s an interesting read to help people enjoy it

as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Speaker 4 (41:11):
Awesome, Thanks again, brother.


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