UFOs and Royal Secrets with Mark Christopher Lee

Nov 15, 2024

Join us for an eye-opening conversation with musician and filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee, whose film “The King of UFOs” uncovers the British royal family’s intriguing connections to the UFO phenomenon. In this episode, Mark delves into the Rendlesham Forest incident, often compared to the Roswell crash, shedding light on new details and insights. Together with Captain Ron, they discuss the pressing need for UFO disclosure in the UK and the significance of public awareness regarding extraterrestrial encounters. Tune in to explore the intersections of music, film, and the quest for truth in the UFO community!

Mark Christopher Lee is a musician and filmmaker. One of his films, “The King of UFOs,” exposes the British royal family’s long interest in and possible insider knowledge of the UFO topic. His discussion with Captain Ron explores new details of the phenomenon occurring in the Rendlesham Forest, known for an incident equated to the Roswell crash. Mark’s mission is to aid in the long-overdue need for UFO disclosure in the UK.

Episode Transcript

Speaker 4(01:05):
Hi, and welcome to Beyond Contact. I am Captain Ron, and today I’m
going to be speaking with writer, producer, director, actor musician
mister Mark Christopher Lee. He is quite prolific to the
tune of releasing at least seventy six albums and over
five thousand songs and having millions of streams. It’s incredible

he’s here today because he’s also a ufologist and a
filmmaker whose last film, The King of UFOs, is now
out on tub It takes a look at the British
Royals in their interest in UFOs. His previous film, Gods
Versus Aliens, was premiered at con Film Festival. Today, we’re
going to take a deep dive into the findings that
Mark had regarding these films and some of his other

insights on UFOs and the phenomenon. Hey, Mark, thanks a
lot for coming on today. I hope we’re not interrupting
you from writing a song. You’re probably in the middle
of writ ling on.

Speaker 5(02:01):
Yeah, I haven’t written a song for a while. I’m
actually busy doing a soundtrack for my new film, which
I’ll tell you about later.

Speaker 4(02:07):
It’s amazing how much you accomplished. I’m envious of your creativity.
Let’s start off here, Mark, and let’s take a look
at this last film I just watched it called King
of UFOs, which takes a look at the royal family
in England and their involvement experiences and what appears to
be to me Mark a belief or at the very

least a very strong interest in UFOs and paranormal absolutely.

Speaker 5(02:32):
And I found this out probably about twelve months ago.
I was making another film and I went to this
UFO archive in Stratford upon Avon in England, Shakespeare’s country,
and this retired police detective called John Hanson. He’s got
this fabulous UFO archive there with thousands of documented sightings, photographs, videos,
but he’s also showed me letters he had received from

the Queen and Prince Philip about UFOs and I was like,
WHOA did not know this? And John Hanson his name is.
He wrote a series of books, Haunted Skies about UFOs
and he would send them to Prince Philip and the
Queen and they would write back saying they enjoyed the book,
They’re going to add it to their UFO and paranormal collection.

And it just opened the door. I think this would
make a really good idea for a film, and I
guess the idea. Why were passionate about making it is like,
especially in the UK, UFOs and UAPs whatever you want
to call them, and not taken seriously by the mainstream
at all. They still laughed at there’s still a bit
of a jokey thing, whereas this completely different in the US.

Speaker 4(03:36):
I think yes, I would say that certainly since twenty seventeen,
we’ve seen a real shift. It’s still not completely accepted mainstream.
There’s still definitely a delineation between the UFO community and
mainstream America, but there has been a movement. You’re right
that it is more so that hasn’t occurred in England.

Speaker 5(03:53):
Huh No, not yet. And I just wanted to make
the point that, you know, people like the Queen and
Prince Philip were very serious about UFOs and crop circles,
so maybe we should be taking them more seriously. And
that’s the point I’m getting across. Really, I don’t don’t
have any of the answers, like, no one really we
don’t know what these things are, but there’s something unidentified
in the skies and I just think it should be

taking more seriously. In the UK.

Speaker 4(04:17):
How open are they about this? Is this just like
these private letters and these things in the archives that
you discovered, or do they ever openly speak about this?

Speaker 5(04:26):
It’s difficult politically, They’ve got to kind of keep it
quiet really because you’ve got the Ministry of Defense, you know,
we’ve got Nick Pope used to work there in the film,
who say basically, there’s nothing there. There’s nothing in the skies,
nothing of defense significance. So they’ve got the government saying that.
So the Queen and Prince Philip is saying it was
something different, you know, King Charles now saying oh, actually

there’s something to it. It’s politically embarrassing, so they’ve got
to be a bit quiet. And Prince Philip, he was
the warn royal I found. I had this passionate interest
and belief. Basically, like you said, it’s a belief and
that goes back to the nineteen fifty and it’s various
encounters that he had convinced that there was something more
to it than just misidentification. And we did find out

though that King Charles when he was Prince did attend
a UFO Crop Circle conference in Wiltshire where and that
was quite open about that. I think now he’s king,
it’s a bit different.

Speaker 4(05:19):
Yeah, we were going to get him to speak of
contact in the desert, but now that he’s actually king,
I think that’s not going to happen. So I think
I can dash that. Okay, So you brought up Prince
Philip here his uncle Lord Mount Betton had a huge
interest in this subject and he even wrote an official
report about a flying also that landed on his Broadlands

estate in Romsey, Hampshire, after it was spotted by his
bricklayer Fred Briggs, back in February of fifty five. Right,
this is quite amazing mark that he would be willing
to make an official report.

Speaker 5(05:53):
Yeah, I mean what it was. We only found this
out when his archives were released to the public and
someone toll for them found this fascinating report. Basically, it’s
incredible and it’s on a royal estate, Broadlands in Hampshire,
and basically, yeah, although Mirke Batten wasn’t present, he did
give a statement, like you say, testifying to the honesty
integrity of Fred Briggs, who was the bricklayer workmen we

saw this landing and he said he’s got no reason to,
you know, disbelieve him. And Briggs had made a drawing
of this craft of a ladder coming down and occupied
getting out and it so took him by surprise that
he was knocked off his bike apparently, so it was,
and this happened on a royal property, so that that’s
a fascinating count and Batten, like you say he was.
He was the first royal I think, to be interested

in UFOs. And he was bet a lot of time
at sea as admiral of the Navy, and you know
he saw things whilst at sea and was documenting him
in the ship’s log and things like that. So he was,
you know, massively into this unexplained phenomenon.

Speaker 4(06:53):
And that was back in nineteen fifty five when when
the whole world this this was a new topic and
it was looked at very differently than it is today.
So I find it even more bold of him to
come out with such a thing.

Speaker 5(07:05):
Yeah, and there’s another thing, because his biographer, called Philip Ziegler,
he wrote about Matt Batton, say, Matt Batten thought that
there’s some sort of psychic, spiritual element, non physical to UFOs.
I mean, you know back in the nineteen fifties that
no one had said that before.

Speaker 4(07:21):
Absolutely, that’s incredible. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of
someone refer to that back in the day. We have
seen a trend. Obviously you’re aware that you know, this
was a nuts and boltz craft thing, and it’s really evolved.
We hear these extra tempestrials, we hear crypto terrestrials, we
hear interdimensionals. It’s becoming much more of a cerebral consciousness

kind of phenomenon now than it was, certainly in the fifties.
I almost never heard that.

Speaker 5(07:49):
Absolutely, Yeah, that’s why I kind of struck a chord
with me. He’s like, Wow, that’s really really modern thinking.
That is so yeah. Fat credit to Lord Man Battan.
I think absolutely credit to him.

Speaker 4(08:00):
And it also adds to the phenomenon that someone would
even speculate on such a thing back then, you know,
it just sort of adds to the credibility that that
might be the direction that this phenomenon is actually coming from.
I understand that Queen Elizabeth actually says she saw Elizabeth
the First about eight times, some sort of apparition, possibly

a ghost.

Speaker 5(08:22):
Absolutely. I mean, we spoke with this fabulous paranormal historian
called Richard Felix. He’s a really credible historian and he’s
studied all the royal castles properties and he says they’re
all haunted basically, and all of all family have seen
multiple ghosts, including Queen Elizabeth second scene her namesake many times.

Speaker 4(08:42):
Incredible is that the guy with the quote that says
that if a property is old, it’s got ghosts or something.

Speaker 5(08:47):
Really, yeah, I mean he’s a big subscriber to the
stone tape theory. These energies are basically trapped a bit
like cassette tape recording in you know, in the stone,
and they’re kind of replayed and that’s what we’re seeing.
And because their properties are ancient, you know, hundreds of
years old, they’ve got all this history and all this
energies and mastered them and that’s what’s replaying. And there’s
a lot of death, a lot of torture, you know,

the royal family, it’s got bloodthirsty history, and so there’s
a lot there.

Speaker 4(09:14):
Some of the earlier accounts were by Prince Albert. I
think as far back as eighteen seventy five. He saw
flying orbs in the sky. That’s way before we even
had the notion of UFO.

Speaker 5(09:25):
That was Yeah, he made an entry in his diary.
He made such an impression on him. It’s like, well,
what was this I’ve seen? Don’t forget you know, this
is eighteen seventies and there wasn’t much in the sky really.

Speaker 4(09:35):
So eighteen seventy five is well before even airships were
developed if all of this is true, and one of
two things also must be true. Either number one, the
Royal family has a real strong, genuine curiosity about this topic,
or perhaps we have some inside knowledge about these phenomenon,
and one would think if anyone has access, it would

be the Royal family.

Speaker 5(09:58):
We did you look into this a little bit richer, Felix,
he talks about, you know, obviously the Vatican Secret Archive,
but then he also makes the really valid point that,
you know, the British War family had their own very
historic archive at winter Castle which goes back, you know,
hundreds of years. King Charles, when he was prince, he
actually became involved with it’s Afrikaans anthropologists, environmentalists, Laurens van

der Post. But van der Poster was actually kind of
contemporary and friends with Carl Jung, the psychologist and philosopher,
and studied synchronicity, and he passed on, you know, the
belief in synchronicity, and you know how we’re all connected
to collective unconscious, to Prince Charles. So I now know
now that Prince Charles has got this belief and passion
in things out there that may connect us all and

maybe related to paranormal phenomena and UFOs because they could
be connected and Prince Charles knows this, which is fascinating.

Speaker 4(10:49):
Absolutely fascinating to me because synchronicity is my favorite topic
in all of these topics. I think it’s it’s absolutely
incredible and it’s something that I have actually experienced, unlike
these other things.

Speaker 5(10:59):
Quick break.

Speaker 4(11:00):
Here you’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and
Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast Network. Okay, we are
back on Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron. I’m talking to

Mark Christopher Lee. Today. We’re talking about the Royals and
their experience over the years with phenomenons such as UFOs
and things. Why don’t we jump ahead though to the
disclosure movement? Mark, What is happening there. It’s a big
thing in America right now. What is it like over
in England? Do you have a disclosure movement?

Speaker 5(11:40):
No, there’s absolutely nothing. We’ve got lots of great euthologists,
but there is no disclosure movement. You know, we don’t
have any politicians like You’ve got this bit of a
bipartisan issue. I think in America, where you’ve got Republicans
and Democrats, we don’t have any policies.

Speaker 4(11:53):
Is there such a thing as a bipartisan issue in
America right now? I mean, my god be the only one.
In fact, though, I do think this does cross across
those lines because you never even have to deal with
politics here. We only talk about this, and I feel
like it is one of the very very few things
that truly is it.

Speaker 5(12:12):
Seems to be, but we don’t have any politicians taking
it seriously at all. And even you know, the mainstream media,
the BBC for instance, or am I quite a lot,
they won’t cover a UFO story. They think it’s just crazy.
And I’ve had this issue trying to promote my film
and it’s like More Family is quite credible, and can
we talk about UFOs.

Speaker 4(12:32):
It’s very interesting that England seems to be still so
down on this topic and they’re not very open or
serious about it. And there are other countries that seem
to be taking it serious, like Brazil, France, I think
Japan maybe, is that true?

Speaker 5(12:45):
Yeah? In Spain, yeah, absolutely so.

Speaker 4(12:48):
I’m kind of shocked that that’s how the climate is.

Speaker 5(12:51):
There it is. It just shocks me too. And you know,
there’s no mainstream scientists. They just want to take it seriously,
probably not life out there, and it’s you know, there’s
no issue here, there’s nothing to investigate. You’ve got quite
a lot of prominent scientists in the US, including you know,
professor Ravi Loebe, who I’ve spoken to many times from Harvard,

who was actually out there looking for evidence.

Speaker 4(13:15):
You know, my neural I think ability to this topic.

Speaker 5(13:18):
I agree absolutely, but we don’t have the equivalent over here.
I go back to one of my favorite scientists was
also an author to Arthur C. Clark, But you know,
he had an open mind. We’d look at and explain
paranormal phenomena and UFOs with an open mind, scientific mind,
because that’s what science should be. Science doesn’t know the
answers to everything, explain what consciousness is and where the

soul resires and all these things. It’s still a mystery.
And you know, I’m just so your listeners know I
do have a science degree myself, so I do come
from that scientific background when I do investigate these things.
I really am trying to push for a movement over here.
We want disclosure. We want it in the UK because
you know, the UK and the US are links, they
sharing the same thing.

Speaker 4(14:00):
Secrets, right, I’m sure if there is stuff to go
on that somebody knows about that, do you Is there
a movement though, even though you’re saying officially in the mainstream,
you don’t see that. Is there like a UFO community
people that go to conferences and talk about these things.

Speaker 5(14:16):
Sure there is, yeah, but it’s very very niche. But
there are some, you know, really good uthologists out there
pushing for disclosure. I’m not criticizing anyone, but like uthology everywhere,
I think it’s all a bit clique ridden. People are
trying to jostling for their position and I don’t want
any of that kind of bs. I just want the
public to know the truth because I think if there
is a technology that the governments know about, if they’ve

recovered it, and it could be used for the benefit
of everyone, then we should all know. This is not
an ego trip for me, you know. I want to
you know, find the truth so the public knows the truth.
That’s my mission.

Speaker 4(14:49):
I’m not in on Earth wouldn’t want this mark, right.
I feel like we all do have the right to
know if they do have such things.

Speaker 5(14:56):
Of course we do, yeah, and especially if it’s going
to add to our life in some way our society.
Then we deserve to know. But Nick Paper said recently
that we may not want to know the truth because
it could be too far out.

Speaker 4(15:09):
I don’t care. I want to know the truth.

Speaker 5(15:11):
I really do controls whether we should. We’re going to
freak out about it. And that’s the issue, isn’t it.
We should? We deserve to know the truth.

Speaker 4(15:20):
Like you said, I I agree, Mark, is there there
was this also you were going through those archives. I
believe there’s a wartime account claiming that Prime Minister Winston
Churchill ordered all sightings to be kept secret because he
was afraid of mass panic and he didn’t want to
upset religion, which is an interesting thing to ponder.

Speaker 5(15:39):
Yeah, this is a beginning of the Second World War
when pilots American and British were seeing these food fires
and these balls of plasma or whatever lights that were
buzzing pilots, and Winston Churchill find out about this. First
of all, he asked for a report on what these were,
tell me everything about them. And then he said, you know,

I don’t want any Let’s not investigate this, let’s leave
it alone. It would just blow people’s minds. And it
would destroy religion, and that kind of theme possibly has
been carried down to now. And I know there’s sectors
of the Pentagon where you know, they believe these things
are demonic. Goes back to Asphesians in the Bible, and

you know the Lucifer, the Lord of light in the
sky and all this, and I do believe, you know,
possibly there are elements in the British Ministry of Defense
that we found. There was a guy called Lord hill
Norton who was Admiral of the Fleet in the nineteen seventies.
He was actually friends with Prince Charles and Lord mount
Batton and he believed this too because he was under

the influence of this priest called Reverend Paul Inglesby and
he did a report for Lord Hillnore and not on
the UFOs in the I think it was the eighties
it was, and he said, yeah, the UFOs are demonic. Basically,
there’s some sort of Yeah, I.

Speaker 4(16:58):
Think there could be a lens that are looking through
back then they don’t really have the technologically so that’s.

Speaker 5(17:04):
Probably well, yeah, but it’s people’s own then religious beliefs
being you know, influencing what they what they’re seeing and
what they’re believing these things.

Speaker 4(17:13):
Are, or at least how they’re labeling it right.

Speaker 5(17:16):
Absolutely, Yeah, you know, you just.

Speaker 4(17:18):
Brought up the Ministry of Defense again and they’ve always said,
just as the American government has said, there’s nothing to
see here. We just had a report in twenty twenty
four saying that no, there’s nothing to see here, as
they continually released that. But there’s this degree of interest
from the royal family. And in fact we have that
official report by that Lord that that filed that official report.

Speaker 5(17:42):
So how does that square up? It doesn’t square up,
that’s the saying it doesn’t. It doesn’t. I mean, they’re
all because, you know, apart from that Lord Matt Betton report,
which is only released due to his archives coming out,
there’s nothing official on record, you know, from Prince Charles
saying oh yeah, there’s UFOs and things like that, the

second hand accounts that we’re getting that people had told
us about things. I mean, there’s an interesting one in
the film about the Queen and there was a crop
circle researcher called Colin Andrews, and he was down in
Wiltshire in nineteen eighty five I think it was, and
there was the latest crop circle just being made, and
he was with a Japanese film crew. The Japanese film
crew had worked that the Queen was on her way

to have a look at this new crop circle and
this rolls. Royce turns up and the door opens. Expect
the Queen to get out. Actually he wasn’t the Queen,
but it was their chief scientific advisor which she had
sent down to report back. So we all know the
links between possible links between UFOs and crop circles absolutely,
But you know, this story has come out because someone’s

released it, not because you know, the Queen gave a
statement to that effect, So we have to be a
little bit wary. But from what I’ve seen in the
documents and letters that the Role family definitely had a
big interest the UFOs.

Speaker 4(19:01):
You know, I just want to mention here for everyone
and you that there’s a book by Larry Holcombe called
The Precedents and UFOs, The Secret History from FDR to Obama,
which may be of interest to people in this because
there’s a lot of US presidents who have had sightings
and accounts as well. When we come back to talk
to Mark more about his last documentary, the previous one

called Gods Versus Aliens. You’re listening to Beyond Contact on
the iHeartRadio on Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

We are back on Beyond Contact with Captain Ron. We’re
talking to Mark Christopher Lee. Mark. We’re talking about your
movie Gods Versus Aliens. Now, we’ve all heard passages from
the Bible that sound like they could act actually be
talking about alien beings or even spacecraft. And the whole
wheel within wheels thing from Ezekiel. Well, what did you

find was the most compelling aspect looking into the idea
of aliens in the Bible?

Speaker 5(20:13):
Yeah, it’s interesting. I mean a lot of it was
center around the Old Testament, Like you said, Ezekiel, wheel
within the wheel that was obviously some sort of technical device.
And it’s like going back with fresh eyes reading these
old texts and thinking, well, actually, that looks possibly like
a UFO contact and things like that. I guess the

count that Nephelin is very very strange. You know, these
giants that came and bred with the women on Earth
and they had these offspring, and it’s all very very
weird and very much like aliens coming down and some
sort of hybrid thing going on, which may be our
true origins. Who knows, Maybe we are hybrids. It’s one theory.

It’s been put forward, and the Bible is has got
evidence of this. I made this film really because I
think we’re getting very close to first contact or disclosure,
one or the other. And the film is done to
say the impact is going to be massive, especially on religion.
How would religion cope? And that was the kind of
idea behind the film. And you know, I speak to

various religious people and see what their take was and
how would their God survive?

Speaker 4(21:23):
You know, and well, that’s a very interesting area to explore.
Number One, I was going to say, not only is
that stuff in the Bible, but the earliest Sumerian text
refer to the nethelem like that, and that there could
be how we were created. But you’re bringing up this
idea of let’s say we do have contact with an
alien race and say it’s of civilization from another planet.

Let’s stick with that for a second. If that came,
most likely, what we’ve proven time and time again is
the conqueror or the more technologically advanced group come in
and we destroy the Mayan religion and you throw and
they crash all that and then suddenly they believe what

they believe. So could that happen to humans?

Speaker 5(22:08):
You know, absolutely it could be reverse colonialism, But like
you say, I mean they’re going to be more technologically advanced.
So there could be in a position where I say, well, actually,
you know, we’re more advanced than you. There is no god,
this is it, this is how it is, and you
get rid of all these religions.

Speaker 4(22:25):
It could be or maybe there’s another god that we
never even heard of on Earth and they’re like, all
that you believe is wrong, it’s really this guy.

Speaker 5(22:33):
Absolutely, they could bring their own crazy religion that you know.
It’s like we think it’s completely out there, but you
know they’re going to impose it on us. All. The
other scenario is that actually what’s visiting as it’s not
Flash and Burn, it’s AI. And rv load proposes this
theory in the film. It’s like alien AI makes contact
with our AI bypasses us completely and yeah, we’re toast.

Speaker 4(22:55):
Well, I always bring that up on this show. I
think if we do encounter for something, it would probably
most likely be AI. That’s what we’re going to send
out there, and that’s what somebody else would probably send out.
So then when we are interacting with this AI, if
it’s a sentient AI, how would we know it’s a
sentient AI and not actually another alien or non human

intelligence of some form. We wouldn’t know because we would
have no way of knowing. There’s no reference point. So
that’s a really interesting isn’t it.

Speaker 5(23:28):
I guess you’re thinking, doesn’t it?

Speaker 4(23:30):
And that’s the point of all of this. I think
that’s kind of the big point of this show, and
shows like this and movies like yours, is to get
people thinking about these ideas.

Speaker 5(23:40):
I think it’s fascinating. I don’t claim to have the answers,
but like you said, we’ve got asked the questions and
have a debate about it.

Speaker 4(23:47):
Really absolutely, I don’t know if anybody has the answers
to these questions. If they did, we wouldn’t have to
do these shows. I really think, Well, let me ask
you this, What about the notion that people who’ve had
some of these experiences say they saw an angel or
had an angelic experience very similar to some of the
demonic stuff we touched on earlier.

Speaker 5(24:07):
Could that instead actually.

Speaker 4(24:08):
Be some sort of a quote unquote alien encounter because
they didn’t say that because of their religious lens.

Speaker 5(24:15):
What do you think, Yeah, I mean, I’ve had this myself.
When I was a child, I was about five or six,
I had this angel appear. At the time, I thought
it was an angel. It was this blue light and
this woman came. It was on my bedroom mall and
they told me everything was going to be all right.
I meant to go into details, but I didn’t have
a particularly happy childhood, and this kind of vision kind

of got me through and gave me strength when I
got through some really tough stuff. But now looking back
at it, I kind of think, oh, maybe, you know,
I haven’t talked to other people that similar. Possibly could
be some other experience just liketma.

Speaker 4(24:49):
I mean it do you light all this? I mean,
it’s amazing how these things go over the first time
I saw that was in in like the mid eighties
when communion came out, and Whitley pointed that out. Well,
he specifically said like he had a passage where it
would say, I believe it was like a fairy came
down from the tree, and that’s like the phreezing that

they knew thousand years ago. And then now we would
say an alien being came down from the sky and
it was like these passages were the same, just through
a different lens or description.

Speaker 5(25:22):
Yeah. Absolutely, my experience it was a positive experience. It
wasn’t you know. It was something that kind of saved me.
I guess because people are always debating whether these aliens
visiting as whether they’re good or bad. Basically put it
simply people out there thinking, you know, we should protect
and defend ourselves or we should open them, welcome them
in and they’re here to help us. There’s always that

debate going on. I mean, my experience is it’s a
positive one. It doesn’t mean there aren’t negative ones out there,
that’s right.

Speaker 4(25:49):
We hear that a lot too, that it is a
positive thing. Even that free survey that they did a
few years ago showed that the vast majority of contact
ees or experiencers looking back, they felt that it was
a good, positive thing in their life, which is fascinating.

Speaker 5(26:04):
To the rest of us. Absolutely. Yeah.

Speaker 4(26:07):
What about the notion you and I touched on this
a little bit. What about the notion that some people
have said that these craft could in fact be alive
in some way, Maybe they are AI Maybe the whole
craft is the thing. What do you think about those ideas?

Speaker 5(26:23):
Yeah, and there is some of the sightings that people
have had in encounters do suggest this. Oh yeah, I
mean they could be. We’re dealing with possible civilizations that
billions of years more add answerers. There’s no way of knowing,
but that is a possibility, and that’s maybe why if
we’ve got these down UFO, it’s one of a better
word that Bubblazar’s engineering and bes for whatever it is.

They can’t actually do it because it’s a living thing.
It acquires some sort of mind interaction with it, and
that’s possibly why I haven’t been successful. I mean, we
just don’t. Don’t an of us do.

Speaker 4(26:59):
That’s the problem.

Speaker 5(27:00):
But I think there’s something, I mean, my personal belief
of investigating this, there’s something more to it than nuts
and bolts. That’s what I think. It’s some have on
a different level from us. Maybe it is in a
different dimension and somehow it interacts with ours occasionally, but
I don’t know. I mean, that’s that’s my guess, that
it’s not just the nuts and bolts thing. And that’s

why maybe those that have this knowledge the secret don’t
want to release it because they think it would could
be too far scary for us to comprehend. We could
comprehend a physical craft, physical beings from another planet, you know,
we’ve been prim with that science fiction for loss for
fifty years. But if it’s something far weird, there’s something,
you know, not so tangible, there’s something more ethereal, something

that requires existence on another level.

Speaker 4(27:48):
There’s no doubt that it is easier to wrap your
head around the idea of another planet just creating a
craft and flying it here nuts and bolts. That’s very
easy to digest. Starting to think about that consciousness is
behind all this and they’re traveling inter dimensionally, and that
is a much harder pill to swollow. It’s incredible that

it seems to me that that is the direction this
is moving though, certainly within this community, I’m seeing a
growth in that area.

Speaker 5(28:20):
I do definitely, and I’ve been doing this new film
on Renderlshom the British role as well. I was as
well as investigating the nineteen eighty incident, which people are
probably familiar with. We’ve gone back and spoken to people
who have had weird experiences since then, and we ourselves
went there a few months ago and had a really
really strange encounter. And it’s all on film recording and

so people will see it, so the evidence will be there.
But there’s something. Wasn’t just a one off possible UFO.
There’s something. It’s like an area of high strangess what
people have called it, a bit like skim Walker ranch,
I guess where it’s some strange phenomenon interacting with us
on Earth. And we’ve got evidence of this. We’re looking
forward to releasing it. But it’s not physicals and balts thing.

It’s not. It’s weirder and that’s the thing, and so
we can’t say it’s definitely this. There’s something there, but
it’s really hard to explain. And that’s that’s the problem
you’ve got when it’s.

Speaker 4(29:14):
Even direct contact, these and experiences and witnesses can’t say
exactly what it was. Why don’t we take a break here, Mark.
When we come back, we’re going to talk to you
more about this case. It’s basically often referred to as
England’s Roswell, the famous Rendlssom forest case. You’re listening to
Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio on Coast to Coast am

Paranormal podcast network. We are back on beyond Contact. We’re
talking to Mark Christopher Lee about his upcoming new documentary

that’s going to be the Rndalsham Case. This is a
great case to investigate. First of all, I know I’ve
even spoke to some of the Rendalshum guys, Charles Halt,
Jim Peniston, Jim Burrows. All those guys feel to me
like they’re very credible. What you’d want those guys to
be like. They’re very serious. They remember their account, they
took you know, notes at the time. What do you

think about all of the direct witnesses of that case.

Speaker 5(30:22):
Yeah, they’re very, very credible. They’re very straight people. They’ve
got no reason to make things up. They’ve got no
there’s no reason for them to do it. They had
some strange experience. Maybe they couldn’t describe it adequately, I
guess because it is just so strange. And you know,
Charles I’ve spoken to as well as you know, it’s
such a down to f guy. He’s got no reason
to you know, conflete stories about UFOs, you know exactly. Yeah,

And people forget as well that the RF Bentwaters you know,
was a NATO best I had nuclear weapons on at
the time, and it has been a link over the
years between UFO science and nuclear storage facilities, So I
think that that is part of it. But what we
found out that we’ve actually spoken to people there was
a Philip Cancello who’s an author uthologist. He went there

in nineteen ninety and actually, you know, manifested a pyramid
shaped UFO with a group of people there. Was spoken
to John Hanson, the retired police officer I mentioned earlier
he’s been there and showed me a video of what
he saw at Rendilsham in nineteen ninety two. So I’ve
got that on video and other people that have been
there and basically just sat in the woods kind of

focused their minds. Some people call it CE five, but
it’s just meditating. It’s kind of connecting, and they’re experiencing
weird paranormal phenomena as well. You know, things falling from
the sky, like rocks and stones. So John Hanson saw
rocks falling from the sky and just gotut of nowhere
and he took them off, set them off for analysis,

and they came back saying that it’s like these rocks
have just been formed, they were warm and they came down.
It’s very very odd. And they showed me this scientific evidence.
It’s like, whoa more.

Speaker 4(32:00):
What to do with that? It’s fascinating, but I don’t
know what to do with it.

Speaker 5(32:03):
No, no, I mean these things are called ports when
it’s strange things appearing out of the sky, out of nowhere.
But in renders Forest, Why in Rendersson Forest, it’s really
really weird.

Speaker 4(32:13):
I find. I think it’s an excellent point that you
brought up that rendal Sham had nuclear weapons, and that
is often frequently what we see with these frequency of
more UFO sightings. I also personally feel that Roswell and
Rendalsham are two of the strongest cases out there. I
know they’re a little cliche because they’re so popular, but
they have so many levels of evidence and so many

levels of guys and that have direct first person accounts
that we hear, and the narratives seem to fit so well.

Speaker 5(32:44):
Yeah. Absolutely, I mean Rendership, We’ve got the famous Holtz memo,
which is you know, Charles Holt’s account which is sent
off that’s their documented. This also evidence you know, background
radiation levels being high in certain areas, there’s damage reportings,
have the from a moment in home. Really yeah, you know,
having been there many times. It’s definitely wasn’t the lighthouse,

which some people have suggested. It’s too far away, the
bee would have been way too dim.

Speaker 4(33:11):
And these guys were working there, they wouldn’t have seen
that ever before. It just seems such a silly answer
to me.

Speaker 5(33:17):
Yeah, it’s an easy answer, isn’t it.

Speaker 4(33:19):
That’s the thing, sure is, Like if they were just
there that one day, you could maybe say that.

Speaker 5(33:23):
But these guys worked at that base all of a
sudden today.

Speaker 4(33:26):
They saw a lighthouse they never saw before. That just
doesn’t even add up. I mean, it’s silly to me,
I know, but I don’t know what it was. I’m
not saying that aliens were there, but I’m saying that
I don’t believe they saw a lighthouse and suddenly manifested
all this other stuff.

Speaker 5(33:40):
Yeah, I’m really hoping with what we found and what
we filmed, that this was going to help the disclosure movement,
you know in the UK, because we’ve got evidence that
there was a cover up. People were shied away from
looking at it properly, and you know, we’ve got this
on film, which is great, and we’ve got evidence ourselves
that there’s something we’re going on there. So once you
put this out in the public, I hoping this will

kick start disclose your movement in the UK.

Speaker 4(34:05):
That’s fantastic. What do you have a timeline on.

Speaker 5(34:07):
This, but just basically editing it at the moment, so
it should be out in December if not before.

Speaker 4(34:13):
Oh that’s fantastic. Okay, cool, I’ll watch for that. You’re
saying there’s still things happening in that rentald Shamia, But
isn’t it no longer even a base.

Speaker 5(34:21):
For the basis used it’s a film set right right,
Star Wars or something. It’s not being used no as
an air base. But there is still a small military
presence there. I mean there is alleged to be underground
tunnels and things like that, but we didn’t see any
of that. But there is weirdness there.

Speaker 4(34:42):
It’s almost like one of these hot spot places.

Speaker 5(34:44):
Basically, yeah, paranormal hospital, you know.

Speaker 4(34:47):
You being in England there. I really I just want
to ask about the crop circle thing. Is that still
happening there? How frequently do these come up? And do
they make the news? And what do people do? They
just dismiss them there? How does how are.

Speaker 5(34:59):
Those they never make the news anymore. They still happen
mostly still in Wiltshire round Stonehenge area. That’s still the
main hotspot. There’s still the issue that some of them
are clear hoaxes, but there’s always a few that aren’t.
I don’t know if you’ve spoken to There’s a doctor
called Dr Simeon Heine and he’s a crop circle researcher
and he’s investigated a lot. It’s been over to England

and he says, even in the man made hoaxed once
there’s still weird phenomena in them. There’s a few really
good videos out there that want the Stonehenge when there’s
a little law but light it just comes off after
one being made at Milk Hill. That’s really really strange.
I think there’s something to it. Definitely.

Speaker 4(35:38):
Do you believe, after looking at all of this stuff,
that there was some form of non human intelligence that
visited Earth in the past?

Speaker 5(35:46):
About that? I do? I do, And I think possibly
that’s guided our evolution. That’s why we’re here today. Highly
evolved Braden which is allowed you.

Speaker 4(35:56):
I mean that doesn’t really mean on this end of
the microphone is a highly evolved brain. This is more.

Speaker 5(36:02):
Yeah, I’m not speaking for myselfs actually, but yeah, collectively
this is you know, how we’re able to try and
punder these answers to these questions.

Speaker 4(36:11):
I think, Yeah, it shocks me that, like the whole
world doesn’t you know, I don’t know what to believe
in all this is. We’ve kept saying over and over
today that we don’t know, we don’t know, we don’t know,
And I know that’s how it is. We don’t know.
But that’s all the more reason to take a look
at these topics to me, because they are interesting because
we don’t know and we want to find the conclusion

to what they could be.

Speaker 5(36:33):
Yeah, I think that’s important. But I think important as
long as we kind of have fun and contact along
the way, with connection with each other along the way,
as long as there’s not alone depressing quest which drives
people mad, which you know has happened before.

Speaker 4(36:47):
It’s destroyed people’s lives. You’ve heard time and time again
contact these experiences. They lose their marriage, their job, whatever,
it’s it’s horrible.

Speaker 5(36:56):
So it’s important to have that grounded reality as well.
You know, today life is important as.

Speaker 4(37:01):
Well, agreed, Mark, do you have any books that you
would recommend for people that are the stronger ones that
you feel really provide evidence for these topics.

Speaker 5(37:10):
My favorite author is John Keel. I mean a bit
of an obvious one, but he was the kind of
first author kind of got me into the weirder aspects
of UFOs paranormal possibly non non physical. Helemet to two
UFOs so and also Jacques Valet and you know all
those Passport to Magonia and things like that, that ones I

would recommend.

Speaker 4(37:31):
I’d ask you what your favorite song was, but you know,
we don’t have seven days to go through the five
thousand titles of songs? Can you si your top four thousand?
I can’t even believe. I don’t know how you sleep,
how you have time to write, make movies and still
produce that many songs. It’s incredible.

Speaker 5(37:49):
I don’t I don’t have TV. When me and my
wife got together and started living together, we got rid
of our TV kind of thing. And it’s different nowadays
people don’t really have TVs, but we kind of I’ve
never kind of just been sat down and just watched
TV or evening. We’re doing different stuff. Why it’s creative too,
So I think that’s part of it really is.

Speaker 4(38:08):
It’s impressive what you’ve done, Mark, and I appreciate you
coming on today. I really enjoyed this topic and let
me know when that new dot comes out and I’ll
be looking forward to the Rendelsim documentary.

Speaker 5(38:18):
Yeah, thank you, Captain Ron. It’s been an honor. Thank
you for having me on.

Speaker 4(38:22):
Absolutely brother, Thanks everyone for listening to be on Contact.
We’ll be back next week with an all new episode.
You can follow me Captain Ron on Twitter and Instagram
at CID Underscore Captain Ron. Stay connected by checking out
Contact Inthdesert dot com. Stay open minded and rational, please
as we explore the unknown right here on the iHeartRadio

and Coast to Code Am Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1(38:57):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Go
Day and Paranormal Podcast Network. Make sure and check out
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