Stephen Bassett

Exec. Director - Paradigm Research Group
Stephen Bassett is a political activist, Disclosure advocate and the executive director of Paradigm Research Group (PRG) founded in 1996 to end a government imposed embargo on the truth behind extraterrestrial related phenomena. He has spoken to audiences around the world about the implications of “Disclosure” – the  formal confirmation by heads of state of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He has given over 1200 radio and television interviews and PRG’s advocacy work has been extensively covered by national and international media including being featured on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, the Washington Post and the New York Times.

In 2013 PRG organized a “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” at the National Press Club in Washington. In November of 2014 PRG launched a two year political initiatives out of Washington, DC that injected the ET issue into the 2016 presidential campaign. PRG recently launched a new exopolitical podcast out of Washington, DC – the DisclosureWire – based in the National Press Building two blocks from the White House.

Bassett has appeared in many documentary films and his lectures and interviews are well represented on YouTube.

Main website:
PRG Political Initiative:
Rockefeller Initiative:
Media coverage:
Speaking archive:

CITD 2024 Presentations


The Role of the Media in the Disclosure Process

It wasn’t as bad as you think. Let’s discuss.

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Government Disclosure 101: with Stephen Bassett

At the center of the truth process underway is the term Disclosure with a capital (D). Is that term new for you? During the CITD conference it will come up …

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Hollywood and UAPs

Thomas and Steve will talk and take questions looking at the UAP/ET reality from inside and outside the “entertainment capital” of the world.

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Available On-Site
Disclosure Q&A with Steve Bassett

This isn’t just an ask-him-anything lightning round. Steve also wants to hear your thoughts on what Disclosure will mean for you, your family, your worldview. If the great reality shift …

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Available On-Site


The Most Important Decade in the Human Story (2014 – 2024)

A complete review of the decade that brought the Truth Embargo down and set the stage for the greatest paradigm shift in history. If that shift has already happened by …

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Available On-Site

CITD 2024 Panels

UFOlogy: From the Flying Saucer to the UAP

From the early days of flying saucer sightings and speculation, to contemporary investigations bolstered by scientific rigor, our panelists will offer a comprehensive overview of the evolution of UFO research, …

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UAP Disclosure: The Current State of Affairs

This panel will provide invaluable insights into the ongoing initiatives aimed at transparency and disclosure. From declassified documents to government statements, they will analyze the current landscape of UFO disclosure …

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The Hollywood Disclosure Alliance Presents: Disclosure and Consciousness Across the Media

Launched in Los Angeles in 2023, the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance quickly became the world’s first Non-Profit organization ever to bring together leading UFO/UAP Researchers, Experiencers and Disclosure Advocates, with Entertainment …

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Other CITD Appearances Include…

FREE Events

No appearances at other free, community events this year.

PAID Events

Speaker Banquet & Awards Ceremony

Saturday, June 1, 6:30pm – 8:05pm Crystal Ballroom Join us for our 10th Annual Awards Banquet of Contact In The Desert!  We gather to honor the commendable work within our …

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Explore More of Stephen Bassett‘s Work


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