Serena Wright Taylor

Serena Wright Taylor is an award-winning Conference Producer, Intuitive Vedic Astrologer UFO researcher and Humanitarian. She became interested in UFOs and Extra-Terrestrials from experiences during childhood in England which led her to study philosophies and meditation from a very young age. As a Producer with the Conscious Life Expo for the past 22 years, she runs the UFO Section and Ancient Mysteries sections of the expo. She is the host of the UFO Panel and also produces the Ancient Secrets Panel, bringing in experts in these fields and also sharing her own research into various UFO cases and our hidden ancient history. She travels to Puerto Rico to research the major UFO activity there and keeps in touch with expert investigator/journalist Jorge Martin there to keep up to date with the UFO and Extra-Terrestrial sightings. Serena spent many years in Vedic studies and practice. She lived in temples and was initiated as a Brahmin. She has done much research into the ancient Vedic Civilization, various Extra- Terrestrial species mentioned in the ancient texts and their ‘vimana’ space ships. She studied the traditional dances of India and performed in plays about the ancient great epics. Serena also has a background in the Entertainment Industry, first working for the BBC in London and then as Personal Assistant to two Hollywood celebrities in Los Angeles. She is an accomplished Vedic Astrologer, using a combination of her psychic ability and astrology to assist clients worldwide. In her volunteer work, Serena helps refugees through The Tiyya Foundation in Orange
County. She also is an Ambassador for the Love Button Global Movement which fosters acts of kindness all over the world.

Serena’s web site is

Past CITD Presentations


Puerto Rico, an Extraterrestrial Gateway!

Serena and Douglas have just returned from another adventurous visit to Puerto Rico. They will share some amazing encounters from witnesses, the latest discoveries from their friend, investigator Jorge Martin …

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Past CITD Panels

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