Dan Harary

From Hollywood...It's Paranormal Tonight!

Born and raised just outside of Asbury Park, New Jersey, Dan Harary is a man of many talents. While best known for his 40-plus years of work in Hollywood as an Entertainment Industry Publicist and owner of the boutique Asbury PR Agency in Beverly Hills ( https://asburypr.com/ ), Dan is also the author of four books: FLIRTING WITH FAMEAFTER THEY CAME, MY PARANORMAL LIFE, and FIVE.  In addition, he is a four-time UFO Experiencer and longtime UFO Researcher. Dan is the Chairman and Creator of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance; the host of a weekly podcast entitled FROM HOLLYWOOD…IT’S PARANORMAL TONIGHT! which airs on the newly launched HDA Youtube Channel; and the Editorial Director of the newly launched WOW! Signal News Service — a unique, new publicity distribution service for those working across every avenue of the UAP/ET issue.

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