Join “The Captain” along with Tracy Garbutt Dolan as they discuss Remote Viewing along with her recent UFO and Alien abduction case studies.

Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM paranormal
podcast network. I’ll get ready for another episode of Beyond
Contact with Captain Wrong.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
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Coast to Coast AM, employees of Premiere Networks, or their
sponsors and associates. You are encouraged to do the proper
amount of research yourself, depending on the subject matter.

Speaker 3 (00:32):
And your needs.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
Hey everyone, it’s Captain Ron and each week on Beyond Contact,
we’ll explore the latest news in upology, discuss some of
the classic cases, and bring you the latest information from
the newest cases as we talked with the top experts.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Welcome to Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron, and today I’m
speaking with Tracy Garbett Dolan. Tracy’s a distinguished member of
the UFO community known for her work as a remote viewer,
a close encounter researcher, and a lecturer. Along with her
husband Richard Dolan, she’s the co director of the Richard
Dolan Members website and also she co hosts There Off

the Cuff podcast with Richard and Tracy. Hi, Tracy, thank
you so much for coming on.

Speaker 5 (01:33):
Hey Ron, so great to be here. Thanks for having
me your.

Speaker 3 (01:37):
Remote viewing work. I’m very familiar with remote viewing through
Russell targ and his work at SRI. Of course, it’s
pretty incredible stuff. How would you describe what remote viewing is?

Speaker 5 (01:49):
Remote viewing is simply gathering psychic perceptions about a target
that is hidden from you. And when we talk about
CRV or controlled remote viewing formerly known as coordinate remote viewing,
we’re talking about your intuition, but with a set of

protocols or instructions over top of it. And that’s it.
That’s really what it is. That a lot of people wonder,
you know, what’s the difference between a psychic and a
remote viewer? You know what we hear so classically these days,
the military version or the version that started out of Stanford,
And that’s really what it is. There’s a certain method

that they developed a set of instructions to help pull
this out of people. So when we get psychic perceptions ourselves,
it’s typically spontaneous. You know, when we have an intuition
about something we we shouldn’t go down that alley and
it ends up being something dangerous, or you know, we
have this intuition at play all the time. Remote viewing

is more how do you take that spontane intuition and
make it an active practice? So people will wonder, you know,
could I help if I have spontaneous psychic moments? Could
I find a way to sort of harness that and
target something? And people will often say, you know, maybe

help find missing children or you know, help the police
with something. And that’s why some people get into it.
Can I target something? You know your mind can do it.
I mean, for almost all of us, we’ve had an
intuitive moment where you knew something was going to happen
to your child, or something was going to happen to

your spouse, or you know, we’ve we’ve had this. We know,
we get this and it feels very natural. But of course,
is there a way to sort of hone that into
an active practice? And that’s really what remote viewing is.
It’s done by a target or some people might say
intention you’re managing, You’re a tension into a certain space.

So for example, I want to find this person. With
that focused attention, you’re quieting the mind and allowing yourself
to perceive any perception, subtle perceptions that come in and
now the protocols developed at Stanford Research Institute and the
military at this point assist in doing that. That’s all.

That’s all it is.

Speaker 3 (04:28):
It’s more intentional. I think Russell said that it seems
to be an an and innate ability is. In fact,
people new to this seem to do even better than
those who have learned the methods and skills. Why would
that be.

Speaker 5 (04:42):
Yeah, there’s a first time effect that they found in
the lab and I don’t know why this is, but
it just is when people try it for the first time.
I think it has a lot to do with your
state of mind. You know, as I’ve explored different schools
of mind and done lots of experimenting and with remote
viewing myself, there is an interesting piece that we don’t

talk about a lot, and that is state of mind.
You’ll also see this at the Monroe Institute when people
are wanting to go out of body for example, that’s
what they’ll go there for. They want to have an
out of body experience or they want to have an
altered state experience if they go in. This applies to
remote viewing too. If when you go into these things

and you’ve heard about it for the first time, and
you hear these incredible stories of what’s happened. Your belief
increases that in the possibility, right, So that’s one psychological factor. Also,
you have what a little bit of what they call
beginner’s mind, where you know your belief increases and you

it’s almost like a game, like you’re not invested in
what the outcome is, so you kind of you’re not
putting pressure on yourself. All the pressure isn’t there. You’re
just like, Okay, can I prove this to myself? But
it’s really this innocent state of mind, an openness, And
I think this has a lot to do with why

people will do very well in the beginning and get
very strong psychic icits. It is innate. I do believe
this as well. I believe it’s as innate as you
know the whales charting their course and you know these
patterns that we see in nature. I think it is
that innate and that natural. It’s old in us from

when we were hunters and gatherers. I think a lot
of us believe this, but it’s just now we don’t
value it. Our mind doesn’t need it, so we don’t
use it, and so it seems like it’s something that’s
magic when it’s really not.

Speaker 3 (06:43):
But as far as I know that it’s real, then
how do you know it’s not magical? How do you know?
Have you had enough success personally that you believe it’s real?
Why do you think that.

Speaker 5 (06:52):
This is Yeah, yeah, I think that’s it. The way
I feel about promote viewing and all of these psychic
modalities is it’s one thing to hear your stories of
other people, but it’s quite another for you to prove
it to yourself. And I was on this journey because
life presented it to me. I had had some predictions,
not predictions, but you know, I saw my father dying

when he was perfectly healthy, and he died, you know.
And there’s lots of people who have things like this.

Speaker 3 (07:20):
That sounds more like a psychic prediction than a remote viewing.

Speaker 5 (07:23):
Well, yeah, so I’m not saying that’s a remote viewing. Sorry,
I’m saying that’s an example of things that we that
happened to us naturally. But with remote viewing, yeah, it’s
something that you it’s a personal journey. It’s not so
much about I can remote view the moon, I can
do this hearing what other people can do, it’s important

because it teaches us about who we really are. And
so for me, I wanted to know if these things
had happened to me spontaneously in the past, which they did,
what can it really do? And I threw myself into
all sorts of strange things to see what are our
minds really designed for. It doesn’t seem like it’s complete

everything we’re learning, so I would experiment on myself. And
you know, remote viewing is one of those things, and
I did have an experience that blew my own mind.
And there’s different types of remote viewing that will practice.
Sometimes it could be something as simple as having an
envelope with a target that’s hidden from you that someone

else will put in the envelope, right, But sometimes they
have something called an outbounder. This is where I’ll give
this example that I did, where they will put somebody
somewhere in the world that you don’t know, and you
have to attempt to remote view the person at wherever

they are in the world and be able to determine
whether they are male or female and describe their entire environment.
So that’s what an outbounder is and this is what
changed my life absolutely well.

Speaker 3 (09:02):
It’s very interesting to think about that this is possible
because you use the word magic earlier, and when you’re
describing this now, it does sound almost like it is magic.
That you could suddenly see somebody that’s not in front
of you. That seems like magic to me. When we
come back, we’re going to ask Tracy Moore about how
accurate remote viewing can be and what sort of success

rates they have when they try to find these targets.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast am paramormal podcast network.

Speaker 6 (09:38):
At paranormal date dot com, you meet the most fantastic people.

Speaker 3 (09:42):
Hi, I’m Tom.

Speaker 5 (09:43):
Hi, I’m Jennifer. What brings you here?

Speaker 7 (09:46):
Yeah, I’m here to meet someone who understands me how
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Speaker 5 (10:00):
Well, nice to meet you, Tom. I gotta go.

Speaker 7 (10:02):
Uh okay, I guess that’s not your cup of tea.

Speaker 8 (10:06):
You sure very good luck with that.

Speaker 7 (10:08):
I can’t meet anyone when I’m out and I really
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Speaker 3 (10:13):
What does one to do?

Speaker 6 (10:14):
Have you thought about paranormal date dot com?

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Parot What?

Speaker 3 (10:19):
Who are you?

Speaker 6 (10:20):
I’m a paranormal matchmaker and it’s Paranormal date dot Com.
It’s a website for people looking for people liked them
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Speaker 7 (10:30):
I’ll give it a try.

Speaker 6 (10:31):
Well, let’s try this again. H Hi, I’m Tom.

Speaker 9 (10:35):
Hey, I’m deb Your profile on Paranormal date dot Com
looked very interesting. So you really saw a UFO?

Speaker 7 (10:42):
Well yeah, it was so intense, but not as intense
as meaning you.

Speaker 9 (10:47):
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Speaker 6 (10:55):
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Speaker 10 (11:27):
Hey, it’s the Wizard of Weird Joshua P.

Speaker 6 (11:30):

Speaker 10 (11:31):
Don’t forget to check out my show Strange Things each
week as I bring you the world of the truly,
amazing and bizarre right here on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 3 (11:55):
Welcome back to Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron, and we’re
talking with Tracy about an experience she had doing a
remote view where she actually why don’t you tell that
the rest of that Tracy? How that share?

Speaker 5 (12:09):
Yeah, So this is something that they’ll they will sometimes arrange.
This is pre arranged, a pre arranged experiment, So you
don’t know anything about it except that a person has
been placed somewhere in the world and you have to
determine where they are, what their environment is like, and
whether they’re male or female. So, just after relaxing myself

and writing the target number and doing a few things
that we’re taught to do like this, all of a sudden,
all of my senses came online. You know, I’m smelling
very specific smells. I’m feeling things that I don’t even
know how to describe. How I’m feeling them, you know,
I know things like I could smell and feel the

mist on my face. I could smell ducts. I could
smell a particular type of water that was enclosed, and
I could smell all the moss on the concrete that
was enclosing the water. I could sense how big of
a body of water this is. I could sense that
there were structures around in busyness, so it was in

the middle of a city. I could just shadowy like
people think that you see this like a movie, and
there might be some people out there that can do that.
I cannot, and many people cannot. It’s very shadowy. You’re
trying to relax more so that the perception’s coming clearer.
And I’m seeing this shadowy turtle shape big though, and

then this very tall, tall something. I can tell that
it’s a fountain because I can feel the mist in
the air hitting my face and the sun, and I
can smell the animals that are around me. I could
smell the ducks everywhere. I can smell the fish, and
I know this is not ocean water. And I’m amazed
that this is coming in this clear, but I am

immersed during this, and you can tell even what I’m
telling it. I’m back in it, you know, experiencing it.
But then something else came through the most interesting piece
to me. Suddenly I saw a reflective surface and a
woman’s eye looking at me. It was incredibly clear, probably

one of the clearest things I’ve ever seen in my
remote views. When the reveal came, I knew it was
a woman, and I had all of this description and
drawings of where I was, and they will show you
pictures that they had pre arranged, so you get the
feedback like, oh my God, Like I really I knew
something inside me, knew on a deep level I was there.

I knew what it was going to look like ish,
and it was. It was it. And then you know,
here’s the one of the crazier things. I know. I’ve
told you this story before, but years later it ended
up being Orlando, by the way, Orlando, Florida. Years later,
through weird synchronicities, I end up living I was a
Canadian my whole life living, moving to Orlando, Florida, and

I end up meeting the woman who I remote viewed.

Speaker 3 (15:06):
Okay, so beyond synchronicity.

Speaker 5 (15:08):
When I met her, I wasn’t in the mode of like,
oh my god, I did this. It’s not about that.
I was so excited to ask her a million questions
about how this could have happened.

Speaker 3 (15:25):
Right, did she play a role? Was she connected? Right?

Speaker 5 (15:28):
Because she isn’t. As it turns out, is an incredible
remote viewer. Her name is Patricia Cyrus. She has done
a lot of work with Dell Graf. I take her
to lunch and I bring my remote view and I
tell her about the reflective surface and how I knew,
you know, she was a woman. And she says to me,
oh my gosh, when I was sitting there at that park.

It was Lake Iola in Orlando, Florida. If anybody listening
knows this place, she said, I was sitting there on
the bench at the park and I thought of taking
I opened up my purse and I took out a
compact mirror and I looked at myself in the eye
in case it would help anybody. And I did not
previously know this, and that I was amazed when I

at the first part, you know, years before where they
had done the reveal. But this is what made the
huge impact on me, because I was looking through her
eyes or my eyes at her looking back at me.
It’s really almost hard for me to wrap my own

head around this. What happened there? So I was in Vancouver, Canada.
She was in Orlando, Florida. So we’re kitty corner here
across North America. You know, it’s like five thousand kilometers
twenty three hundred miles something like that. I am smelling
through her, smelling her surroundings, feeling the feeling of water

on her skin. This says so much more about who
we are than what we think we are. But again,
I don’t want people to think that I’m saying I
have some superpower. I am representing you. The reason why
I talk about this is not to say what I
can do. This is more important to say about what

we can do. I’m like everybody else. I don’t get
it right every time, no remote viewer does. It’s not
like that.

Speaker 3 (17:29):
Well, it sounds like an extreme case too. This is
much more beyond what a normal remote viewing thing is. Correct.

Speaker 5 (17:36):
Well, I mean, I’m sure there’s areas of remote viewing
that none of us know about how deep it goes.

Speaker 3 (17:42):
But about it from SRI it was like a little
drawing that people made. Not this experience of.

Speaker 5 (17:49):
They do do this. This is something that they found, surprisingly,
people were really good at. Actually they would just say, okay,
we’re I’m going to take you somewhere they or they
might leave the remote viewer or you know. Oftentimes at
SRI they weren’t using remote viewers. They were having people
skeptics come in who wanted to know what was going

on here. And I’m talking high level skeptics like you know,
Cia or whoever. And they didn’t believe this at all.
And so the way they would deal with this help
put Off and Rustle targ and these guys. The way
they would deal with this is they would make them
the person. They would leave them with a piece of
paper and a pen, and they’d say we’re going to
go somewhere and they would give them instructions to quiet

their mind and try to perceive, and over and over
and over they would find that that skeptic, that person
would get accurate representations of where they went. So this
is I think how they found out about the first
time effect. Because you can never convince someone that they
can do this or that this is real. People have

to convince themselves that this is real. There are studies
out there of remote viewing using your dreams. So sometimes
you know, setting up a remote view protocol for yourself
to try. It doesn’t always seem that easy, but there’s
ways to do this even with your dreams, so that
you can do it yourself. I wish I could remember
the name of the study. I always remember the second

part reading the news evidence of retrocrausality. Yeah, that’s what
the study is called. It’s a triple blind precognitive dream
remote viewing study. There were thirty three trials and I
believe twenty one of them more accurate, and they were
independently judged. But basically, what they’re doing is they’re taking
the idea of a target that you would use in
remote viewing. Like the target can be anything out of

infinite possibilities, a person, place, event, or thing. Right, you
would take that written target, or someone would give you
a written target, and you just think about it before
you go to sleep. Some people are exquisite at this,
by the way, such as Dell Graf and Patricia Cyrus.
They are squ is it at this, but they get

independent judges. They put this through major scientific grigor the
way they set up this, and it is incredible what
they’re able to do, so there are lots of ways
for people to try this for themselves. It’s out there.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
When we come back, we’re going to be talking more
with Tracy, who’s done not only remote viewing, she’s now
also studying abductee cases. So we’re going to get into
that a little bit and see what she’s found with
her recent case studies. You’re listening to Beyond Contact on
the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast am Paranormal podcast network.

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Speaker 3 (22:18):
We are back on Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron. We’re
talking at Tracy garbat Dolan about remote viewing and now
we’re going to move on to her studying abductee cases.
I understand you’ve been doing that lately. What have you
found there, Tracy.

Speaker 5 (22:31):
True True True, Well, I got into this because, beknownst
to a lot of people, I was working helping to
produce a TV show in the encounter field for a
couple of years, and the show ended up getting canceled.
But I interviewed. I spent a good couple of years
doing deep, deep interviews on people, mostly who nobody’s ever

heard of. And when the error report came out, and
really a lot of people who had spoken into them
took this very hard. You know, they felt like they
had been betrayed by Arrow calling them liars, and they
had been waiting fifty sixty years to tell these unusual
stories that happened to them. Most people were jet.

Speaker 3 (23:14):
Right here, trad You’re saying, you have first person accounts
telling you that they shared with Arrow their stories.

Speaker 5 (23:21):
No, I’m sorry I made that a bit confusing. It
was Arrow and listening to people who felt betrayed by
them listening to it, and becoming aware of the people
who felt betrayed in telling their stories. That motivated me
to come out with the research that I had, first

person research that I had done to speak up for
these people whose cases I had, you know, gone through
and I attempted to find the most credible cases I
could find, you know, seeing people like Bob Jacobs. You know,
he wasn’t an abductee, he wasn’t claiming a close encounter,
but he had a sighting that was incredible an experience,

and he just felt they were being called liars. And
I just thought, how many people like him are out
there who’ve been holding onto this secret their entire lives
and they’re still afraid to come forward. And even if
they were considering it, look at what just happened now

to people like Bob Jacobs, who and in this case,
it was a sighting, and it’s just going to make
people retract. And I, you know, I had done this research.
I decided to come out with it and call it
living in Silence because people have had some incredible things happen,
and I think that encounters with something else, and I

don’t think it’s fair to discount them from a psychological
perspective and from a historical perspect when it’s forty fifty
years down the road and we know more about what’s
going on. What if we are looking we look, they
will be looking back at this moment, at the time

when we were still stigmatized and people were afraid to
come forward, and the Bob Jacobs situation was happening, where
he you know, he’s a professional observer that worked for
the military and he had everything to lose, no reason
to come forward. You know, they might study this point

in time, this historical critical moment where all of these
people were trying to tell the truth, or they were
afraid to tell the truth, or they died with their secret.
Maybe they told their children and made their children swear
they would never say it because they were afraid about
their children’s careers. They were afraid about you know, there’s

there’s a million ways that people are stigmatized today. But
the bottom line is we don’t know what’s going on,
So why not record the data with simple dignity?

Speaker 3 (26:08):
Well you can too, because these guys are getting older,
just like the Roswell case. You know, they’re running out
of witnesses that are still alive. Because some of these
guys finally told deathbed confessions in the row.

Speaker 5 (26:18):
That’s great. We have a whole generation right now that’s
not going to be around at some point and they
may not get the chance to see what’s on the
other side of this.

Speaker 3 (26:28):
I love documenting that. Let me ask you this. You
mentioned psychology. I know you have a background in psychology.
So with somebody who has a background in psychology, don’t
you think that this could be something else, childhood drama, dreams,
wires getting crossed or something. Sure, how do you know
it’s non human intelligence that people are communicating with?

Speaker 5 (26:49):
You don’t necessarily. What you do is you do your
best to take in the context of their life. There’s
two things here. I think there’s the raw preserve of
data that’s necessary because we don’t know. In neuroscience, psychology,
it’s all really management of patterns of what we’re observing

and what we’re learning. We don’t know why. We don’t
know what dreams are about. We don’t fully know how
the mind works. We don’t know how you know where
thoughts exactly are coming from. We’re learning more and more,
but near death experiences. We’ve done our best to track
all the patterns and understand what it is. But do
we know ultimately no, out of bodies, no lucid dreams. No.

We do our best. Could childhood things be mixed in here?
Yes for some people, absolutely, Like we do not know.
But I think one way of studying this that’s healthy
is case studies, qualitative data, doing case studies and looking,
you know, preserving the data, getting context and all of

those things can be part of the context. But those
things would be good to track, you know, they would
be good to track. There’s all sorts of possibilities, but
on so many levels we do not understand who we are.
And that’s why I think it’s so important to gather
the information in a raw format and preserve it because

in the future we might understand it. And this is
where one area where AI might actually help us. Because
we have all of these amazing researchers of the past,
like John Mack and all of their files. You know,
we could redact all of the personal information, add in
all of the accounts. Now we would have to know

that there would be a margin of error of you know,
of course, we have people who want attention and can
are capable of making things up. We have people who
might be delusional and that might play in But you know,
we don’t even fully understand schizophrenia. We don’t fully understand
multiple personality disorder, we don’t understand a lot of the

we don’t understand death completely. But there are links between
these and encounters that need to be studied further. For example,
gamma brain waves show up in a lot of SI
and they also show up in schizophrenia, They show up

in pain, They show up with ayahuasca. Now we know
as of a study in twenty twenty four they show
up also in the death experience. There were four people
who happened to have EEGs on for one reason or another.
All four of them, I can’t remember the circumstances died
and two of the four had massive gamma bursts at

the point of death. And so there are these aren’t answers,
their clues, their areas for us to pursue. And if
we do continue to gather the data, we might learn more.
And it’s easy for us to judge these things right
now as valid or not valid. But I think a
lot of it we’re just not going to know for

a long time. So why not gather this, you know,
why not try to?

Speaker 3 (30:08):
Well, you want, I ask you do these experiences? How
do they psychologically affect these people’s worldview? Their paraigm must
be thrown upside down.

Speaker 5 (30:16):
That’s another thing that’s important to be tracked. I call
it emotional signature, because in the cases that I studied myself,
there is a clear demarkation in their lives before a
major event, and after a major event, you have clear
signs of trauma that match trauma of any other field.

It’s processed by a different part of the brain. It’s
told as though they are in it, and their whole
body is reacting like they’re back inside the trauma. So
there’s all sorts of markers here to indicate that something
massive has changed their life from before this happened to
after this has happened, and so we don’t know what’s

going on. We can’t prove that there was an abduction
or an encounter or anything like that, but what we
can prove is that it has massively affected these people’s lives.

Speaker 3 (31:14):
We’re going to have to take another quick break. Here.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact right here on the iHeartRadio
on Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast Network.

Speaker 11 (31:28):
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Speaker 12 (33:01):
Hi, I’m Sandra Champlain. Please make sure and check out
my show Shades of the Afterlife, heard right here on
the iHeartRadio and Coast to cost Am Paranormal podcast network.

Speaker 3 (33:23):
We are back on Beyond Contact with Captain Ron. We’re
talking with Tracy about these different abduction cases she’s looked at. Tracy,
do you see similarities across all these different cases you’re
looking at or are they all very distinct?

Speaker 5 (33:35):
Well, oddly, the ones that I’ve done up Prince of
twenty hours per person, not all of them are that long.
But some of them are a lot of minor outliers.
It just happened this way. They’re very unusual cases, and
this is part of the reason why I realized very
quickly the context was so important of their lives and

the other types of experiences that they had, and whether
they’d had any joint experiences with anyone else in their
family this type of thing. But no, to answer your question,
I mostly have outliers. One of them is with a
creature that we’ve never heard reported before and a craft
that is very rarely ever described. And this gentleman is

a materialist, atheist, very serious engineer. Mind I called this
in my lecture a most credible man with the most
incredible story because it is very difficult story for us,
and it’s honestly, it’s a motivation for a lot of
the things I’m saying, because it is a story that

is too difficult for a lot of people. You know,
it’s this isn’t supposed to happen, This isn’t supposed to exist,
and I walk through could this be a have been
a stroke? So I had to look into that, you know,
all the skeptical arguments. We want to look into those
and see how they fare against those.

Speaker 3 (35:02):
You know, I try everything first, and the alien answer last.

Speaker 5 (35:07):
Right. And you know what’s funny, he really reminds me
of you know, for people who’ve seen the movie Contact
that Jodie Foster and her character, he really reminds me
of this because in that story, she is this very
credible scientist. You know, she’s a materialist atheist. She believes

in science so strictly, and you know, people really respected her.
But then she has this experience that is so outside
of the realm it cracks her. You know, she has
this experience with her father, you know, it was these beings.
I feel like, for people who haven’t seen it, this
is terrible that I’m saying this, But she has an

experience that just cracks her whole world. But when she
comes back, she is still the scientist and she is
reporting to her colleagues and this panel, what has happened
as a materialist scientist, Something that is not supposed to
happen happened. She can’t explain it, she doesn’t know why.

But she’s still that credible person that they all respected.
But now that she says this, they take her off
and they don’t believe her. So this is like my
case study of Joe. He is just like this. He
would not believe. He is not fantasy prone. He is not.
He is solid as it gets. You know, as a materialist.

He was a firefighter. He was a paramedic for eleven
of those years, and a very good one, and so
he knows about stroke, he knows about medical assessments. Yet
this unbelievable story happens to him, with this creature and
this craft, and he wanted the president to know when this,

you know, after it happened. He tried calling Smithsonian, he
tried calling NASA. He wanted authorities to know because he
saw this. People with the most incredible stories that are
really challenge us. We don’t know exactly what it is,
but something has happened to them that has changed their
life on the most fundamental and profound scale.

Speaker 3 (37:23):
It must be so difficult for someone like that who
feels the right thing to do is to call the
president and tell the world what just happened, and yet
no one will believe them, and that must be an awful.

Speaker 5 (37:34):
Feeling, right, So he did try to do all this
and it did fall on deaf ears, which is why
he qualified for my lecture Living in Silence, because in
his case, nobody would listen and he couldn’t understand. And
he also contacted SETI, which was interesting because search for
extraterrestrial life, and they said, we don’t do this. You know,
it’s very difficult. It was very, very disheartening for him,

and it really this is one of the main problems
is the isolation because people can’t talk about it.

Speaker 3 (38:05):
There’s nowhere to go. You have the UFO Reporting Agency,
you have mofin, you have a few of these things,
but then it just gets listed as another case in
get lost.

Speaker 5 (38:14):
In the Yeah, it’s tough, and you know, I just
want to say a lot of people try to reach
out to researchers and they don’t understand why the researchers
don’t reach back. But the thing is the researchers are
really overtaxed and they’re kind of you know, a lot
of them don’t have people helping them, so it’s sort
of like a floodgate coming into this v this bottleneck
and as much as people want to do this, they

just can’t take on all the cases. Like even myself,
you know, I’m a bottleneck because I like to be
very thorough and learn as much as I can, because
that’s what it’s really about. We do not know, so
let’s try to learn from what we’re hearing. We just
gather more and more information and think of more questions

we can ask because one day AI is going to
be able to do, you know, a meta analysis of
potential patterns and insights that we never saw.

Speaker 3 (39:10):
Which is why it’s so important for you to document
this data while you can’t.

Speaker 5 (39:14):
Right right totally. So you know, I think I was
mentioning to you before when I was working for this show.
One of the reasons I agreed to do it was
because they agreed to one thing I asked for is
I didn’t want any age restrictions on this, and I
loved that they granted me that because many TV shows want,
you know, younger people, and I think there’s really important

stories to be told, and in my research, I found
incredible stories of people born in the forties and the fifties,
and so it inspired me to start this project I’m
doing called the Legends Project. Now it’s not fully sorted
out how I’m going to do this archiving, but I
feel compelled to attempt to get cases of people who

were born in the forties and fifties in particular, to
intake as many of their cases as I can under
this umbrella I’m calling the Legends Project because they are
the legends that we are going to not have around forever.
So I’m most concerned about them right now.

Speaker 3 (40:17):
And we often hear that these cases also it’s a
lifelong thing that starts when they’re young and to go
throughout their whole life. So these are the peoples right.

Speaker 5 (40:25):
This is another reason why it’s difficult for them to
even tell their stories. It’s like they always will say
where do I start? You know, like a lot of
them will have a main event, but then they’ll have
several other events like you’re saying, and oftentimes something else
will get triggered from childhood, and often these are generational
and all of this takes a while to unfold. Out

of the people I’ve been talking to and by the way,
a lot of them are not. You know, I found them.
They weren’t out there saying listen to me, listen to me.
I found them just through synchronicity, random. But I’m also
always throwing out little seeds. You know, it breaks my

heart to think of people going to their deathbed and
feeling like they couldn’t tell this story. That’s really I’m
really giving.

Speaker 3 (41:17):
Them a place to do this too, Tracy, because you know,
they can get it off their chest. They feel like
they’ve shared their story, right, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (41:24):
Well I want that for them. And you know, you know,
if some people, maybe even maybe their parents have passed
and their parents told them a story, I’m not going
to judge that story. I think one part of the
Legends Project should be unfiltered, you know, where the stories
can just come in for posterity and they’re not going
to be They’re just going to come in and they’re

going to be file archived, you know, And there would
be another section where we might you know, investigate and
do case studies. So working through all of this, but
I do have an email address for this, just ihad
and give that out right now. Yeah, it’s called the
Legends Project. At proton dot me. So some people don’t
like to use Gmail, some people don’t like their names

out there. They want something more secure. So at the moment,
this is what I’m doing, and we’ll see how this develops,
but it is the Legends project at Proton dot me
for the moment.

Speaker 3 (42:23):
Yeah, thank you so much, Tracy, We’re going to have
to stop there. I really appreciate your real worldview on
these topics, and I really think you’re doing a very
noble thing by helping these people get their stories out
and to document this data, which I think will be
valuable down the road. Thank you everyone for listening to
Beyond Contact. We’ll be back next week with an all

new episode. You can follow me Captain Ron on Twitter
and Instagram at ci TV Underscore Captain Ron. Stay connected
by checking out Contactothdesert dot com. Stay open minded and
rational as we explore the unknown right here on the
iHeartRadio Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (43:09):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
AM Paranormal Podcast Network. Make sure and check out all
our shows on the iHeartRadio app or by going to
iHeartRadio dot com.

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