Captain Ron sits down with Writer and Director Dean Aliotto as they discuss and explore the many theories surrounding UFOs and Non-Human Intelligence.
Captain Ron (00:56):
Hey everyone, it’s Captain Ron and Each week are Beyond Contact.
We’ll explore the latest news in upology, discuss some of
the classic cases, and bring you the latest information from
the newest cases.
Speaker 4 (01:09):
As we talk with the top experts. Welcome to Beyond Contact,
I Captain Ron, and today I have the pleasure of
speaking with filmmaker Dean Alioto. Dean is an award winning
director and writer who is credited with the creation of
the found footage genre with his cult hit The McPherson
Tape and also the highly credited Paramount TV movie alien
abduction incident in Lake County. We are absolutely thrilled to
have Dean joining us and presenting the world premiere of
part two of his docuseries The Alien Perspective, a new
viewpoint on the UFO and alien phenomenon at this year’s
contact in the Desert. It’s going to be very exciting
today we’re going to be discussing with Dean part one
of that series. This should prove to be a very
thought provoking discussion, as his film certainly is. Hey Dean,
so great to see you man, and congrats on the documentary.
I think it’s fantastic.
Speaker 5 (02:04):
Ron Thank you so much. I really really appreciate it,
and I’m excited to be on your show here.
Speaker 4 (02:09):
I got to say, I really did like the film.
I think it’s a thinking man’s documentary on this topic.
Unlike most of the films in this genre, it really
does provoke you to think outside the box, and it
leaves the human hubris aside for a moment, and it
allows you to truly contemplate some of these ideas from
a rational headspace. I think you even called it a
science documentary, not a UFO documentary.
Speaker 5 (02:34):
Why is that what we’re dealing with here is technology, right,
the crafts themselves, and even with the experiencers abductees, they’re
dealing with some technology. And so for me, I felt
like this in its best shape is going to be
a science documentary. We’re going to be looking at the
science and then reverse engineering backing into the phenomenon. And
so I wanted to do that in Ructure and Everything,
because that’s what my background was documentaries for Bravo A
and E Discovery, and so I felt like I really
wanted to present this in a way where not just
us in the UFO community, but those who are by
UFO curious could come and take a look at this
and everything. But again to deal with empirical evidence. So
if I’m showing you things, I’m never going to say
unless I can prove it this is one hundred percent,
I’m going to say, let’s take a look at this,
let’s kick the tires.
Speaker 4 (03:29):
You know. This first alien perspective section part one does
look at the phenomenon from possible alien viewpoints, but it
also takes so many other perspectives and angles as well,
which was very insightful to me. You brought in so
many incredible, well respected people that are credentialed to give
their various perspectives on different aspects of this topic. You know,
it’s a bit atypical for this genre to look at
it from so many different directions. Was that the goal
when you started?
Speaker 5 (03:58):
Yeah, well, for the longest time I had gone to
because then me back up a little bit, because I
had done these UFO found footage films years ago, and
they all of a sudden came back in vogue. I
like to say they had finally ripened because it was
dealing with abductions, not just found footage. And there’s a
whole other subsect of a cult audience that I have
for that in the horror found footage. But my heart
lies with fellow Eupolians. You know. When I’d gone, I’d
been invited to go to where the original film was
shown without credits in the nineties and was believed to
be real because it’s a found footage thing that had
no credits. I was invited to come back, and so
I got really introduced to the UFO community up up
close and personal, and I kept meeting so many amazing
minds that were looking at this from different perspectives, and
I couldn’t decide which one one would I do, because
there’s these facets here that that feel like they’re just
as potent as the other one. And then what you
do sometimes is like when I’m making a film, because
I make traditional independent films, I’ve been Westerns and horror,
sci fi, et cetera, is you want to sometimes in
order to distance yourself from that, you will literally look
at what everyone is doing and you’ll go, you run
the opposite way. And that’s what I decided to do
with this, Where every single other documentary is looking at
this phenomenon from the human’s perspective, which makes sense. I
wanted to see, as a hypothetical, what would that look
like if we did it like on the many crime
shows that I worked on, and we looked at it
from the perpetrator’s point of view, And so that got
folded into it. And once I had that and had
the title in my brain, which was the alien perspective,
that was it. And then it became that was our
gateway drug into all these other theories looking at this
and then considering that, and you know, we had talked
before about doctor Nick Bostrom out of Oxford, who created
the simulated reality hypothesis that we’re living in that, and
so I don’t necessarily want to go to someone who
knows of this. I want to go to the actual
person and get him.
Speaker 4 (06:17):
And it’s natural to look at these things. We look
at everything from a human perspective, of course. You know,
even when we try to look at things from an
alien perspective, we still are assigning human characteristics to that perspective.
You know, not only human characteristics, but human beliefs and motivations,
as well as where we are in our technological development
and our current understanding of how the world works. You
can imagine ten thousand years ago people believing that they
angered the gods because the volcano went off, you know,
And it’s the same sort of thing in today’s world.
We look at these issues through the lenses of our time,
don’t you think.
Speaker 5 (06:56):
Yeah, it’s definitely we are on a weird precipice man,
and I kind of I guess I do believe that
we decide when we come and that is its own
freak out in the brain, like, wow, we really decided
to come here when this is Yeah, because AI and
everything is radically going to change everything. And then you know,
the big question is are we mature enough to deal
with the evolution that is coming hard and fast. That
isn’t a physical evolution, but it is not really particularly
a mental one. It is a technical one. Where we’re
seated right now is kind of I mean, amazing and
crazy stuff is going to happen. That’s not debatable. So
you know, the best advice I heard was, you know,
buckle up and grab the popcorn.
Speaker 4 (07:42):
Right, That’s about right, man. You know, you can imagine
how our beliefs may change in just one hundred years
from now, as AI continues to advance exponentially, We’re going
to be uploading ourselves to computers. You can imagine, you know,
some form of immortality that it’s already being a ten.
Did you know? We can have an entirely new way
of thinking with regard to our lives and how we
interconnect with aliens or other forms of non human intelligences.
We even think of human reasons for why they may
be coming here, like to invade us, or to take
our resources, or scientific curiosity. But all of those are
indeed human motivations as well, you know, And that’s what
we would choose why we might go out into the universe.
But it very well may be something completely different altogether
that we can’t even fathom with our little human brain. Right.
Speaker 5 (08:38):
Well, that’s it one hundred percent. When I started out,
I had some ideas and I had some notions, and
I thought, well, I’m going to get those confirmed. You know,
I had the hubrisk that doctor John Mack had, you know,
where although I’m going to figure out this morose season,
I might even call it the John Mack syndrome, and
then you get into it and you go, oh, okay,
well that’s it didn’t work. Let me try applying this
now that doesn’t work. And then it would move and
and wouldn’t hold still, and so it becomes a moving target,
which is what the phenomenon is. And so it’s kind
of you know, it’s kind of like the Beatles. You know,
which flavor do you want of of UFO theory? You know,
do you want the Paul McCartney, the Lennon, the Ringo,
the George and all them? Maybe might be right? All
them that might be And so you know, depending on
the mood or the information that we get on the daily,
you know, that can change. One of the things that
I really enjoyed was was Mike Masters interviewing him and
talking about this, and I kind of heard that before.
You know that they could be us from the future.
And so the only the only uh, you know, benchmarks
that we have, the only signposts that we have is
again as you were saying, from the alien’s perspective, is
we have to project out what we would do. And
the fact of the matter is we are going to
be start trekking this universe. We are going to get there,
and time travel is going to happen. Einstein said, yes,
he allowed for that, and there was also spooky physics
and stuff. We are going to do that, and so
what would we do. We would come back. But if
it’s not us from the future, we are going to
be going to other dimensions as well. And again what
we have to look at is in one hand, we
have to hold we are going to be able to
do that. Technology wise, we will figure that out and
it’ll be a whole new physics, and it might even
be something beyond, like a whole new category we don’t
even call physics anymore. And so we are going to
get there. But what are we going to be like
in the brain when we do get there? What is
going to be important to us. It isn’t going to
be Netflix, It isn’t going to be you know, our
new car or whatever. It’s going to be something much
more profound.
Speaker 4 (10:50):
We beyond probably we can even conceive right now at
this point. When we come back, we’re going to talk
to Dean Moore about an even deeper look at these
things from the alien personspective. Of course, you’re listening to
Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM
Paranormal podcast network. We are back on Beyond Contact. We’re
speaking with Dean Aliato and we are talking about the
alien perspective. You know, there’s this great quote that we
know in this community from Jacques Vala that you put
into your film, where he says, I’m going to be
very disappointed if UFOs turn out to be nothing more
than visitors from another planet. I don’t like the word
disappointed in there. I mean, I like, maybe shocked or surprised,
but you know, as we realize how intricate and you know,
this intelligent might in fact be. But I don’t like
disappointed because I think that would still be pretty cool
if that’s what it was. You know, clearly he’s speaking
to the complexities of the phenomenon, and I do agree
that there must be at least there’s more likely that
it’s going to be much more complex than simply beings
from another race who built a ship and flew here.
It must be interconnected with these other paranormal ideas and
possibly even the afterlife, which we hear about. People claim
in these you know, in their experiences, how do you
see it?
Speaker 5 (12:30):
Well, I agree with that, but it also underscores the
playfulness of it. He’s going to be bummed if the
sandbox only has you know, sand castles and doesn’t have
other things in it. So again, and he is an
amazing mind, and again, as a scientist is you know,
looking at everything, and he has to be open to everything.
And so I look at this and I think, you know,
when I started out, there are two things that I
got from doing these documentaries, spending seven years, sixty six
interviews and four continents. What I got was I learned
what I don’t know, and then I also learned that
it could be none of the above and it could
be all the above. I’m tending to think it’s all
the above. If interdimension can happen, travel that’s going to happen,
right period. If you can do it, they’re going to
do it. It’s like a movie where if you show
the gun in the first act, you’re going to use
it in the third act.
Speaker 4 (13:25):
Speaker 5 (13:27):
I look at that and I go, okay, well, you know,
if there time travelers yet, we’re going to get that
bending time and or bending space and being able to
go from one section of space, whether it’s through a
wormhole or whatever. If that can happen, which already we
see little you know, sci fi writers have been writing
about it forever that we are going to have those
physics to be able to do that. Eventually, we are
going to do that. So why wouldn’t it be all
the above? And so then the next question becomes, how
are all these different visitors which again visitors sat I
kind of don’t like that because they’re from here. They’re
from the existence that all life has come from, right,
so maybe they’re neighbors. But the congestion of that, I mean,
we talk about triangle crafts, tic tech crafts, flying saucers,
ors that come in so many different shapes and sizes
and then they morph. It’s just this, It is that
playful thing.
Speaker 4 (14:25):
It’s an enigma that you keep chasing.
Speaker 5 (14:28):
Yeah, and by design, by design, they don’t want us
to know. They’re just giving us enough. It’s kind of
like the Star Trek Prime directive where they’ll do a
little poking. There’s definitely some poking going on.
Speaker 4 (14:39):
And will it take us a thousand years to get
these technologies to master either traveling in space or traveling
in dimensions or traveling through time? Or is it ten
thousand years or is it one hundred thousand years before
we could master those technologies? And will we survive long
enough to develop those technologies? You know, we may not.
We could easily blow ourselves up. They could, and by
the time we got able to meet with them, they’re gone,
and there’s going to be another civilization somewhere. I think
this is, you know, a very fluid situation. You know,
there’s great moments in your film, like asking the NASA scientists, Hey,
what happens when we find intelligent life and make contact?
And she doesn’t know they’re looking for intelligent life, and
yet in some ways they may not really be prepared
for when they officially find it.
Speaker 5 (15:28):
Right, they are not prepared. I can’t believe that no
one asked that question. I mean, this is a deputy
NASA in charge of the test program, which came up
before James Webb, and it is an act of satellite.
It isn’t just you know, a mapping satellite. It’s been
out there for a while. And she got the giggles answered.
Then she goes, oh my god. Yeah, we’re always focusing
on the technology again, that’s the underscore here, right, focusing
on that and not what happens. And then so you know,
she’s like, well, I think you need to go here,
and so then I go to another organization and then
they leave me somewhere and it becomes this kind of
you know, you become a detective. A lot of times
I feel like a detective, you know, doing these things.
But they’re going to tell me where to go. I’m
not going to engineer where that is. I’ve got to
you know, be open. But it definitely is that. It’s
people aren’t prepared, man, they are They’re not prepared. And mean,
you say, you know, what is the date? Are they
going to be one hundred years? Are they a thousand years?
I’m glad you asked, because let me pull up my
calendar and I’m gonna tell you the exact dates.
Speaker 4 (16:30):
Put it out there.
Speaker 5 (16:32):
Yeah, it’s you know, Mitchya kal Ku says in the
dock that they may not you know, they may not
only be a few years, a few hundred years, and
maybe thousand years millions. We’re late to the game. You know,
there are billions of years where there are planets like
ours that existed, So we could be looking at intelligent
non human forms that are a billion years old. So
the question again, when are we going to get there? Well,
we’ve got a lot of work to do on ourselves,
you know, a lot of work. Astronauts will talk about
the overview effect where they look at our planet and
they see, wow, this is just one big thing that
we’re all on and we’re all part of it. You know.
We’ve got the little borders and you’re a little OCD
as a species. You know, this fits in here, and
the Google map does this, and we have it all outlined.
But the reality is that we own all of the planet,
all of it’s ours, all of it’s the universe. You know,
the idea of having passports and member as a kid,
I had a real bump with that. I’m like, what
if I want to go somewhere. I’m want to go somewhere.
I want to explore and and I want to do
that in space as well. AI is definitely going to
accelerate things, But is it going to push us, you know,
into that dark space before we come out? And are
we going to be the species that survives and that
is able to to get to that technology? You know?
Is there going to be another one that comes in here.
I’m rooting for us to be the one that evolves
and gets to that place. I don’t want us to
get wiped out and have some someone else come in
here and go, you know, the new the new guys
are in town, the new kid on the block. I
want us to get their own, can’t well.
Speaker 4 (18:13):
I want us too as well. But don’t you think
that that’s putting a lot of faith in humanity and
and the way we’re so war mongering and everything. I
don’t know that we’re going to last that long.
Speaker 5 (18:23):
You’re right, it’s total. I don’t know.
Speaker 4 (18:24):
I was talking seriously. I mean, it’s going to be tough, right,
I mean, I think.
Speaker 5 (18:30):
I know what. Here’s the thing I was I was
talking to Chris leto Letto, and uh, happened, uh to
connect with him and and I and I thought, you know,
the thing that’s that’s really weird is that I said
to him this. I said, look, you study to become
a pilot, a jet pilot, and you teach that. And
I you know, buddy of mine wrote the movie. He
did Ghost, but he also wrote Brainstorm, which the conceit
there of that movie, the sci fi movie is a
great movie. At Christopher Walk and Natalie Wood’s last film.
He puts this helmet on and he experiences these things
and then he passes it to someone else. So like
Natalie Wood puts it on, she can play the piano.
She gives him the helmet he puts on, and he
can play the piano instantaneously. And so I said, if
someone said to you, we can put this helmet on
and you can fly a jet, would you want that?
Or would you want all those moments that you learned
by flying and how it affected you and how you
grew as a person. And you challenge yourself and you
create these grooves in your brain, you know, in these
muscular instincts, and plus just the experience of mastering something.
Would you give up all that just to have this
instant thing. And he said, absolutely not. I want to
go through that journey.
Speaker 4 (19:59):
And I said, yes, that yes, But ask an eighteen
year old that today and they would all say, go
right to the helmet. I’m not going to take the
time to learn it. I think it’s a different world
and I think that’s changing, and I don’t think that
that’s how kids today feel. I think they want the helmet.
When we come back, we’re going to talk more with
Dean about his new documentary series called The Alien Perspective
and this idea of we could be living in a simulation.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact and the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast Network. We are back on
Beyond Contact. It’s Captain Ron. We’re talking to Dean here.
Speaker 5 (20:54):
Here we go with some more.
Speaker 4 (20:55):
Heady cerebral ideas, and that being the notion that we
could be living in a simulation. And you know in
the film you have David Chalmers who points out how
in the seventeenth century, Renee de Karte posited that how
do we know that we’re not being fooled by some
evil genius like a demon that is stimulating our sensory
systems to produce the senses of the world around us.
It’s an incredible idea that he would have, you know,
that long ago. It’s crazy that I feel that way,
but I feel like my God to have this thought
hundreds of years ago is amazing. And you know, in
a way it was sort of an early version of
this modern idea that we might be living in a
computer simulation by some higher power or alien civilization or
some form of higher consciousness.
Speaker 5 (21:43):
Yeah, all right, simulation reality hypothesis. How just kind of
the chase, How does that affect us? Well, we still
have to pay bills, we still have loved ones that
we want to take care of, we still have things
that we can enjoy. It doesn’t preclude us from having
the life that we do have, the physical life where
we feel pain in everything. So if we are puppets,
we are given a lot of sensory exposure and sensory
God a century intake that that is still real. And
that’s what Nick Bostrom, and that’s what Dave Chalmers says.
It doesn’t matter if it’s simulated or not. It is
still real for us in this plane on this.
Speaker 4 (22:26):
They call that a reality which is really difficult for
me because it feels too precarious somehow, like it sounds
like it could just be erased or wiped out. You know,
it’s hard for me to think of it in those terms.
Speaker 5 (22:38):
Well, I know that Dave Poli and I we were
both kind of discovering simulate reality hypothesis at the same time.
And it was for David was very profound. He’s an
amazing mind, and he was talking about it and it
was you know, we both kind of got into a
little groove or rut of Oh, that’s kind of the
you know.
Speaker 4 (23:01):
What’s interesting is Dean, There’s there’s famous physicists I think
Plank and a few others. I know, Russell Targa has
set it to my face that these guys believe consciousness
survives death. And these are hard science guys. I mean,
you know, renowned physicists. You know, Dean, I want to
get into something else here. You know, humanity’s ego is
always so overinflated. You know, even at the end of
the nineteenth century, there’s that other physicist, uh and scientist
Lord Kelvin and Uh, he’s the guy who said there’s
nothing new to be discovered in physics. Now All that
remains is just more precise measurements. Do you think we’re
any better now at recognizing how primitive we really are?
Speaker 5 (23:48):
Now? Because of the hubris of mankind, we’re we’re the
the you know, the s h you know, I we
feel that way, and we certainly have pride, some of
it’s unearned. But we have so much more to use
a football analogy, so much more yardage ahead of us
to go. And and you know again, we’ve got to
enjoy the journey, not the destination. No, we’re not God,
We’re a fraction. I mean, we haven’t been here that
long on this planet, you know.
Speaker 4 (24:24):
And so.
Speaker 5 (24:26):
I it depends what your measuring stick is. You know,
what are you looking at as far as what we’ve achieved,
Because what we’ve achieved right now, we’ve built a lot
of things, a lot of buildings, a lot of structures,
and now we’re going to be creating things technology wise,
it’s going to be pretty amazing. But are those things
that show that we’re evolved or is it just look
at what we can do? Looked at I can do
a cartwheel.
Speaker 4 (24:55):
You can imagine how before this computer age and the
dawn of AI and the technologies that you’re referring to.
How we got to the point where we try to
explain our existence. We probably spoken more spiritual astral terms,
and you know, the ancient idea of us having souls
and the Michael Newton idea of the journey of souls
and you repeat these lives and reincarnate all over the place,
like you were just talking about. It is only in
today’s time that we even have something like simulations theory,
because we have computers now and we have video games
with simulators to even conceive of these ideas, you know,
it just seems to keep building on itself.
Speaker 5 (25:37):
That’s that’s the thing. We are slowly having the wizard’s
curtain drawn back, and when you see just one part
of it, you go, oh, it’s all about that, and
you’re like, hold on, we’re gonna pull some more back.
Oh oh wow, look it’s this, and so uh, you know,
we need we need to enjoy that. We need to
enjoy learning more, discovering more. And I think we kind
of it’s an insecurity that we want to be able
to say, oh, we know everything, we know this. I
love Michael Newton. I’m a big fan of doctor Brian Weiss.
You know, when you have things like xeno glossy, which
has been well studied, which is when a child can
speak a language that they shouldn’t speak because of a
past life. I mean, this is like a medical term.
And now you’ve got the telepathy tapes, which I forgot
who sent me.
Speaker 1 (26:36):
That, But.
Speaker 5 (26:38):
The Diana Powell stuff, Yeah, yeah, Alian and I were
just tearing through it and and I saw Russ Cothalt
is now all over it. It’s I’m not surprised by that,
because any deficiency that people perceive as a disability or
are something that is a is a negative. With with
comparing ourselves to other quote unquote healthy humans, there’s going
to be benefits there. And so the fact that that,
you know, just to let the listeners know, telepathy tapes
are about autistic, severely autistic, neuro non speaking, none speaking,
and that they’re actually able to actually communicate and they
have been and do it through telepathy and with loved ones.
And this this uh, this brilliant mind doctor Powell who
is coming and speaking at Contact in the desert.
Speaker 4 (27:35):
Absolutely she’s going to be there and.
Speaker 5 (27:37):
Talking more about it. And this is real. She’s from Harvard,
you know, this is this is some serious stuff. And
so again we are headed there, and so we’re getting
little glimpses. These are teasers, these are trailers for what’s
to come. But we should all be communicating telepathically. I mean,
we’re still on training.
Speaker 4 (27:57):
That we possibly did that one hundred thousand years ago.
Speaker 5 (28:01):
Yes, yes, I ask you again. When you rely on technology,
you become lazy.
Speaker 4 (28:07):
You know, I want to say something else here.
Speaker 5 (28:09):
You know.
Speaker 4 (28:09):
It’s funny how I think that you feel almost agnostic
about this phenomenon, and I feel sort of close to
that feeling myself. But yet your work, this film makes
me more compelled to believe in it. I do know
that there is more happening than is acknowledged. You know,
as you explore this topic and speak to people firsthand,
I find it very compelling, and I can’t help but
feel that there is more to our world than Newtonian
face value physics. And at the very least, I always
like to say there’s enough UFO information here to justify
more scientific inquiry as a minimum. However, I still have
absolutely no idea of what’s really happening. You know, the
more you dig into these type of projects, I feel,
the more I dig into this, the more complex and
elusive it be comes. Do you feel doing this project
get you closer to an understanding of what’s happening?
Speaker 5 (29:08):
Yes, and some of it. The biggest leaps that I’ve
made is by taking stuff off my plate where I
had beliefs that beliefs and error that were incorrect and
didn’t math out, and so I could take those off
and so it became sharper of what I knew or
what I didn’t know. Again, it’s like a Lego set.
You want to put it all together, but you have
to make sure all the pieces fit and everything, and
sometimes you have to abandon you know, like I’ve got
a Lego set through work of Jaws because this is
the Jaws fiftieth anniversary coming up, so I got some
jawswag going. And sometimes you have to work on the
bow of the ship, you know that the orca the boat,
and then sometimes you have to do the stern. Sometimes
you’re going to do the figurines, and then it because
you get a certain point, you go okay, I can’t
go further. I don’t know where this goes next, and
then you start. It’s like that, and so it is.
It is fun and I’m glad to hear that. In
the documentary, you feel like the ideas that are put
out there are thought out enough that you go, Okay, well,
this does feel real because each of these concepts are real.
Speaker 4 (30:19):
We need to take a break there, Dean. When we
come back, we’re going to talk to you more about
the alien perspective and keep this deep thought thing going,
and we’ll even touch on part two of this series.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on
Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron. We’re talking to Dean about
all things alien. You know, Dean, I’ve read recently that
one of the fears of AI is if it does
become smarter than us, we may not even be able
to tell that it is manipulating us for its own
purpose and we wouldn’t even realize it. What do you
think about that idea?
Speaker 5 (31:18):
To an extent, it’s already happening. But again, what people
don’t kind of get. And I’ve read Ray Kerr’swhile The
Age of the Spiritual Machine and all the other you know,
books on this, but ultimately, machines or machines. They’re dumb.
They don’t do anything until we program them and tell
them what to do. And so when we talk about
you know, sky nets where they you know, go rogue
and everything, they go rogue because they were given that information,
they were given that programming that led them to that conclusion.
So it’s not like it is a separate intelligent species.
It works off of that. And so, you know, I
feel like what we’re going to end up doing with
this technology is is not great, and so again we’re
going to abuse. I just listened to this great making
of of two thousand and one Space Odyssey, and you’ve
got one of the greatest minds, Arthur C. Clark, and
you know, Kubrick goes out and gets this guy and says,
I want to hijack this guy’s mind and come out
and do a really, really great sci fi movie, because
up into that point they’ve been like a couple of
these there. Urst would still stuff like that, but that’s it.
He’s like, we’re going to totally like blow the doors off.
And so you know, his idea was that you create
this thing and then at some point you you you know,
give it life and you try to have it be
imbued again, it’s ego imbued with qualities that we have.
We want Suri to say, hey, how are you, how
is your day? You know, take care of you and everything. Oh,
and it will do that. And we’re going to have
robot you know, companions, stuff like that. Well, what happens,
especially when we get to that point where we are
talking about you know, almost cyborgs and stuff like that,
the technology is we are going to have the opposite
of the population over population. It’s already happening, it’s already decreasing.
And so when that happens, we are screwed because if
we don’t have enough gene pool, you know, people go
all the Neanderthals. What was that all about, Well, there
were several other species beforehand. They were the last real
significant ones that had such a divergence of our own,
even though they were all the same, that it gave
us a rich, healthy gene pool. And then it’s kind
of served its purpose.
Speaker 4 (33:50):
You know.
Speaker 5 (33:51):
I happen to believe that we probably took them out,
you know, because they look different, because we’re really good
with doing that. We like everything were the same, right,
So I worry about that. I worry that people are
going to seek companionship and not someone else. But in
this technology that’s going to tell you everything that you
want to hear. So it’s kind of like it’s dangerous.
You want you want to have your cake and eat
it too.
Speaker 4 (34:18):
We want it, but it is dangerous. That’s an excellent point.
I think you’re on the money there, Dean. Did you
discover anything new surprises when you were doing this, Like
when you had such a diverse cast of incredible speakers,
did they ever shock you with what they had to say?
Speaker 5 (34:34):
Yeah, well, sixty six interviews. I think only three of
those didn’t make it into the show. And maybe it’ll
be something down the road. Yeah, I mean, certainly my masters.
We had some fun with that. Some things that didn’t
end up that may end up in if we do
a Blu ray or DVD thing. But every single section,
the stuff we talk about NASA, that was, you know, fantastic.
And also talking to Jim Peniston, that to me was
really for me because I’ve done these crime shows and stuff.
When I interview witnesses, I want to take them back,
you know, to that moment. I want to recreate what
that is because I want to glean new stuff that
we’ve not heard before. If I’m going to interview Jim
Peniston and I’m going to go out to get him, which,
by the way, all these interviews are very challenging to
go out and get, especially when there are different continents,
because I’ll show up sometimes and they’ll blow me off,
you know, and it’s like, okay, now what do I do?
So with Peniston, I said, tell take me back to
the forest. What does that look like? I want you
it’s got to be. It’s late at night. I almost
I am you’re in it? What does that feel like?
What is the temper like? Temperature like? Was it? And
all of a sudden he goes in this like fugue
state and just kind of looks off and I go,
what’s going on? And he says, well, I’m there, and
I go good, and he goes, no, Dean, I am there.
I tell you. I can draw the grooves of the
bark on the tree that’s immediately to my left, I
see the dew on the leaves and it just comes
over him and I go, take me there. And so
he’s telling things and divulges things that he’s not said before,
because we are going back in a way time traveling
and going back to that moment and reliving it. And
so the Pensen story and same with the tic Tac
story where we interview some of the main players of
that that to me, there are themes in there. I’m
also a little dyslexic, and so like when I see
the tic Tac videos, I think of Pong. I’m dating myself,
but I think of Atari Pong. You’ve got that little right,
little hashmark that’s moving. It just goes out a frame.
It’s black and white. Let’s just like it. I’m not
in the cockpit with Commander Dave Fraverer jet when he
sees the tic Tac. That’s why I went and I got,
you know, this Academy of Award winning them illustrator Ana
Maryah illustrator to come out and to recreate it and
put the audience in the cockpit, to put them in
the tic Tac looking at Dave Fravor. That’s never been
done before. So for the first time we can actually
see what that looks like. And when you do animation,
what’s great about that is I can recreate Jim Peniston
what he looked like when he was twenty four years old.
Seeing this not get an actor who kind of looks
like him, So there is some exactitude that you that
you get from doing that, and.
Speaker 4 (37:22):
That was it was very cool, and it’s better than
doing the recreations. It’s harder to pull that off. I
think this gave it a nice, nice flavor. You know,
Part two of the document Part two of the documentary
series is going to world premiere at this year’s Contact
in the Desert event, and I honestly can’t wait. That’s
the only thing I don’t like about this first part
is I don’t get to see the second part for
three more months. So I’ve heard there’s a lot of
great moments and some mic drop moments in this next section,
you know. To be honest, the first one really impressed me.
So it’s this type of thought provoking film that I
think it was very much needed. I think as soon
as this debuted, the cannabis sales in La went up triple.
I’m pretty sure it’s just this at least art provoking
thing and it’s fantastic.
Speaker 5 (38:08):
You know.
Speaker 4 (38:08):
One more question for you is I do need to
ask you how many Jeff Goldblum impersonation contests have you won?
Speaker 5 (38:18):
I wish I would have known you were going to
ask that because I would pull up a picture with
Jeff Golbelm and I, oh, you have a oh my god. Yeah.
The first time I heard that was in the nineties.
I’m working on this Stephen J. Cannell crime series and
the one of the writers who was we shared a
wall between us. He kept coming around and going, you’re
doing it again. I go, doing what and he goes,
Jeff Goblum, you sound just like Jeff Goeblam And then
I would get that and I’m Italian, so I top
with my hands and Goldblum’s very much doing that. So yeah.
So anyway, I ended up meeting him because his wife
was on this yoga retreat that we were on, so
we went to see him form in Las an amazing
jazz musician, and we took a picture of our side
by side. So that’s I take that as a as
a as a compliment.
Speaker 4 (39:08):
Yeah, it’s more of your voice and even some of
your you know, the way you speak sometimes is very
reminiscent of him. I find it very funny. Hey, listen, guys.
You can find more about Dean at deanalatodirector dot com.
You can find more about the Alien Perspective documentary at
Alien perspectivemovie dot com. Please check out this film. It’s
on Apple and Amazon, and obviously I highly recommend it.
Dean’s a wonderfully skilled filmmaker and he has made a fascinating,
thought provoking film here. So thank you Dean for coming
on and sharing your insights. I really really appreciate it. Man,
it was a lot of fun. Thank you, Ron, I
really enjoyed the questions for less thought provoking ideas.