Episode 40: The Global UFO Perspective with Vinnie Adams

Feb 21, 2025

Captain Ron goes to the UK as he talks with Vinnie Adams of the Disclosure Team Podcast to discuss his insights on UFO sightings and drone activity across the globe. Vinnie also shares his thoughts on the different approaches to disclosure between the United Kingdom and the United States.

Episode Transcript

Captain Ron (00:53):
Hey everyone, it’s Captain Ron and each week on Beyond Contact,
we’ll explore the latest news in ufology, discuss some of
the classic cases, and bring you the latest information from
the newest cases as we.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
Talked with the top experts. Welcome to Beyond Contact on
Captain Ron, and today I’m going to be speaking with
Vinnie Adams from the Disclosure Team. Vinnie is a UFO researcher, writer,
social media creator and host of the podcast Disclosure Team.
He is coming to Contact in the Desert this year
for the first time ever, and we’re very happy to

have him there. And he’s based in the UK, you
can tell by his accent, and it’s going to be
very interesting to hear how disclosure is looked at over
in the UK versus how it is here in the US. Hey, Vinnie,
good to see him, my man, Ron.

Speaker 5 (01:42):
It’s an absolute pleasure to join you here and beyond
contact and also I cannot wait for contacts in the desert.

Speaker 4 (01:47):
You’re going to be hooked after your first time, I
promise you that’s been the extent I know. Okay, so listen,
let’s start here where you are over in the UK.
I want to see how are things perceived that like,
how does it compare to the US. I know you
spend a lot of time here in the US, so
you may have a sense of that. How is big
D disclosure viewed in the UK?

Speaker 5 (02:09):
Do you know what Ron? I think? To be honest,
Big D disclosure really isn’t talked about at all when
it comes to media and the general public at all. Unfortunately,
we are very much behind when it comes to the
reporting compared to the United States. When it is in
the newspapers, it’s very much in the kind of tabloids
and it’s you know, little Green men and X files

type themes. Still, unfortunately, we do have the odd article
pop up here and there. We do have a couple
of journalists that have started to latch onto the subject,
but unfortunately it’s just too few and far between to
really grab the general public and bring it into the
kind of mainstream conversation.

Speaker 4 (02:47):
Okay, well, what about even in the UFO community in
the UK. Is there a sense that you feel like
it has to originate from the US or could it
come from the UK?

Speaker 5 (02:58):
I think there are two ways I look at it.
When it comes to that, I think there is a
fairly reasonable size community, but we do kind of interconnect
with a lot of the communities in the United States
when it comes to you know, communication and getting the
latest information. But I do also look at disclosure as
a global phenomena, so it could come from anywhere really,

at any time. I’m always quite conscious of that. So
you know, the one thing I will say is it
won’t come from the Ministry of Defense because they are
so tight lipped on this, this situation, this this topic
and have been now for getting on for twenty years.
There used to be a bit more free talking about it.
They would you know, have released documents every now and again,
that all stopped and now you just can’t get any

information from them. So I think big D disclosure, if
it were to happen, would generally come from other governments.

Speaker 4 (03:50):
Yeah, I think that it was that way here forever
for fifty five years, and only you know, since twenty
seventeen have we seen a little bit of the government,
you know, the Pentagon papers and the hearings that we’ve
had and different things where we do start seeing and
feeling like there is a crack that maybe we would
get some form of disclosure. But I always wonder could

Russia do it? Could China do it? I think if
you know, who knows, I struggle with believing any of
this is even happening. But if it is, you know,
I can imagine there being this infighting or once somebody
realizes China is going to go, maybe Russia wants to
be first, or we want to be first. It may
be a political thing. Do you have any sense of that.

Speaker 5 (04:32):
Absolutely. I think that we’ve seen in the last few years,
you know, with the way that the story has been
growing in the United States, that it’s unavoidable to you know,
it has to be politicized because people will use it,
you know, people with power, people in Congress. In a way,
it goes hand in hand if we do want anything
to come from the elected officials. But yeah, you mentioned
China and Russia. I think we also have a lot

of countries in say South America, Argentina and Brazil have
always been quite forthcoming with you know, acknowledging that they
look into this subject as well. I think it only
takes one government to say, right, we’re doing it, and
all of a sudden the world changes and yeah, this is.

Speaker 4 (05:09):
An excellent point, is exactly what? When I think about this,
I think, yeah, a country like Brazil or somebody that’s
very open to this and kind of talk about it
already more openly and comfortably among the masses, which is
my understanding of how it is in Brazil. But I
wonder if Brazil came out tomorrow and the president of

Brazil says, we have UFOs, we’ve recovered this, blah blah blah,
and they don’t have the bodies of the ship, if
they would believe it here in the States, I really
wonder that.

Speaker 5 (05:37):
I agree. I think there’s something to be said about
which country says it how they say it, at what time,
you know, I think without any anything to show as
evidence alongside the claims made by a smaller country or
not so popular, I think, yeah, I think people would
dismiss it, probably a lot more more quickly.

Speaker 4 (05:55):
Even a big country like Brazil. I think, I think
a lot of people here. We would get excited in
the community for a few minutes, but it would not
move the needle, as most things don’t. I want to
ask you this, how do you feel about the idea
that some people have who who say that there’s this
small group in an unacknowledged program that may even be

a worldwide group, who doesn’t care about these country borders.
They you know, they hold this information. Do you think
there could be any truth to that idea.

Speaker 5 (06:24):
I think it’s probably quite known that there are small groups,
certainly within in the kind of the military industrial complex
in the United States. I wouldn’t like to speculate on
a global group, let’s say, but yeah, I think, you know,
we have the white programs and the black programs. But
I always used to think that, you know, these secrets
are held within these gray areas. They have a name

for them, they call them purple novas. They are very
very small, compartmentalized groups of people in the know, who
kind of you know, I would say, are the gatekeepers
of a lot of this information. You know, I’m pretty
sure they do exist.

Speaker 4 (06:58):
Makes logical sense to me that, just like the nuclear
secrets or anything else. Okay, so if this is true,
we both let’s just hypothesize for a second that this
is in fact true, that we’ve had crash retrievals and
there is a small contingent that knows about this. I
just do not see any way that they release this.
No matter how many of these whistleblowers come forward and

how many of these things happen, I do not see
an upside for a small group like that that holds
the knowledge of this technology and the knowledge of this power.
What’s the upside for them?

Speaker 5 (07:31):
No, you raise a really good point. I think you’re
right in that respect. But what I think we’re seeing
is I think we’re seeing the old God. A lot
of the people that have been withholding this information. I
think we’re seeing a change. A lot of them are
dying off.

Speaker 3 (07:43):
You know.

Speaker 5 (07:43):
It’s they’ve been holding onto this stuff for so many decades.
It’s time for a new generation to come in, and
I believe that within aerospace and sort of non government
agencies that have their fingers in this, I think they’re
slowly realizing that it may be time to shift possession
and start trying to get somewhere with this, you know,
and start not necessarily wanting to just release it all

to the public, but to get it into the hands
of a new generation of maybe scientists as well, and
to kind of see if we can make more progress
with the technologies that they’ve kind of had in their
possession for so long.

Speaker 4 (08:16):
I would love to see that happen. You know, it’s
so hard to know what this phenomenon even is. I mean,
I’m sure you’ve just pay interviewing people. It’s such a
complex thing, so it’s hard to know what the phenomenon is.
Let alone, who actually does know the full picture of
what this is, if anyone does.

Speaker 5 (08:35):
It is That’s the thing. It’s so compartmentalized. I think
I can’t remember who it was. It might have been
James Fox and correct me if I’m wrong. Anybody that
he said any things that believes that maybe only twenty
people in the whole world who actually know a decent
amount about what all this is about, you know, and
I think you mentioned that. You know, there’s so many
possibilities about the origins of what this non human intelligence

or the phenomena could represent. And for me personally, my
mind changes quite frequently depending who I speak to and
things like that. You know, one minute it’s the interdimensional hypothesis,
the next it’s the crypto terrestrial and it always flips
and changes, And yeah, I struggle with that, but I
think ultimately as well, I wouldn’t be surprised if we
were to learn the truth that it would be so

crazy and different to what we expected, we’d probably struggle
to even comprehend it.

Speaker 4 (09:22):
I side from disclosure itself, how do you think just
the idea of UFO as being extraterrestrial craft differs in
the UK versus the US, for example, I.

Speaker 5 (09:33):
Don’t think there is much different, to be honest. I
think it’s all goes in hand in hand. I mean,
we are such a close ally we kind of follow
suit with almost everything when it comes to the relationship
between the US and the UK, with like the Little
Brother really, so I think when it comes to UFO
things that I think we follow suit completely. I think
it’s all the same.

Speaker 4 (09:49):
I think that’s true, but I think here we have
a very centric feel like I don’t think that’s an
equal footing. If you will, I think that, yeah, you
guys might listen to the US more than we would,
you know, listen to what the UK has to say.
I just yeah, the hubris we have is kind of horrible. Okay,

So you’ve been immersed this for quite some time. Do
you have a sense that something is bubbling under the
surface right now? I sort of do. I’ve been doing
this for about eleven twelve years, and you know, we
always hear about possible more whistleblowers coming out, microbits of
disclosure coming. Do you feel like we’re on the verge
of something right now or do you think it’s just

a typical chatter we always hear.

Speaker 5 (10:34):
Well, I’m an eternal optimist, so I try and look
at things in a positive light, and I do remain
optimal optimistic that I think we may see more continuation
of that throughout twenty twenty five. I think we’re the
rides not over just yet.

Speaker 4 (10:49):
When we come back, we’re going to talk to any
more specifically about worldwide governmental disclosure. You’re listening to beyond
contact on the iHeartRadio on Coast to Coast am Paranormal
Podcast Network. We are back on Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ronald.

I’m speaking with Vinnie Adams today from the Disclosure Team.
Vinnie and your show Disclosure Team. Do you focus specifically
and disclosure coming from a government.

Speaker 5 (11:29):
Not necessarily No, I mean, it is kind of one
of the main focal points, but I do like to
branch out and try and cover kind of other aspects
as well. I do, especially in recent times, I feel
like the experiencer has taken a little bit of a
back seat when it comes to their having their voice heard,
and so I like to try and bring in experiences
when I can to kind of, you know, hear their

stories and show that they are not being forgotten. So yeah,
I do try and mix it up a bit. I
think when we get these big stories that come out,
I think there is some focus that has to kind
of stay on the current climate. So I do my
best to kind of weave around that sometimes. And I’m
here still doing it not three or four years later,

so some weeks agoing well, awesome.

Speaker 4 (12:14):
What would you consider disclosure Because a lot of people
seem to have different things that disclosure means to.

Speaker 5 (12:20):
That, Yeah, that’s very true. You know, I’ve not been
privy to witnessing anything myself, really. I mean, I’ve had
one sighting, but you know, I can’t say what it was.
So I think for me, I think confirmation from an
authority figure would probably at least begin to give me
that disclosure. Well, I suppose, you know, a president of

a reputable country, and I think, I don’t think we’ll
get big D disclosure. I think we’ll get small D
disclosure or even confirmation that, yes, I can announce that
we are being visited by a non human intelligence, and
that in itself would be enough for me to go, right, Okay,
we can go from there and find out why are
they here, what do they want, how long have they

been here, and all of the questions that follow. That
would be my disclosure, my personal disclosure.

Speaker 4 (13:10):
A lot of people, I think unless the president pulls
out the ship and says it from the US, they’re
not going to consider it disclosure. Of course, many people
that are experiencers, or many of us who read a
lot of the data, you know, feel like it’s already
sort of been disclosed that these people, you know, they
consider that well, yeah, closure, I think it’s real.

Speaker 5 (13:29):
Yeah. I mean my days in this subject started about
fifteen years ago, just thoroughly researching, and so I knew
almost straight away. Look, there’s something to this, and that’s
why I pursued it for so long. So it’s not
like I need disclosure to continue in this subject. I
think it’s valid and I think it’s worth, you know,
continuing and trying to bring it into the mainstream. So
and yeah, you mentioned the experiences. I think one thing

that people always seem to say is that where’s the proof,
where’s the evidence? Well, we have the testimony of thousands,
if not millions, of people who have experienced some thing,
and to me, that testimony is just as valuable.

Speaker 4 (14:03):
Thank you. I feel the same way, and I’m very
frustrated by, you know, my friends that are outside of
this community who just struggle with that and they just
write it off as crazy. No matter what, I guarantee you,
many of people’s claims are crazy or disillusions or delusional
or whatever it may be. However, you having a show

for three four years, I’ve been doing this a long time.
We’ve interviewed these people, We’ve sat at conferences with these
people and face to face talked to people and they’re
as normal as can be, and they just had this
crazy thing happen to them. I find that compelling, and
I don’t know why we just dismissed that. Even more so,
what frustrates me is when we dismiss people. There’s a

hundred example that John Mack is my favorite example. Here’s
a guy who got to the top of his you know,
his craft as the head of psycho high Tree at Harvard.
He looked at this topic and came to the conclusion
that these people are not delusional, that clearly something has
happened to them. All of a sudden, he’s written off
like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Right before,

he said that he is the smartest guy in the world,
top of psychology at Harvard University. He doesn’t get there
because he doesn’t know what he’s doing, and then to
dismiss his findings. It doesn’t make sense to me. I
can’t think of another field where you get to the
top of your game, you know, you’re the main quarterback,
and then all of a sudden, well, this guy’s no good.

It frustrates me. Okay, well, what about Jake Barber. Did
you guys get that there in the UK and what
did you think of that?

Speaker 5 (15:42):
I actually I was in the US at the time
when I saw it, so I mean I was, yeah,
I was blown away by it. You know, it was
great that he came forward with his story and we
had this video of this agg objects. But I think
we’ll also added some weight behind it. Was that there
were other individuals that spoke to back back up who
he says he is. You know, we had some real
weight behind him. That was great. I think I always like,

really really helps in a situation like that. It’s not
just one person’s word. Again, it’s a few people who
are coming from really good backgrounds when it comes to
their patriotism and things like that. So I think we’ll
see more from them in the coming weeks and months.

Speaker 4 (16:19):
I think Ross Colhart probably vetted him very thoroughly or
given that much time that he’s worked. I think it
was eighteen months before this came out. What do you
think of most of these whistleblowers in general? Do you
think that they’re all real? Do does this move the needle
for people? Because I don’t think like something like that happened,
nothing changed.

Speaker 5 (16:38):
It’s difficult, isn’t it. Yeah, I have to try what
I do. I try and not formulate a final conclusion.
I allow myself to take the bits of information when
people come forward, and I add it to the list
or the pile, and then more people come forward, and
it gradually for me, builds a bigger, bigger picture. I
think it’s great that people are willing to talk. It
is good to hear that these people are getting VET properly.

I think that’s really important. But yeah, it won’t move
the needle until they bring some real, hardcore evidence, real proof,
and I think ill come.

Speaker 4 (17:10):
I hope so, man. Because even if you go back
to two thousand and one when they had the disclosure
thing here in America at the at the National Press Club,
and they did that, yeah, I mean, I’ve interviewed many
of those guys and talked to them and talk to
doctor Greer and everything. The night before that, all those
guys said none of them slept. They were up all
night because they thought the world is going to change tomorrow.

By noon, everybody will know that this phenomenon is real
and we’re going to be living in a post disclosure world.
And it came some people watch it online. People in
our community went wow, this is great, and people outside
this community nothing did not move the needle at all.
And that frustrates me. I feel like, is that really

your your barometer that you need them to wheel out
the craft for that to be real. These are not
slaps guys either. These are colonels in the army. These
are all trained, professional guys. I mean, it’s you know
what I’m.

Speaker 5 (18:07):
Saying, I do.

Speaker 1 (18:09):

Speaker 5 (18:09):
I think unfortunately with something like that, and we’ve seen
it many times in the last sort of twenty five years,
that we get these moments that we think are really
going to move the ball down the field. But then
you know, a lot of the members of the general public,
they have their everyday lives to look at, and there’s
so much else going on in the world. I mean, look,
you know, with the disclosure project thing you mentioned there
in two thousand and one, it was only a few

months later that nine to eleven happened. Of course, all
eyes then completely shift onto nine to eleven and these
real world events that are happening in real time. So unfortunately,
these these disclosure efforts kind of get shadowed by these
these things that occur.

Speaker 4 (18:44):
Absolutely did you pay attention to the congressional hearings that
we had here as recently as November.

Speaker 5 (18:49):
It’s great. I mean, it took fifty years for us
to get, you know, more congressional hearings, and here we are,
in what two or three years, We’ve had some really
vital people, you know, under oath in front of Congress.
I think that’s really important. It would be nice to
have these first hand whistleblowers that we’re told about in
front of Congress. But I think what we have to
remember as well is that these public hearings are more

more of a show than what actually gets spoken about.
In the private hearings, you know, that where the classified
information is really discussed. I think that’s where the real
progress will happen. But of course anybody watching this is
can get a bit impatience sometimes, which I understand, But
they want all of that information, so it’s a double
edged sword. For me. It’s great, but at the same time,

you know, we want the juicy stuff.

Speaker 4 (19:34):
I get frustrated at heck when you see guys rush
that come forward and they talk about this and then
you hear, you know, my friends outside the community, all
they hear is these guys saying, yes, I know all
about it, but I can’t talk about it here.

Speaker 5 (19:49):
Yeah, So I mean I got used to that. It is,
I understand that. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (19:55):
And then and then you hear what I’ll talk about
it in a private skift with you. Do you know, Grush,
it is still not spoken to these guys. I literally
I just found that out a few months ago because
I thought, like an idiot that I am, I assumed.
Well a week later he went in and told them
everything never happened. No, that’s insane.

Speaker 5 (20:16):
Yeah, it’s the politics behind its security clearances. Who’s got
what level to be able to actually sit in the
skiff and take this information? And I know there was
a lot of back and forth with that happening, And yeah,
it’s just a whole game behind it all. There’s a
lot of frustration in the wholes of Congress about that,
in the House and in the Senate. So yeah, it’s unfortunate,

it really is.

Speaker 4 (20:38):
Let’s take a break there, Vinnie. When we come back,
we’re going to talk to you more about your overall
thoughts on this phenomenon. After looking at it for nearly
fifteen years. You were listening to beyond contact on the
iHeartRadio went coast to coast am Paranormal Podcast Network. We

are back on Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron. We’re speaking
with Vinnie Adams today from the Disclosure Team. Vinnie, So, overall,
you’ve had it over a decade, almost fifteen years of
looking into this topic. Do you personally believe that some
of these UAPs are indeed extraterrestrial or non human origin?

Speaker 5 (21:36):
I do, absolutely, Yeah. I believe that this has been
going on for as long as mankind has been here,
if not longer. I think it’s just a fact. I
say that people hate people who pick up on that,
will like show me the facts. Well, you know, I
think it’s.

Speaker 4 (21:53):
Enough for me to It’ll come out of this whole thing. Oh,
I know.

Speaker 5 (21:58):
No, I mean I think there’s enough data and stories
and you know, historical records to show this. And you know,
in my research, I think some of the better cases
that I would would consider to be genuine NHI cases
did happen in the fifties and the sixties that I
just overlooked these days. We’re looking now at you know,

the nimits and all that, those kind of cases which
are great in themselves, but you know, one thing I
always say to people is go back into the historical record,
because there are archived documents where you can see a
lot of similarities between what’s happening now and what’s been
happening in the past.

Speaker 4 (22:35):
So where do you sit with the source of this phenomenon?
And I know we’re talking about an unknown I just
like to see where people fall. Like we mentioned earlier,
there’s so many different theories that have evolved over the
last few years, from inter dimensional travel to faster than
light speed travel, ultraterrestrials, crypto terrestrials, extra tempestrials, you know,

time travelers. So where where do you sit and has
it evolved for you over time?

Speaker 5 (23:02):
Yeah? It always, it always changes, And I think you
know that. To me, if I sit down and think
about the extraterrestrial hypothesis that these guys are traveling from
vast distances into space, I always thought that, you know,
that’s what we’re dealing with, we’re dealing with et But
over the years, obviously that’s changed with the more study
and I’ve been doing, the more people I’ve been speaking to. So, yeah,
the ultraterrestrial, cryptoterrestrial, interdimensional, But I think that we’re probably

looking at something that may involve all of those things
somewhat combined. Again, it might be something that we’re close
to imagining, but we’re not quite there yet. It’d be
so far beyond what we can comprehend. We always anthropomorthesize everything.
We think like a human. Well, we can’t think like
in an hi, and so I think it’s just outside
of our reach what the actual true origin may be.

Speaker 4 (23:47):
I I got so many of your thoughts on this
because I feel the same exact way. I feel like
this might be so far beyond our comprehension that we
just can’t even get our hands around it. You know.
It’s like this zomenon is so much more complex than
just a distant aerospace company that built a shift that
flew here, which is how I started in this, and

I think many of us started with the nuts and
bolts thing. Then it developed and you get to hear
the stories from firsthand witnesses and you learn more about it,
and there’s so many different phenomenon that seem to kind
of overlap with one another. Also, there seems to be
this component even that has to do with our souls

or our higher consciousness. I think I heard Whitley Streeber
recently say that some component from the visitors that definitely
involves death in the afterlife, and I think this rings
true from many of the first hand accounts of people
I’ve talked to. What do you think about that?

Speaker 5 (24:46):
I certainly wouldn’t rule it anything out like that.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
You know.

Speaker 5 (24:48):
I did come from a very nuts and balts research background,
and I’ve had to learn very quickly in the last
few years that I need to kind of open my
viewpoints up on that and really embrace the kind of
consciousness aspects of this phenomenon. I think I can’t keep
looking at it in one dimension. There is so much
more to it, and that the more the years go by,
the more these things come out that it is all connected.

And so yeah, I’m very open now to not trying
to pinpoint it down to one single thing, and that
you know, again, it may be something that’s so much
bigger than what we initially anticipated.

Speaker 4 (25:22):
That’s one of the hardest things to do doing what
we do is talking about something that’s an unknown. The
more people know what’s going on, the less I believe them,
the more they’re like, Nope, it’s Auctorians, They’re coming here.
Every Thursday whatever. The more they know it, the less
I’m likely to believe it. I feel in a certain way,

the more I learn about this, and the more first
hand accounts I hear, the further from the answers, I
feel like I’m really getting it’s getting harder and harder
to get my head around it. And I think this
is going to be a problem for us that most
people don’t talk about. I’m always sort of subconsciously thinking
about just talking to the choir here, but trying to
bring people that don’t know anything about this into this

community and kind of open their eyes to what’s happening here.
I think it is easier for my mom, let’s say,
to get her head around, Oh, there’s another planet and
people live there, and they built a craft and fluid here. Oh,
I can kind of imagine that, you know, starting to
talk about inner dimensional talking to people that have died
and lived on other planets. Now it’s like, Okay, you’re lost, right.

Doesn’t it get more the more complicated this gets. I
think it’s going to be harder to relay that to
the masses.

Speaker 5 (26:35):
Yeah, I agree completely, but I always again look at
it when I try and look at things from a
positive I think that just happen that conversation with people
about this subject is just going to normalize it further
down the line when we do start getting more information,
which you know, again I’m confident we will get at
some point in the future. So you know, it’s rather
than me trying to sort of come to a conclusion

and try and tell people is this or is that?
Just to just to make the actual convass itself something
that we can do without having to kind of really
struggle for an answer. Just that’s just normalize the conversation
and the subject in itself. I think that helps massively.

Speaker 4 (27:11):
I want to ask you, who do you think does
know about this? If anyone? Is it just the US
government or is it really buried in these deep black budget,
unacknowledged programs that we hear about. I think a lot
of these officials, you know, from ERRO or whoever, who
come out and say they don’t know anything and we
don’t have anything, they don’t know anything. I think these

guys have total plausible deniability because they don’t tell them
and that’s who they put out there to be the spokesperson.
We just talked earlier that maybe as few as twenty
people in the world know the full picture. You know,
I can imagine that most people don’t know the full story.

Speaker 5 (27:47):
What do you think, Yeah, I think it will always
remain compartmentalized right to the top, right to you know,
to those people. I think there will be the small
minority who may have seen the often seen the bodies
and be aware of that, but they may not have
the full picture of you know, where the craft came
from or or things like that.

Speaker 4 (28:08):
So yeah, just how it’s getting here. Is it vibrational,
is it inter dimensional? Is it? I mean, even if
you’ve studied it, I think it’s just so far past us.
You can imagine taking an iPhone to somebody two hundred
years ago, like without all the steps to get to
the iPhone, it would just I don’t think they could
even get their head around an iPhone. You know, used

to see in the movies that take a picture of someone,
you know, at a tribe, and it would be an
install what do you call those? An instamatic camera where
the picture comes right out and they’d be like, you
stole my soul or whatever, Like they didn’t get their
head around it. You know. I think I think an
iPhone would do the same thing to somebody without any

frame of reference. You know it is.

Speaker 5 (28:52):
And that’s what I do struggle slightly with the thoughts
that a lot of these craft that people see ours,
you know, the TR three B and the kind of stories.
I do struggle with that to some degree. I’ve not
seen enough evidence, or even a hint of evidence to
say that we’ve cracked anti gravity in that way. Theres
a lot of people out there will say, well, we
cracked anti gravity in the nineteen fifties.

Speaker 4 (29:12):
Well, doctor Griss did three We’ve had it. Yep.

Speaker 5 (29:15):
Yeah, I mean I’d love to believe it, but I
can’t blindly believe that. I just can’t do it.

Speaker 4 (29:21):
Yeah, A lot of this stuff is as scary to
think about and as unknown as the alien idea itself.
You know, who has this knowledge and who’s doing what?
You know, we have no idea what let’s call it
the alien. We have no idea what the alien agenda
might be, or what it even is. You know, it
could all it could be all of the above. But

there’s so many different races we hear about that people
have claimed to have interacted with. There’s different experiences people
have claimed to have had, and it’s it’s really hard
to pin down what’s happening, but it’s very hard for
me to deny that something is indeed happening.

Speaker 5 (29:59):
Everyone looks at this in different ways, and so it’s
just so hot to really know what’s going on.

Speaker 4 (30:06):
And I think that you know, we’re always looking at
this through our own lens and our own time. They
may even be like waiting for us to evolve to
a certain thing. It’s just it’s so speculative. So let’s
take a break. When we come back, we’re going to
talk to Vini about drones, UAPs and orbs and other
things people are seeing in the sky. You’re listening to

Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM
Paranormal podcast network. We are back on Beyond Contact and

we’re talking to Vinnie Adams today. If any like me,
I don’t think you’ve ever had a first hand experience
with the phenomenon, or really I think you might have
mentioned earlier you had one UFO sweading that may have
been a UFO is there right?

Speaker 5 (31:11):
Back in twenty twenty two, I was part of a
team that went out to Columbia to investigate a light
phenomena that had been seen on a mountain range out
there for hundreds of years, and there were these kind
of glowing orbs that would appear quite rarely on this mountain.
So I went out there, spoke to a lot of
indigenous people about the phenomena that their ancestors had been
speaking about, and lo and behold, the night before I left,

I actually witnessed that phenomena, and we actually caught video
of it as well. And so to see these strange
plasma kind of orbs at this mountain peak at nighttime
where there are no people walking up there. The mountains
are closed, you know, you have to get special permission
to walk up them, certainly not at nighttime. So I
have seen a strange plasma orb that is it natural phenomena,
a really rare earthlight of some sort. Potentially, if I

was to believe everything that the the indigenous people would say,
they would say it’s their ancestors and its spirits and
it’s and some of them would say it is you know,
visitors from other dimensions. So that’s my one sighting that
I’ve never been able to fully conclude.

Speaker 4 (32:12):
You know, it’s interesting, how you know, I have one
little siting myself that I can’t think one. You know,
So you and I really haven’t had serious experiences or
anything definitive or anything big like many people in the
community have, yet we’re so immersed within this community. It’s interesting.
What makes you so driven to have such a deep

interest in this topic.

Speaker 5 (32:35):
You know, I grew up, I grew up as a
child in the nineteen eighties and we were just inundated
with such a plethora of fantastic science fiction movies and
TV series, and so I think that as a young child,
it really opened my eyes up to the big questions
of what could be out there and that we’re just
not the be all and end all of you know,
the universe. And so I think that just I just

carried that through my life, just having this curious to
want to know more than just this planet, and it
never really left me. And now that I’ve been doing
this for so long, I feel the more I do it,
the more I need to continue doing it. I could
never just go, well, there’s twenty years now, I quit.
I’m just not that kind of person. So I’m in

it for the long run, gotcha.

Speaker 4 (33:18):
Yeah, this show is UFO centric, of course, but anything
that we don’t understand or don’t know I’m curious about.
I mean, that’s the interesting stuff to me. Hearing what
we already know about over and over on the news
just has no interest to me whatsoever. I’m only interested
in finding the truth about these things that we don’t
know about. You and I are both going to be

taking part in this online conference coming up in March.
I think it’s going to be called UFO three sixty Science,
Psionics and Society, and we’re going to talk about drones
orbs and government disclosure. There’s recent drone settings I wanted
to ask you about. It started here, I think in
New Jersey around November eighteenth, and we’ve been dealing with

it for quite some time. Can you give me just
a quick heart take and what you think this is
all about? Wow?

Speaker 5 (34:07):
Yeah, that’s a difficult one because there has been such
a lack of, you know, really clear information on it.
And this is why it’s still to this day is
kind of ongoing, even though we very recently had a
White House statement saying that it was just all FAA
approved drones. Well, I think anybody in this community does
not buy that for one second.

Speaker 4 (34:26):
Why all of a sudden would we do this, And
they said that they’re doing research and various other things.
What you couldn’t be more vague that that was as
lame of an excuse as I’ve heard about anything.

Speaker 5 (34:38):
So I’m.

Speaker 4 (34:40):
We’ll obviously dig deeper into this over on the conference,
but that was pretty disappointing, that statement. But we see them,
you know, they seem to be associated with military bases
and nuclear facilities. Is the same over there. I think
I heard that they were seeing near bent Waters and
Rundolsham Forest for you guys, right, which used to be

a nuclear.

Speaker 5 (35:03):
For sort of Yeah, so there’s a few bases in
that area. So they were actually over arif Lakenheath I
think at the start of November, And you know, I
was following the story from from day one and have
spoken to witnesses over here who were going down to
the base and filming these things and seeing them, and
you know, there was definitely some anomalous activities happening. I’m
not saying the objects necessarily were anomalous, but the way

that they were flying and there was no sound and
the lights and that these were not your everyday average drones.
There’s a lot of confusion. There was fighter jets being
sent up to try and intercept them, and they were
just not getting anywhere close to these things. And then
obviously it switched over to the US, to New Jersey
and actually other places as well. And you know, it’s
been going on for a few years here and there
as well. It’s not just you know, the end of

twenty twenty four and that. And I think if you
look at the big picture, I think we’ve got commercial drones.
I think we’ve got some advanced type of drones. There
is a very small minority of these that actually could
be something genuinely anomalous.

Speaker 4 (36:00):
It could be. I just it’s so hard to say,
just like all of this stuff, and it struggles for
me because I just wanted to know the answer. I
just hope I lived long enough to get some of
these answers. Otherwise I feel like all this is all wasted.
Has your personal worldview changed since you became involved in
the UAP thing.

Speaker 5 (36:20):
Yeah, I think it’s And it’s changed me as a person.
I think it’s made me realize what’s important in my
life a little bit more, you know, materialism and just
the way you live your day to day life. I
think this has kind of made me look at life
a lot differently of what’s really important, you know. So
I think it’s made me more empathic to people, and
I don’t know, I feel like I kind of broke

It’s kind of a cheesy phrase, but you know, broke
out that matrix of you know, every day nine to five,
live to work, and I kind of feel much better
being in this kind of situation.

Speaker 4 (36:53):
I completely agree. I feel the same way again. And
you often hear many experiencers will say that too, that
they’ve change their lives. People that were hunters stop hunting.
They say that they have changed their whole view on
how they should live their lives, which is an interesting
byproduct of this experience. It really is.

Speaker 5 (37:13):
Yeah, I mean I think it’s still every day is
a work in progress as well for me, you know,
the way, you know, because I’m just open to learning
new things and looking at things through a new lens.
And I’m happy to I’m happy to, you know, with
even with this whole subject, I’m happy to be wrong
about things, you know. I think a lot of people
might not be able to say that because they’re so
convinced that they have the answers and they know this

is that and that is this. Well, I’m very happy
and confident in myself to say I don’t really know
that much, and I’m happy to be to be taught things,
and I’m happy to learn and change my mind and
all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 4 (37:49):
If disclosure does have Bret, how do you think this
would impact society at large? Like, do you think we’re
prepared for this sort of paradigm shift for the regular folks.

Speaker 5 (37:58):
Yeah, it’s a really big question contemplated in so many ways.
I think everyone’s different in how they’ll react, and I
think society based on where they are in the world
and things like that. You know, I think that whatever happens,
the human race is resilient. I think we always bounce
back when things happen. It’s really hard to say. I think,
you know, it’s when people say the world isn’t ready

or the world is ready. I mean, I would never
want to speak on behalf of anybody other than myself.
I’d like to think that I’m ready, and then someone
might say to me, well, what if it’s really really
scary and it’s more than that. Well, I think I’d
still want to know. I have a young daughter, I
want to know what kind of world that she’s going
to live in even when I’m gone, and things like that,
you know. So that’s the only real answer I can

give is how I would feel.

Speaker 4 (38:42):
Yeah, I understand that, yep, And I wonder. It does
feel to me like there is certainly more of an
awareness happening sort of worldwide, I think, and even just
recently at least here, we’re seeing an increase Like I
feel like there’s been an onslaught of documentaries and shows
lately that are really well done with really credible people.

And I think that’s really, you know, kind of entering
the zeitgeist of you will. Are you seeing that in
the UK as well?

Speaker 5 (39:08):
I mean, we pretty much do get a lot of
the stuff that you guys get. We don’t really we
get a few things of our own, but generally is
it’s us and I think it’s great. I think it’s
absolutely wonderful. The amount of people doing podcasts and documentaries
and TV shows. I think it’s great.

Speaker 4 (39:22):
You know.

Speaker 5 (39:23):
I often hear people say that it’s too saturated now,
there’s too much out there. Well I disagree. I think
the more we have the better, because it’s more eyes,
more ears, listening and watching being able to then go
and have that conversation with friends and family who may
not have this subject on their radar. I think it’s
nothing but positive.

Speaker 4 (39:39):
One last question for you, my man. Do you feel
that the Bolivian potato market has been influenced by the
rise and cheap labor in the Venezuelan in Venezuela?

Speaker 5 (39:51):
Could be you never know? Oh, just a good question.

Speaker 4 (39:57):
Yeah, hey man, working people find your stuff.

Speaker 5 (40:01):
I’m on all kind of social media platforms Instagram, x,
Facebook and YouTube of course have a very familiar black
and white logo Disclosure Team. All you need to do
is type it in and you’ll find it. And I’m
always kind of quite active on all of those, so yeah,
it’d be great to see people there.

Speaker 4 (40:20):
Awesome. Thanks everyone for listening to Beyond Contact.


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