Episode 39: Earl Grey Anderson from MUFON Joins Captain Ron!

Feb 18, 2025

This week’s interview brings you the latest thoughts and information from one of MUFON’s most respected members!

Episode Transcript

Captain Ron (00:21):
Welcome to our podcast. Please be aware the thoughts and
opinions expressed by the host are their thoughts and opinions
only and do not reflect those of iHeartMedia, iHeartRadio, Coast
to Coast AM, employees of Premier Networks, or their sponsors
and associates. We would like to encourage you to do

your own research and discover the subject matter for yourself.

Speaker 3 (00:57):
Hey everyone, it’s Captain Ron and Each week on Beyond Contact,
we’ll explore the latest news in ufology, discuss some of
the classic cases, and bring you the latest information from
the newest cases as we talked with the top experts.
Welcome to Beyond Contact, I Captain Ron, and today we’re
speaking with Mutual UFO Network State Director of Southern California,

Earl Gray Anderson. Earl’s also a member of the MUFON
Star Team and executive Committee member of Muffon’s Experiencer Resource Team.

Speaker 4 (01:28):
Yes, he has personally investigated over a thousand alleged UFO
reports and he specializes in these experiencer high strangeness cases.
He spoke last year at Contact in the Desert and
it’s always great talking with him.

Speaker 5 (01:41):
How you do, and Earle, I’m doing quite well, Ron,
How are you doing.

Speaker 4 (01:45):
I’m doing great. Man. We’re getting ready for the Contact
of the Desert show this year.

Speaker 5 (01:49):
You’ve got your hands full. I mean, you’ve been putting
out the list of speakers and stuff. I follow you guys,
you know, and it’s looking good.

Speaker 4 (01:57):
So he got a really great lineup and it’s going
to be a lot of fun this year. So Earl listen.
I’ve been pretty much officially immersed in this community for
about eleven years now, and I’m very, very skeptical of
us ever getting to a real, true, big D disclosure
from the government, but I have to acknowledge that right now,

it does feel to me like there seems to be
some activity going on that’s building to something. We have
doctor Greer coming out saying there’s a bunch of witnesses
coming out, we have George Knapp speaking about it, Jeremy
Corbel thinks something’s coming, Steve Bassett of course, and we
just had Ross Colhart do his special with another new whistleblower,

and he says more are to follow as well. You’ve
been in this a long time. What is your personal
feeling about right now.

Speaker 5 (02:46):
I am happy to see all the people that are
coming forward. I’m all for big D disclosure if it happens.
I’m not sure if we’re going to get the sort
of just closure that we’re hoping for, because I think
that the military industrial complex, they’re kind of the gatekeepers

of everything, and I don’t think there’s like a winning
scenario for them in this. If it does happen, they’re
going to have to put out this sort of blanket.
People are going to have to be made so they
can’t be prosecuted for certain things because as you know,
I mean, I believe that there’s been some questionable acts

that have been done to people that have tried to
come forward in the past. And you know, this is
a secret that has been locked up for I believe
probably longer than eighty years. You know, the Roswell crash,
and I think the DC flyover back in nineteen fifty
two sort of is what really started the attempt of

the government to put this under the rug, the main
concern being that the public would panic, that it could
cause social unrest, could harm world religions.

Speaker 6 (04:05):
But it does look.

Speaker 5 (04:06):
To me like the secret is so widespread now and
so many people have been talking that are important folks,
that they are military, that are police officers, commercial pilots.
I mean, those are the people that put in reports
that I get at move On and we take them
very seriously, and I think others do as well. So

maybe we will ceb a big d disclosure or at
least I think that it’s going to be more transparent
than it has been, and that’s a good for sure.

Speaker 4 (04:39):
What about MOFON? Does mofon do they seem to feel
like there’s things a buzz right now or is it
just business as usual over there?

Speaker 5 (04:48):
You know, I think that you have to notice that
there’s been sort of an uptick in witness reports coming
in recently, a lot of like like plasmic for lack
of better terminology, ORB type sightings, although you know, I
don’t like to call everything that looks like a sphere

in ORB. You know, I think there’s a difference between
some of the glass looking objects that people see where
beans are inside of them and then you have like
a two hundred foot across golden orb that comes out
of the ocean. That was one case that I got
from commercial pilot who happened to be on Catalina Island
with his wife and brother in law, and he is

very good at dead reckoning. He was able to give
me these details. He had a pair of binoculars with him.
I mean, he could see water dripping off of this thing.
It was a solid object. But everybody uses a term orb,
so I guess I will there you go.

Speaker 4 (05:48):
Hey, what do you think about this recent news Nation
show that Ross Colhart did with Jake Barber, that retired
US intelligence officer who claims to have retrieved NHI craft.
What do you think of that?

Speaker 5 (06:00):
You know, historically there have been many orbit or egg
shaped craft reports through history. In fact, the Lonnie Zemora
case that doctor j Allen Heinek held as one of
the best UFO reports ever that was an egg shaped
craft had like what looked like landing legs on it,

but it was egg shaped. So you know, I did
watch Jake Barber’s interview. I thought that he seemed very honest,
very forthcoming, and what impressed me actually was the psionic
involvement where he talked about whatever was in this egg

shaped object, it was communicating with him. The words that
he used this great feeling of love and also a
note of sadness. I’ve heard those exact words you in
contact events from military.

Speaker 6 (07:03):
In the past.

Speaker 5 (07:04):
There are things that I think are questionable.

Speaker 6 (07:06):
I mean the video.

Speaker 5 (07:08):
You know, MUFON actually checked out the video and our
photo analysis lab and there is some question of whether
it actually was even a night vision camera, so that
is troubling. But you know, I mean, like most things,
this case goes into my overflowing maybe box. You know,

I’m not going to make a yay or nay statement
on the report, but it’s certainly interesting and I’m certainly not.

Speaker 6 (07:38):
Going to call it a hoax.

Speaker 4 (07:40):
It feels like it’s getting you know, more cloudy as
we get closer. You know, you can imagine if somebody
had this knowledge in technology, they would have the means
to manipulate at the narrative. You know, that’s clearly been
done since Roswell at least. You know, the way they
paint these witnesses is crazy. Period. It feels like they’ve

been able to kind of stay ahead of this and
control the narrative. What do you feel about that aspect
of it.

Speaker 5 (08:06):
Well, I do think that there, you know, there are
certain three letter agencies that are very interested and really
I don’t think I think that they probably are putting
out disinformation along with the information.

Speaker 6 (08:23):
That’s coming out.

Speaker 5 (08:25):
I think that in some ways they probably want to
muddy this field because again I think that the you know,
military industrial complex has everything to lose with disclosure happening.
There’s things they don’t want to talk about. They certainly
don’t want to say that this is a technology that’s
you know, ahead of our own and we can’t protect

you from it. They don’t want to go there. I
don’t think they want to talk about abductions and visitations,
you know. And there was a CIA report that came
out through a Foyer request. I was reading it recently,
and the three reasons that they gave were kind of
the same three reasons that my mom gave me.

Speaker 6 (09:06):
My mom was in the.

Speaker 5 (09:07):
Military industrial complex. My mom said, they will never tell
the public because think of the HG. Wells Orson Wells
radio production of War of the Worlds, how people barricade
themselves and got their shotguns emptied. Bank accounts. Imagine that

kind of chaos happening worldwide. My mom mentioned it could
harm world religions and the banking system.

Speaker 6 (09:33):
I think that.

Speaker 5 (09:35):
Those were the three. I guess my mom was quoting
a document. The wet sector, the energy sector. Oh, I know,
zero point energy would certainly make a dent, and GE
and certain other companies.

Speaker 4 (09:50):
Yeah, no doubt about it. Your mom was at Hughes Aerospace,
wasn’t she.

Speaker 5 (09:54):
Yeah, my mom worked for Hughes back in the nineteen fifties.
When I was five years old. Well, I had this
strange ritual. I used to go outside every morning, climb
the monkey bars that we had in the backyard, wave
and sing at the sky. And my mom, I remember
she opened the kitchen window and said who are you
waving and singing to? And I said the space people, Mom,

the space people.

Speaker 6 (10:17):
And I did three day.

Speaker 5 (10:18):
Nobody told me to do it or taught me to
do it. It was like intuitive, I guess. And once
she sat down with me in nineteen sixty three, I’m
an old coot here sixty six years old, but I
was five years old, and she kind of gave me
disclosure full disclosure. When I was five years old, that

she had worked in a deep underground military base with
certain German rocket scientists for Hughes, and that there were
space people that you’re waving and stinging to something that
actually is there.

Speaker 4 (10:52):

Speaker 5 (10:53):
I think that she wanted me to know it’s crazy.

Speaker 4 (10:55):
That you did that because you know, as we know now,
this is typically a lifelong thing and as we talked
about before, it’s generational. So seeing a kid do that
at such a young age, you know, speaks to that.
All right, man, listen, we have to a quick break here.
When we come back, we’re going to talk to Earl
about the Moufon organization and if there might be some

direct connection with Arrow or maybe another part of the government.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio on Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on

Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron. We’re talking to Earl Gray
Anderson from Moufon. Earl, is there any relationship as far
as you know, between the Moufon organization and say, you know,
Arrow is there. You know, if they really wanted to
get to the bottom of what’s happening, wouldn’t movefon be
a logical place for an organization like this to start.

Speaker 5 (12:00):
A Yeah, but you know, okay, as far as official
like an affiliate or something like that, No, MOFON is
strictly a civilian organization, and we’re all volunteers that work
for Movefon. No field investigator is paid to do what
we do. It’s all for love of the phenomenon and

our personal curiosity. You know, there’s a bunch of people
like myself that have had this you know, fifty foot
question mark covering over their heads their whole lifetime. And
this was the best way that I could imagine to
figure out what was what, because you know, there’s a
million different stories out there, some contradict each other. So

I just figured about eleven years ago, I’m going to
put my own hands to this and see what I find.
I was kind of skeptical in some ways when I
joined moufon. I knew what my mom told me, but
I also knew that like Carl Sagan said that there
was nothing to UFOs, one of my favorite writers, Carl

or Arthur C. Clark, claimed that he didn’t believe in UFOs.
Now I know better, he actually did believe in UFOs.
He had a correspondence with doctor Heinich, and my friend
Paul Heinech has that correspondence. He showed me a couple
of letters between his father and Arthur Clark, and Clark said,
I think that you’re doing fine research and that there’s

something to this, but I can’t say that publicly or
I’ll never get invited to another moonshot.

Speaker 4 (13:32):
It’s a shame that back then that’s how it was.
You couldn’t speak publicly about this at all.

Speaker 5 (13:37):
There’s a high ridicule factor. There still is, but it
was greater back then and more to lose. You know,
people like Philip Klass. He was a professional debunker, and
we found out that he had CIA ties once he
passed away and Foyer requests became a thing sure enough,

you know, he was on the government budget there. So
I believe that the Robertson panel in nineteen fifty three,
they convened to figure out how to deal with the public,
how do we make this flying saucer business go away?
In response, I believe to both Roswell and the flyover of.

Speaker 6 (14:18):
Washington, d C.

Speaker 5 (14:19):
That happened in nineteen fifty two happened two times in
one week. By the way, well anyway, but Moufon, I
think we’re doing the Air Force’s job for them.

Speaker 4 (14:31):

Speaker 5 (14:33):
It’s interesting that Project blue Book they closed their doors
in nineteen sixty nine and Moufon opened their doors in
nineteen sixty nine. It was kind of like the public
reaction to the Air Force and there’s nothing to see here, folks.

Speaker 4 (14:49):
I would think it’s most likely that somebody from our
government is probably working inside of Moufon to kind of
know what’s coming through the files, don’t you think.

Speaker 6 (14:59):
Well, that’s I would do.

Speaker 5 (15:01):
But of course, if that’s the case, nobody’s coming forward.
I mean, I have a very good friend that is
former you know Air Force, you know AFO s I,
you know Air Force Intelligence.

Speaker 6 (15:14):
He’s former, but you know, you never know. Yeah, I
don’t know, you.

Speaker 5 (15:18):
Get to really retire from that stuff. I think it’s
kind of a life or things. But as a great guy,
I love him and he does great work for MUFAN.
I actually had a field investigator working under me from
NASA up until a couple of years ago. The problem
was she wouldn’t call a UFO a UFO pilot siding.

That was just kind of you know, signed, sealed, delivered
and she just simply couldn’t call it an unknown and
I told her, I said, you know, the best I’m
going to let you do is say insufficient data. And
that’s that’s a stretch because this is a whole flight
crew that saw this.

Speaker 6 (16:01):
You know.

Speaker 5 (16:02):
She said, well, my, you know, NDAs won’t allow me
to tell you.

Speaker 6 (16:05):
What it is, but I know what it is. It’s
not aliens.

Speaker 5 (16:08):
It’s like, well, if the public doesn’t know what it
is and it’s secret, that’s still annown. Unknown doesn’t mean aliens.
It means we don’t know what it is.

Speaker 6 (16:20):
And she got a little testy about that.

Speaker 4 (16:23):
Man, Listen, you look at over a thousand cases. How
many of those cases have you been able to explain
with a terrestrial explanation?

Speaker 5 (16:31):
You know, I’ll be honest with you. And it’s not
just I haven’t just looked at those cases. Those are
cases that I have personally investigated, where I’ve spoken with witnesses,
sometimes gone out to the sites if there were you know,
good reports, you know, taking theodolite photos. And I inspect

these cases. Just like Project blue Book. We kind of
use the same precepts left to us by doctor Heineke
and by doctor valet.

Speaker 6 (17:00):
Out of the I think I’m at one.

Speaker 5 (17:02):
Thoy forty nine cases at this point, and about ten
percent of them are unknowns. Ten percent I cannot explain.
And I’m very careful. I mean, what I expect from
my field investigators, I mentor everybody myself. I’ve got a
team of fourteen right now, is I want them to
be able to walk where you’re equally balanced with you know,

true believer and full on skeptic. And it’s you know,
it’s a learning curve. You have to learn how to
do this, but eventually you can take your own emotions
out of this and you can be completely honest.

Speaker 6 (17:41):
And that’s the way that I do it.

Speaker 5 (17:44):
And I’m pretty impressed that among all the sightings of
drones and venus and aircraft churning and flashing the sun
back at people, that there’s ten percent out of that
number of cases that I cannot explain.

Speaker 4 (18:04):
What about moufon as a whole do they have? Wow?

Speaker 5 (18:07):
I mean it runs into the tens of thousands. I
don’t have the exact no.

Speaker 4 (18:12):
Is it typically ninety percent of them are explainable?

Speaker 5 (18:16):
Oh, I think that it’s like maybe eighty five to
ninety percent unknowns with most of Mofon where we’re pretty
careful and the training. You know, we have training program
Moufon University and it teaches you to be you have
you have to be able to be a skeptic as
well as a believer. I don’t think you would join

Moufon if you didn’t think there was something to the
UFO phenomena, or you shouldn’t. But you have to be
able to walk that tight rope. And it looks like
we do a pretty darn good job.

Speaker 4 (18:48):
What about these other technologies that are coming on, Like
has Moufon started using AI to help decipher what something
in the sky might be? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (18:56):
We well, we have a full on lab. We have
a photo analysis, video lab and team. We can actually
you know, check out DNA strands and things like that
with the lab that we have, and AI is is
coming into the into the.

Speaker 6 (19:12):
Picture as well.

Speaker 5 (19:14):
We are definitely definitely keeping up with the current level
of technologies and what’s out there.

Speaker 4 (19:22):
With regards to the UFO topic. Have you noticed a
public perception outside of our community. Do you think people
are now more aware or more open to this topic? Oh?

Speaker 5 (19:32):
Yeah, I mean, you know, you can’t really get away
from it anymore. You go on X or on Reddit
or what I mean. It’s it’s it’s a hot topic,
that’s for sure. And when I first came into this field,
I got a lot of you know, eye rolls and
raised eyebrows and stuff. And I don’t anymore. I mean,
I have you know, I had Fox News call me

up and ask me for an assessment on a UFO
last week, and I mean I told him I can’t
explain this. I checked the pixelization, I checked out everything
you know that I could, and it was definitely it
was an object that was very, very bright. It was
way up way, you know, thousands of feet and there

was a pilot siding from the local airport that came
in that was similar, not the same, not the same date,
but within like two days of it. And so it’s
very it’s different than it used to be. I don’t
get the eye rolls. People are generally interested. If I
go on like a mainstream show, they don’t play the

X file theme anymore before I go on.

Speaker 4 (20:45):
That’s good to see. When we come back, we’re going
to talk to Earl more about artificial intelligence and how
it may be making the hunt for NHI craft even
more difficult. You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio
and Coast to co am Paranormal podcast network. We are

back on Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Rohn. We’re speaking with
Earl gray Anderson today. Hey, Earl, the role of artificial intelligence.
I’m seeing how AI now is getting really, really good,
and my friends have been showing me some of the
technology of like taking a little, you know, an old
photo and making it into a ten cent a ten
second video. It’s incredible. What’s coming on. I feel like

this could be you know, we’re on the precipice of
it getting even cloudier with fake versions of everything coming out,
and it might be even harder to tell what’s real.
How do you feel about this?

Speaker 5 (21:53):
Well, you know, the AI animation and stuff is certainly
makes our job a little more difficult. But you know
that every video and photo has micro data and ex
off data. The first thing I do when I get
a photo submitted to me is I checked for the microdata.
If it’s been photoshopters gone through AI or something that

will show up simply, I mean it’s built into I
think Google Chrome has that feature. People just don’t notice it.
But if you have her over the photo, it’ll tell
you the origin of that photo and if it’s been
manipulated at all, that comes up. And it’s the same
thing with videos. It’s a little more, a little more

to the process with videos, but it’s the same thing.
You can go and find the X of data from
that video if you know what you’re doing and you
know how to look for it. That’s why I check
for pixelization, I check for glitches. I mean, this is
why witness testimony is so important. I won’t even take

like ring camera videos people submit. Somebody submitted a surf
camera video and there’s no witness to interview. It was
just a camera and I need to talk with somebody
that had eyes on it. Otherwise I don’t. I can’t
believe the video that I’m looking at. It could be anything,
and especially with ring cameras. I mean, a moth can

look like an orb I’ve seen it in a million times.

Speaker 6 (23:22):
I saw one video came in.

Speaker 5 (23:24):
Where it was a church basement video, which shouldn’t have
even gone to move on because it wasn’t a UFO siding.
I guess if it was something funny, it would have
been moral. On the paranormal lines. But she had all
these orbs in the church basement, and you look at
it and you slow down the video and it’s like,
those are moths, dear, And I told her, actually, you

don’t have a orb problem in your church. You have
a moth problem. Get it exterminator?

Speaker 6 (23:53):

Speaker 4 (23:54):
Fun. So, hey, earl, do you have any thoughts personally
on what you think the real nhi Ufo craft, Maybe
not the military test stuff, not the unacknowledged black engineered craft,
but the true, you know, off world craft. What do
you feel like you lean one theory or another after
looking at this for so long, Like do you think

it might be interdimensional nuts and bolts from another galaxy?
What do you what do you think?

Speaker 5 (24:20):
I tend to lean towards the interdimensional theory that that’s
pretty much where Heinek wound up, that’s that’s where Valet
wound up.

Speaker 6 (24:30):
And and it.

Speaker 5 (24:31):
Seems like most really you know, serious researchers eventually end
up on the interdimensional thing, because I mean, we do
see evidence for portal opening up, and that’s that’s interdimensional.
That’s not in our universe when you know, it’s it’s
tricking our universe to travel, And and also the Great

Distances and Fermi’s paradox and all that kind of go
out the window if this is an interdimensional phenomenon, and
to me, it’s all the universe. It’s just it doesn’t
matter to me if they came from Alpha Centauri or
some parallel earth, you know, in another dimension. It’s non

human as we know human anyway. But you know there’s
other theory too. You know, it could be us from
the great you know, deep past.

Speaker 6 (25:22):
It could even be a you.

Speaker 5 (25:24):
Know, I talked to James Cripoul’s one of his mentors recently,
Kevin Khan, and he thinks that this phenomena, the origin
of it is like this pan spermia of fungus that’s
interacting with plasma, and that there’s this interaction like humans

are like acting like mito mitochondria to this intelligence, so
they need us. It’s almost like this this coexistence symbiosis
going on. And you know, he makes a very good
art for his you know, well, yeah, UFOs are real
and the beings are real, but they’re actually you know,

they’re being created by this this core intelligence that spans
the galaxy. And I guess they’ve recently found plasmic clouds
between us and the moon that we’re quite substantial. So yeah,
there’s a lot of theories out there, and I try
not to be you know, I try to be open

minded about this stuff. It’s part of my job, absolutely,
and it’s.

Speaker 4 (26:31):
Very very complicated, and we’re dealing with an unknown so
it’s even more difficult. And even disclosure itself, I feel,
is not as simple as a press conference saying, hey,
we’ve got UFO craft and aliens right here. You know
who’s behind it? Is it just the US government? Is it?
Black budget, unacknowledged programs in our government? Is it you

know all these other things like you’re mentioning. You know,
there’s so many layers to this that I don’t think
many people real lies. Certainly outside this community. They think
it’s a very simple thing, and it’s not. I think
a lot of the reason some of these government officials
come out and don’t say they don’t know anything is
because they don’t know anything. I think these guys are

have plausible deniability. They don’t tell them. So that’s what
they put in charge of Arrow, so that he could say, yeah,
there’s nothing to it. We’re not getting the right guy, you.

Speaker 5 (27:23):
Know, exact a mundo. I don’t know if they would
know what to disclose to do disclosure, And I don’t
think that this is all being generated by our black projects,
by our government either. By the way, because UFO sidings
go back historically to the Roman times. They call them

flying shields, and there was no CIA, NSA, DARPA or
anything like that back two thousand years ago.

Speaker 4 (27:56):
How about the art they have where they’re yes, pictures
in the corner of a little UFO with a guy
sitting there driving it. That’s compelling. How do they love
it not long ago?

Speaker 5 (28:06):
Well, you know, there’s good excuses, you know, and was
saying that it was an illustration of the sun and
the moon being flow, you know, in the Renaissance painting.

Speaker 6 (28:16):
But I don’t know it.

Speaker 5 (28:17):
The excuses just pile up, and it seems like, you know,
a game of django. It’s just toppling as they try
to keep putting these bricks on top of it. I
think disclosure, to me, it already happened. I mean, my
feeling is that we are disclosure when we go out
and we talk like we’re talking right now intelligently scientifically,

but being open minded like we are, that is disclosure.
And the people that are gonna get it are going
to get it. And the people that it sceers or
just feel offended by it, they’re never going to believe this.
I mean, who is going to do a disclosure for us?
We don’t have a Walter Cronkite anymore.

Speaker 6 (28:58):
I don’t know who they would have do this.

Speaker 5 (29:02):
Then maybe this is the way that it works, you know.
I mean, I don’t think this is the first rodeo
for our visitors. I think that this is a process.
There may be something sort of like the Star Trek,
you know, prime directive. It seems like, you know, a
learning process for us. I noticed that experiencer, especially in military,

they all get the same three messages. Nuclear weapons are evil,
they will destroy civilizations, So don’t try it. Stop trashing
your world. You only get one. It’s not a replaceable resource.
And better yourselves, raise your vibration, live on a higher frequency.
Those are the three messages. It’s like a trifecta of

message that and I hear these from Navy personnel, I
hear it from pilots, I hear it from you know,
one guy that has ninety engineers working on him. I’m
not going to mention the aerospace company. He had visitors
come through his wall, the little Gray guys, and this

was the three messages he was given. You know, he’s
probably working on nuclear warheads and stuff.

Speaker 4 (30:16):
We’re going to take a break here. Earl will come
back though. When we come back, we’re going to talk
with Earl about his thoughts on this recent UFO drone
sworm sightings we’ve been seeing the last couple of months
here and much much more. Of course, we’re listening to
Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM
Paranormal podcast network. Hey everyone, it’s Captain Ron. We are

back on Beyond Contact. We’re speaking with Earl gray Anderson. Earl,
I think starting about November eighteenth of last year, we
started hearing about these reports of UFO dron sworms. First
it was in New Jersey, then it kind of spread
up the coast, and then it even came out to
the West coast. Then it sort of died down. But

again the last couple of days I’ve heard some reporting
of different settings. Again, So what is your take on
these the drones?

Speaker 5 (31:20):
The best explanation that I’ve seen so far was John
Greenwald posted this on X about a month ago. I
think it was when the New Jersey swarms were kind
of you know, mainstream news, and he posted a There
was a previous post by a gentleman who worked for

a company that made he claimed that they made these
drones and what he’s said, and the guy’s providence looked
really good.

Speaker 4 (31:50):
You know.

Speaker 5 (31:50):
Everything that he said was just, you know, it made sense,
had the reign of truth to it. And you know
Greenwald’s he’s he’s very good at being skeptical, but he
thought it was good enough to post. What this gentleman
said was he said that the DoD requested I believe,
and maybe he put an extra zero in it, but

one hundred and eighty thousand of these drones. Maybe he
meant eighteen thousand, But I don’t know.

Speaker 6 (32:18):
I’m not the DoD. I don’t know what they need.

Speaker 5 (32:21):
He said that they are the size of an SUV
because of the payload is very heavy. He said that
what these are, they’re dirty bomb sniffing, gamma ray sniffing
drones that were created specifically to respond to dirty terrorist threats,
and apparently we get quite a few of them. I mean,
I do have a contact in Homeland Security, and he

told me, we get threatened all the time. Earl, if
the public knew, if you knew what I deal with,
you wouldn’t sleep at night. You know, the dirty bomb
threats are a real thing.

Speaker 4 (32:54):

Speaker 5 (32:54):
This guy said that his company that they created these drones,
that they had the three light configure that you’re seeing
on all of these, and that they were first sent
to Ukraine when Russia made a dirty bomb threat to Ukraine.
Then they were sent to Israel after the Palestinian conflict.
But I believe that this is probably the best answer

I’ve heard for these drones.

Speaker 6 (33:20):

Speaker 5 (33:20):
I’ve noticed that they’re always near military bases, or they’re
near large public gatherings or sensitive areas. For instance, I
have one guy that lives near Plant forty two in
Palmdale who’s been putting in muffan reports because he sees
these drones every night. He must be in the flight path.

Speaker 4 (33:41):

Speaker 5 (33:41):
Plant forty two is owned by Lockheed and Norfolk Grumman,
and it is one of the most secure sites in
the United States, maybe more secure than Area fifty one.
And I’ve had many drone reports in that area. But specifically,

this guy’s had good video good photos, always the same
three light configuration, and I believe they’re surveilling in that
area very carefully, and they probably should. You know, I’m
glad that we have a way to respond to these
threats because we do have enemies.

Speaker 4 (34:19):
Earle, I agree one hundred percent. I think that’s the
best explanation we’ve heard for these drones is that they
are these military drones that are ours that are looking
for possible nuclear material or dirty bombs. In the very
beginning of the story, we heard that some nuclear material
went missing, and then it went away. We didn’t hear

that anymore. But these don’t seem to be et craft.
They don’t seem to be an adversary because we would
take them down. It’s not just hobbyists because they’re much
much bigger, they stay up longer, and they have the
ability to go to areas where hobbyist drones can’t go.
So yeah, they probably wouldn’t want people to panic, as

you just inferred that people would if we were in
fact checking for dirty bombs and nuclear materials. So all
of this makes sense to me. What doesn’t make sense
to me is the official White House statement that just
came out saying that the drones that were flying over
New Jersey in large numbers were authorized to be flown
by the FAA for research and various other reasons, and

we’ve never had this before. All of a sudden, that’s
when they decided to do that. So I think that
that really puts as the best explanation.

Speaker 5 (35:35):
Yeah, me too. But now you have to remember that
our visitors are very interested in our propensity to destroy
ourselves and nuclear waste and nuclear any kind of nuclear weapon,
I think you know, sounds an alarm for them. So
it doesn’t surprise me if people would see actual EUFOS

anomalist craft around these sort of drone swarms that people
are seeing.

Speaker 4 (36:02):
I completely agree.

Speaker 5 (36:03):
Anyway, I haven’t heard a better explanation than that myself.

Speaker 4 (36:07):
So now you said that you have experienced synchronicity. After
you had your experience, I am a huge fan of
synchronicity and would like to know what your take on
what synchronicity is.

Speaker 5 (36:21):
It’s a meaningful coincidence and a lot of contact ees
and abductees bull that have had anomalous contact experience synchronicities.
It seems like magic sometimes. The way it works for
me is that I’ll be thinking about, like, you know,

I’ll mention names, even maybe Whitley Strieberg. Okay, I’ve been
wanting to meet the Gentleman. I’ve spoken with him on
the phone before, but I’d never really had a time,
you know, to actually kind of touch base and talk
with him. I was invited to a dinner meeting with
Peter Robbins, who was in town. He didn’t say that
he had invited somebody else. It was Peter and Greg

Bishop well In walks Whitley Strieber and sits down across
from me. That was a synchronicity. It was wonderful and
was but it happens all the time. I would be
surprised if it didn’t.

Speaker 4 (37:19):
Hey, Earl, aren’t you also writing a book, The Gray Files?

Speaker 6 (37:23):
I think, yes, I am.

Speaker 5 (37:24):
Yeah, it’s going to be called The Gray Files. It’s
going to be probably half case reports and half personal anecdotes.
I’m going to have a kiss report and then a
personal anecdote case report. And I have like a lot
of interesting stories, like the first time I went out
on a field investigation that was actually in the field.

It was close to an air Force site, but it
was apparently a secretive air Force site. It was a
torpedo testing ground, but there was a UFO siding that
was quite significant. There were three different witnesses too, that
were very close to the object, and one who was
about four miles away who was a former Air Force

pilot and he independent put in a case about this
object as well. So I went out there and I
did a really good investigation.

Speaker 4 (38:22):
You know.

Speaker 5 (38:22):
It involved a full sized flying saucer hovering over a house.
Began with two women chasing these orb shaped red UFOs
across town. It was like a seeing Close Encounters of
the Third Guide, but that happened in real life. I
really fear myself at this case. I put a lot

of effort into it. I was out taking theodolite photos
where the women saw these two orbs hovering doing a
falling leaf motion over this mountain, and I was obeying
the warning signs no trespassing. It was federal land. But
apparently somebody didn’t like the fact that I was taking

theodolite photos. So I get back in my car take
after taking the photos. This was in Azusa, California, I
might mention, and I’m driving on this little two lane
highway as Zusa Highway to go back to the freeway,
and when all of a sudden, two military vehicles. They

were cut like low slung hummers. No license plates, not
even the US government license, no license plate whatsoever. So
I had an escort out of town.

Speaker 4 (39:37):

Speaker 6 (39:37):
I called up my then.

Speaker 5 (39:39):
State director, Jeff Krause. I was very freaked out. I
was like, does this happen to people? I mean this,
It’s like, no, no, it doesn’t. Well, I’m going to
open the book with that. I figure you start with
an earthquake and build from there. I just have to
find time this year. You can find me at socalmofon

dot com. You can also find me on Facebook. I’m
just Earl Gray on Facebook, but you know, all my
moof on stuff is sort of front and center there.

Speaker 4 (40:10):
Thanks for all, appreciate it a lot of fun talking
to you as always, and thanks everyone for listening to
be on Contact.


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