Episode 34: Rocky Mountain Ranch and UFOs with Katie Paige

Jan 10, 2025

Captain Ron welcomes Ufologist Katie Paige as they discuss the history of UFO activity at the Rocky Mountain Ranch, and her childhood experiences of encounters and abductions.          

Episode Transcript

Speaker 4 (01:12):
Welcome to Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron, and today I’m
going to be speaking with Katie Page. Katie conducts independent
investigations and research into different aspects of the UFO phenomenon.
Most prominently, she focuses on a ranch in Colorado that’s
been referred to as the Skinwalker Ranch of Colorado since
it too, also has a lot of, as Katie puts it,

high strangeness happening there. Her personal experiences there as a
kid is what first motivated her interest in ufology. She’s
written a book about these UFO sightings and the high strangeness,
and now she’s working on a follow up book. Also,
Katie was Colorado’s former Moufon state director. She can also
currently be heard on the UAP Studies podcast, and I’m

happy to add that she’s also part of our team
here at Contact in the Desert. Hey Katie, how you doing.

Speaker 5 (01:59):
I’m doing fantastic. Happy holidays everybody, and it’s great to
be here.

Speaker 4 (02:03):
Ron absolutely so. Wow. Another ranch. You know, we’ve all
heard about Skinwalker Ranch and blind Frog Ranch. They’ve been
on TV, they’ve been getting a lot of publicity. We
even featured Dwayne Allinger from blind Frog at Contact last year.
Both of those get a lot of UFO sightings as
well as other strange happenings. This one you’re talking about

sounds right in line with those, right, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (02:29):
Absolutely. I mean for me, you know, I started in
this field of ethology now maybe thirteen fourteen years ago,
and before that, I kind of started off before the
hitchhiker phenomenon was really known as a hitchhiker phenomenon. I
kind of compartmentalized all these different things that I had
grown up with since I was a kid, you know,
the paranormal side of things. So I was really into

the ghost tunning and watching ghost hunters and all that
kind of stuff. And I started kind of questioning me
and my sister, my big sister, you know, what was
all that that was going on in the mid to
late seventies out on in Olbert County in Colorado, on
this ranch. Well, we were threatened in Warren never to
talk about what happened out there. So I never knew
anybody knew anything about this ranch. And it really predates

the Skinwalker Ranch by over a decade. We just never
knew it was ever reported or investigated or anything. So,
you know, I came in to move on as a
field investigator in twenty twelve. I had questions about everything
that happened out there. And in twenty thirteen I had
purchased a book by George Knapp and com Kelly and
her PhD and started reading Hunt for the Skinwalker, and

in that book, in a chapter called Other Hotspots, I
started reading about a ranch in Colorado, and I knew
kind of the strange dynamics of the family because, you know,
this was mid seventies. My mom worked for United Airlines
as a key punch operator and was dating a gentleman
who owned the ranch, and he was getting divorced from
his wife, and she was dating another gentleman and they

had three sons. And so I did not live on
the ranch full time. The two youngest sons lived with
us during the week, and we would commute back and
forth to our home in Englewood, Colorado to the ranch
in Elbert County, Colorado. But every time we were there,
my sister and I both had unique experiences. We had
shared experiences, and of course, for three years this is

where Linda moul Andhawe got her start as an investigative journalist.
Out there, there were mutilations occurring almost daily. So as
a little girl nine ten eleven years old, I’m hearing
my mom and Jack talk about police being called and
mutilations being done and all these crazy things. And at
the same time, I was experiencing the hitchhiker effect in

my home. So I was seeing shadow figures and orbs
and all these crazy different things, and on the ranch,
my sister and I had some really scary, unique experiences
what we could talk about here.

Speaker 4 (04:53):
In a little bit.

Speaker 5 (04:54):
But if it wasn’t for that book Hunt for the Skinwalker,
I would not have known anybody in investigated it. And
that’s where I learned of doctor Leo Sprinkle, PhD, John Durr, PhD,
and Peter Van Arsdale, PhD. We’re all out there investigating
the ranch and ever since then it’s been a rabbit hole,
just crazy stuff.

Speaker 4 (05:11):
Chris, synchronicity that you happen to be reading this book
that was talking about this area that you happened to
go to as a kid, pretty incredible. Let me ask
you this. Were you scared as a kid going there?
Did you like going out to the ranch or is
this something you hated to do?

Speaker 5 (05:27):
I hated doing it the nighttime. Obviously we’re all afraid
of the dark, but it was terrifying at night. I
was only out on the ranch property a couple times
at night, thank goodness. So yeah, it was something I
was very afraid of. One of the really overriding things
I had for many many actually a couple decades, but
it was really intense during those high height years of

the ranch. Was that sensation or feeling of being watched
all the time, and that followed me home. I mean,
so I always felt watched. I was always paranoid, Like
walking back and forth to elementary school. If a car
went by or something, I’d walk up as if I
lived at the nearest house because I was always afraid
of being taken things like that. So, yeah, it was
not a fun memory for me. I mean, you know,

you talk to a lot of experiencers and things. Things
seemed to like I feel more comfortable now, like doing
Beyond Skinwalker with the History Channel that season one, episode three,
the Rocky Mountain Ranch. That was a first time setting
footback on that property, and I did not know how
I was going to feel. Added with the extra anxiety
of like, wow, this is you know.

Speaker 4 (06:30):
Fifty We hadn’t been there since what seventy.

Speaker 5 (06:32):
Nine, Yeah, seventy eight.

Speaker 4 (06:34):
Were you nervous about going there?

Speaker 5 (06:36):
I was nervous on many levels because here I am,
you know, I have the film crew and my jeep
with me, and we’re getting up to the ranch property
at dusk, and I wanted to get on the property
and set foot before it was dark a because I
was terrified of that place when it was dark. But
I wanted to see what I could remember, you know,
how the house looked, where everything was, where the barns were,

the silo, all that stuff. And so we get there
just you know, at the gate at dusk time. I
think the overriding feeling for me was, oh, like, yes,
this is how I remember. The house looked different and
what I come to find out, and meeting with the
people that own the property now Greg and Chris was
alive at the time, his wife, since then she’s passed away,

which is really sad, and their daughter, Nicole, who was
born and raised on that property. Me and Nicole connected
right away because I was so curious to ask her, like,
being born and raised on this property, what have been
your experiences? And she told me she had interactions with
these shadow figures, that sense of being watched. So we
kind of connected right away because we’ve experienced some of

the same things. But they had built an addition to
the left of the house, to the right of the house,
and to the front of the house. But the original
house that I remembered as a girl was contained within
that addition. Yeah, and that was the other thing. You know,
you have a film crew there and it’s been decades
since I’ve been there, and I had they did not
let me talk to the owner, so I had no

idea what they knew about the property or what they
have experience there, And I was worried, like what if
nothing happens, Like you know, maybe it was just this weird,
random three year period of strange activity. And thankfully, so
much happens, so much so that a lot of it
didn’t even make the episodes. Through that series. Beyond Skinwalker,

I’ve been able to go interview and talk with locals
in the area and it’s still mutilations are occurring, high strangeness, UFOs, UAPs, orbs,
all of it still going on to this day.

Speaker 4 (08:35):
Yeah, isn’t there a lot of UFO sightings right in
that specific area?

Speaker 5 (08:40):
For sure? And was fascinating, just like the uent to
Basin and you know Skinwalker Ranch and blind Frog, like
you mentioned, we have the Palmer Divides right there, and
it’s very similar in terrain as the U went to Basin.
What is it with these high quote unquote high strangeness locations?
What are some of the similarities that they have. If

you look at the magnetic map of the United States,
these locations all really ping the top of the magnetic chart,
so they’re all very very highly magnetic areas. Skinwalker, blind Frog,
the Rocky Mountain Ranch, Marley Woods, all these locations are
really highly magnetic. In Sedona, the Bradshaw Ranch is also
highly magnetic. Then you have certain geological commonalities. You have

aquifer so there’s a water whether they’re river streams or
aquifers underground. What’s interesting where this property sits that I
grew up spending time there. There’s two major aquifers, the
Dawson and the Denver that come together right on the property.
So you have two aquifers that so you have different
water level tables underneath the ground, which is really interesting

for the listeners. It’s not just this one ranch property,
like I said, it’s the whole area of Elbert County,
even into Douglas County into Franktown and.

Speaker 4 (09:54):
Then keep going all the way west and there you
have Skinwalker Ranch and then you have blind Frog Ranch.
It’s interesting how even the branch Our Ranch that’s a
little bit south, but that whole ranch areas. I mean,
why are UFOs interested in our ranches. Maybe there is
something with the magnetic thing that you mentioned, maybe there’s
something that they feel connected to or something. There must

be some sort of a thing that that has such
a high incidence happening there right.

Speaker 5 (10:19):
Yeah, and now we have it Oregon, that wonderful new
Netflix series investigation Alien that George Knapp just did you
know he’s up there talking to a multi generational rancher
in Oregon. First of all, there’s these large circles on
the ground. We experienced that on the ranch and call
the Rocky Mountain Ranch in Colorado. It was a snowy
spring day, sun was shining. Me and my sister decided

to go flip the frisbee out front and we look
down and there’s this large snowless circle that’s just dry dirt.
Nothing was growing there. It was very unusual, so much
so that both of us remember it. And then to
get the briefing document from John Schusler, who is one
of the founding fathers of move On back in nineteen
sixty nine, and in there they measure there were two

of them on there. Large snow less circles were seventy
five feet in diameter and there were drops of blood
in the snow when they were investigating, Katie made to take.

Speaker 4 (11:09):
A quick break there. When we come back, we’re going
to talk to Katie more about her Beyond Skinwalker Ranch.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network. We are back on

Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron. We’re talking to Katie Page
about her experience at the ranch in Colorado as well
as Katie, you were on Beyond Skinwalker Ranch. Can you
tell us about this audio tone that you’ve played there
and how that whole thing unfolded.

Speaker 5 (11:56):
The scariest night on the ranch for my sister, my mom,
and I. It was the boy’s mother’s birthday. It was
a weekend we went to celebrate and the three boys,
my sister and I am the youngest of the kids.
We’re hanging out in the back bedroom. The adults are
in the front room playing board games, and all of
a sudden, one of the very first things that’s reported
on this ranch are these strange hum sounds low. It’s

very like a low frequency like in anytime that hum
would come, strange things would happen. I mean, we had
cryptids and you know, like I talked about the craft
and all these other things, these strange boxes, that’s a
whole other area that’s really interesting. But that hum sound
would come up. So we’re there hanging out in the
bedroom that hum started. Everybody’s on edge. The power goes

out in the house. There’s a huge bright light out
the boys’s window, so we’re all freaking out and scared.
At that very moment, This disembodied electronic sounding boys basically
gives us a warning. You know, we have allowed attention,
we have allowed you to remain we have interfered with
your lives very little. Don’t cause us to take action

which you will regret. Your friends will be instructed to
remain silent concerning us. And what’s really interesting about that,
that exact quote is in this original report. That’s how
I know it, Barbado.

Speaker 4 (13:14):
Nobody else heard that quote as well.

Speaker 5 (13:16):
We all heard it, so when they investigated it in
the seventies, it’s in the report.

Speaker 4 (13:22):
This is a horrifying moment, and I know you tried
to recreate it for your presentation.

Speaker 3 (13:26):
I did.

Speaker 4 (13:27):
It is scary. It’s almost like demonic. You were a
kid when you heard this. This had to scare the
living daylights out of you.

Speaker 5 (13:34):
It was terrifying. It was because one of the questions
I’ve always had about the ranch is how much of
it is military? Because, you know, Colorado Springs, we have
Norad and the Air Force Academy, Camp Carson Butte, which
has all the military helicopters. It’s hugely military area. And
back in the seventies, the Air Force Academy kind of

owned a lot of the property back up through the
Black Forest up into Elbert County. So there were notes
doctor Leo Sprinkle’s files, you know of you know, Warren
with his last name redacted out visits the ranch from
Camp Carson. Why is he there? Why is there a
soldier from Camp Carson on the ranch property in the
first place? But he says he felt something take over

his mind, made him walk towards the woods, would release
him and he’d run back to the house. And this
did this to him five times.

Speaker 4 (14:22):
What did you, guys, what was the sense when this
voice that you say a lot of people heard? How
many people were there?

Speaker 5 (14:28):
The four six adults and five children, six.

Speaker 4 (14:31):
Adults all of this, And in my research I found
that if there was a military presence there I’m circling
back to that.

Speaker 5 (14:40):
There’s something called plasma ball technology, and plasma ball technology
if they were experimenting with that back in the seventies,
which is quite possible they were. It pipes electronic sounding
voices out into the battlefield, so it protects the troops.
So if they’re out there experimenting with these things, that
could be an explanation for this disembodied electronic voices. As

a young kid, I remember the adults trying to figure
out where this was coming from. They’re looking at the
you know, the old seventies turntables and big speakers and stuff.
They yeah, the power was out. They’re trying to take
things apart and look at things and where did this
come from?

Speaker 4 (15:22):
Why people attribute to it them? Why would the military
tell this family to leave a ranch?

Speaker 5 (15:27):
Right, That’s always been my argument too, because that property
sat vacant for seven to ten years. We’re not it’s
a window of time that it just sat vacant. So
if they wanted it, why would they just not purchase it?
You know? So that just didn’t make sense to me.
And in talking with neighbors and other people, activity on
that ranch predated even us, So looking at it was

known as the Mulligan Homestead, and there was a man
named Dick Mulligan that was born and raised on that property,
and later in his life he became the caretaker for
Winter Ski Resort. So if he searched Dick Mulligan, you’ll
see that he was an Irish man born in on
that property in Kaiowa, and he was known for bold
exaggeration and the gift of gab. And I’m thinking he

was just trying to tell people what he was experiencing
on that property. And even the neighbor lady had seen
orbs and UAP flying on and off that property for decades,
even before our family came in and kind of owned
it for a while.

Speaker 4 (16:24):
Were they thinking it was alien? Were they what was
at the time? What would people right?

Speaker 5 (16:29):
I think at the time there were a couple thoughts
that this was the military trying to scare him off
the property. So that was talked about. It’s even in
the report. But also you know, even in the mutilation,
the mutilations that were going on, they were thinking, you
know that there were these cults out there conducting these mutilations. Now,
looking back on it all these years later, I think

both of those explanations are a little absurd. They were
just trying to figure it out then, like we are
still to this day trying to figure it out now.

Speaker 4 (16:58):
You said that the adults kept telling you guys, never
to talk about this. Don’t talk about this, don’t talk
about this. Why do you think that was?

Speaker 5 (17:05):
I think a couple of things. You know, back in
the seventies, you didn’t want to you know, they both
had professional careers. They didn’t want to lose their jobs
or be seen as crazy. But more importantly, I think,
you know, since George Arnell and Bill Wall and the sheriffs,
I mean, the Colorado Bureau of Investigations was involved. So
this was a big thing in the state of Colorado
at the time. And I think since all these large

agencies were involved in trying to figure out what was
going on with these mutilations and these blacked out helicopters,
that they didn’t want us to get involved very deeply
with that. So just hush, hush, we don’t want to
be connected to any of this stuff with police or
any of that. So I just think they didn’t want
to get deeper down into being connected with that, so

we just didn’t talk about it.

Speaker 4 (17:52):
It’s pretty wild that the power would go out and
then you hear this voice. It almost seems like a
rival rancher would be doing that to intimidate or something.
And I don’t know why the military would do it.
I mean, that exposed, that’s possible, but it does seem
pretty resultant.

Speaker 5 (18:06):
Yeah, and you know other ranchers they’re experiencing mutilations as well,
and I would find it hard to believe. Why would
they want to scare one family. I mean, it got
to the point where the governor of the state was like,
we need to do some about that because ranchers were
arming themselves. They had a ten thousand dollars, which ten
thousand dollars in the mid seventies is a lot of

money reward for catching whoever is doing this. So you
had people on lookout, you know, arming themselves, and people
were on edge. It was just, you know, it was
a crazy, crazy time. When I interviewed, I flew to
Florida and interviewed Bill Waugh’s widow and his son, and
it was interesting hearing it from you know, the under

sheriff of the town and what they were being told
by you know, air force directives and Noorad at the time,
they’re saying, you know, downplay the mutilations because everybody’s getting
in uproars, you know. And so many articles at the
time about these strange blackedout helicopters as well. And these

helicopters are chasing and menacing people. You know, I’m finding
articles about this. I’m like, why would they do that?
And at a conference in Laughlin, I ran into Richard Doty,
who came in in nineteen seventy seven as a disinformation officer, right,
So I was really interested if he had heard about
the Rocky Mountain Ranch property in Colorado and he was

aware of it, and he was also I said, well,
what’s with these blacked out helicopters? And he said to me, quote,
these are a diversion, so you people will pay attention
to this. Why something else more nefarious is going on
over here? So I thought that was kind of an
interesting one.

Speaker 4 (19:46):
That makes you think that maybe the military was doing
something nefarius there. When we come back, we’re going to
talk more to Katie, and we’re going to talk about
Leo Sprinkles, who did forty years of research on UFO
sightings and other mis curious things. Happening in that branch area.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on

Beyond Contact. We’re talking to Katie Page. Katie, you talk
about these strange experiences your family went through, but it
wasn’t just you guys. You came across some work from
doctor Leo Sprinkles, who has forty years of notes about
different UFO sightings, different possible alien encounters, different possible high strangeness,

as you guys call it, happening there. Tell us about
those papers.

Speaker 5 (20:55):
Yeah, So, like I mentioned at the top of the show,
when I learned that doctor Leo sprinkle investigated the ranch,
I quickly wrote him a letter confirming this was indeed
the property because it was known as a Clearview ranch
back in the day. He wrote me a letter, and
you know, he’s out in layerm Mee. So it’s a
quick two and a half hour drive for me out
there and all his material. For forty plus years, he

was a psychologist, he was a hypnotherapist and worked with
a lot of contacts and actually you know he was
with APORO at the time and worked on the Snippy
the Horse case in sixty seven, so the Carl Higden
case also, so a lot of interesting work that Leo
has done. And what ended up happening is I was

there to get all the documents and information on the ranch,
Colorado Ranch, but I got lost in over seventy boxes
of letters that people had written to him over decades.
And the neat thing was ron he kept all his
response letters, so I got to kind of see his
train of thought. And he also communicated with, you know,
the naysayers like Phil Klass, letters to Linda Howe and

other professionals, Jacques Vallet and things like that. So I
got to see and read his correspondence back and forth.
And one night in a dream he would sign his
letters Love and Light Leo. And I thought, if I
find these letters interesting, as other people will too. So
I spent three years going back and forth visiting with Leo.
I got to know him really well, read a lot

of these letters, took pictures, organized them into chapters, and
hence the book Letters of Love and Light. And it’s
really an honor of doctor Sprinkle. And I was fortunate
enough to finish the book and have it published before
he passed away, and he was just so proud of that.
There were so many interesting things that I found, one
of which was an early abduction or a possible abduction

out of Snowflake, Arizona that way pre dates the Travis
Walton abduction in the same location. And he was a pastor,
a very credible witness. So that’s in the book as well.

Speaker 4 (22:54):
Well. You have forty years of research from doctor Sprinkle
as well as your research. It’s the bottom line, what
do you come away with here that you think is happening?
What does anything point? Do you see similarities that point
to one thing or another?

Speaker 5 (23:08):
I do, And it’s so multi faceted and multi layered.
I mean, like I mentioned earlier, these geological commonalities, the magnetism,
the water. But a lot of these areas in the
Midwest and will across the country for that matter. You
hear the old tales like, oh, it’s haunted because it’s
on old burial ground, right or you know, but that’s true.

I mean in that area, it was a very nomadic land.
Same with Skinwalker Ranch. You have the Utes, the Cheyenne,
the Cherokee, the Pawnee, the Kiowa, the Comanche, you know,
and they’re forming an alliance, So I don’t know if a
lot of these battles and happenings the land retains that
and plays it over like a recording. You have the

strange hitchhiker effect. And what’s interesting in just talking with
George Knapp who was telling us on Skinwalker, the Knits
team would be out there and you’d have these guys research,
but the hitchhiker effect would attached to their wives on
the East Coast that didn’t even visit the ranch, and
what is that about. So there’s that spiritual aspect of it.
Then I also feel like there’s we play a role

in the phenomena as well, the disassociation piece, the trauma piece,
what we can manifest and interact with, So that’s another layer.
Then there’s the military piece and black access projects and
what they’re experimenting with on these properties. And I’ve come
to theorize anyway that the phenomenon came first and then

the military was curious about what was going on and
came in, So you have that happening at the same time.
So it kind of gets into this messy so many
different things occurring at these locations.

Speaker 4 (24:48):
How do the UFOs, which are in the title of
that book. The UFOs and experience or things tie into
this because what you’ve been telling us seems like these
disembodied voices and it almost sounds much more spiritual or
demonic to me than UFO and alien. How does that
tie in.

Speaker 5 (25:04):
Yeah. One of the fascinating things that on season one
for Beyond Skinwalker they brought in David Morehouse to do
the biggest remote view that was ever conducted in the
country on the ranch property. And they even remote viewed
that scary night we talked about, which is fascinating. So
here’s the camera crews. David Morehouse sets up this wonderful
power presentation. They had over seventy remote viewers from I

believe it was six different countries remote view this property.
And what the remote viewers came away with over six
thousand data points. It was mind blowing. I think we
spent two two and a half hours going through so
much so the network Beyond Skinwalker didn’t even know what
to do with it, so they didn’t. They left it
out of season one and there was a special like

seven minutes bonus they put on History Channel for a
while that people to see. And now you can actually
YouTube it if you do Rocky Mountain Ranch, David Morehouse.
But they talked about, you know, this portal aspects or
this kind of these locations that are highways for these
UAPs and UFOs and talk about aliens. Now, this is
where it gets really strange. And I personally never encountered

like seeing an alien or interacting with an alien, or
I have no memories of being a board of craft
or anything like that. But there’s a few of the
adults on the property at the time that did sketch
pictures of ET and claimed to have had landed craft
on the property and communicated with you know, when I
was on Paul Giamani show, he called them the two

be guys, these to be guys, And there was in
the reports it said there were two types of ets,
a Nordic, the blonde, blue eyed, and these two be
almost ai type of extraterrestrials, and that they were in
conflict with one another and basically, if you leave us alone,
we’ll leave you alone. We’re here doing whatever they’re doing.
I don’t know what they’re doing, but that’s kind of

what was reported there. And I, you know, it’s interesting
because of these strange boxes which I kind of associate
more with these AI typeses and the cattle mutilations. They
claimed to have these communications with these aliens. And for me,
the most fascinating thing that happened is I was the
guest speaker coordinator for Colorado MOOFON at the time, and

we had invited a gentleman who wrote a book called
Flashbacks to give a presentation, Sean Bartok, and he had
a ranch property. In the book he says it was
in Castle Rock, Colorado. Come to find out after talking
with him, it was fourteen miles away from the ranch.
And I’m sitting there watching his presentation, and up pops
two drawings of these ets that he had encountered, and

they were almost identical to what was reported on the
Rocky Mountain ranch. The tubes, the heavy brow, the wrinkles,
and I’m like, holy smokes, wait a minute. And we
didn’t know each other, so how does that happen? So
I think there’s some credibility to those et sketches.

Speaker 4 (27:52):
Yeah, I love when something matches like that. We are
almost identical the two different drawings, and.

Speaker 5 (27:58):
Then the one shows the tubes in the and Sean goes, oh, yeah,
we saw this et almost like the predator up in
the tree and those tubes come out of the neck.
So we had a sketch of them out and I
was like, oh my gosh, that looks just like the
one that was sketched on.

Speaker 4 (28:12):
Which seems like a technological thing, like maybe they can’t
breathe here or some sort of atmospheric thing. Right, it
doesn’t seem biological, doesn’t it seem even like the AI
that you’re referring to that triggered that memory for you
does seem technological. Obviously.

Speaker 5 (28:27):
Yeah, it makes sense to me that if we were
going to send something out, you know, we would send
Elon Musk’s new Optimists you know, out there, not us.
Why would we risk a human life? We would send
optimists optimist mention.

Speaker 4 (28:40):
That that works twenty four to seven. It doesn’t get sick,
it doesn’t die, it doesn’t complain, it doesn’t right, all
those things our advantages for using AI, which obviously I
think is the way everything is heading.

Speaker 5 (28:54):
Right for sure, So I mean that that is just incredible.
And they claim that they had a couple interactions where
they actually were landed, And it’s interesting historically if you
go back and you look at cases from the seventies.
You see a lot of that. I mean, nineteen seventy
seven we have Star Wars and Close Encounters of the
Third kind. That being said, all this stuff started, you

know in the early seventies. Did they get a lot
of those ideas for those films? When I was a
kid and I saw Close Encounters of the Third Kind
for the first time with the mutilations and things that
I thought I was watching the documentary because at that
time in my life, I was sort of living that story,
you know, And it wasn’t until just recent I was like, oh,
I bet not everybody saw it the same way I saw.

Speaker 4 (29:36):
It, you know, I think that’s what they think now
is certainly Close Encounters is known as a film that
really does depict as close to reality as we’ve heard
time and time again from different experiences.

Speaker 5 (29:47):
I believe that’s true. You know, those ideas come from
more reality than we might think.

Speaker 4 (29:53):
Absolutely, Hey, we’re going to take a break here, Katie.
When we come back, we’re going to talk to Katie
Page more about her experience as the State Director of
Colorado Moffon and find out some of the cases that
she’s dealt with there and other UFO experiences that she’s encountered.
We’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on

Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron. We’re talking to Katie Page here. Katie,
you’ve had these interesting experiences on the ranch, but also
you are the state director of Colorado for MoveOn. Can
you tell us a little bit about that experience and
what are some of the best or strongest cases for
UFOs or even aliens that you came across as the
state director for Colorado.

Speaker 5 (30:53):
Yeah, what an honor it was to be state director
for Colorado. We have such a strong group here in
wonderful training in that field investigator. So it’s just a
fantastic group to be a part of a great state
because it’s a pretty active state. A couple cases stick
out in my mind. Of course, I do naturally have
a bias to the area of Elbert County, so this

particular one. The county that sits right next to Elbert
County is Douglas County and this report. I love daytime
sightings a VUAP, you know, you get better video, better photographs,
and a little tip for the listeners. If you’re filming
something or taking a picture of something in the sky,
try to catch a rooftop or a tree or something.
Don’t always zoom right in, because when you’re zooming right

in on a photo, you kind of lose that perspective
and it’s hard to tell what you’re looking at. However,
this one particular case, this woman is driving to work
in the morning. She’s in Douglas County, and she sees
this really low right above the tree tops, this thing
morphing shape, and she’s trying to figure out what am
I looking at? Another thing I love when witnessers are
trying to logically figure out am I looking at birds?

Am I looking what? In this? So she pulls the
car Another important tip if you’re watching something, please pull
the car over. She pulled the car over, is trying
to figure out what she’s looking at, and she’s describing
this object as like a special effects in a movie,
she said. And as she’s watching it, two low flying
fighter jets come in right after it, she said, lower

than she’s ever seen. I mean Buckley Air Force Base,
which is now Space Force is pretty close by. They
probably scramble them out of Buckley and as they’re coming
in towards this object, the thing just vanishes. And then
she said one of the fighters went to the east,
one went to the west, and that was it. I
love that sighting because it was close up. It was

right over the trees. These fighter jets came in, which
always fascinates me because that takes some time. So that
says to me that they’re watching this thing on radar
where they have eyes on it somehow if they’re able
to scramble these jets after it that quickly. So that’s
a good case and I love those. About fifty percent
of the cases that I closed and others in color
to move on our daytime cases. So I think that’s

a misnomer that people think if you’re going to spot
a UAP or UFO, it’s going to be at night.
That’s not necessarily true.

Speaker 4 (33:09):
Well, that’s interesting. The fifty percent are daylight sightings. That’s
very interesting. Let me ask you this, what percentage of
cases did you guys find a terrestrial explanation for.

Speaker 5 (33:20):
Gosh, ninety percent? You know, it’s almost a joke to me,
Like you come in and you’re thinking, Ah, who’s gonna
you know, misidentify the planet Venus. But you’d be surprised,
you know. And of course I was State director right
when starlinks were being launched, so we had so many
Starlink reports that we finally had to do like a
quick case clothes on it because there were so many

of those coming in. But we’d have a lot of
Planet Venus, a lot of birds, a lot of bugs.
You’d be surprised, you.

Speaker 4 (33:46):
Know, if you start surprised at all. I stay on
this show all the time that it’s great that you
said ninety I always say it’s it’s over ninety nine,
over ninety nine percent of all. If you think you’re
seeing something, it most likely have a terrestrial explansion. It’s
very easy through our visual cortex or whatever to see

something and you don’t realize that those lights are behind
this thing, or it’s so often just a misidentification. Yeah,
people always when you see these videos now and they
post them, the person filming it immediately will say, oftentimes
I just filmed the UFO. It’s great and fun to
jump to that conclusion, but in reality, there’s going to

be one hundred other things we need to check first.
And I do think that there is a tiny, tiny
percentage of these that very well, maybe off world, off planet,
off whatever, it may be something else, but the vast
majority of the time it will have a terrestrial explanation.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t film it or try to
capture it or get as much data as you can,
because maybe it’s one of those tiny fractions, but in

most cases it’s going to turn out that way. And
it’s good to hear that you guys are actually solving
this because I think some people think that you guys,
because it’s a uf organization, you want it to be
a UFO, and you maybe would want to push that narrative.
But it’s good to hear that you guys do ninety
percent of the time dismiss them or close it being terrestrial.

Speaker 5 (35:11):
Yeah, and you know, I also headed up the move
on Mars program, which was all the reports that were
done from nineteen sixty nine till we went digital and
put them all on the computer. And that was three
years of a team of fifteen people redacting personal private information.
And you could see, you know, you got to consider
people’s biases. So you do have those that really want

to believe it’s extraterrestrial, and then you have the other
where nothing is right, so you always have to look
at all that. And I something I always tell people
if they want to go out and investigate UFOs, something
I did with my field investigators is we would go
out and intentionally in the day and in the evening
send up Marlar balloons and take pictures of them because

when they tumble in the wind and they get up
there an atmosphere, you’d be surprised how they look. And
photographs and videos. We would do that with Marlar balloons.
And then you also have like the lit drones and stuff.
So if you go out there or people with lit
frisbees go toss one, take some pictures and look at them,
you’d be surprised how much they look like UFOs. You

start in a collection of things you can compare things to.
You have to consider all of these different things. Chinese
lanterns the same thing. We would let those go and
take pictures. So it’s really good to have that to
look at. You know.

Speaker 4 (36:26):
Two commit absolutely, So, Katie, you’ve been looking at this
topic in one way or another since you were nine
years old, so let’s say that’s over ten years ago.
At least I would like to know sitting there today,
What is your walk away? What do you think is
happening regards to UFOs and aliens. Do you feel you
have a guess or a gut feeling as to what’s
going on.

Speaker 5 (36:46):
Well, that’s a heavy question, Ron, and it’s on any
given day of the week. I ebb and flow with
what I think is going on. I really truly do.
Sometimes if you catch me on the right day, I’ll
be like, it’s all us, it’s all our military, it’s
all Black Access project. But however, that being said, when
you go visit, like I just visited twice recently, the

National UFO Historical Record Center out there, and we are
ranch on New Mexico, and you see the vast amount
of documents and reports, I mean even from these pilot reports,
military reports, credible people out there seeing things they truly
can explain. I’ve experienced things that I truly cannot explain.
So there has to be more to this than just us.

There has to be, Like you, I think it’s a
very small percentage of what we’re seeing, but it’s out
there and it exists, and it’s visiting whatever it is,
whoever it is, whether it’s AI component, you know, these
things that have the five observables that could go in
and out of the water, and something’s to that, and
maybe they’re here, maybe they’re living under our oceans. That

could be a possibility. I don’t know, but something’s going
on enough to keep me going continuously in looking for
these answers and making connections.

Speaker 4 (38:04):
What about November eleventh, Yeah, that’s.

Speaker 5 (38:07):
A fascinating thing. So in the report out a Rocky
Mountain ranch on November eleventh, nineteen seventy five, there were
two a seventy scrambled in pursuit of a UFO quote
end quote over Elbert County, and so I Foye got
the report back is very interesting. The instructor pilot’s instrumentation lights,
several of them were inoperative and weren’t working. They had

live ammunition on board. Flying over Elizabeth and they spotted
what they said a rotating beacon light of another aircraft
which they never identified, and both planes crashed. Both pilots
ejected and they survived. But what’s interesting is on November eleventh,
nineteen seventy five, out of falcon Bridge, Ontario, for several hours,

theyre spotted several anomalous ups on radar going from twenty
six thousand feet shooting straight up to seventy four thousand feet.
They’re watching these for a long time. Several people are
seeing him on the ground, police officers. So they decided
to scramble to f one oh six Delta darts over
Lake Michigan. These things are traveling at thirty five nautical

miles across the Great Lakes, and so that happened on
the same day that they scrambled these other jets, and
it’s made the front page of the National Inquirer.

Speaker 4 (39:20):
Incredible organization.

Speaker 5 (39:21):
Yeah, oh right. And then on November eleventh, nineteen seventy five,
that morning, right after midnight, Travis Walton was returned from
his abduction experience. And also on November eleventh, nineteen seventy five,
the Edmund Fitzgerald sinks on the Great Lakes and twenty
nine men go missing. So we had all for of
these events happening on November eleventh, nineteen seventy Interesting also is.

Speaker 4 (39:43):
That November eleventh is eleven eleven exactly because of course
in this community, eleven eleven is always brought up. Katie,
We’re going to have to stop there. If you guys
want to learn more about the interesting things that are
happening in the ranch. Katie has a YouTube page called
Rocky Mountain Ranch Research. Check that out. Thanks for coming on, Katie,
I really appreciate it. Good seeing you,

Good seeing you too. Thanks for having me on.


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