Episode 33: Winter UFOs and Contact!

Jan 3, 2025

Captain Ron welcomes back producer Bri for a look at UFO cases with credible witnesses and detailed documentation, all that have intriguing commonalities. They will wrap up 2024 with a discussion on the year’s most compelling phenomena and preview the Contact in the Desert 2025 event.

Episode Transcript

Happy New Year everyone, and welcome to Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron, and today we’re speaking once again to producer Bri.
Bri is not only my dear dear friend, but she’s
also the producer of this very podcast, and she’s also
the producer of the Great Contact in the Desert Conference.
Today we’re going to take a super quick look back
at twenty twenty four, then examined several historical UFO cases
that took place right around this time of the year,

and then lastly, we’re going to look ahead to twenty
twenty five and this year’s Contact in the Desert event Well,
Hello there, Brianna.

Speaker 4 (01:45):
Hello, Hello, Happy New Year. Thanks for having me on again.

Speaker 3 (01:50):
Absolutely, I understand that you took the entire day off
on Christmas Day, which feels very unacceptable to me. I
hope you plan on making this time up immediately.

Speaker 5 (02:00):
I’ll take my lashings.

Speaker 3 (02:02):
Okay. So twenty twenty four was a really good year
for the UFO community. It felt like things were really
moving forward, so much so that this year’s theme that
we’ve chosen for the twenty twenty five Contact in the
Desert conference is event Horizon, as it does feel in
many ways that things are on the cusp of changing now.
None of us believe that the Big D disclosure from

the government is imminent, but the proliferation of this topic
certainly seems to be continuing. We ended the year with
more congressional hearings, both in the House and the Senate.
Then at the tail end of the year, we had
all these weird giant drone sightings that were seeing on
both coasts, and people were even speculating about UFOs. I
heard this over and over at various Christmas parties. But

did you see any of the drones?

Speaker 4 (02:48):
I saw many. I am a TikToker, so I saw
hundreds of videos of you know, your everyday person that’s
out there now capturing these things.

Speaker 3 (02:59):
And so what do you they on.

Speaker 4 (03:01):
I’m very suspicious about it. I definitely do not think
it’s anything alien. I’m more concerned that they aren’t saying
what it is. That they’re saying it’s not US operated,
but it’s also not a foreign adversary. They’re canceling out
in that sentence already. It makes zero sense to me.
Why are these still happening and why aren’t they telling

people what it is.

Speaker 3 (03:22):
It does seem if it was a foreign adversary that
we would shoot them down right away. It seems that way.
But like you were saying to me earlier, you think
this is a good thing because it’s getting people to
look up. I mentioned that people at parties were talking
about UFOs, which is exciting, but you were saying you
liked that people are like looking to the skies now absolutely.

Speaker 4 (03:42):
I know that in New Jersey ABC News they were
out there doing their story about the drones and they
were able to capture an orb and bright daylight. I
think that this could be a plus.

Speaker 5 (03:53):
For UFO enthusiasts.

Speaker 4 (03:55):
It’s usually hard to convince someone to get out of
their house and look at the sky because of these
mass unexplained drones. People are doing that they’re hoping to
see a drone, so who knows, they might actually have
an incredible UFO sighting. So I think this could be
a plus.

Speaker 3 (04:11):
I love it. Cindy lu Whu. Why don’t you go
ahead and tell us about your first case.

Speaker 4 (04:15):
This one stuck out to me because it is definitely
something strange in the sky and nothing like these physical
drones that people are seeing now. This is a famous
sighting in New Zealand and it is called the Kakora Lights.
The Kukora Lights occurred over the Cakora Mountain range, which
is near the eastern coast of New Zealand South Island.

There were fair Safe pilots Vern Powell and Ian Perry
who spotted these strange lights when they were flying from
Belheem to christ Church on a news delivery run. This
is a paper run. They do this all the time.
They started noticing that there were strange lights flying around
the aircraft. They basically danced around the plane for several minutes.

They would dissip and then reappear in another spot. The
lights were flashing. They moved erratically, just incredible speeds and
then being able to stop just midair. The pilots claimed
that the lights ranged from a pinpoint and then increasing
in size to the size of a house.

Speaker 5 (05:19):
So this to me when.

Speaker 4 (05:20):
I heard it, reminded me of Melinda Leslie when she
does her UFO night watches. She’s always like power up please,
because you see these little orb things and they can
be so small and then they can blow up in
incredible sizes. So whatever was happening, it was given the
aircraft quite a show. During this incident, the Wilmington Air

Traffic Control confirmed that they picked up these radar targets
exactly where the lights were seen, but no other known
aircraft was in the area, so we have our first
bit of data there. These blips pop up in and
out while they were following the plane, but they knew
no information on what it was. And it was not
a consistent radar pulse, you know, it would just like

appear and then disappear. They had no idea what was
going on.

Speaker 3 (06:06):
I love that that substantiates with the guys on the
plane were seeing at least it was showing up on
the ground. I like that.

Speaker 5 (06:12):

Speaker 4 (06:13):
And then roughly ten days later, on December thirtieth, a
news crew from Channel zero in Australia was invited to
go on board the cargo plane, again operated by Safe Air,
but with pilots Bill Startup and Bob Guard. The channel
was hoping to capture the lights on film, and sure enough,

shortly after takeoff, Captain Bill started shouting for the crew
to get towards the back of the aircraft because they
saw lights appearing and disappearing off the coastline, and once
again the Wilmington Air Traffic Control confirmed seeing radar anomalies
that corresponded to the locations of the lights. Their cameraman,

David Crockett and his wife Nazerie, who operated the audio
tape recorder, caught the lights on film for several minutes.
She said, quote with the conversation coming through my headphones
from the pilots and the radar from Wilmington. It all
started getting very scary, so they obviously were not ready
to see what they were asking for. The crew altogether

witnessed bright, unidentified lights that seemed to follow the plane.
They described the lights as pulsing, sometimes dimming before reappearing brighter.
The lights followed the aircraft all the way until moments
before it landed. Once they arrived to unload their newspapers
at christ Church, the pilots asked the news team if

they wanted to join them on the return flight. Nazer
was too frightened, so she stayed back and another person
took over her spot, Dennis Grant. When the plane took
off three minutes later, a group saw this bright round
light and again it showed up on radar. David Crockett
was able to capture the lights on the films, and
he said, us being cramped in a noisy flight deck,

barreling towards the coast and the dead of night was
exciting factor. In now pulsating hypnotic lights hovering over the window,
it goes to a whole nother level. In both instances,
we have these fast moving lights that appear to accompany
the craft. The objects were tracked at speeds of thirteen
thousand kilometers per hour eight thousand miles per hour, and
they all seem to just pop in and pop out.

There is a documentary that has the film footage in there,
and I do recommend you can just go onto YouTube
and watch it. These are not solid craft like you
would think. These are definitely orb plasma type craft or
not even craft, just totally unexplained. It is incredible footage
and I think everyone should honestly.

Speaker 5 (08:45):
Go check that out.

Speaker 1 (08:47):

Speaker 3 (08:47):
It sounds very interesting. I like the fact that they
corroborated with the ground. I think that’s always good to see.
And didn’t you say that the wife didn’t go on
that second trip because she was too afraid. I agree.
I don’t think i’d go back up in the air.

Speaker 4 (09:01):
Obviously they were okay, I mean that’s what they wanted
to do. They wanted to capture it. But yeah, she’s like,
I’m staying behind. But this one’s great because we have
the radar data, we have the film footage, and we
have multiple witnesses, credible witnesses, pilots, news crew, air traffic
control that are all providing the same accounts, the same

corroborating details.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
I like it a lot, and it’s interesting that they don’t.
None of them really do say it’s a craft. Like
you said yourself, it seemed to be more of just
lights or an orb or something like that. But there’s
some sort of object there. If it was just plasma,
would it showed up on radar? I don’t think so.
There had to be something there.

Speaker 4 (09:41):
I have no idea, and I do know that it
was investigated by the Royal New Zealand Air Force and
the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and it still
remains an unknown situation.

Speaker 3 (09:51):
I love it. That’s a good one. When we come back,
we’re going to talk about another good one, which is
the very famous rendalschromp Forest case, which actually took place
on December twenty sixth and December twenty eighth, back in
nineteen eighty another two different date case. You’re listening to
Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM
Paranormal podcast network. Okay, we are back on Beyond Contact.

Let’s talk now about the famous case that took place
back in the UK, actually on two separate days, on
two separate instances. One was on December twenty sixth, nineteen eighty,
and the other one was on the twenty eighth. This
is a very well known case and I think it’s
as good as it comes. I mean, there is a
lot of evidence for this case. We all know this case.

It’s often referred to as is Roswell and deservedly so.
This is one of my very, very very favorite cases.
And you know, I have very few that I truly
truly support. This is one of them. It took place
near Bentwater’s military base at the RAF Woodbridge in Suffox, England,
and this was a nuclear armed base at the time,

which we often hear associated with these different UFO sightings
all the time. We hear that come up and up.
The initial incident began on December twenty sixth, nineteen eighty,
when members of the US Air Force saw some strange
lights in the sky. The first sighting was around three
o’clock in the morning and several airmen, including staff Sergeant
Jim Peniston and Airman John Burrows, were on patrol near

the forest. These lights appeared to be coming from a
bright glowing object that they saw descending into Rendelstrom Forest. Initially,
they thought this was probably a downed aircraft, so they
went over to investigate. However, when they got there, they
discovered this strange triangular craft with multicolored lights hovering just
above the ground. The object was described as being metallic,

about three to four meters wide, with strange symbols on
its surface. They reported that the craft made no noise
whatsoever and emitted a bright white light. This object eventually
lifted up and disappeared into the sky, but it didn’t
end there because a couple of days later the lights returned.
This time, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Holt, the deputy based commander,

went with a team of military personnel to investigate. They
again all reported seeing strange lights in the sky as
well as a glowing object near the forest. They also
described seeing a beam of light come down from the
object and hitting the ground, moving in a grid pattern
back and forth over the storage facilities. Throughout this whole time,

the men experienced problems with their radios and the giant
search lights that they brought out as well to search
for these objects. This sighting had a profound effect on
many of these witnesses. In this case, many of the
ideas and claims that people try to bring up to
debunk this incident. I find downright laughable. They are literally

people claim that there’s a lighthouse five miles away and
this is what these men saw. I just find that
absolutely hard to believe. We’re talking about reputable men that
are qualified to work at a nuclear base. They’re trained
observers who have been on that base for a considerable
amount of time, and they would all know about and
have seen the lighthouse. A particularly compelling aspect of this

case is not only the credibility of these witnesses, Bri.
I’ve actually had the pleasure of interviewing several of these
guys over the years, including James Peniston, and I found
him to be as credible as they come. I really
genuinely like him. Also, they have documented everything so thoroughly
and in real time. Colonel Holt recorded the events on

a little voice recorder that he always carried around with him,
so he was talking into this microphone while this was happening.
Jim Peniston had a little notebook with him. He took
contemporaneous notes right there and made drawings as well. Jim
Peniston was so rattled by this that after the incident
he ended up going back out there by himself, and

he actually made plaster casts of the indentations that were
made by these purported landing gear, these three marks in
the ground that he found. Colonel Halt took pictures of
these markings as well, and he even measured them and
they were all equally distant apart, forming a perfect triangle.
That’s probably not a natural occurrence. That makes sense to me.

All of this adds up to me, as does Roswell.
Colonel Halt even had a guy come with him and
bring a Geiger counter and a camera. You can actually
hear the colonel talking to the guy with the Geiger counter,
who was saying that the radiation levels on the side
of the tree that was facing the landing area was
much higher than the back of the tree. All the

way around this area, and they found that the radiation levels,
although safe for them to be around, was still ten
times higher than normal background radiation for that area. And
the trees also had markings on them and broken branches
as if something had come down right there, so there’s
a lot of physical evidence that something was there. Jim

actually touched the craft, which he said felt like warm,
smooth glass to him. It had hieroglyphics on the side,
and he had made notes and put down the drawings
of what these hieroglyphics look like. And he also said
when he touched the craft, he felt he didn’t know
how to describe this. He called it like a download

that he was downloaded a set of binary codes right
when he touched the craft. So he immediately wrote those
down as well. And this is back, you know, in
nineteen eighty, so we didn’t really think in terms of
binary code. You could actually go online and find his
pictures of his actual notebook that he took right at
that time. And in twenty ten they took that code

and they put into a binary translator because we all
have computers now, and it appeared to form a message. Unfortunately,
there’s a few different interpretations, but they basically do say
sort of the same thing. Let me read these here
Brie Exploration of Humanity Continued Experiment forty six exit. Another

one was Exploration of Humanity Continues Continuous for Planetary advance
Eyes of our Eyes Origin year eighty one hundred. Whatever
these things mean, they do seem to say something about
exploring humanity and experiment and planetary very interesting things that
are coming out. After that message appears what seems to

be possibly a series of coordinates for specific places around
the world with longitude and latitude coordinates for the Great
Pyramid Sedona, the Nascar lines of Peru, and the Temple
of Apollo in Greece. So that’s also quite interesting. It’s
hard to be definitive here since there seems to be

some different interpretations, but it does seem fascinating that we
possibly have some sort of communication from possibly some sort
of NHI. Maybe AI could do a better job of
pinning down the meanings of these codes, and that would
be something fun to look at, Brity. Why don’t you
do that in your spare time, Why don’t you get
an AI system and run these codes through and see
if we can’t find out exactly what that was. After

the incident, there was a whole set of claims made
by many of these witnesses who say they were interrogated
by the military purportedly was it sodium pentethal and even
hypnotized about what they saw. It’s a really interesting, strong case.
It’s one of my favorites. We rarely get that much evidence,
both physical evidence, multiple witnesses they said there were five

guys with Halt right there, and twenty five other guys
that saw the light. So you have a lot of witnesses,
you have a lot of physical evidence, you have this code,
a lot of things here. I feel like this is
one of our strongest cases. What do you think brit.

Speaker 4 (18:05):
People outside of this community always say, well, there’s not
enough data. There’s why don’t they do this? Why don’t
they do that? This is one of the cases where
they did do all of those things. They did immediately
drop things down, they did immediately take the audio recorder,
They did all of these things. They gathered all of
this evidence. Why is this not the biggest story ever

out there. It’s so funny that it’s also known as
the British Roswell because when you mentioned the hieroglyphs on
the craft, you know, there’s this purported I being piece
from Roswell that also had hieroglyphs on it.

Speaker 5 (18:46):
So I find that interesting. And also these.

Speaker 4 (18:50):
Coordinates are all big hot spots. I mean, this could
be them like raising their hand like, hey, this is us,
we did this, this.

Speaker 3 (18:59):
Is we are If this is real, yeah, then absolutely
this is one of the most incredible things that could
tie this whole thing together. I think it’s very strong
and if you talk to these guys. Plus, we have
these credible witnesses. We’re talking about military guys that are
working on a nuclear base back in nineteen eighty. These
are not run of the mill people. These are highly

credential witnesses.

Speaker 4 (19:21):
And it also is another instance where you know they’re
basically being gas lit by the government.

Speaker 5 (19:26):
You don’t know what happened.

Speaker 4 (19:27):
You don’t see that that’s just a lighthouse. They’ve been
at this base forever. I know they’ve even traveled around
the island to where the lighthouse is. Could you imagine.
I mean, they’re out there like, oh, I’ve never seen
that before.

Speaker 3 (19:41):
That’s yeah, and they’re going to make that mistake. Oh
it’s a lighthouse. I thought it was a spaceship right
in front of me. He touched it. He tells you
the temperature of it. He tells you it feels like glass. Oh,
I used just saw a lighthouse. I mean, it’s pretty ludicrous,
and I think it’s one of the really strong cases
that you can refute all the negative attacks on it.

When we come back, we’re going to talk to Brie
and she’s going to tell us about the Betty Anderson
abduction case, which is another fascinating case. You’re listening to
Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio in Coast to Coast AM
Paranormal podcast network. Okay, we are back on Beyond Contact.

We’re talking to producer Brie and she’s going to tell
us about this abduction case, the Betty Anderson abduction case.
Bre what you got?

Speaker 5 (20:46):
This one is interesting.

Speaker 4 (20:47):
On January twenty fifth, nineteen sixty seven, Betty Anderson was
at home with her seven kids. She was only thirty
crazy with our seven kids and her parents, and that evening,
around six point thirty at night, the lights in the
house began to flicker and the power went out in that.

Speaker 5 (21:09):
Whole area of the town.

Speaker 4 (21:10):
Then a reddish orange light started shining through the kitchen window,
almost like beaming through the kitchen window.

Speaker 5 (21:18):
So Betty’s father looked out.

Speaker 4 (21:20):
The window to see where this light was coming from,
and the whole family saw five short gray beings with
large heads and eyes and slender bodies. They were headed
directly towards the house, and they did notice that they
were moving in a hopping motion. They appeared to glide

instead of walk. And we’ve talked about this before that
it seems to be that they’re not moving like we would,
almost like if they have their own weird gravity thing
going on around them. They’re hopping, they’re gliding. It’s a
strange detail there. They said that the beings went straight
through the kitchen door, a wooded kitchen door, and that

they wore blue overalls and a wide belt. They had
three fingers on each hand and a small slit through
the mouth, but they never spoke verbally. They telepathically communicated
with Betty. As she looked around the room, she noticed
her family, along with the seven children, were all unable

to move, like they had been suspended in time, just frozen.
The beings ushered Betty to a craft that was waiting
in the backyard. She said that the craft joined a
mother craft that then transported them all to what she
describes as a strange, unearthly place. When she was on board,

they did several medical procedures and tests on Betty, which
included the removal of a small object from her nostril,
So she must have been abducted before this, because how
was the implant put there to begin with. They showed
her seven images, including Earth’s past, present, and future. She
was also shown a crystalline city and some metaphorical images,

one being the rising phoenix out of the ashes. The
beings telepathically told her that this was a symbol of
spiritual rebirth and transformation, which we know that to be
true here. So Betty feels that this experience was an
overall spiritual experience for her. Basically, after all the images
that they were showing her, she felt like this was

more of a unity. You’re a part of a bigger
piece in the universe. Everything’s all connected, vibe to the
whole experience, So she takes it as being spiritual, religiously spiritual.
So after they had done these experiments on her, it
was about four hours later they returned her home, but
they first released her daughter, Becky out of the frozen

hold that they had. Her daughter, Becky was able to
see an exchange of blos books between them. Betty gave
one of the beings a Bible and they gave her
a blue book. Then the beings disappeared and the rest
of the family went back on as normal. They were
out of the choke hold. Everyone was moving around. None

of them seemed to talk about anything or remember what happened,
but Betty did have some fuzzy memories, but it wasn’t
until later in life that she sought out hypnosis to
find out the whole story. Jules Valancourt, who was a
move on investigator, was first given this case by doctor
j Allen Heinik, who initially dismissed it. Jules did several

interviews with Betty and her daughter Becky, the one who
witnessed the book exchange. Jules said quote having hard evidence
like the Blue Book was a key to the case
and something that intrigued doctor Heinik, who had put me
on this case first. They then enlisted doctor Harold J. Eldenstein,
who was a director for the New England Institute of

Hypnosis in Wakefield. The investigative team also consisted of two
electronics engineers, an aeronautical engineer, a solar physicist, and a
telecommunications specialist.

Speaker 5 (25:11):
So all of these high.

Speaker 4 (25:13):
Scientific people were all gathered to kind of gather all
the pieces and try to put together a larger picture here. Overall,
Betty underwent twelve hours of hypnotic progression, multiple polygraph tests,
and psychiatric evaluations.

Speaker 5 (25:30):
Betty passed all of those.

Speaker 4 (25:32):
Tests that she was given Juel said quote Betty and
her daughter were both given psychological stress evaluations by a
detective who definitely believes what they are saying is true.
The team’s five hundred and twenty eight page review came
to the conclusion that Becky and Betty were sane individuals
who genuinely believed their encounter to be true. Later, a

ufologist Robert Fowler wrote multiple books about Betty’s encounter, which
doctor j Allen Heyanik wrote a forward for.

Speaker 5 (26:04):
I think Robert wrote.

Speaker 4 (26:05):
A total of five books about her entire case and
things that went on afterwards. It has all of those
details that we hear from other experiencers and abduction encounters,
from what they wore to their fingers, the slit in
their mouth of course, being graized with these large heads,
and telepathically communicating the imagery and the videos that they showed,

you know, once she was on board the craft. We
are that time and time again. That seems to be
very cohesive, and a lot of abduction experiences, all.

Speaker 3 (26:39):
Of these things you’re mentioning, Brie are and that always
strengthens it for me. If people were making it up,
why wouldn’t they make up? I saw a giant blue
alligator or something completely different. It’s interesting that even back
this is before our time, back in nineteen sixty seven,
and she’s saying the exact same things. Whitley is very
similar to a lot of this, as we’re going to

find out in the next segment, and many of the
other cases that you and I have looked into. Bree
has a lot of these same things. You mentioned. The gliding.
I thought that was interesting because they don’t often walk.
They have a weird gage or movement to them. The
telepathic communication, We’ve heard that time and time and time again.
Paralysis a big part of the abduction experience, the medical

procedure being performed on them, all of these things seem
to really be repeated over and over for the last
fifty years.

Speaker 4 (27:30):
Yeah, a classic case. And you know, at first, at first,
when I glanced over, I thought, oh, this is crazy.
This woman is claiming that she was in her house,
you know, doing the dishes, and it’s you know, things
are going on in the family, and all of a sudden,
everyone froze. But then when you hear the details, it’s like, oh, well,
we do hear that, and then it just leads a
bigger question of how are they able to do that?

Speaker 3 (27:51):
How can you all five of them are seem to
be witnessed to the same event.

Speaker 4 (27:56):
Yeah, and I’m curious, like a blue book. So when
I first heard that, I also thought, oh, come on,
like project blue book?

Speaker 5 (28:03):
What is this blue book?

Speaker 3 (28:05):
You know? But well, wait a minute, this, well, yeah,
that was probably going on by nineteen sixty seven.

Speaker 4 (28:09):
Definitely wash. But I do like the fact that doctor
j Allen Heineck dismissed this case. And then it wasn’t
until all of these different professionals were in and they took,
you know, more than a year to conduct all of
these experiments and tests to try to figure out if
she was telling the truth or what was going on,
and they all were like, there’s something to this, to

the point where it then changed my next point of view.
And he ended up writing forward for one of the
books talking about it.

Speaker 3 (28:37):
So therecause you know, Brie, doctor Heinek changed his position
as he went on from being a hard, hard skeptic,
strictly scientific look at this topic to believing that there
was more to it.

Speaker 4 (28:50):
It’s difficult because I know it sounds wild at first,
and then all of that comes in and it just
validates the experience. It’s another one of those things where
you know, truth is stranger than fiction.

Speaker 3 (29:02):
Yeah, and I do like when you keep hearing the
same material, like we keep saying, I do think that
that really supports the validity of a lot of these claims.
And this is back in nineteen sixty seven. It’s not
like she read Communion, it’s not like she saw close encounters,
it’s not like any of that. So that makes it
even stronger to me.

Speaker 5 (29:23):
Yeah, she was just.

Speaker 4 (29:24):
A thirty year old, I mean, thirty year old with
seven kids.

Speaker 5 (29:28):
You think she has time to make all of this up.
That’s crazy.

Speaker 4 (29:34):
It’s it’s insane, you know. And then, of course, something
that’s been popping up even on your podcast lately, is
subsequently after that, she started having other paranormal encounters, other
strange things happening to her. And that’s something that you know,
you’ve discussed with many people, Jay, Christopher King, and even
Jason Quit And it’s basically almost like you are opened

up to one section of the unknown and for some
reason you become this beam of light where everything else
then comes to you as well. You are now a
part of the strange club, you know, I think that’s
very interesting as well.

Speaker 3 (30:10):
Well, Brie, I think of you as part of the
Strange club too. Let me just be clear about that.
We need to take a break here, Brie. When we
come back, we’re going to talk about Whitley Streeber and
we’re going to talk about his initial encounters with the visitors.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on

Beyond Contact and now I’d like to discuss another of
these most famous cases ever, and that is mister Whitley Streeber,
who wrote Communion, and we’re going to talk about his
first encounter, which took place on December twenty sixth, nineteen
eighty five. When Whitley had his first experience, he described
waking up in the middle of the night with a

sense of foreboding and that the room around him seemed
dark and oppressive, and he felt that he began feeling
a strange presence in the room. At first, he too
was paralyzed with fear, unable to move. He then saw
these figures entering the room. They were tall, thin beings

with large, black almond shaped eyes. He features that don’t
conform to any known human or animal type, so he
had a hard time processing what he was looking at.
He describes them as seeming to radiate an eerie, cold
intelligence about them. During this encounter, Strieber as a series
of physical sensations. He feels an invasive presence in his body,

particularly around his head, and experiences what can only be
described as a form of telepathic communication, just like you
brought up in your case, pray. These experience has all
felt very strange to him, and he is unsure whether
the communication is even with these visitors themselves or some
other force. He has no idea what’s happening. He was

initially unaware of what was happening, and he felt that
these experiences were filling him with dread, confusion, and terror.
He later recalls the sense of being physically transported, usually
in a state of paralysis, again to a different location,
often a board what he thought was a craft, or
at least in a strange clinical environment, again medical procedure.

At times, he felt as though he was being operated
on or subjected to very invasive medical procedures. He also
describes a deep sense of powerlessness in fear during these encounters.
He reported that the strange phenomenon happened to him, such
as missing time, vivid dreams, unexplained physical symptoms like bruises

marks on his body, and a sense of paralysis, all
of which again seem very commonplace to us today, as
we often hear these in typical abduction cases. Interestingly, Whitney
does not call them aliens. Instead, he said he’s grippling
with the idea that he might be experiencing a psychological
breakdown or some form of disassociation. Over time, he begins

to confront these memories through hypnosis and personal reflection, and
he comes to the conclusion that he indeed may have
been actually dealing with some sort of extraterrestrial being. He
then decided to call them the visitors because their appearance
and their behavior was so unsettling in a way that
transcends any known species. These experiences led him to question

the nature of reality, consciousness, and the possibility of a
hidden dimension to the human experience. All of this back
in nineteen eighty five, he really seemed to be the
first to lay out these experiences in the specific way
that he did, which we often hear repeated today. I
know your case was twenty years earlier, and she had

many similar experiences as Whitley did, but he really laid
it out in Communion, and since then we’ve seen it
repeated time and time again. What I always like to
say about Whitley also is again I’ve had the pleasure
of knowing him for some time now. I find him
very credible and a wonderful man. There was a lot

of skepticism when this book came out because he was
a science fiction writer, so many people thought this whole
thing was just a fabrication. That made sense to me
when the book came out, it doesn’t. Now Here we
are literally forty five years later, and he has not
only stuck to his story, he has continued to be
a driving force in the UFO community and he’s still

trying to figure out what’s happening. Also, we have heard
many of the first person accounts that really seem to
echo his experience, which again strengthens the credibility of his
initial encounter. And it’s an amazing book. If you haven’t
read Communion yet, go out there and read it. The
other great news, Brie, is that we have the honor
of having Whitley Strieber back at Contact in the Desert

this year. We’re really excited to have him. We had
him last year. He was on our Legends panel, well deserved.
We’ve got a really fantastic lineup this year, bri As
only you and I know.

Speaker 4 (35:22):
Yes, we will also have mister Josh Gates from the
Great Discovery Show Expedition Unknown. We’re definitely excited for that
and to bring him into this community. You know, let’s
bring all the pieces together.

Speaker 3 (35:37):
Yeah, Josh is a perfect fit for us because if
you’ve ever watched Expedition Unknown, he basically is seeking the truth.
That’s what we do on this podcast, That’s what we
do at Contact in the Desert to try to get
to the bottom of what’s really happening. And he explores
a wide variety of topics, but ultimately he’s seeking to
get to the truth. And that’s why I think he’s

a perfect match for Contact in the Desert This year.
We’re going to have a lot of our classic speakers back,
including the great George Nori from Coast to Coast of course,
the great Richard Dolan. Just the giants in our industry
are going to be back. It’s just this is a
mussy event. I’m getting genuinely excited, and I don’t want
to go through our whole list here, but a few

of the great names are going to be Danny Sheehan
of course, We’re going to have the guys from Ancient Aliens,
Jason Martel and Nick Pope and William Henry, and then
somebody that’s new to our community that was at our
event last year who’s awesome. We just hung out with
him at the HDA thing over the holiday, Thomas Jane.
He’s going to be speaking again. Sarah Brexman Cosume is

going to be there, and Tracy Garbett is going to
be there as well, talking about both remote viewing and
abduction experiences.

Speaker 4 (36:48):
And we’re also going to be having some new interesting
people who may have spoken at Contact or they haven’t
for many years, including David Plats, Chris Bledsoell.

Speaker 5 (37:00):
And many many more.

Speaker 4 (37:01):
We’re also going to be having a lot of great
podcasters this year, more than we even had last year,
who will be doing their show live, including last podcasts
on the left.

Speaker 5 (37:11):
So that’s going to be a ton of fun, you know, Aree,
I think.

Speaker 3 (37:14):
We should bring beyond Contact to Contact in the Desert. Obviously,
the show started right before contact last year. We should
do it live at Contact in the Desert.

Speaker 4 (37:24):
This year, absolutely, And I know something we’re both questionable
about is maybe asking some people if they’ve had a
really interesting sighting and want to talk about it.

Speaker 5 (37:33):
So maybe that’s something that we can.

Speaker 4 (37:35):
Do at Contact, maybe bringing some of our attendees and
making them a.

Speaker 5 (37:40):
Part of the bigger picture there. I think that would
be really great.

Speaker 3 (37:43):
Attendees are a huge part of Contact in the Desert,
as you know better than anyone, Bree. It’s one of
these things I continually say on different interviews, how contact
in the Desert really truly is the definition of the
whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I mean,
you and I can sit here all day and all
night and we do creating these things and putting together

speakers and whatever. But it’s then those speakers come up
with their ideas and they bring them to Contact, and
then our attendees come and they have their stories. If
they don’t have a personal experience, they’ve heard of something,
and everybody’s sort of exchanging these ideas and it just grows,
and every little contact in the desert has its own

sort of identity or feel and it just happens extremely
organically every time I’ve gone. It’s incredible how that does happen.
And we like to give freedom to the speakers to
choose to talk about what they want so that these
things can happen.

Speaker 4 (38:40):
Absolutely, it is a home for anyone into these unknown topics,
all sorts of people, all sorts of topics that all
have to do with the unknown and trying to push
past the boundary of conventional answers. It is so great
the community that builds there. That’s obviously got me involved

in Contact. I do honestly feel like it’s a home.
It is a wonderful place to be. So many friendships
and memories happen, and you just never know who you’re
going to talk to, and maybe two different ideas tend
to coincide together and something new.

Speaker 5 (39:16):
Comes from that.

Speaker 4 (39:17):
I think that’s also really interesting is it does ignite
further answers or even just different hypothesis to play with. Agreed,
Many of our speakers will be coming to our website
very soon, so make sure to check that out at
Contactsthdesert dot com and make sure to subscribe to our
email for more upcoming events and announcements. You can also

grab your early bird tickets that are available right now.
You do not want to miss out on this year.

Speaker 3 (39:44):
I agree, and Brie, we better stop there. We need
to stop there because Brien needs to get back to work.
You took off Christmas the entire day. You know how
this happens. But we’re gonna go ahead and get her
back to work. You’re wasting your time on this podcast.
I don’t know why you’re still eaving on the screen.
You should get to work. Get back on your screen,
and thank you for everyone for listening today. We hope

you enjoyed these stories we did, and we’ll see you
at Contact in the Desert this spring. It’s going to
be from May twenty ninth through June second, and we’re
going to be back next week with an all new
episode of Beyond Contact.


Episode 41: Underwater UFOs with Richard Dolan

Episode 41: Underwater UFOs with Richard Dolan

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