Episode 32: The Captain and his guest Jason Quitt bring you possible UFO connections!

Dec 27, 2024

This week’s episode of Beyond Contact will offer unique insights into the possible existence of UFO connections with alternative realms intersecting with extraterrestrial phenomena.

Episode Transcript


Welcome to Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron, and today we’re
going to be speaking with Jason Quitt. Jason’s been studying
various modalities and spiritual practices from teachers from around the world
From his auto body experiences, Jason has received information on
numerous energetic systems of healing and spiritual development. He has
had various contacts from a wide variety of beings which

will be getting into today, and he has continued his
journey into the ancient systems of mysticism, metaphysics, wellness and
shamanism to this day. Most importantly, he is genuinely a
super super nice guy, probably because he’s Canadian. Hey, Boddy,
good seeing you, Jason, how are you.

Speaker 5 (01:49):
I’m good, good to see you too, and happy to
be here finally and having this conversation with.

Speaker 4 (01:54):
You in snow filled Canada right now.

Speaker 5 (01:56):
Huh it’s cold, absolutely yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:59):
So Jason, you know your work is in a vast
range of areas, like I just mentioned on the intro there,
from spirituality to mysticism, metaphysics. But you know this show
we try to focus on UFOs and alien and I
know that you’ve looked into these phenomenon as well, because
you and I have discussed them in the past. So
if there was this catastrophe and a world leader gets

stuck on an elevator with Jason Quitt knowing nothing about
this subject, and he asked you, so, what’s behind the
UFO phenomenon? What would you tell him?

Speaker 5 (02:29):
I would say that we need to figure out what
the UFO phenomenon is and put it into different categories.
And I think this is where people get tripped up
in this community, is that there’s so much going on
in this phenomenon and it all kind of gets pushed
all together in this one big ball of this is
what the UFO phenomenon is. After many, many years of

experiences and you know, hearing and studying all these different
sightings anything from experiencers to government whistleblowers and things like this,
I found that we need to kind of like place
things in certain categories. You know, going back many years,
there’s always been this kind of conflict between experiencers and

the nuts and bolts technological things of you know, what
we see in the sky, is it a metallic ship?

Speaker 4 (03:18):
Is it?

Speaker 5 (03:18):
You know? What is this technology? So what I would
say to people is that we have to kind of
look at each event as their own unique thing, and
then we can put it into their categories or into
their filing cabinet. You know, I’ve had experiences typical experiences
where you know, you could observe something physically in the air,

and I’ve been a witness to these events with people
around me up in Canada, here, we get a lot
of these sightings. In fact, one of the two best
sightings I’ve ever had were just right by my house here.
And I live by a lake. It’s called Lake Simcoe
out in Ontario. Before I even moved out here, I
went to a festival. There was a concert out here

on the lake and it was late at night, and
you know, everybody was done and the concert was over,
and the roadies, you know, they’re putting the equipment away
and we’re still out by the lake and over the
lake this it looked like this gigantic plasma ship. It
was deep orange red, like this glowing big orb moving
slowly over the water. And you know, I’m just my

girlfriend at the time, which was now my wife. She
went to use the washroom. So I’m standing by the
stage and I’m watching this thing go over the water
and it just fades out. It’s like a you know
when you have like a dimmer switch on your lighting system.
It just dimmed out and then gone like it just
completely disappeared in front of our eyes. I remember the
one of the roadies was just near me and he

looked right at me and he’s like, did we just
see a UFO? And I’m like, yeah, I’m pretty sure
we just saw something like a UFO, because that was
probably the coolest UFO I’ve ever seen, like this big
glowing orb and it just like just disappeared. And my
thought at the time was like, if it was close
enough and I had like a stone in my hand

and I threw the stone, it would just go right
through this thing. So you know, what is that phenomenon?
And then later when my wife and I we moved
up here, so this is many years after that incident.
You know, we’re driving back home from a friends around
Christmas time, and so it’s all snowy, it’s late at night,
there’s really no one on the road, and on the

left side of the driving side of the car, over
the forest, we see this craft that could only be
described as the classic what was it called the Triangle
and the teeth three b oh sure, yeah, you know,
And it was completely silent, It was hovering, It was
moving very very slowly. It had the three lights and

the light in the center. I believe the lights around
it were white, so three white lights and a red
light in the middle, and it hovered over the forest
and me and my wife just were at the stop
and we’re looking at this thing and we just can’t
believe that this is what we’re looking I’m like, okay,
we’re going to follow it. So we started to follow
it down the road.

Speaker 4 (06:08):
The last thing that I would do.

Speaker 5 (06:09):
And by the way, we were following it and it
kind of curved around the city and we just kind
of we lost it. But it was like wow. In
my thought at that time is you know, this is
a technology. Like it literally looked like a ship, you know,
made with nuts and bolts. This is a real thing.
If I threw a stone at it, it would hit it,
it would bounce off. So in that category, I didn’t

think that it was like an alien or UFO. My
only thought was this is some type of man made technology,
some type of military craft, or something that we don’t
know about, because it was so physical, it was so
in front of you, and it had technology that we
don’t know yet. And so if someone said to me,
that’s an alien, I would say, well, I wouldn’t go

that far. This looks definitely like a man made thing.
That’s how close it was for me to see it.
You know, everybody will say, well, why didn’t you take
a picture, Well, I was driving my car, you know,
and it was it was late, and it was only
for a very short time that we were able to
see this. And the funny thing is I did take
pictures of the orb one over the lake. Such a

weird thing because once I went back to the picture,
it just looked like a little red speck in my
phone pictures, like a black night sky with like a
red speck. There’s nothing that would say that this is
a UFO. It could be absolutely anything, you know. So
it’s very frustrating. And I’m a photographer, like I love photography,
I love videos, so I know that if I point
this camera up, it’s not going to shoot anything. So

there is there is a frustration to this. And you
know now that I’m reminiscing, there was a time we
went to go visit friends out at the cottage by
another story by the lake, and it’s late at night
and we’re all sitting at the dock. Most of these
people aren’t into UFOs whatsoever, right, And we’re sitting on
this dock and there’s a star in the sky. You know,
there’s no clouds at all. There’s a star in the
sky that was so bright that it basically bathed all

of us in this blue light, and it was so amazing,
Like even my friends would say, Wow, this is a
really bright star, and we’re like, yeah, this is a
really bright sky. It looked like a spotlight was on
us on this dock by the lake, and we’re sitting
and just talking. We’re we don’t even really tune into
this is something other than a star. And then it’s
just turned off, like just someone just flipped the switch,

and then there’s no more and there’s no clouds in
the sky, and we kind of all look at each
other kind of dumbfoundly, like what just happened? Like this
beautiful light was with us for it seemed like at
least ten minutes, and then suddenly it’s not there in
the sky. Very very strange. So for me, there is
this UFO phenomenon, undoubtedly, and you know, we’ve experienced it

multiple times on a level that we can’t explain any
of it. So this is why we have this intrigue
in phenomena, because the phenomenon is happening. It’s happening to individuals,
and it’s happening to groups of individuals like you know,
being out with your friends and seeing these things. But
how I got connected to you, how I got connected
to this community is a whole other kin of worms.

It’s a whole other story. I would say about around
two thousand and two, so we’re going back over twenty
years now. I started to have these experiences, these spiritual experiences,
out of body experiences. From the perspective that I was
in at that time, this was spiritual. It had nothing
to do with UFOs, it had nothing to do with aliens.

And I was having these kind of shamanic experiences of
journeying out of the body, going into different timelines, remembering
past lives. So for me, it was a very shamanic
type experience. And I started to have sleep paralysis, and
that’s what really got me out of my body was
sleep paralysis, which many people experience being or waking up

in the middle of the night having their body frozen,
and it’s a quite terrible flying experience. Basically, you wake
up in the middle of the night, completely frozen, paralyzed,
you cannot move, You may hear very strange sounds, like
mechanical sounds, you may see lights, and you’re basically screaming

in your mind to wake up, move a finger, move
an arm, get out of whatever this is. This is
it doesn’t feel good. And you know, one night, I
just couldn’t take that experience anymore. And I was trying
to wake myself up, and I’m shaking violently in my
body to you know, wake up, wake up.

Speaker 4 (10:32):
Wake up.

Speaker 5 (10:33):
And I shook so hard, popped myself out of my
body and it was the first out of body experience
through the sleep paralysis.

Speaker 4 (10:41):
We’re going to need to take a quick break right here, Jason.
I’m going to come back with asked Jason, what else
that could have been? You’re listening to Beyond Contact right
here on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal
podcast network. We are back on Beyond Contact. We’re talking

to Jason Quick and he’s had these out of body experiences. Hey, Jason,
you know, oftentimes sleep paralysis you were referring to is
associated with alien abduction phenomenon, and oftentimes people that don’t
believe in such a thing think that maybe what’s happening
to these people who claim to have had an alien experience?
How do you make that distinction that this wasn’t just

sleep paralysis and something going on? How do you know
that you popped yourself out of reality, and how do
you know that that’s what happened here?

Speaker 5 (11:54):
Well, it wasn’t the first time. So I first popped
out and as I wrote, to my ceiling, which many
people describe in near death experiences. So I found myself
on my ceiling looking down at my body in the bed,
which was quite a terrifying experience. It’s also quite a
sobering experience. And I call this the cosmic slap. It’s

like an undeniable feeling that you know immediately that you
are more than a physical body. Did I just kill myself?
A dead?

Speaker 4 (12:28):
Other words, you feel like you have a soul or
a consciousness or something bigger than your just your physical avatar,
if you will. Is that correct?

Speaker 5 (12:36):
Correct? It’s a moment of realization of separation. You are
in a body, you can call it the spirit body
or astral body, whatever that conscious body is. You are
that body in that instant, and you’re experiencing that body,
which is not your physical body, and you’re looking down
and experiencing being outside your physical body, and you literally

see your fas coal body in the bed.

Speaker 4 (13:02):
This is what we also hear from near death experiencers.
Oftentimes they’re on the surgery table, they rise above their body,
they see the surgeon doing something to them, right, same
sort of thing exactly.

Speaker 5 (13:11):
So it’s very fearful immediately because, like I say, it’s
like a slap of reality. You immediately understand.

Speaker 4 (13:18):
The lap of reality. It feels like it’s a slap
of a whole new reality. Ye right, I mean it’s
like this whole different frame of reference for what your
life is.

Speaker 5 (13:28):
Yeah, so you gain a very different dimension, a dimensional
experience of this reality. When you were talking about alien experiences,
I understand that feeling because when I was put in
these sleep paralysis experiences, I felt like I wasn’t alone.
I can feel something walking around the room with me.

At some times, I can feel something sitting on the
bed and it’s a physical feeling, like you can feel
somebody walking in the room, and when they sit on
the bed, you feel the impression of the mattress, like
something is there with you. We’re talking two thousand and
two here, So there is no YouTube to watch videos
of people, you know, I actually went to the library

to try to find some books. At that moment in time,
you go to what’s culturally acceptable, like what’s in pop culture,
which is alien abduction or demon possession. There’s really like
no other two avenues of what’s going on in your
bedroom in the middle of the night. It’s either alien
abduction or demons. You know. I say this a lot,
but I became very religious, very quickly. I started to

pray to any god that would help the situation. You
become very very religious because you’re afraid you don’t know
what’s happening, and there’s clearly something happening. So I completely
understand where someone would go into those avenues of alien
abduction or demon possession or things of that nature. But
what scared me the most so I’m above the bed,

I’m looking at myself on the bed else like, I
was straight as a board on my back, hands by
my side, and my eyes were wide open. So it
was a freaky looking Jason on that bed and awake,
consciously awake, out of my body, freaking out. I then
immediately realized I wasn’t alone in this room, And as

I got brave enough, I looked at the foot of
my bed and there was a very tall being standing
at the foot of my bed, and it just looked
like a very tall shadow, like a cloaked being, but
it had form, like it wasn’t like a shadow you
can see through. It was a form. It’s exactly what
we see as like say, like the Grim Reaper, but

without the sickle. So it’s just this big shadow, this
big cloaked being. And you know that scared me so much.
I got so scared because you think, like, Okay, I
just died out of my body. See myself in bed,
there’s this grim Reaper looking thing standing at the foot
of my bed. I’m clearly dead.

Speaker 4 (15:55):
How do you not immediately pop out of sleep paralysis
and head for the men’s room, because that’s what I
would Probably.

Speaker 5 (16:01):
You’re kind of confused and amazed. There is an amazement
part about this, you know. And you hear this a
lot with experiencers. They all say the same thing. It
feels more real than real life. Wow, you know. So
that’s why I say it’s a dose of reality. It’s
this cosmic slap where it’s like, you know, what you’re
experiencing is real. In fact, it feels more real than

what you’re experiencing in life. So I got so scared.
I got sucked back into my body and I woke up.
Heart is pounding out of my chest obviously, and I
just could not believe what I just experienced. Now, after
that experience, I’d never had sleep paralysis again in that way.
And when I mean that way, I didn’t have control

over my sleep paralysis. It would just come in a
wave and I’d be stuck in it. Now because it
was such an incredible experience, even though it was terrifying,
there was something inside of me that’s said, I need
to do everything that’s possible to do this again.

Speaker 4 (17:04):
So such a profound experience. This is how you separated
from it was a dream where it was something else
because it was so overwhelming. You’re saying that you believe
at your core that it’s true.

Speaker 5 (17:16):
Yes, absolutely so, because it was so life shatteringly amazing
in the sense that this was something that is definitely
in my mind. It was never a dream. It was
not a hallucination. This was an act of experience, and
it’s an active experience that people have had throughout human history.

You know, it doesn’t matter what you believe, what culture
you’re from, or what time of history you’re from, people
have had this. So for me, it’s a human experience.
You know, every like I say, everybody is going to
experience this in their life.

Speaker 4 (17:52):
Well, there’s no doubt that this has been either through
they name it different things, though it’s oftentimes near death
experiences throughout history people claim to have had that sounds
very similar to what you experienced. That’s the whole notion
of the soul, that there’s a higher part of us
that’s just occupying this avatar. So all of that ties
into you know, what we’ve heard throughout human history exactly.

Speaker 5 (18:14):
And so I went the shamanic path. I went into
the healing world, and I sought out different teachers and
shawmans to try to help me explain this new world
and help me navigate it. All I wanted to do
was go back. So I started to do meditations and
cheegong and all these things, and I found that it’s
almost like once you open the door, the door has opened.

Speaker 4 (18:37):
Is it like what we’re saying, it was more real
than reality. It felt so good to you that you
want to do it again.

Speaker 5 (18:42):
Yeah, it’s kind of like this curiosity, this overwhelming curiosity
of the phenomenon or the experience that you just got
a taste of something.

Speaker 4 (18:52):
Did you want to prove to yourself that it did
in fact happen, or were you already convinced of that.

Speaker 5 (18:56):
No, there was no doubt in my mind that it
was real.

Speaker 4 (18:59):

Speaker 5 (19:00):
The only thing in my mind was how do I
go back? And back then, you know, I was still
at my mother’s house. I didn’t have a girlfriend. You know,
I had lots of time to figure stuff out. Now
it’s more difficult when you have a family and you
have things you have to do. But back then, all
that was on my mind was trying to get back there.

And so I saw meditation, sought spiritual teachers, and I
found that I could put myself back into the sleep
Proalyss estate through meditation. When I say meditation, all it
means is going to sleep at night, but keeping my
mind active and aware. It’s almost like your mind is awake.
And then you’re meditating and you’re being aware of the

body process of shutting down. That’s the only way I
can explain it. You’re becoming aware of the sleep process
of your body shutting down, and then there’s this window
where you feel your body kind of goes to sleep.
It’s almost like you get this kind of warming, numbing
sensation and it’s like once you kind of feel this.

Then it’s almost like you’re switching from one world to
the other world, and in that transition you can have
this pop out experience where you can have this astral
travel or just kind of pop out of this dimension
the three D reality.

Speaker 4 (20:23):
This sounds awesome. I hate to say it reminds me
of people’s giving their accounts of believe they or not
doing Heroin, where they said that it was so much
better than their reality that they wanted to do it again.
Not advocating for Heroin, just saying that I’ve heard those
accounts before. When we come back, we’re going to talk
to Jason more about this experience and what he thinks
these beings could be and where they might be coming from.

You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio at Coast
to Coast am Paranormal podcast Network. We are back on

Beyond Contact talking to Jason Quit. Jason, go ahead, pick
it up. Where you’re talking about your experience heading into nighttime,
you’re going to go to sleep. What happens?

Speaker 5 (21:23):
Yeah, So basically, there is a we call it the
space in between, and it’s the space in between waking
and dreaming and as you kind of go into that awareness.
It’s like an altered state. You can say you’re falling
asleep and you’re witnessing your body going to sleep through meditation,
staying aware of all the feelings, everything that’s happening. And

then once your body kind of feels this kind of
warmth and this vibration going through it, it’s almost like
you are in this window of popping out of time
and space. And there’s many ways of doing it with
astral travel. There’s a method called the rollout inside your
body kind of roll out or push yourself out, but
it’s not really a push. It’s more like a will.

You will yourself out. And the only way I could
describe it is when you drop out of this world
or when you drop out of this dimension, you have
another body within your body. So your body becomes like
your sarcophagus. It’s like a tomb. And so as that
body goes to sleep, suddenly this other body inside of
you wakes up. We can call it the astral body,

the spiritual body, whatever name we choose, but this body
could move. You find yourself in another body inside your body,
and you can actually move around. So this is where
the rollout method comes in handy because you’re in the body,
You’ve already dropped into this other body, and then you
push yourself out or roll out through your back. Then

you’re out and you’re in the astral world or spiritual world.
I don’t even know what kind of definition to give it,
but people understand when I say astral world. For me,
it’s like another dimension because it’s not really your bedroom.
So it’s like I pop out and I see my bedroom.
But if you stay there long enough, things are going
to get distorted. I don’t understand.

Speaker 4 (23:10):
Yeah, you’re like in another plane another I mean I
follow you believe it or not, I know what you’re saying.
I mean this is it’s got to be an incredible experience.

Speaker 5 (23:19):
Yes, And that’s why I kept trying to navigate it.
I kept trying to figure it out. It’s like, you know,
you’re becoming an explorer to this new world that you’ve
just woken up to, and it’s not like you leave
your body and you’re enlightened. You have no clue what’s
going on. You have no clue where you are, and
the only way you’re going to know is by keep
going further and further.

Speaker 4 (23:39):
Jason, I was wondering it sounds also it’s very reminiscent
of ayahuasca. Actually, how people say that they transition to
this other place, and many of us are afraid to
even make that journey. I’m surprised that you weren’t more
apprehensive about even trying to dare go to this space
because it sounds like a scary reality.

Speaker 5 (23:57):
Almost, yes, and you learn very fast that it is
a scary reality. And you know, I laugh today, but
it caused years of problems, you know, I’m talking about
it now twenty years after sure, right, and I still
have these experiences, but it comes from a completely different
place of understanding. As I was going through it, I
always caution people because when you leave your body, there

are other things that inhabit that space that are not nice,
all right, So you have to kind of learn how
to fight. And I’m not saying this lightly, like you
literally have to understand that there are things there that
want to get at you, all right. And I think
this is kind of like the whole philosophy of where
like demon possession comes from, or entities or things of

this nature. It’s almost like a neo waking up in
the matrix. I popped out and I started to explore
and because of that, now I’m getting visitation by entities.
So now I become aware that this world is inhabited
by something else, and it’s many something else’s it’s not
just one thing. And there is no names for these

things that I can give you. I don’t know. But
there was a time when I first started doing this
where these things would come in the middle of the
night and try to pull me out of my body.
Like it’s very scary. You’ll feel something come into the
room and then grab you, but they’re not grabbing your
physical body. It’s like they’re reaching into your body and
trying to pull you out of it.

Speaker 4 (25:26):
You go to this other plane of existence, let’s call it,
because I don’t know how to possibly describe this, and
it’s almost like the beings that you’ve interacted with in
that existence now are coming over to our reality trying
to get you to come back to join them again.

Speaker 5 (25:39):
Right, yes, But for me, you know, it feels like
they were trying to pull me or push me out
of my body, which is not a good feeling. So
I had to kind of like fight like hell to
kind of stop this from occurring. And a lot of
people experience things like this and it’s very scary, very traumatizing,
and this is why people turn to God very quickly,
because it’s like, whatever this was, I’m having none of it.

You know.

Speaker 4 (26:03):
It’s one thing if Jason decides, Hey, I want to
go to this world, I’m going to purposely, consciously try
to experience this. It’s another for them coming to get you.
That’s freaking me out all over here.

Speaker 5 (26:15):
Yes, because it was happening so often, I started to
realize that my fear of this happening actually made the
situation a lot worse. It’s almost like the more I
feared it, the easier it was for them to connect
with me. Like, I’ll tell you a really crazy experience.
I haven’t shared this in a very very long time.

There was one point where I was ripped out of
my body by one of these things and it came
into the form, I swear to you, it looked exactly
like No Seratu from the old old movies. So it
was like from like the nineteen twenties No Serrat, the
ball big head with the big pointy ears that the things,
huge thing like that. Yeah, and this thing basically grabbed

me by the throat, ripped me out of my body,
put me up against the wall, and came right to
my face like snarling at me. And at that point,
you know, I can’t swear, obviously, but I just didn’t
give anymore. I was just done with this whole thing.
I was done being scared. And when you’re done being scared,
something else happens to you, or you just don’t care.

Speaker 4 (27:21):
How do you be done being scared? I would be
I’d be crying in that thing’s face. How do you
You’re saying you were so scared your pastor.

Speaker 5 (27:30):
Well, the thing is, it was happening so often that
it became an annoyance instead of scary. Wow, you know,
it’s just like you’re here again, Like really, I don’t
want to I want to go to sleep. I don’t
want to deal with any of this stuff again. So
it became not scary. It became an annoyance. Obviously, the
first times you are very scared, but after dealing with

it for a long time, it loses that value. So
this is what I did, and I like, hand to gut,
it’s snarling in my face, and I’m like, oh, you’re
so pretty, You’re beautiful, and I’m grabbing its ears, and
I’m like massaging it in and giving like kissy faces
to it, and poof, it’s gone, you know, just poof,
it’s gone. And I just realized that it’s the power

that I’m giving it that makes it strong. That’s the
only way I could describe it. It’s like this world,
for some reason, you have a power in it, and
the only way to take that power from you is
keep you very scared. You know, once you’re not scared,
these things do not come near you. And if they
do come near you, you just know that there’s nothing

they can do to you. The situation’s over. It took
a long time to realize this, you know. And it
just took me giving up basically saying like you can’t
really hurt me or scare me anymore.

Speaker 4 (28:46):
Like I don’t care they’re not hurting you, because you’ll
eventually wake up again back in three D world and
it’s okay. So you start to trust it a little
bit that you’re not able to hurt me. You know.
It’s funny how this is through a lot of different
folklore throughout history, and even in horror movies. Oftentimes your
fear gives the strength to the monster, you know what
I mean.

Speaker 5 (29:06):
It’s exactly like that. Once you let go of these things,
things change and you start to get a completely different perspective.
So there’s many times entities would come to me in
the middle of the night and they just look like
big shadows, and when they come into the room, it
feels like you’re suffocating. It’s like it rolls up on
your chest and you can’t breathe. It’s like there’s a

weight to whatever this thing is, and sometimes you fight it,
but sometimes things change. So there there’s opportunities where this
thing would come in and instead of being scared, I
embrace it. Let’s say it jumps up on your body
and it’s suffocating you. Instead of trying to like struggle
and push it off, I wrap my arms around it

and just, you know, welcome, and this thing just kind
of transforms. It’s almost like a piece of you is returned.
It’s the weirdest thing. And from a shamanic perspective, it’s
like when you go through trauma in life, a piece
of you gets broken off, and that piece of you
grows in the astral world and it could become a
monster because it’s a damaged piece of you. And then

it tries to come back to you and you say, no, no, no,
you’re scary. I don’t want this trauma. I don’t want
this piece of myself returning. And then suddenly you say,
you know what, I realized. This is a piece of
myself and it’s hurt and it’s damaged, and this is
why it’s coming in this distorted form. And then you
realize that, and then it joins back with you and
suddenly you’re like, it’s almost like you’ve gained this part

of yourself that you’ve been missing for so long. It’s
a beautiful experience.

Speaker 4 (30:37):
It’s incredible, Jason, it really is. We’re going to take
another quick break. We’re gonna come back. We’re going to
talk more to Jason about these incredible experiences he’s had.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back in

one of the fastest Beyond Contact episodes I can recall,
because Jason is talking about this fascinating experience he has
with these beings. Jason, why don’t you go ahead and
pick it up and just keep going with what you’re
telling us?

Speaker 5 (31:27):
Sure, so we are taught to kind of see things
in a certain way, and I’m telling you that things
are very different and it takes time to understand and
learn and navigate these worlds, you know. And we were
just talking about entities. There was this one time, this
big entity came in the middle of the night, very suffocating,
very dark. First, in my mind, I went right into

that kind of shamanic mode of healer. It’s like I
just knew that whatever this thing was, that he needed healing,
and so I was just in my mind consciously sending
it healing and love. It took a couple of minutes,
but suddenly this entity just kind of proof went away.
And then I saw like it was a friend of mine.
It was a very close friend of mine, and they
were on the floor crying, and I realized that this

was a broken or a traumatized piece of them that
was coming to me for assistance. You know, most people
when they see these things or encounter these things, it’s
automatic fear, it’s automatic getaway, automatic call the higher powers
to deal with this. And for me, it’s this kind
of shamanic work that these things are aspects of ourselves

or family, our friends. You can call it thought, projections, emotions,
spiritual pieces that have been broken that need mending. And
this is a very ancient practice, which I think is
true shamanism, to kind of heal that aspect in a
way where it can go back and integrate within that person.
But the way that I got into the UFO field, okay,

because you know, these stories are all great, there’s a
lot of teachings in these stories and these experiences. But
the way that I got into the UFO community and
why I started talking with you, is because as I
was having these out of body experiences, one they reminded
me step by step of contact experiences. And in the

beginning when I started to learn about this world, I
was getting visited by many beings that would be described
in the UFO community. The first beings that I came to,
they kind of look like the predator effect. It’s almost
like you see the form but yes, yeah, so you
see like the outline of them, and they come into

the room and you just see this kind of like
kind of shimmering glow, but you see through them, and
they weren’t shadows. They were this kind of other thing.
And the predator effect is exactly what it looked like.
And these beings would basically take me into different timelines,
so I’d be like timeline jumping with them, and they
were showing me like the most god awful things you
could ever think of. So I obviously didn’t like those experiences.

And then after there’s these other beings that would come
to see me which were completely bizarre, and I started
to be visited by things that are like praying mantises,
these giant insectoid things, and some of them were so
large where I would experience them coming into the room.
They’d have to kind of like literally bend their head
under the door to kind of enter the bedroom to
come and see me, and they would speak to me

in their language, which is like clicking and chirping, and
I’d hear all this clicking and chirping in my head.
They have no boundaries, these things. They’re not like humans,
so they would kind of stick their face like right
in front of your face, and their heads are much
bigger than yours, so they’d be looking at you and
you hear this clicking and stuff. You can’t even describe

it in your head.

Speaker 4 (34:47):
How are you not screaming in terror from such a thing.

Speaker 5 (34:52):
I don’t know. I don’t know. There’s one time I
tried to hit it with a pillow, but you know,
you’re out of your body. It’s not the same, you know.
The only thing I would do is I would say,
like in my mind, like kind of telepathically, I’d be like,
I can’t understand you. I don’t know what you’re saying
to me, like speak English, Like I kept saying, speak
in English. I don’t understand these clicks and these noises

that you’re sending to me. I don’t understand it. It
almost looks like their faces become kind of shocked. They
kind of like pull back their head and look at
you like now I’m speaking to them, like it didn’t
make any sense to them, and then they would just
turn around and walk out. So these are like very
strange experiences, Jason.

Speaker 4 (35:32):
They are incredible experiences, and it reminds me of how,
you know, none of us know how to define any
of this, because this is I always say that we’re
dealing with an unknown here. So some people would call
this an alien, some people would call this, you know,
a demon. As you mentioned earlier, do you have a
guess as to what these beings could be?

Speaker 5 (35:53):
I’ve had beings actually tell me where they come from.
And it’s very interesting because you know how we of
the show and saying like, okay, you have an aftral body,
for example, and that actual body disconnects from the physical
world and it can travel. Well, you know, if there’s
intelligent life and other planets or even you know, any
physical forms, what is stopping them from having the same

experiences as us. You know, I’ve had a being come
to me and it’s a would be a very menacing,
scary being to a lot of people. But let’s say,
you know, I had an experience with a reptilian. We
hear lots about these type of beings, but this being
came to me and I asked, you know where you from?
You know where are you’re coming from? And they said
they’re coming from some place near the Sagittarius constellation. And

the way that it was explained to me is like,
you know, I’m leaving my body. I can go visit
them in their world. They can leave their body, they
can come visit us here.

Speaker 4 (36:48):
Okay, But then they’re techinitely an alien because they’re saying
they’re on another planet in our known universe. They’re telling you, right,
we’re from right over there. So it’s not an inter
dimensional thing according to this account anyway, Right, they are
in our physical universe. They’re just traveling.

Speaker 5 (37:04):
They’re not traveling. Yes, they’re traveling consciously. They’re using their
astral body, just as the way they.

Speaker 4 (37:10):
Sound like they would have a physical body on that
planet in our known universe. Absolutely interesting take on this
whole thing.

Speaker 5 (37:19):
Absolutely, you know, I’m going we don’t really need spaceships
to we need spaceships to travel physically, but in the
grander scheme of the universe, there’s this other way of
traveling to visit other worlds and visit other beings.

Speaker 4 (37:32):
And that’s I say, I want some physics and that
whole thing of you know, the interconnectedness of all these
atoms and things. It’s incredible.

Speaker 5 (37:40):
There was this one experience where and it was an
extremely beautiful experience. You know, I woke up one night
and there was this this being I call it being
and not an entity, it’s a being and it was
just sitting in the bedroom with me. It was beautiful.
It looked like kind of like a humanish gray alien.
That’s all I can say. It wasn’t like a gray alien.

It had gray alien features, but it was more human
than not, and it was transparent like a spirit, and
it had like a glowing golden aura and silver aura
around it, like it was just beautiful, and it just
kind of like spent time in the room with me
and just kind of I just felt this incredible love

from it. And I was trying to figure out, you know,
what was going on and why this was attracted to me.
And it was a bracelet I was wearing, and I
was wearing this copper and zinc bracelet and it said
that that copper and zinc frequency is very similar to
their frequency and that’s how they can connect with me.
So it was like an anchor and time and space

that when I was wearing it, they can come and visit.

Speaker 4 (38:44):
Oh MyD me, Jason. I was just taking off all
of my jewelry, my bracelets, and anything even close to
those two materials. I’m putting those in my trash and
I’ll be taking them out immediately. Fell on the show anyway.

Speaker 5 (38:54):
Go ahead, Uh, it’s all good. But That’s what I’m
trying to say, is that we have these kind of
alien encounters. And yes, I’ve had I’ve had one gray experience,
which I’m still kicking myself to this day, like I’m
so mad at myself because when I was in Japan
when this happened, and you know, I wake up in

the outer body state, and because of my shamanic teachings,
for me, it’s I know I’m in this altered state.
I know that I’m leaving my body. So when you
leave the body, suddenly you’re in this new world and
there’s right there in front of you, you know, and
if you’ve never experienced this, you would literally feel like
you are physically feeling this. But I know I’m in
that altered state experiencing this. So I feel something enter

the room. I pop out and there’s this gray alien
which is the only way I could describe it because
it’s exactly what it looked like in the movies, and
just standing at the edge of my bed, and immediately
once it saw that I was looking at it, I
got this telepathic message. It said, I am a short
old man, That’s what it said to me. And I

just said right back to.

Speaker 4 (40:00):
Have to go.

Speaker 5 (40:00):
No, you’re not, You’re a gray alien, and it just
kind of looked at me and again just turned and
walked out of the room and that was the end
of the experience.

Speaker 4 (40:09):
You could have said, I’m a tall young man.

Speaker 5 (40:13):
That’s right, I could listen.

Speaker 4 (40:14):
I can do three more hours with you. I really
appreciate you genuinely sharing all of this with us. It
felt very real to me and very very genuine, and
I really really appreciate that. I’m sure everyone listening does
as well. You can find Jason at thecrystalsun.com.
Thanks for listening to Beyond Contact. We’ll be back next
week with an all new episode.


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