Episode 31: Egregorials & UFOs with Anthony Peake

Dec 20, 2024

Captain Ron welcomes Author and UFO Researcher Anthony Peake as they dive in to how “egregorials” might manifest through human perception, connecting UFO phenomena and altered states of mind, to bridge science, consciousness, and the unknown!

Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 (00:02):
You’re listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast DAM
Paranormal podcast network, where we offer you podcasts of the paranormal, supernatural,
and the unexplained. Get ready now for Beyond Contact with
Captain Ron.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
Welcome to our podcast. Please be aware the thoughts and
opinions expressed by the host are their thoughts and opinions
only and do not reflect those of iHeartMedia, iHeartRadio, Coast
to Coast AM, employees of Premiere Networks, or their sponsors
and associates. We would like to encourage you to do

your own research and discover the subject matter for yourself.

Speaker 3 (00:53):
Hey everyone, it’s Captain Ron and each week on Beyond
Contact looks for the latest news and you’ve discuss some
of the classic cases and bring you the latest information
from the newest cases as we talk with the top experts.

Speaker 4 (01:10):
Welcome to Beyond Contact.

Speaker 5 (01:11):
I am Captain Ron, and today I have the very
distinct pleasure of speaking with Anthony Peak. Anthony’s a British
author and researcher known for his work at the intersection
of science, consciousness, and philosophy. His work often explores the
nature of reality, the mind, and the mysteries of the
human experience. Peak’s interests span various fields, including neuroscience, psychology,

quantum physics, and he is especially focused on topics related
to altered states of consciousness, near death experiences, and the
role of time in human perception. He also has some
incredible thoughts on where the various entities that people experience
may be coming from.

Speaker 4 (01:51):
We’ll talk about that here today.

Speaker 5 (01:53):
We’re very lucky to have him coming back to Contact
in the Desert this year, which is going to be fantastic. Meanwhile,
I’m very glad to have them here with us today.
Thanks so much, Anthony. Good to see you, Iron.

Speaker 6 (02:04):
It is really great to chat to you again. We
had some wonderful conversations over the last two years over
there in California, and I’m so looking forward to coming back.
I’m absolutely delighted Anthony.

Speaker 5 (02:13):
Listen, we’ve been discussing these different ideas on the show
over the year, and we have these different ideas of
the beings that people claim to have encountered and what
they could be. There are different names throughout history of
different beings that people experience, you know, ghosts and spirits,
the gin and of course aliens, and it’s evolved and

and everything from this is a technological race living on
another planet, traveling here, beings that travel interdimensionally, beings that
are extra tempestrials, crypto tempestrials, or even time travelers who.

Speaker 4 (02:49):
May be us from the future.

Speaker 5 (02:51):
There’s all these different possibilities, and just when we think
there cannot possibly be yet another option, you come along
with something that I never would have even thought of.
And there’s this egregorial hypothesis that flips everything upside Now,
can you please explain that to us from your mortals?

Speaker 4 (03:10):
Right? Okay?

Speaker 6 (03:11):
The term aggregore, as many people probably listening in here
will be aware of, is a reference to the Book
of Enoch in the Bible, and it’s from the Greek eggregorial,
which means watcher. And I’ve been long intrigued by this
concept of this idea that we are watched over in
some way. And I became more and more intrigued as

time went on, because the more I developed my writing,
the more I became intrigued by not just encounters with aliens,
but encounters with the other in other words, non human intelligences.
And I started to discover that there’s massive links here,
and it’s consistent over time and over geography and.

Speaker 4 (03:54):
Anthropologically as well.

Speaker 6 (03:56):
So, for example, my mother had an extraordinary experience a
few year years ago where she saw a UFO, and
then a few days later she woke up in the
middle of the night in a state of what is
known as sleep paralysis, which we’ll put touch on a
little bit later on. And she claimed, because she’d lived
on her own my father had died many years before,
she woke up in the middle of the night, and

she said she saw her door, a bedroom door was open,
and then she looked at the bedroom door and she
saw and she actually I quote her on this, she said,
I saw three spindly fingers come around the edge of
the door, and this little creature with huge black eyes,
two holes for a nose and a slip for a mouth,
looked at me, blinked and dodged back, and she said,
what tony was I seeing? Now, my mother wouldn’t know

a gray if it bitter on the bottom. It’s just
something that didn’t interest her. But here she was giving
a precise description of a being that we know from
the Whitley Screeber experiences. But we also know that these
images of these beings have been around for millennia. For example,
in my book The Hidden Universe, I have an example

of round about five or six years ago, or five
or six years ago before I wrote the book, they
discovered a cave in India and people had not been
in that cave for three or four thousand years, and
inside were pictures of beings that look like aliens. Now, again,
we know from the work of Graham Hancock, you know
his work where he did some work in something called
the Junction Shelter in the Drakensburg Mountains in South Africa.

You look there, there is somebody. There is a being
in these pictures, are standing on a bridge that looks
like an alien. We know in closh Merle, which is
another series of caves, we have these entities. They’re not unique,
they are universal. Now for me, the question is what
are they and are they a part of a deeper

phenomenon and do they have a deep relationship with us
in some way? And I argue that effectively we co
create them. And I call them the Aggregorials because an
egg grigore is also a term used in mystic mysticism
to create an entity. You create an eggregor by thinking
about it. Now, There’s been various examples of this throughout

history where people claim that they have been able to
manifest entities, manifest angels for want of a better term,
and these angels can be manipulated, or we believe they
can be manipulated to help us. For instance, for John
d the famous alchemist of Elizabethan Times in the UK,

he said that he’d created an eggregor and a number
of eggregors. But I’ve dug into this and I’ve found
that eggregors are created all the time. I’ll give an
example of this that was a fascinating series of experiments
done in nineteen the early nineteen seventies in Toronto were
a group of researchers created an entity called Robert Aylsford

and they created him. They created a completely fictional backstory
about him that was with fictional, they’d made it up.
But he started manifesting in a Wija board and then
they started manifesting physically. For instance, there were table turning
was happening and everything else as well. So it seems
that these entities, yes, and it levitated. The table levitated.

Speaker 3 (07:11):

Speaker 6 (07:11):
In fact, if anybody wants to check this out, you
can see the table levitating because the group of individuals
they were on Canadian television, and when they were on
Canadian television, it was recorded and you see the table moving,
so there’s some kind of physical force taking place here,
but they’d created it. And we know that there’s a
lady called Alexander Neil who was in the nineteen twenties,

was a Belgian explorer and she traveled in Tibet and
they created her, and a group of associates created what
they called a tolpa, which was a mindful and this toulper.
Initially they created it collectively together and it manifested as
a creature. She described it as being a very friendly
retund monk, but it started then becoming independent of them
and malevolent. And it’s as if the creatures seemed to

anticipate what we want to see. And is this why
it explains the cultural parallels that we have over time?
Were the aliens that people encounters seemed to go from
being sort of standard Hollywood aliens to Nordics, And of
course we know in the eighteen nineties when there was
the airship flaps, they were Germans or they were Europeans,

but they then change from being Europeans to being Nordics.
Then from Nordics that you then get the grays. But
we know that the grays have exist is historically, so
they are these some form of shape shifters. Now I
believe that they manifest in the liminal states of consciousness,
these hypnogogic or hypnopompic states, when you’re between sleeping and awake,

and that’s when they seem to be able.

Speaker 4 (08:43):
To come through.

Speaker 6 (08:44):
And that was what happened with my mother. You know,
she was in a hypnopompic state. Hypnopompia is when you’re
waking up and what happens is that you seem to
be able to tune into a greater reality. It’s as
if the brain is unable to act as an attenuator,
it’s unable to go out the wider information field when
we’re in these liminal states. And again this is backed

up by recent eurological research that’s been done at the
University of Sussex just down the road from here where
I’m located, where they took a group of volunteers who
volunteered to take psilocybin, which is magic mushrooms, and when
they took psilocybin, they had them under brain scanners, because
they assumed that what would happen is that the psilocybin
would make areas of the brain communicate more, which would

bring about the hallucinations in raised commas. Much to their astonishment,
they discovered the opposite. They discovered that it actually breaks
down the brain. The brain breaks down, the areas of
the brain can’t communicate anymore. And I think this is
how we open the doors of perception. We stop the
brain being an attenuator, which is the argument that Aldus
Huxley used in his book nineteen fifty four book The

Doors of Perception. Also CD Broad and also the great
Henri Bergson in the eighteen nineties. These were all arguments
to say, the brain functions to take information out, and
hallucinogenics like DMT and various other loose natory substances or
entheogens are the things that open up these doors. And
of course the research recent research in the UK, the

Imperial College for instance, with the associates of mine who
are doing this work. It’s extraordinary. You know, Andrew Gallimore,
one of the guys that talked at Contact in the
Desert two years ago, is one of the guys that’s
central to all this.

Speaker 4 (10:19):
Agreed, it’s incredible.

Speaker 5 (10:21):
Do you think that this is what people that say
they have an alien encounter really are experiencing?

Speaker 4 (10:26):
Perhaps I do.

Speaker 6 (10:27):
I do you know? Because in my new book, I’ve
just my new book has come out in the United
States and it will be out a few months time
in the UK. There’s a problem with the distribution, and
it’s on neo death experiences. But I have a whole
section on neo death experiences that seem to suggest something
more curious is going on. A lady called Dorothy Ayers Counts,

who was an Australian anthropologist who was working in New Britain,
which is an island off New Guinea, and she was
working with tribespeople there and she was pritically interested in
their neo death experience and what she discovered was extraordinary.
I have got evidence that one of them it was
a UFI encounter.

Speaker 4 (11:06):
Oh my god.

Speaker 5 (11:06):
It’s incredible how these things seem to tie together with
these different phenomenon. When we come back, we’re going to
talk more with Anthony about this and what these beings
could be. You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio
and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network. Okay, we

are back on Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron. We’re talking
to Anthony Peak. Hey, Anthony, what do you think these
manifestations are? Are they entities that are real and they
do exist, but we don’t normally see them until our
consciousness tries to and then they appear in reality, just
like the observer effect in quantum mechanics. Or are they

just creations of the mind or are they just were
gaining access to see them?

Speaker 4 (12:06):
What do you think is happening?

Speaker 6 (12:07):
I think what we need to do is to go
deeper into this. They turn around and they will say, oh,
that’s an illucination. These are hallucinations. But the question is
that nobody knows exactly what hallucinations are. And in fact,
I use the counter argument that say that waking life
is an hallucination in exactly the same way, in that
the brain internally creates a facsimile model of external reality

that we think is consensual reality, that real reality, because
we know that reality is not what it seems. As
you quite rightly point out there, the double slit experiment
and various other areas of quantum mechanics very much precisely
tell us that reality that is the solidity of subatomic
particles such as electrons and photons. They come into existence

that the act of observation or the act of measurement.
Before they are observed and measured, they are called what
is called a wave function, and the wave function is
a statistic it’s a mathematical statistical wave that a particle
will be found in one location or another. Now, this
seems to be that there’s a direct feedback mechanism going
on between the observer and the observed. There’s a symbiotic

relations They are co creating each other. So therefore, when
we say that something is an hallucination, we’ve got to
be very careful in our wording here, because if something
is perceived by somebody, and hallucinations are very much perceived
out there, they’re projected outwards by the brain. Now, if
they were just standard brain creations, why are they so strange?
Why would an hallucination be an alien gray Why wouldn’t

it be a friend or somebody much more normal?

Speaker 4 (13:38):
And why do other people have the exact same vision? Correct?

Speaker 6 (13:42):
And this is the argument I argue, is that I
consider reality also to be aggregorial. That effectively, when we
as joint observers are observing external reality, we are both
overlapping co creating that reality, in which case when something
is seen in three dimensions outside of two consciousnesses and

many more. In fact, I always love this argument. They
have an explanation for these. If two people see it,
it’s called a foliodu, and if a large group of people,
it’s a collective hallucination. Nobody knows how this can work,
and nobody knows how people see the same thing and
how they can report back the same information unless telepathy.
And in many ways, this is why I find it

extraordinarily amusing, is that some scientists will argue the telepathy arguments.
They don’t like telepathy, but they’re going to explain something
they like even less by using something they don’t like
in the first place.

Speaker 5 (14:36):
It seems to me like you’re using the idea of
the observer effect, which says that consciousness creates reality, that
that’s sort of a staple of quantum mechanics, and you’re
just kind of expanding on it that that creates more
of reality. It sounds to me almost like it’s giving
credence to the simulation theories where this part is being

rendered as we see it.

Speaker 6 (14:59):
Then, in my previous book, The Hidden Universe, I go
into great detail about the simulation argument and the idea
that the universe itself is holographic in nature and its
basic format is mathematical. And again this is not me
saying this. This is something the holographic principle has been
round for at least three maybe four decades, and now

they’ve been doing the science of exactly how it works.
It’s to do with black holes. It’s to do with
the loss of data. If you throw a phone, theoretically
throw a phone into a black hole, that information is lost.
But information can never be lost, so they argue that
the information is smeared along the edge of the black hole,
which means that it can be recorded and brought back again.

The reality that we think is solid is ninety nine
point nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine
nine nine six empty space. In terms of the hydrogen atom,
for example, that’s a huge amount of empty space. And
the things that are solid supposedly within there are point
part of the electron is a point particle. However much

you try to look into an electron, you will only
ever get a point particle, and a point has no
extension in space. It’s the same with photons that allow
us to see Photons, the very things that are creating
the light that’s surrounding you by which you interpret external reality,
are in fact so weird. It’s untrue. Under certain circumstances,

they are point particles. Under other circumstances, they are waves.
And depending upon whether they are observed or not, is
whether they are a particle or a wave. It is
as if the particles know they’re being observed. Now in
the twin slit experiment, they turn from a wave to
a particle because they know they’re being observed. This then
gets weirder because photons or point particles, they have no

extension in space. But on top of that, they can
only travel at the speed of light, which means from
the point of view of a photon, there is no time.
Because we know from Einstein that the fact as you
go and the closer you get to the speed of light,
time and space change. Space becomes time and time becomes space.

You know, when people talk about space time, they don’t
really grasp what it’s saying. Space and time are the
same thing. So when you travel at the speed of light,
time stops, so from the point of view of a
photon who’s leaving say Alpha century, what you know, sort
of six six seven light years ago. For that photon,
it’s instantaneous between it leaving the surface of the star

to reaching your eye. But you extrapolate from that, it’s
the same for those particles if they’re leaving a quasar
that hasn’t existed for billions of years, that light ray
still and that photon it’s still instantaneous. Now, somebody called
John Wheeler came over this wonderful thought experiment, whereby he said,

by using a theoretical twin slit experiment, using the light
coming from a quasar, you can prove that not only
does the act of observation create the universes it is now,
it creates it as it was billions of years ago,
because of course time and space are the same thing.
So suddenly the idea that there is an out there

and an in here is much more complex. So is
this worthy? Eggrigors exist. They come in because they anticipate
our thoughts, and I argue they manifest using probably plasma,
to manifest themselves into to draw themselves into this reality.
The late and very great and sadly died last year.

A guy called Paulino, who was a researcher in Rhode
Island in your great country. He came to the conclusion
because he’d seen entities manifesting around electricity substations. And the
final point I’d like to make here in terms of
the egrigorial as plasma, is the role of the gin.
You know that in Islamic tradition, when God made man,

God also made the angels, and he made the gin.
He made man out of mud, He made the angels
out of I think it was light, and he made
the gin out of something that is described as smokeless fire.
Smokeless fire is plasma. The sun is plasma, and of
course it’s pure light, pure electromagnetic energy of a particular kind.

So suddenly these beings are manifesting within the electromagnetic spectrum,
and they dip within and out, and they can choose
how they look, and if they are coming from a
place outside of space and time Philip K. Dick would
called orthogonal time, which runs at a right angle to
this time, these beings are time travelers. And I know
there’s the argument putting forward now that the people in

the UFOs are time travelers. But this would also explain
the extraordinary way in which like the tic TACs move.
It’s because they are not what we think they are.
They’re not physical objects as such. They’re moving in a
completely different way because they’re not made of matter in
the way we understand matter, being the warping space around them,
and the warping space to turn it into time so

they can semp flick time and space into each other.
There was a fascinating series of experiments done in the
eighteen nineties by the Society for Psychical Research in the
UK and it was called Imperior and Rector, and what
it was was a group of people who were in
communication with entities through mediums, and the entities were communicating
with them and saying we need to communicate with you.

Develop devices that helps us communicate. Roll forward many years
we have the EVP phenomena, the electro electronic voice phenomenon,
and again we have the same phenomenon where the entities
are communicating using electromagnetic energy to communicate directly with us.
In the nineteen nineties, there was a series of fascinating
experiments took place in Skull in Norfolk here in the UK,

where a group of researchers were communicating again with aliens
that they claim were from the other side. One of
the most famous images of this is a being they
called Blue, and it appeared on a television screen. You
look at Blue. It’s a great it’s.

Speaker 5 (21:03):
Seeing that picture, Anthony, and it does look much, very
very alien to all of us.

Speaker 4 (21:07):
It would look like what we would call an alien.

Speaker 5 (21:10):
When we come back, we’re going to talk to Anthony
more about how people want to have these experiences and
if they are actually causing them to become reality. You’re
listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to
Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on Beyond Contact.

We’re talking with Anthony Peak. Anthony, is that what makes
these things appear? Is it because a group of people
want to have these experiences that they actually make it
a reality similar to the observer effect? Is it the
same sort of thing.

Speaker 6 (21:58):
Well, this is what happened with the Philip experiment in
the early nineteen seventies in Toronto. You know, they tried
to create a fictional character that became real again with
Alexander Neil when she created the Tulpa. But if we
get together. It seems that when minds come together, they
can be much more powerful. It seems to be the
Eggregorial becomes almost the third man. It’s something that’s greater

than us. It’s as if it’s a melding of consciousness.
It’s almost like the mind melding of Star Trek. And
the idea is that if we collectively anticipate things, they
will happen. Now Again, in one of my books, I argue,
for instance, the weird things that happened in Fatima in
it was It nineteen seventeen in Portugal, you know where
a group of three children thought they saw the Virgin Mary.

But if you look into it, the Virgin Murray itself
never actually said she was the Virgin Mary. She may
have said I think she was the Immaculate Conception, but
she never actually referenced who she actually was. And again
she manifests as a lot of these entities do in
caves Fatima, and if you look at Bernadette Subaru and
her experiences, these entities seem to need darkness in some way,

and I argue they need darkness for a specific purpose.
There are a group of individual people who are trained
in shamanism down in the mountains of Columbia in Latin
America call the Mammas. They take young children, very young children,
and they place them in a cave for the whole
of their childhood. They don’t see natural light because by
doing so, they allow those individuals to shamanic travel, to

encounter entities, to actually communicate with the gods, which they
call it. But I argue why they’re doing this is
neurological because they’re putting them in darkness for a specific reason.
They want the pineal gland to activate endogenous that is
inwardly generated dimethyl trip to me. The pineal gland in
the brain exists to create melatonin, and melatonin is the

substance that makes you go to sleep, so you create
more melatonin when it goes dark. That’s why they need
to be in darkness. But also what happens is you’re
they’re creating so much melatonin it can be synthesized into
endogen or what one of my associates, Beach Barrett, calls metatonin,
which is inwardly generated dimethyl trip to me. Rick Strassman,

the guy that did the research in the nineteen nineties
at the University of New Mexico called dnt are reality modulator.
In recent research has discovered two important things. But the
most important one and I might touch on the other
one later because it relates to neo death experiences. But
they’ve discovered something a lady called Gmo Borgijin at the

University of Michigan. They were euthanizing rats to test things
in the brain. It’s very immoral what they were doing that. Nevertheless,
they found within the pinineal gland of live rats dimethyl
trip to me. This would explain one of the great
mysteries of neurology.

Speaker 4 (24:43):
Within the brain.

Speaker 6 (24:43):
There are things called the trace amine associated receptor sites,
which are receptor sites in neurons. In certain neurons, like
a receptor site is like a lock to a key,
so they will react with certain neurotransmitters like some will
react with serotonin, dopamine, you know, sort of glutamate, the
these neurotransmitters. But the trace amine associated receptors didn’t seem

to mix with any of the other neurotransmitters until they
realized they were designed to work with dimethyl trip to me.
So clearly there are these neurological sites, which suggests that
dimethyl trip to mean is a neurotransmitter. We have evolved
to have this in our brain. Now, if this is
the case when people take dimethyl trip to mean under

experimental conditions, or they drink ayahuasca, what do they encounter? Entities?
It’s the first thing that comes through is entities. This
is of such significance. Now I have a friend of
mine who is one of the people who is a
volunteer who’s taking under control conditions DMT intravenience is being
injected into his blood system. And what they’re doing is

they’re having people at Imperial College take this in London
under control conditions. Legally, they go into an altered state
and they come back and they report what they’re seeing.
All of them report entities.

Speaker 4 (25:57):
But because that’s always a part.

Speaker 6 (26:00):
Now this is the billion dollar thing. Doctor Carl Smith,
Carl Hayden Smith told me that when he took it,
he went into this place called the DMT Cage, and
it’s this location and it’s like you’re floating in space.
And people when they take DMT, when they go to
this place, it’s more real than this. When they come
back here, they realize this is the simulation they’re outside
the sun when they go there, and particularly when people

take something called five meo DMT, which is a more
powerful version, and in then they say they become God.
So inclosed, and I have an idea of what is
taking place why you have this feeling of oneness when
you take five meo. But going back to DMT and Carl,
he finds himself in the DMT cage, and again I
discussed this in two of my books. An entity comes
over to him, an insect identity like a mantis, comes over,

goes through the cage and taps him and says, you
shouldn’t be doing it this way. Do not do it
this way, and recedes back. He then finds himself coming
down from the DMT trip. He comes to and thinks
that was weird. Two weeks later, he takes the DMT again.
He’s in the same place. The same creature comes over
and says, I told you this last time. You shouldn’t
be doing it this way now, as Carl has said

to me a the creature was consistent. It was the
same creature, and it remembered him waiting for him to
come back.

Speaker 5 (27:15):
Wait a whold on people would really think that, well,
that’s just his memory of having that experience, so he
would imagine the same being.

Speaker 6 (27:22):
But the circumstance here is it was telling him things
that he didn’t want to hear. I mean, he was
somebody that really wanted to take the DMPT to actually
encounter these entities. And as he said to me, saying
the opposite of what my intentions were. So if it
was my subconscious, my subconject was really playing with me.
And this is one of my central arguments here that

if dreams and dream sequences and entity encounters are subconsciously created,
our subconscious is incredible because it can create this three
dimension illusory reality that seems to be independent of us.
But I just can go back to the Dorothy Counts
with the Callai people in New Britain. One of the
guys there had a near death experience, and I’ll just

describe what he said. In this near death experience, he
met a dead woman who he didn’t know was dead
at the time. She died while he was having his experience,
and he didn’t know she died, so this was evidence
that he had information in this other world that he
didn’t know about. But he says, but I saw the
dead woman that I’d met on the road. I saw
her leave me. I wanted to call out, hey, come back,

but I couldn’t, for this house turned in a circle.
He found himself in a house, and he said, but
it started turkey, turning in a circle. I couldn’t see
the man who talked to me, but I did see
children lying on platforms over the doors and windows. As
I was walking around trying to see everything. They took
hold of me and took me back down the steps.
I wanted to go back to the house, but I

couldn’t because it turned and I realized it was not
on posts. It was just hanging there in the air,
turning round as if it was on an axle. If
I wanted to go to the door, the house would turn.
There would be another part of the house where I
was standing. He’s describing a ufo. He’s describing literally a ufo,
and he’s guided by two entities while he’s there, and
it’s like shamanic traveling. They do experiments on his body.

Speaker 5 (29:08):
Which is also like UFO experiences. People often say they
were experimented on.

Speaker 6 (29:12):
I know and get this. He then says, I came back,
but there was no road for me to follow so
the voice said, let him go down. Then there was
a beam of light and I walked along it. I
walked down the steps and when I turned to look,
there was nothing but forest beam of light. Travis Walton.

Speaker 4 (29:28):
That’s more than Travis. There’s many, many, many UFO cases.

Speaker 6 (29:31):
The beam of light drawing them up into it. So
here we have somebody who’s living in a really isolated
community on an isolated island off New Guinea describing precisely
an experience of a UFO encounter. There was a very
famous UFO encounter in June of nineteen fifty nine involving
a guy called Father William gill Gil and thirty nine

others witnessed a UFO in New Guinea and they saw
this object come over and there were people on the
object and they waved at them. And the description of
that object is almost exactly the same as the description
of the object given by the guide to Dorothy Counts.
Now that has always gone down as a near death experience.

But work done by Kenneth Ring and his associate, I
think it’s Christopher Rosing, and they did some work and
they came up with they called an encounter prone personality.
Their brain works differently because these people will encounter entities,
They will have near death experiences, out of body experiences.

Speaker 5 (30:33):
Often times we hear that anthony where people have one
of these experiences, then they also see Bigfoot or whatever,
They’re more likely to have another encounter.

Speaker 6 (30:42):
So clearly we are with a much bigger, bigger thing
than simply UFO encounters. This has been going on for
centuries and it’s linked to hallucinogenic substances, and I argue
that it’s done because the brain releases DMT. I work
with a lot of friends of mine who have out
of the body the experiences, lucy dreaming, all these things

that are all the same phenomenon, and what we need
to do is stop being siloed. There’s a phenomenon here,
and what is happening is the parapsychologists are looking at
in one way, the neurologists are looking in in the other.
I genuinely believe I think I’m the only person on
the planet that’s going, well, look, let’s take this, let’s
look at this and bring it together. Because the eggregorial

can explain everything, and the point of the fact is
it’s supported by the science.

Speaker 5 (31:30):
I love it and it all ties in, and you’re right,
and we see that in our community, we see that
at Contact in the Desert.

Speaker 4 (31:36):
All of these phenomenons seem to really overlap, and I
wish the world would take a serious look at it.

Speaker 5 (31:41):
When we come back, we’re going to talk to Anthony
more about this and we’re going to ask him how.

Speaker 4 (31:44):
It ties in with CE five.

Speaker 5 (31:46):
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on

Beyond Contact now, I’m Captain Ron. We’re talking to Anthony Peak. Hey, Anthony,
how does this phenomenon tie in with groups like a
CE five? For example, Here’s people going out, they’re all
actively trying to conjure up what they call aliens. What
are your thoughts on that. Does that sort of fit
right into what you’re talking about?

Speaker 6 (32:30):
Absolutely spot on it does, And funnily enough, you know,
one of the extraordinary things that happened this year at
Contact in the Desert. You know, when there was the
sighting of the UFO, A group of people saw the UFO.
Now again, I would argue, and I said to some
of the people that were involved in this, you manifested
that you created it because your anticipation of it. You know,
what is the chances of a UFO just suddenly deciding
to be flying around Indian wells at a UFO conference,

and of course the critics and the cynics will turn around.
I said, well, of course they’re going to see these
things because they’re expecting them. So it doesn’t work that way.
Reality is far more symbiotic with our intentions.

Speaker 5 (33:05):
Well, we all have a different perception of what things are. Also,
one man’s UFO is another man’s trash can lid spot on?

Speaker 6 (33:13):
You know, it’s so true. The more people that would
believe in these things that were more that will manifest.
You know, for me, the fascinating thing is more than
anything else. It’s something called the saper Warf hypothesis, which
is something I studied at university fifty years ago, and
it’s the idea that language itself melds the way we
perceive reality. Language structures us in certain ways. The way

verbs decline will depend upon how we perceive things. Benjamin
ly Wharf was the guy that came up with because
he was working with Hope Children in Arizona or Utah
and effectively he discovered that the children had difficulty being
educated in normal schools because the way they thought about
numbers was structured either way their language worked and the

way their verbs declined. And he said, sod it be
that language makes us see things in certain ways. I’m
not one of the advocates who say, oh, no, the
Native Americans couldn’t see Columbus’s ships because they couldn’t equate them.

Speaker 4 (34:10):
I mean, that’s nonsense, but it.

Speaker 6 (34:11):
Does mean that they don’t have a way of placing
it within a structural understanding. They will say it is
like something else, because that’s the only way you can
describe things is by describing them as something else. It’s
like an argument I’ve used many, many times is that
there’s no such thing as the color red. The color
red doesn’t exist out the curtains behind me here. The

only reason they’re red is because your eyes and my
eyes and the camera is interpreting a certain vibrational state
of electromagnetic energy as being read.

Speaker 5 (34:42):
And we define it as red. Obviously, we use our
own terms and our own description of what red is.
For example, you know, when you’re talking about this, I’m
thinking to myself, it almost feels like These are also
ongoing themes in horror movies where your belief in the monster,
your belief in that entity, is the reason it thrives

and has its power. Like sometimes you’ll have to like
not look at him, don’t believe in him, don’t read him,
don’t call his name. Those things conjure up this. It’s
funny how that ties into what you’re saying.

Speaker 6 (35:14):
Well, it’s one of the things that Paulino argued in
terms of when he was using the terminology. They consider
them to be parasites. Then in many ways they feed
off fear that are anticipation of them. They generate fear,
and they feed off this. And that makes a certain
degree of sense because if we are to believe the
work of people like wil Helm Reich and his idea

of orgon energy for example, and I know that a
lot of scientists will dismiss orgon energy, but we’re still
going round back to Henri Bergson and his concept of
iland vital, the idea that living creatures give off a
form of energy. Now, one could argue, you know, that’s
you’re just heat, but it’s not. There’s something more. We know.

For instance, if you go into a room and two
people have been arguing. You feel the tension in the air,
you just sub it up, and it seems we can
subliminally attune into that. So could it be that fear
itself can generate these things?

Speaker 5 (36:10):
You know?

Speaker 6 (36:11):
So there’s so much still to be researched here, But
your point about movies to me, the idea of the
zeitgeist or the veldtgeist, the idea that these things are
known subliminally. For example, there’s a great movie just come
out now and I’m in contact with the director of
the movie called Quantum Suicide. This movie, again, is something

it’s a concept I’ve been writing about for nearly two decades,
and I’m delighted now that it’s going mainstream because it’s
applying the twin slit experiment to the idea that you
can’t die, but you’re collapsing the wave function of your
universe and because of the circumstances, you will never die,
but other people will see you die. Check the movie out.
But it’s just not that one, you know. It’s things

like Vanilla Sky, It’s movies like The Matrix. All these
movies people resonate in a deep level. This works young.

Speaker 4 (37:00):
And ideas that we have this inherently in us.

Speaker 6 (37:04):
Yeah, it’s the idea of young in archetypes. Yes, these
are archetypes we recognize, and synchronicity is a typical example.
I’m young was fascinated by synchronicity, as was Volfgang Pauley
as a man who you know, did Powley’s exclusion principle.
He was a heavy duty quantum physicist, you know. He
wasn’t some nutjob that he’d met in a pub. This

was Volfgang Pauli himself. Volfgang Pauli, for instance, had a
preoccupation with a particular number. And I can’t remember what
the number was now, but all through his life it
was something like one eight eight or something. Number kept reoccurring.
But he didn’t know what his significance was until he
was dying, and it was the root the number of
the room in the hospice that he died, which again
is extraordinary, you know. And you say, we see these things,

you know all the time.

Speaker 5 (37:49):
Anthony, why don’t you speak for a second about what
you think synchronicity means to us and what it means
in our lives?

Speaker 4 (37:55):
How what should we do with synchronicities?

Speaker 6 (37:57):
Okay, Synchronicity is one of the most peculiar events that
people have, and we experience it all the time. The
argument will be that the human mind is pattern seeking,
so therefore we see patterns in things, and we link
things that we shouldn’t that are just coincidental, and also
we see things that have significance that don’t. For example,

you know, we will link two things together. Now, I
give an example here of, for instance, the eleven eleven phenomenon,
which is something that the people discuss a lot. So
the eleven eleven phenomenon is the idea that people see
the numbers eleven eleven. Now, I’ve argued that the reason
we see this is basically because it’s a group of
numbers that are similar and they’re all vertical, so therefore

it’s something we notice because it’s the way we’re trained
to see things. But that didn’t explain something that was
pointed out to me when I was seeing eleven eleven
all over the place, when my wife pointed out to
me that, no, there’s more to this, and I said,
what do you mean? And she said, The title of
the Dutch language edition of your first book is called
leven eleven eleven, and I thought, oh my god, I’d

never seen that, And leven and eleven eleven in Dutch
means life after life, after life. So suddenly you see
these kind of significant coincidences. And I have them happening
all the time, because if we are co creating this universe,
it’s not at all surprising that these coincidences will occur.
When I work with my little group of associates and

we get together, coincidences happen almost all the time. And
it’s because we’re creating an eggregol. We’re creating an eggregle
set of circumstances, and it just happens. It’s like, for instance,
when I do interviews like this, we attract the archons.
You know, It’s just happened.

Speaker 4 (39:44):

Speaker 6 (39:44):
It happens every time I go and record things. Literally,
this is the third time it has happened. Now, I
am right next to my Wi Fi system, literally no
more than two feet away from my laptop. We are
wired in here. We have fiber optic going straight into
the house. We have the most expensive Wi Fi system

you can possibly have. But the minute I go live
is the minute everything freezes. Quite extraordinary, And it.

Speaker 4 (40:09):
Happened to us just that away from these synchronicities. What
is it supposed to mean to people? Oof?

Speaker 6 (40:15):
I think it’s maybe the universe telling us that there’s
more to this than meets the eye, because it’s like
a wake up call, isn’t it. It makes you jump
out of your your almost sleep state when you’re living life,
and it makes you go, WHOA, what does that mean?

Speaker 4 (40:30):

Speaker 6 (40:31):
Of course some people get carried away with it, but
sometimes you know, it’s like the library Angel, the Youngian
library Angel. You need a particular book, and there it is.
You know, I’ve got two or three which we won’t
have time to discuss now, but that are just absolutely
you would not believe them. And it makes you sit
back and go wow. And I believe this is because

it could be my damon, could be my higher self
one of a better term, that’s guiding me. That’s said, right,
you didn’t do this last time, You’re going to do
it this?

Speaker 4 (41:01):
Why this time?

Speaker 6 (41:02):
This kind of thing, And this is why I feel
very at home at Contact in the desert.

Speaker 5 (41:06):
Yeah, synchronicity is a big thing at Content in the desert,
even us putting it on, we have synchronicity after synchronicity
and what we say is it tells us we’re doing
the right thing and we’re on the right path. Anthony,
we’re out of time, but I gotta thank you so
much for taking the time.

Speaker 4 (41:21):
It’s absolutely fascinating.

Speaker 5 (41:23):
I always feel bad you doing these interviews because I
feel like you should be out there doing your work
and I don’t want to take you away from that.
You’re doing really great work for all of us, for.

Speaker 6 (41:34):
Giving me the platform to get more of these ideas
out there. And it’d be great to meet up again
in a few months time.

Speaker 5 (41:39):
Be really good, absolutely, brother, Thanks for listening to Beyond Contact.
We’ll be back next week with an all new episode.

Speaker 4 (41:45):
You can follow me.

Speaker 5 (41:46):
Captain Ron on Twitter and Instagram at CD Underscore Captain Ron.
Stay connected by checking out Contactindthdesert dot com. Stay open
minded and rational as we explore the unknown right here
on the iHeartRadio on Coast to Coast AM pair, i’m
a podcast network.

Speaker 1 (42:07):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
A and Paranormal podcast Network. Make sure and check out
all our shows on the iHeartRadio app or by going
to iHeartRadio dot com.


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