Episode 29 – Hidden UFO Truths with Craig Campobasso.

Dec 6, 2024

Captain Ron welcomes Casting Director and Author Craig Campobasso as they discuss alien races, extraordinary contact experiences, and the almanac Craig created which documents reported alien species, UFO hotspots, and real-life encounters.

Episode Transcript

You’re listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast Day
and Paranormal Podcast Network, where we offer you podcasts of
the paranormal, supernatural, and the unexplained. Get ready now for
Beyond Contact with Captain Ron.

Speaker 2(00:21):
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Speaker 3(00:53):
Hey everyone, it’s Captain Ron and each week on Beyond Contact,
we’ll explore the latest news in you fin discuss some
of the classic cases, and bring you the latest information
from the newest cases as we talked with the top experts.

Speaker 4(01:10):
Welcome to Beyond Contact. I am Captain Ron, and today
we’re going to be speaking with Craig Campobasso. Craig is
an entertainment industry professional. He’s a multiple award winning filmmaker,
an Emmy nominated casting director, and also a writer. He’s
a UFO enthusiast experiencer and researcher. Among his books are
two that he’s done for MUFAN. The first one was

The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac, The Ultimate Guide to Gray’s Reptilians,
Hybrids and Nordics, which he has even made into a
full length documentary somehow. And the second one is The
UFO Hotspot Compendium, which is a UFO hunter’s bucket list
of legendary and active UFO and alien hotspots in North America.
Among his many other film projects, Craig wrote, directed, and

produced the award winning short film Stranger at the Pentagon
I Love That, which was adopted from the popular UFO
book of the same name by doctor Frank Strangers. Today,
we’re going to dive into all those with Craig.

Speaker 5(02:05):
How you doing, brother, I’m doing great. How are you, Captain?

Speaker 4(02:09):
Good? Good to see you again, my friend, you too.
So let’s start off briefly about this documentary that you
recently did. I think it’s the Extraterrestrial Species Almanac, which
I believe you debuted at the Contact in the Desert
twenty twenty four thing, which was a lot of fun.
You know, I’ve never heard of somebody turning an almanac

Craig into a documentary. This is the first time I’ve
heard of that. How’d you pull that off? Well?

Speaker 5(02:38):
I never had planned on doing it, but when the
press release went out through the publishers to you know,
to all of the press outlets, I started getting emails
from production companies that wanted to make it into a documentary.
And that was before I even had like pinned to work, right,

And so I thought.

Speaker 4(03:03):
You wrote the book.

Speaker 5(03:05):
Yeah, before I even wrote the book, you know, when
they sent out the initial press release. Yeah, so I thought, Okay, well,
I know I’m gonna get a little ahead of myself here,
but I’m a filmmaker and lots of my friends are
award winning documentarians as well, and so I’m just I’m

gonna do it myself. So got the book, you know,
the book immediately, you know, it was on the bestseller
list on Amazon under UFOs and a few other categories.
It’s still it still is. It fluctuates between going into
the top ten and then going to fifty and then

going back down.

Speaker 4(03:48):
You know.

Speaker 5(03:48):
So that’s pretty good for the amount of books that
are out there.

Speaker 4(03:52):
So fantastic.

Speaker 5(03:53):
Anyway, I thought, you know, it would be great. Is
this documentary will be an extension of the book, like,
for instance, for the Clarion race, I interviewed Marizzio Cavallo,
who only speaks Italian, who lives in a little remote
village anyway, he had a picture that polaroids that he

had taken of them throughout the years. I really wanted
him to be in the documentary because it’s a story
that not many people have heard. So Tonya maiden Ford
and Frank Jacob, who are my other producers who are
in Europe, they went down there with an interpreter and
I wrote out all the questions and they interviewed him

for two days, so we’ve got lots of great footage
on him. And then another contact ee is six dopas Wells,
who have been contact with the Alpha Centaurians, has been
on their craft over one hundred times. So it’s an
extension of a lot of the research I did for
the Almanac, right, and a lot of the races in

the Almanac come from real, live, face to face contact
with extraterrestrials, and so I went and got permission from
the authors or those publishers to include those races also
in the book. And then as we know I got

some people who claim to be hybrids with extraterrestrial races. Now,
us in the UFO community are used to that. I
know it’s a little hard spilled to swallow for people
out there, but these things happen because I’ve met with
people in the know and people who say that they

usually only hire hybrids to do important jobs in the military,
in the government and things like that, because they are
so much smarter than the average person because they have
these wow yeah, chig.

Speaker 4(06:02):
Through the years, we’ve had so many different claims about
obviously alien experiences, and there’s been a different number that
you keep hearing about about different alien species supposedly that
have visited Earth. Paul Hellier, I think said eighty two.
Barbara Lambs told me, I think she said ninety six.
There’s a lot of different numbers thrown around. How many
did you cover in your book and did you get

them all?

Speaker 5(06:25):
The publisher only wanted thumbnail reviews of the races. I
had to come in under three hundred pages, and because
if it goes above that, then the book costs more,
and then people don’t want to pay a lot of
money for books, So I had to keep it under
So just what you said about Paul Hellier. I was

a big fan of his when he was alive and
still am. I thought, I’m going to see if I
could fit eighty two races into this book and honor him,
and I was just able to squeeze it in. I
did have at the time over one hundred and twenty.
But I just want to give you this little statistic.
The Alpha Centaurians say that they know of one million,

nineteen thousand races in the universe that they know.

Speaker 4(07:14):
This went from two to ten eighty two. I mean,
but wait, hold on, Craig, let me ask you, what’s
the criteria for you? I mean, they’re saying that huge number.
What is your criteria? Is there certain do a lot
of people have to have seen a certain race for
it to qualify, because we know there’s a lot of
one offs in this community that stories. I’ve heard that

only one person ever said with something like that make
it in the book. I don’t know.

Speaker 5(07:40):
It would just depend on the actual contact e So
you just.

Speaker 4(07:44):
Chose based on the interviews you were doing with.

Speaker 5(07:47):
People exactly exactly, and most of them were multiples, multiples
where lots of information was exchanged, so that you got
to know really about the social state, ructure, the spiritual background,
why they’re here, what are they doing here, things of

that kind of nature.

Speaker 4(08:09):
Over the years, we’ve had these different ideas, Craig, of
what quote unquote aliens are, and it seems to have
morphed a bit just in the last I don’t know,
ten years. It seems like it used to be very
clear cut that it was a race of beings from
another planet that traveled here. But nowadays we constantly hear
about inter dimensional beings, crypto terrestrials, beings from another time.

Even what do you think these beings in your book are?

Speaker 5(08:36):
They’re they’re a little of both, some today and some
from yesteryear.

Speaker 4(08:41):
Yeah, Craig, I know you’ve had your own experiences. Is
that where you get your ideas from from your own experiences?
Or do other individuals that you know have they influenced
you by telling you their stories?

Speaker 5(08:54):
Well, my story began when I was twenty six and
I had your spiritual awakening. It’s like I tell everybody,
I never I never thought about I wasn’t even into
sci fi. I never thought about what was out there
in the great big universe. And beginning in dream states,
there were these three what I call universal Master teachers,

and through the course of two years took me from
valiant Thorpe put put it to doctor Frank. He said,
we’re all clouds becoming gods. That’s what we are, because
we’re all we’re all striving and quickening our duality and

then we ascend and then then where you know, then
we’re part of of their world, their their universe.

Speaker 4(09:47):
Right, we ascend up to their level.

Speaker 5(09:49):
Is that that’s right? Exactly?

Speaker 4(09:51):
Okay, let’s take a break there, Craig. When we come back,
we’re going to talk more with Craig about his other
move on book, the UFO Hotspot Compendium, and we’ll see
where these hotspots are located in North America. You’re listening
to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
am Paranormal podcast Network. We’re back on Beyond Contact. I’m

Captain Ron. We’re talking with Craig Campobasso. Craig, let’s talk
about this UFO Compendium book. It feels like it’s sort
of a companion book to the Almanac.

Speaker 5(10:38):
Right it is. Mouffon wanted to do something that would
sort of marry to the et Almanac, and so they
came up with the idea of calling it the UFO
bucket List, which I never liked. So in the end,
when you moved up with UFO Hotspot Compendium all the

places to visit before you die or are abducted, which
I think is great. I did come up with that anyway,
So the head of mof ON sent out to all
of the move On state directors to nominate their favorite
hotspots in the US and Canada. So I got all
of those compiled them. Of course I had my own,

and on the Shag Harbor, I worked directly with Chris Styles,
and you know, because he had reopened the case and
found out so much more information than what was originally there.
So I would work directly with the people. One of

my favorite hotspots is Giant Rock and the Integratron, so
that’s right, that’s right. So I know the historian Barbara
Harris Giant Rock, and I know the three the carl
sisters that own the Tegratron. Interestingly enough, the first time

I went there is they were going to put on
a retro UFO thing like George van Tassel used to
do way back in the day. They have these big
UFO conferences, and they had called me and doctor Frank.
They wanted doctor Frank to come and speak. So doctor
Frank and I went down and they closed the place

down for the day and we talked, and then doctor
Frank was saying, I was the original announcer I used
to MC George Van Tassel’s UFO symposiums way back in
the whole You believe that they did that. You never
knew that, that is, yeah, I know, and he and
I have and he gave me. You know, I have

all most of doctor Frank’s pictures, so I have him there,
everyone who is anyone was there at a certain time.
I even have the video that Bob Short made of
in its heyday. It came to be ten thousand people
were out in the middle of the desert and campers
and all kinds of things because there was nothing. It

was like, you know, that was the very first contact
in the desert. That’s like right right, exactly exactly anyway,
So I was able to, you know, get in and
get all the pictures and things like that, you know,
from the archives of things that I didn’t have. I
of course went through all of Van Tassel’s interviews to

find out exactly what Salgonda look like, because he would
only describe him like, oh, he had short, blonde hair
in one interview. Another one he was five six, another
one he had blue eyes. So I got it all compiled,
and then I had an artist create Salgonda and put
it in the UFO Hotspot books so people can get
an idea of what he looked like. But I’ll tell

you in many other contact tee cases, face to face,
they’re all five six with short hair. Just say, you know,
and it’s.

Speaker 4(14:02):
Love when you hear things repeated because it adds to
the city of the original count.

Speaker 5(14:06):
It does, and they say that they do that because
it’s the form that those people here on earth would
not be afraid of, right, so they would be shorter
than them, they would be all of those things. There’s
many there. I have many stories like that.

Speaker 4(14:25):
But that’s interesting, Craig. Let me ask you a question.
How does the place become one of these UFO hotspots.
Is it the fame of a place, or like the
frequency of reports. For example, is Roswell one of them
because it’s got this famous one case that happened there,
or is it more like something like Mount Adams where
you constantly hear of sighting, sighting, sighting, sighting.

Speaker 5(14:45):
Right, I think Roswell just because of the ginormous amount
of publicity and movies and things that have and it
is a tourist attraction. Now when you go to that town,
I mean every store is just filled with a garb.
You know, the museum is amazing. But then Mount Atams,

I mean I’ve been there. I saw stuff at Mount
Adams through the night vision binoculars. They have everything up
on their website of all the people that have been
there in their testimonials, things that they’ve caught, you know, bigfoots,
and it said that a ship landed in the middle
of the not landed, but was hovering over the property

in the middle of the day many years ago. It
said that it’s the Pleiadians that have a base below
Mount Atoms. And so you know you kind of see
these lights plasma looking ships and they go into the mountain.
Is because when they convert to the fourth dimension, fourth
and fifth they turn to light. Then they can go

through solid objects and then when they get into the
landing pad they go and they’re back in three D.

Speaker 4(15:56):
So do you have a favorite place that you’ve gone
to Craig one of these? Have you been some of them?

Speaker 5(16:01):
Yeah? And with our mutual friend Larie Wagner, Bradshaw Ranch.
Bradshaw Ranch is just a trip. It is like Skinwalker
Ranch on steroids. I’m not kidding you. I’m not kidding you.
And here’s the interesting thing. A lady that doctor Frank
introduced me to, she actually worked at the Bradshaw Ranch

when it was a working ranch, and she is the
one that started telling me all of the stories about
the albino Bigfoot that Linda Bradshaw, Bob’s wife called big Girl,
that there they would hear reptilian the sounds and hisses
and noises and see reptilian footprints out of nowhere. Gray’s

landed in the middle of the night and were surrounding
the houses looking in the windows when they were awake.
I mean, I would freak out it that. I’m sorry,
as have dinosaurs there.

Speaker 4(16:58):
People seem like.

Speaker 5(16:59):
Yeah, yeah, but it’s it’s so you know what it is,
it’s so multi dimensional that the veil is lifted when
you’re there. I’m very sensitive and when I go I
can feel all those dimensions just folding. I mean, the
first time, I was really afraid something was going to
come walking out of nowhere. And I’m going to tell

you this. There’s a guy’s on the strip. It’s in
the middle of nowhere. It’s frightening and if you if
you were there at night, it would be even more
terrifying because it’s just so paranormal. But Linda’s son had
a video camera. He would videotape things, but in the
viewfinder what you were seeing was not what was actually there.

I don’t know you know how many multiple dimensional layers
and things that it is, but they do say a
lot of people in the paranormal And I even remember
Sylvia Brown, the famous psychic, saying she said, the spirit
world is three feet off the ground from Earth. That’s
where the spirit that’s where it begins. If you think

about dimensional layers and things like that, there’s so many things.
I mean, the creatures that the sun saw in the
middle of Like driving home late one night and this
thing walked out, looked like a miniature horse and a cat,
and it had long hair. It was just weird and bizarre.

It stopped, it looked at them, it went across the
road and disappeared, and then on the same night in
another state, I think it was Idaho, that same creature
was also spotted. So are they walking through these dimensional
portals like bigfoots using portals and things like that, because
they’re there and then they’re not there. Right?

Speaker 4(18:43):
Do you have another one of these places that you
haven’t been able to get to yet that you’d like
to go see personally?

Speaker 5(18:49):
Maybe golf Breeze. They had them so regularly there but
thoroughly investigated with moufon Project blue Book. I think I
did put that in the hotspots as well. Every move
on and blue Book believed everyone, all of the witnesses
and things like that. And I’ll never forget doctor Frank
once told me. He said Valiant Thor once told me,

if you see a ship that looks like a beehive,
run for the hills. They are very evil and these
ships look like bee hives.

Speaker 4(19:22):
Wow. Yeah, I love when these things overlap like that.
Like how interesting Doctor Frank has come up twice now
we haven’t even gotten doctor right, I know, I know,
very interesting. When we come back, we’re going to talk
to Craig more about this on the UFO not Spot
Compendium book and see where some of the other hotspites
might be in the world. You’re listening to Beyond Contact
on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network.

We are back on Beyond Contact talking to Craig camp Obaso. Craig,
do you know which one of these sites has been
the most visited?

Speaker 5(20:12):
I would say the most visited sites with UFOs and
extra terrestrials is going to be Sidney. Now, it might
also be the Giant Rock, because you know that’s where
Silgonda originally went. I interviewed Daniel Boone many years ago
with our friend Laurie Wagner. He was married to one

of Van Tassel’s daughters. Him and his son were living
in the trailer that George and his wife lived in
way back when, and this was before he passed. I mean,
he looked like an old wise man with long, long
white hair, beard, the most piercing blue eyes. And he
told me he said he saw the ship because he
was living over across the day he saw the ship

there in the middle of the night. He said he
saw ships all the time coming in there in the
middle of nowhere, right, and there is a military base
near there on the other side of the mountains.

Speaker 4(21:10):
So why do you think it happens in the middle
of nowhere? Isn’t that sort of the stereotypical thing people
think of when they think of people that have had
an abduction or an UFO experience, that it’s always this
out in the middle of nowhere. Isn’t it true that
it happens in downtown La? Right?

Speaker 5(21:24):
It absolutely happens in downtown and La. I mean people
I’ve worked with on movies. Director I said, look, all
you got to do is look up and you’ll find it.
And he found when he took a picture of it.
An agent sent me a picture he got a total
silver donut over Los Angeles, unbelievable, unmistakenly, kind of like

from the very first Men in Black contact where they
had six donut ships, the moriy Island incident. And recently
my attorney and we had who lives in Pump Springs
and came out for the screening and everything. He had
never heard of an extraterrestrial until he met me, right,

And so I said, look, all you got to do
is like if I said, Pump Springs is like a
hot spot for them. They’re all over the place. And
the night before he came, he walked outside, and so
he filmed it and he showed it to me, and
he was like so blown away. He just couldn’t believe
that it existed to him.

Speaker 4(22:31):
And then it’s like in his mind and then he
does back to see one that’s happened.

Speaker 5(22:35):
Absolutely, absolutely, yeah.

Speaker 4(22:37):
Craig, you had spots like this all over the world.

Speaker 5(22:40):
Oh, completely, lots of hot spots everywhere. Just for instance,
like val Thor’s craft Victor one, Victor two. He’s in
Victor one. They’re stationed and over two hundred and fifty
locations in and around the Earth. That’s just his compliment.
And then there’s also a giant starship which he built,

is fourteen miles wide and seven miles long. It’s like
its own movable city.

Speaker 4(23:09):
People who say the craft are like five miles long,
like they’re indecutable. It’s hard to know what’s real in
all of this. Completely, Well, do you have a follow
up book here? Are you going to do one about
the whole world? You could?

Speaker 5(23:22):
I could? I mean my follow up books are to
my book series, The Autobiography of an Extraterrestrial Saga. I
have four books and that series out.

Speaker 4(23:32):
Which is another great title that the title of the
Autobiography of an Extraterrestrial Saga is awesome. I yeah, I
do like your your titles very much. I need to
title something. I know who I’m going to call call me.

Speaker 5(23:48):
Yeah. I’ve just finished doing two prequel books to the series,
which won’t be out for a while. As you know,
we’ve just been finishing the et almanact up mentor I mean,
it’s all done. We’re going to be releasing it on
DVD December first.

Speaker 4(24:05):
Excell so you know.

Speaker 5(24:06):
So that’s cool.

Speaker 4(24:08):
This book, Sheries, you’re talking about, Craig, isn’t that sort
of based on some of your own personal experiences?

Speaker 5(24:13):
It is completely It’s based on when I was woken
up at the age of twenty six. And the way
that I can explain it to people is it’s like
Star Trek looked out into the universe. This is the
beings out there looking in on Earth and how they’re

raising the planet in consciousness for us to merge our
duality so that our egos become balanced, and then we
work from our heart and not our mind and our
reactions anymore. So people always say to me, what’s what’s
the most important thing that I can do, and I

say it is actually working on how to learn to
control your emotions and look at how the other person
is thinking. Because up there in their worlds when they
when they use telepathy, they don’t hide anything about what’s
inside of them, all of their feelings and all of that.

They embrace it. But when they transfer the thought, they’re
also transferring the feeling. So if they’re telling you a story,
you’re going to feel it as if you experienced it,
and then it becomes a part of your experience.

Speaker 4(25:31):

Speaker 5(25:32):
So yeah, so it’s really.

Speaker 4(25:34):
It was like you couldn’t lie doing that either right.

Speaker 5(25:36):
Now you can’t now you can’t lie now.

Speaker 4(25:39):
Maybe it’d be great if we could maybe into that. Craig,
do you think that these alien races you talk about
have been coming here throughout history? How far back do
you think that that goes?

Speaker 5(25:51):
Doctor Frank told me when he was getting his history
lessons because he was able to ask them about a
lot of things, that the very first world on Earth
was called the land of Othello, that there were two
casta beings. Everyone was harmonious, and then at a certain
point certain people started thinking one way and then the

others started thinking the other way, and then they destroyed
their civilization. I really don’t know much more than that.
But then you wonder, well, okay, if your beings that
can get around the universe pretty quick, you’re going to
come and explore other worlds. So it has been said
through a lot of these contactees like Pleadians, Syrians Andromedins,

et cetera, clarions that they came and that they lived
on Earth, and that their DNA is on the planet
like our DNA is a part of all of their DNA. Right,
we’re already hybrids. We just don’t know it. I always say,
one day twenty three and meters is going to give

you your extra terrestrial origins, right.

Speaker 4(27:03):
They say that oftentimes that possibly, you know, we were
created by some of these that are doing you know,
the missing link or whatever. So it’s an interesting thought.
I don’t think you and I have really ever talked
about this. What do you feel about disclosure? Because I
know they’re having more congressional hearings coming up here in November.
What are your thoughts on that?

Speaker 5(27:23):
Well, I know and I have championed Steve Bassett. I
mean that man works tirelessly towards it. I haven’t followed
up on it as much as I should have. But
I also feel through everything that experiencers, abductees and myself

and other people who are sharing information is also a
part of disclosure because there’s so many more people who
are now open to just listening to it. I mean,
I always say, you know, I don’t believe everything I
hear either, but I also say to myself, well, isn’t
that an interesting thought? And it helps you to expand

your thoughts in a direction that maybe you hadn’t thought
of it. It’s always interesting to just say, you know, look,
if it doesn’t gel with you, now set it aside
and come back to it later, and you might understand it.
It’s like reading a book. Like when I worked on
the original Dune, I couldn’t even I couldn’t even read

that book. I mean, you know, I was just out
of high school. I didn’t understand. I could read it now,
you know, and totally understand it. And so it’s kind
of the same analogy.

Speaker 4(28:46):
Sure, I think a lot of times these things, like
you said, you set them aside, you come back to them,
because a lot of this is hard to digest, you know,
the more I hear it. It feels like this whole
phenomenon is much more complex than I think we originally
thought it was. It feels like there’s so many different
layers and elements to it. When we come back, we’re

going to talk to Craig about his award winning documentary,
the famous Valiant Thor Visiting Earth. You’re listening to Beyond
Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal
podcast network. We are back Craig Campobaso on Beyond Contact. Craig,

let’s talk about this famous story of Valiant Thor. It’s
a very interesting story. It happened back in nineteen fifty
seven when a spacecraft landed in Virginia. A normal look
and human guy came out of it, and he spoke
English and everything, but he said he was from Venus.

Speaker 5(29:54):
Right, So there were beings, human extraterrestrial beings that aim
before Valiant Thor to tell him that a universal emissary
would be coming to visit and to prepare the president. Now,
I don’t know if that happened during Truman or if
it was at the beginning of Eisenhower, but Valiant Thor

was already waiting to start his mission here on the
interior of Venus. Ultimately, he’s from somewhere else. That’s where
he came from, is the interior of Venus. So that’s
where he was. And then he was finally given the
commission to come. They knew he was coming. He landed

on a Saturday morning in Alexander of Virginia, in an
agricultural field, so there wouldn’t be a lot of people around.
Two police officers came up escorted him to the Pentagon,
and that’s where he met with the Secretary of Defense
and the Under Secretary of Defense. They immediately put him
on the underground train and then brought him into Eisenhower.

Everyone was in there except for Nixon, who came late
because it was Pat’s birthday. He came with what we
call a divine design to eliminate sickness, disease, poverty, how
to prolong your life, but also to talk to Eisenhower
about atomics, free energy, all kinds of things to help

our planet get back on track. It was said he
would therefore become the guests of the US government for
three years. They put together a Pentagon apartment for him.
I believe it was three floors down he wore blue
suits and white shirts and white ties, only white ties anyway.
So during this time he met, he would meet with

the President go over the proposal. He would meet also
with Nixon. Nixon became a little closer to him because
Eisenhower was always very busy, too.

Speaker 4(32:01):
Busy to talk to a being from another.

Speaker 5(32:03):
Part less you know. Well, I’m explaining the way doctor
Frank explained it.

Speaker 4(32:09):
And Frank the only guy that has this claim, or
does somebody else claim to have known Valiant Thorpe.

Speaker 5(32:15):
There was another gentleman in Van Eyes who now lives
on the ship. He’s over one hundred. His name was
doctor Lee. And there was another guy in Switzerland, but
I don’t know whatever happened to him. There are other people,
and I have met a few people who met him,
and one lady with him and doctor Frank in the

sixties and another lady twice in one week where he
came to visit a visit their little group and talk
to them. There’s a guy that took a photo of them,
right right, So that happened in nineteen fifty eight. Howard
Mender was a major contacte back then, and so he

would have UFO talks in his backyard. Jim Moseley was
at this one who was a big part of all
of this. I talked to Jim, but he didn’t remember
seeing Valiant Thor anything. He was a very young guy.
He since passed. But August Roberts, Now this is all
in Highbridge, New Jersey. At the time, Doctor Frank lived

in New Jersey. The retired Air Force photographer August Robert
lived in New Jersey. And when he saw Valiant Thor
vice commander down and Jill, who’s the wife of another
vice commander named Zan, he took over two hundred and
fifty photos because he knew that Menser was in contact

with ets.

Speaker 4(33:45):
He didn’t he.

Speaker 5(33:48):
Thor. Yeah, and we only have something like fifteen that remains.

Speaker 4(33:54):
There’s like a group of yeah, right, there’s one with
four of the crew.

Speaker 5(33:58):
Well there’s there’s that will be they’re they’re at the
Mener farm. That that’s it. But that we don’t know
what happened to all of his pictures.

Speaker 4(34:08):
That makes this story tougher. That we’ve we’ve lost the photos.
We think other people would have interacted with Valiant Thor.
You think there’d be more people that have come forward
with this.

Speaker 5(34:18):
Right, I had a Secret serviceman contacted me once when
the movie first came out. You know, he said, look,
I’m in the Secret Service. I was there at that time,
and I’m just going to tell you the story is true.
But yeah, he just told me. But I mean, yeah,
and you know, George Fyler, Major George Fyler was at

the Pentagon at that time, and George heard all about
valiant Thorpe being there, and when they’d be walking the
halls with somebody else, he would say that that’s where
he is. He’s in there.

Speaker 4(34:51):
Didn’t they form NASA like months after valiant Thorp came?

Speaker 5(34:55):
They did? They did? Yeah, well it was being formed
and he was there to help guide them. Now, some
people would say, oh my god, that’s horrible. No, you
have to look at it from the standpoint that he
is categorized as what I would call a doctor Frank
called a seraphim. He’s a creative being without a belly button.

Speaker 4(35:18):
Sounds like an AI kind of a thing. Almost.

Speaker 5(35:21):
Yeah, you know, well I don’t know about that.

Speaker 4(35:23):
I mean, is he is he?

Speaker 5(35:24):

Speaker 4(35:24):
He is he biologic?

Speaker 5(35:26):
Yeah? No, he’s biological. Creative beings are biological, Okay, Yeah,
because I actually asked that question. I did, Yeah, I did,
and it definitely got answered yes. So he was there
for three years. They had to turn it down. Nixon
and Eisenhower were for it, by the way, it was

all the other powers that be that turned it down,
saying that it would put doctors, nurses, pharmaceutical companies, electric
companies out of business, and it would totally crash the economy.
So could you imagine if they had started to implement
it back then where the world would be today exactly.

Speaker 4(36:07):
So that’s another thing that’s hard to believe that they
would say, well, no, we don’t want to do that.
R right, correct, And you think vallian Thor would be
able to somehow still get his message out. Now? Is
he still on Earth supposedly or whatever happened?

Speaker 5(36:19):
He is?

Speaker 4(36:20):

Speaker 5(36:20):
He returned a year later on March sixteenth, nineteen sixty one,
rekindled his friendship with doctor Frank. His craft was originally
stationed in Henderson, Nevada. When they started building all the
homes there, he moved it out to Lake Mead. So
they’re like blinked into the fourth dimension, but they can
see into this dimension. They do, Doctor Frank said, They

do go out, does anyone else.

Speaker 4(36:45):
Have contact with thor anymore?

Speaker 5(36:46):
Or I don’t know of anyone who’s having physical contact
with him. When I was writing the screenplay and things,
my contact it was telepath thick, and he would only
come around when things were at the end and needed
to be done and taken care of, Like the short

film had a lot of things going on, and it
didn’t look like it was going to get to this
one festival. And I heard him when he came in,
and by the way, when he comes in, your whole
body just rings with chills for fifteen minutes, that’s how
high his energy is. And he was with me for
those three days, and everything went boom boom boom, and

everything just solidified and all of that.

Speaker 4(37:33):
Well, what about the idea of making this a feature film?
You and I have been talking about that for ten years.

Speaker 5(37:38):
I think, yes, Well, I’m I have everything ready, I
have the script ready, I have you know, I know
all the actors I want, I know a lot of
the people you know for costumes and all of that.
I’ve just been trying to raise the money. But I
need a lot of money. I mean, I can make

it for fifteen million, twenty twenty five, thirty, thirty five,
or fifty. It would just depend on the caliber of
actors and the visual effects, because half of it will
take place up there on their craft and the other
half here in nineteen fifties Washington, DC.

Speaker 4(38:20):
Well listen to Craig. True or not, or parts of
it may be true. Either way, it’s an incredible story.
It’s a fun story. It makes a great script that
this guy came here, you know. And even that name
is great. Valiant Thorpe sounds superhero from a comic book
or something, and it’s kind of a folklore. I think
we’ve all kind of heard of it. Even if you
don’t know that story, well you’ve heard of Valiant thor

if you know what I mean. So good luck with that. Craig,
thanks for coming on the show. I really appreciate it,
and thank you guys all for listening to be on contact.
We’ll be back next week with an all new episode.


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