Episode 24: Captain Ron and Producer Bri

Nov 1, 2024

Captain Ron welcomes Beyond Contact and Contact In The Desert producer Bri Matts with a discussion on the legendary cryptid encounters and their connections to UFO phenomena. Join them as they discuss such creatures as The Flatwoods Monster and Mothman, and the relationship they have with extraterrestrial research and paranormal investigations.

Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 (00:02):
You’re listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast DAM
Paranormal podcast network, where we offer you podcasts of the paranormal, supernatural,
and the unexplained. Get ready now for Beyond Contact with
Captain Rong.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
Welcome to our podcast. Please be aware the thoughts and
opinions expressed by the host are their thoughts and opinions
only and do not reflect those of iHeartMedia, iHeartRadio, Coast
to Coast AM, employees of Premier Networks, or their sponsors
and associates. We would like to encourage you to do

your own research and discover the subject matter for yourself.

Speaker 3 (00:53):
Hey everyone, it’s Captain Ron and each week on Beyond Contact,
we’ll explore the latest news that you follow, discuss some
of the classic cases, and bring you the latest information
from the newest cases as we talked with the top experts.

Speaker 4 (01:10):
Welcome to a special Halloween edition of Beyond Contact. I
am Captain Ron, and today we’re going to be taking
a look at four of the more unique, scary and
interesting cases in history. Today, I’m going to be joined
by Brianna, who is the brains behind this operation. She’s
the producer of Beyond Contact she’s been in this community
for quite some time now, and she’s had her own podcast,

and she not only produces the Beyond Contact podcast, but
she’s also our producer for the Contact in the Desert conference,
so she certainly stays busy and we work hand in
hand all the time. So let’s welcome Bree.

Speaker 5 (01:44):
Hey, thanks for having me on.

Speaker 4 (01:46):
Can’t hear you?

Speaker 5 (01:47):
You can’t hear me?

Speaker 4 (01:48):
No, turn your mic on?

Speaker 5 (01:49):
It is on? Okay, hold on? How are we talking?
And then all of a sudden, not talking? Hold on?

Speaker 4 (01:53):
I thought you said this was set up and ready
to go. What’s going on?

Speaker 5 (01:56):
She’s gonna be fired? You really can’t hear me?

Speaker 4 (02:00):
Free? What this being trick or treat season? I thought
that that would be a trick for Brie. She can
be heard by all of us of course, Oh my god,
I’m the first time on the air that I will
give her a little bit of a hard time and makeure.
So there’s your trick or treat for the season three.
So welcome on the air.

Speaker 5 (02:19):
How you doing, Thanks for having me Ron, I’m doing great.
This should be a fun episode. We always have a
good time chatting, so I’m excited to get into it.

Speaker 4 (02:28):
We certainly do. And you know, you and I a
lot of times talk about how a lot of these
things overlap.

Speaker 5 (02:34):
Definitely, I think it should be a little bit of
a disclaimer that even though this seems like it’s very
halloweeny and more paranormal, these things totally overlap with each other.
I don’t think it’s fair that we continue to put
things into boxes. You know, the unknown is the unknown,
All of it seems to coincide together. I just kind

of feel like if we just say something is a
certain way, then it completely blocks us off from all
the other possibilities. And so I think a lot of
the things that we’ll talk about today you may not
think could be alien in nature, but it absolutely has
those same attributes.

Speaker 4 (03:12):
And we never know. We don’t really know what any
of these creatures are. We do know that they’re unknown
and the people that witness them directly do not know
what they are. So could they be cryptids, could they
be spiritual, could they be interdimensional? We just don’t know.
But it is fun to talk about, and we’ll try
to get closer to the truth as we go along.
So in the spirit of Halloween, let’s take a look
at these four specific, unique historical cases that have a

very nice scary Halloween feel to them. And those four
UFO cases are the Flatwood Monster’s case, the Mothman case,
the Grinning Man case, and the Kelly Hopkinsville Goblin encounter.
So there’s even a goblin in here. Bre you very
well done, how great for Halloween. So first off, this
Flatwood Monster case, this is very well known case in
the community, of course, and it just happens to take

place in the very same year of the famous UFO
flyover in Washington, d C. This case started in the
evening of September twelfth, nineteen fifty two, in West Virginia,
when two brothers Ed and Fred May and their friend
Tommy Hier saw a bright object in the sky and
it didn’t follow a direct trajectory to the ground. Instead

of it like going straight right to left down into
the ground, it paused and lowered as if it was landing,
And this got the boys attention, so they ran home
and they told their mother, Kathleen, and she gathered several people,
including a US guardsman, to come with them to go
check out the site. So they all went out there
and as they approached it, they noticed this metallic object

that looked like a saucer, and it was resting in
a field. It was described as being over ten feet
in diameter and giving off a greenish light. The group
ran up the top of this hill to get a
better perspective where they saw pulsating red light. They aimed
the flashlight the direction of that, and they momentarily saw
this tall, manlike figure with a round red face and

glowing eyes. The eyes admitted a green orange light, and
it was surrounded by a pointed hoodlike shape like that
of an ace of spades is how they described it.
The figure it appeared to be wearing a dark metallic
suit and had long, spinly arms and claw like hands,
another thing we hear oftentimes. The witnesses described this creature

as being around ten to twelve feet tall and emitting
a hissing sound. They said it turned left and right
as if it was scanning the area, and it seemed
very mechanical to them. The figure then glided towards the
group they screened, and the guy with the flashlight dropped it,
causing him all the run away, and they all said
that they had smelt a pungent mist, and later many

of them felt nauseated, they think from this mist. Local
sheriff and deputy had been investigating reports of a crashed
aircraft in the area. They searched the site of the
reported monster, but they did not see anything. However, the
next day Lee Stewart, Junior of the Braxton Democratic paper,
claimed to have discovered skid marks in the field and
an odd gummy deposit, which later they subsequently attributed to

the UFO saucer landing. The case of the Flatwood Monster
became a sensation in the media, various theories and explanations
being put forward to explain this strange encounter, saying that
the bright light in the sky reported by the witnesses
was most likely just a meteor, and that the pulsating
red light was likely an aircraft navigation system or a
hazard beacon, and that the creature itself, the way it

was described by witnesses closely resembled that of an owl.
This was a big story at the time and became
a national story, which was rated number eleven for that
year in nineteen fifty two. The story attracted media attention
that led to investigators by local and national UFO enthusiasts,
including a visit from the US Air Force under Project

Blue Book, which also unquote investigated the sighting, but they
concluded it was most likely just a meteor and a
misidentification of local wildlife or possibly weather phenomenon. So of note,
it is interesting that the reporters say that each of
the people that witness this told the exact same story,
and they all stuck to this story later in life.

There’s documentaries out there now with these guys, and it’s
fifty years later and they still recount and stick to
that exact same story. Remember, this was the first well
publicized case that involved seeing an actual, let’s call it
alien being. Benny and Barney Hill doesn’t happen for another
ten years, so there’s really nothing in the legitimate history

to go on. It’s not like this was out there
in the nomenclature. We didn’t say alien. It wasn’t really
out there. And to this day, it’s a very unique case.
I don’t even recall, bree to you, any cases of
being that look like that. It’s kind of like half mechanical,
half biological, right, it’s a weird thing, and.

Speaker 5 (07:57):
It’s so weird looking. I’m going to call it an extraterrestrial.
I don’t think it looks anything like an owl. But
this is the first time we’re seeing something that, to
me almost sounds like a mix of a flesh and
blood creature, but almost like a robotwood monster. The first cyborg,
the first cyborg. That’s that’s interesting.

Speaker 4 (08:19):
But wait, there’s more. There’s actually at least two other
very similar encounters of this being. Several days before the
event in flat Woods, a woman named Odra Harper, who
lived just five miles north of Flatwoods, said she was
walking through the woods with her friends and they saw
a giant ball of fire on a hill. Thinking nothing
of this, assuming it was just a farmer burning something

in the field, they glanced back and then she realized
that that ball of fire had turned into a dark
silhouette of an eerily tall man emerging right from that
spot where the flames were. The day after the flat
Woods incident, on the thirteenth, a young couple was driving
en Route twenty just south of flat Woods when their
car broke down. Their name was George and Edith Snikowski,

and they were with their eighteen month old son, and
they were desperate to get back on the road because
it was getting dark and they smelled sulfur and saw
a bright light filled the sky, and their car suddenly died.
When they looked up, they saw a ten foot what
they called monster hovering right in front of them. It
had clawed hands and a reptilian looking head. This creature

touched their car before running off into the woods. The
vehicle suddenly started right back up again, actually bre Over
that twenty four hour period, over one hundred reports of
flying objects and crashes called in in that exact area.
So what I do find interesting in these stories are
the elements that have become staples in first person accounts

of supposed aliens, like the car dying. We now think
of that as standard operating procedure in an incident like this,
the car dying, But in nineteen fifty two it was
completely unknown. So I find that credible that, you know,
later people are recounting the same thing happening in their instances.
You know. Also there’s the large glowing eyes, the spinly arms,

So there are a lot of elements that do make
this case very interesting, if not credible.

Speaker 5 (10:08):
What do you think I absolutely agree with you. The
car stopping, the sulfur smell, that’s something very common with
et encounters as well, the smell of a soul free
or just unpleasant smell, not just ET’s but paranormal encounters.
The red pulsing light, something we see often the family
the maze. They brought their dog with them. Their dog

had ran out to the craft first and had a
strange reaction and ran straight back home. The sickness altogether
sort of resembled the exposure to mustard gas. So I
thought that was very interesting. This seems to be sort
of the first instances where we have actual craft and
beings stepping foot on our soil.

Speaker 4 (10:53):
Absolutely okay, Well, now Bree’s gonna sing for us a
Flatwood Monster song that she wrote, Uh red you want? Okay, Well,
I guess she’s not up for that right now. But
when we come back, we’re going to take a look
at the Mothman case from nineteen sixty six. You’re listening
to Beyond on Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to
Coast AM Paranormal podcast Network. We are back on Beyond Contact.

I am Captain Ron. We’re talking with producer Bree today
and Brie we’re talking about these UFO cases that have
monsters in them, like the Flatwood Monster now let’s talk
about this Mothman case from nineteen sixty six.

Speaker 5 (11:40):
Interesting enough, this is also in West Virginia, about twenty
five miles away from Flatwoods. To me, that’s relatively close.
And ten or so years later, there’s a lot of
crossover in this case. I’m sure most people have either
seen the movie or read the book the Mothman Prophecies.
I think that’s very common, and that was based off

of a non fictional book of the accounts that happened
around a thirteen month period in Point Pleasant. We have
November fifteenth being the first national publicized case, but there
were many reports before that, starting of the first of
November in nineteen sixty six. One thing that makes this

a hot spot, I believe, was a huge area about
eight thousand acres or so of an old manufacturing plant
that was abandoned right after World War Two, and instead
of giving that land back to the state, instead they
made it a dumping ground for chemicals and other toxic waste.

So this area became very popular and it was known
as the TNT area. Just as early as November first,
we have a National guardsman who reports this figure in
a tree, and then less than two weeks later, we
have about five men that also sees the humanoid figure.
And when I find really interesting and I think this

is going to be a word. We hear a lot
in this episode is gliding. These accounts with either a
being or the craft, they seem to glide almost float.
Kenneth Duncan, who was the main person that came out
about this story, he said, quote, it was gliding through
the trees and in my sight for about a minute,

but it didn’t look like any bird. It was a man,
a man with wings. Another very interesting story, more on
the UFO side, is the story of Merl Partridge. You
can listen to this this on audio recording and that
makes it a little bit more real. He’s a farm owner.
He said. It was about ten thirty at night and
the TV started winding winding up like it was a

high pitched generator. So imagine just hanging out, you know,
trying to unwind from the day, and you’re watching TV
and all of a sudden, your TV just makes this
ridiculously loud electrical sound. It was so loud. He describes
the TV as screaming that exact same time. His dog
banned it. Who was on the front porch. He just

starts going crazy. He’s barking. The whole situation seems like
it’s chaos. In that one minute, he jumps up to
try to turn the TV down from making this ridiculously
loud noise, and before he could even make it to
the TV, it shatters, just glass everywhere, all over the
middle of his floor. So he’s freaked out, just immediately

runs out of the house, and at that exact same time,
his dog banned it also books it. He runs down
to the field. There was nothing down in that field
except for a really small pumphouse. So he’s calling for
the dog, trying to find the dog, and he said,
when I look down there, all I seen were red
lights going around intermittent. So he’s looking down, he’s seeing

these strange red lights going around, his dog is barking.
He’s calling his dog. He said, the first thing he
thought was that it could have been a helicopter, but
there was zero sound. All he could see were those
red lights going around. He stayed out there for almost
thirty minutes trying to call the dog back, and he wouldn’t,
and at that point he just went inside to help
his wife clean up. They went to bed. He didn’t

think anything of it. Their dog banned it, never came home,
he was never seen again. I find that pretty sad.
But the similarities with the high pitched sound that we
also hear about in some cases where it’s a little
bit more paranormal, there’s some type of electrical interference going on,
and I can’t even imagine the type of pulse it
would take for your TV screen to shatter, just to

blow out.

Speaker 4 (15:39):
An electrical surge of some kind.

Speaker 5 (15:41):
But at the exact same time with the dog barking
and going crazy, you know, he’s forever going to remember
that moment, not only because he thinks there was a
strange yo foe that landed and blew out his TV,
but also that the dog went to investigate and never
came back home. So that was the first kind of
instance that we have. And then we have the start
of the major, the major first sighting on November fifteenth,

which so happens to be my birthday. This is a
pretty famous encounter of two couples, Steven Mary Mallett and
Roger and Linda Scarberry. They’re out the TNT area. They’re
racing their cars, you know, partying around and As they
pass the North power Plant, they notice a man just
standing in the middle of the road, and as they

got closer, they noticed that this man was at least
seven feet tall and his skin was light gray in color.
All of a sudden, these wings come out from behind
his back and the thing starts chasing them. These people
are freaked out. They jump on Route sixties too. They’re
headed to the sheriff’s office, and as they’re driving around,

they look out of their window and notice that this
being is chasing them still, and he stays hovered over
the car the entire time, and they’re reaching speeds about
one hundred miles an hour. I think he goes up
to one hundred and five. They take a sharp left
turn and they come across the being again and he’s
standing on a billboard. So they’re kind of shocked, like,

how is this thing right behind us? We take a
sharp left turn, and all of a sudden he’s in
front of us, and he’s just standing on top of
the billboard. They didn’t notice.

Speaker 4 (17:18):
After than they are, and they said they’re going one
hundred and.

Speaker 5 (17:20):
Five right, so you can only imagine. They said that
they couldn’t hear the wings flapping as it was above them,
but they could hear a mouse like squeaking. What is
that sound that they heard at Flatwoods, Yeah, a hissing squeaky. Yeah,
it’s very interesting. Oddly enough, the beings stopped chasing them

as soon as they reached the city limits. After reporting
that to the sheriff. This just got insane and from
then on, all of these encounters started happening in Point Pleasant.
It was pretty much like a mass hysteria in the town.
People started, you know, arming up with their firearms you
can imagine, like grab your pitchforks, and there were so

many people out there that they ended up deploying the
National Guard to control crowds of people that were all
headed into this TNT area to try to chase down
this terrorizing creature. And it was reported that at one
time there were literally miles of cars just trying to
get into the TNT area. This was something the town

took very seriously. Though this isn’t the first encounter of
a light gray skinned being. There was another woman who
was right outside her sister’s house and saw a UFO
appear in the sky and it was heading straight towards
the house. She turns around and sees a being right

in front of her, and she kind of gets choked up,
like she freezes her flight or flight is kicking in
and she falls. She gets only a foot away from
this being. It was also, like I said, light gray
and skin. It was at least seven feet tall. She
gets up, she makes it right before the door slam shut.
The whole family claims that the being was trying to

get into the house, going on the windows, trying to
scrape at the door. This poor lady Marcella, she kind
of goes in an out of consciousness because the whole
thing was quite an ordeal. She claims still to this
day that she knew the being was not from here.
That’s all she could feel. What’s interesting is Virginia Thomas,

who was Marcella’s sister. She was at church that night,
so she missed the instance. She claims to get visions
from time to time, and she did tell reporters before
this that she had a vision that very same day
and told them quote, a creature would appear frighten people
but not harm them.

Speaker 4 (19:49):
I think that the mothman also is considered to be
a like a predictor correct like of bad things to come.

Speaker 5 (19:56):
That’s an interesting note there.

Speaker 4 (19:59):
When we come back, we’re going to finish up with
the Mothman and then go into another case from nineteen
sixty six, that’s the Grinning Man Ingrid Cold. You’re listening
to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio on Coast to Coast
AM Paranormal Podcast Network. We are back on Beyond Contact

and we’re discussing interesting historical UFO cases. But first let’s
finish up with the Mothman. Briy.

Speaker 5 (20:35):
A lot of instances from here on out always accompanied
by some sort of UFO. People notice the UFO and
the sky and then look down and there’s this being
standing in front of them. Some cases, people noticed a
UFO outside of their house and as they looked out
the window, the being’s just standing there in the window

or the front lawn. Many people reported being able to
feel something from this creature, that it had a sense
of sorrow and sadness, and they felt that it was
trying to communicate with them. And so all of these
sightings start happening, I mean major UFO sidings. The newspaper
had to open up a special office just for the

people that were calling in about their UFO sidings.

Speaker 4 (21:20):
All of everyone associates Mothman with these UFO sightings, which
is in fact true.

Speaker 5 (21:25):
It is very true. I mean the first ones were
just this grayish being, and then from there on it’s
always with the UFO, and these sightings kind of continued
flooding in until it seemed to come to a very
sudden stop when the Silver Bridge collapsed about ten days
before Christmas, and forty six people died. Some bodies weren’t

even recovered. So that became this sort of idea that
floated around that maybe the Mothman came as a bad
omen or maybe it was trying to warn people. It
was always in the TNT area, so a part of
me was thinking, maybe it was trying to keep people
away from the toxic waste plant. Maybe it was emitting

this sad feeling and trying to communicate to warn them
about what was to come.

Speaker 4 (22:14):
Yes, the Mothman. The bridge going down is of course
the famous tie in with Mothman. Also, now I guess
born on the same day that Brie was is the
Mothman day, So that’s an interesting coincidence. I don’t know.
This next case is a bit less known but interesting nonetheless,
it’s called the Grinning Man and it’s named Ingrid Cold.

Tell us about this one.

Speaker 5 (22:35):
Brie, Indrid Cold is a very interesting encounter. This is
also in West Virginia, and interestingly enough, this happens the
very next day after the first reported mothman case, so
this is the exact same timeframe. There is a man
named Woodrow darren Berger who’s driving home. He’s on Highway

seventy seven. He knows this is a car coming up
from behind him, and as it gets closer, he realizes
it’s not a car. It’s a strange object that he
said was traveling at the same speed of his truck.
But it then cut in front of his vehicle, traveling sideways.
This object lands right in front of him. It is

a straight up UFO. It is dark gray in color,
thirty to forty feet long. It’s like an oval shape,
but it has a flat bottom. He said it looked
a little bit like a kerosene lamp. This object lowers
to the ground and a hatchl like door opens up,
and this man walks out of the craft. And as

soon as he walks out of the craft, the craft
starts to go back up again. About seventy five feet
in the air, just hovering there. This man is six
feet tall. He looked maybe thirty five to forty years old.
He had slicked back hair, a top hat. He was
in a buttoned up suit that was a shiny navy material.

And he starts talking to Woodrow, but not verbally. He
starts communicating telepathically, and he refers to himself as Indred Cold,
and that he is a seeker. He telepathically tells Woodrow
that he’s not there to hurt him, he has no
reason to fear him, and oddly he ends this encounter

telling Woodrow that he will see him again that same
exact day, on November two in Galipos, Ohio. It’s right
next to point Pleasant. We have another woman who sees
this bright flash in the sky right above her, and
she describes it as a cylindrical object. It lands in

a parking lot and Indred, the exact same looking man
that was described by Woodrow, walks out of it, but
she doesn’t talk to him. She gets a little bit
scared and she books it out as I would as well. Coincidentally,
the exact same day again, so this is the third
sighting on the same day, there were two men who
were driving again on Highway seventy seven. They came across

a man just standing there so without the craft, who
also told him that he was injured cold, and they
said he had a very ominous presence about him. He’s
just grinning and his smile is comical smile. It’s almost
so large it’s inhuman. It looks like the smile is
coming off the side of his face. So I imagine

injured Cold almost looking like the Joker, especially the newer Jokers.
His slip back hair, this very strange face, this overly
just exaggerated smile where it just looks creepy Woodrow. The
first person who encountered the grinning man said he could
speak to him teleopathically after that and he would give

him messages. I do think it’s interesting that this injured
Cold was seen by many many people companied with that
strange of a foe, and that this was the exact
same timeframe as the mothman sightings in West Virginia.

Speaker 4 (26:07):
It’s interesting how a lot of these things seem to
tie in, or they have little tiny elements that are similar.
How could that be, you know, why would the telepathicness
we see it in all these other alien cases. Telepathic
communication is almost universal, I would say, right.

Speaker 5 (26:22):
Absolutely definitely. Telepathic communication, gray skin, the gliding all very similar.

Speaker 4 (26:30):
Gliding, the way that these things move. These are all
four different cases that we’re talking about today, but there’s
other cases throughout history that have these similar little sort
of tent poles, Like their local motion is not like
a person walking the telepathic thing. You brought up the
dog earlier. The dog is in the next case as well,
that there’s a dog that gets spooked by this thing

as well. So I find it very interesting how there’s
so many similarities across these things, even though describe them
in such different ways. Now, of course, part of this
is from that person’s view. Maybe if somebody else saw
this same exact thing, they might describe it differently.

Speaker 5 (27:10):
That is a great point. Even though this isn’t a movie.
There is a part in the Mofman Prophecies. He’s on
the phone with Indrid Cold. Indred Cold is calling him
and he says, what do you look like? And Indred says,
it depends on who’s looking.

Speaker 4 (27:28):
And that’s that’s great.

Speaker 5 (27:30):
Incredibly, because I think we also come across sightings where
people are seeing something definitely, but they might describe it
a little bit differently. It does remind me something that
the both of us talk about sometime when you know,
the Spanish came and the natives didn’t even know what
they were looking at. It’s the same thing. You have

no concept of what you’re looking at, nor do you
have any context to what it could be, and it
could just be how our brains interpret reference.

Speaker 4 (28:00):
So there’s two other things going on here. Number one,
it’s the verbiage that people use. Two people might have
the identical experience with an identical being, and one would
say it’s a spirit, or it’s a ghost, or it’s
a saint or something religious. Maybe that’s their background. Somebody
else might say, if they’re more scientific, they might say
it’s an alien. They might say it’s an escaped you know,

mutation gone wrong from some labs somewhere. Who knows. I mean,
everybody’s got their own different take and what they think
it is. But also in that moment, all of these
cases we’re discussing today, people are arguably in a state
of panic. I mean, you’re coming up on this hill
and this thing moves towards you. You’re not thinking clearly,
you’re just like, oh my god, the hell is that thing?

You don’t really know what you’re looking at. Nobody identifies
these things. If it was an owl, they would go, oh,
it looks like an owl, or whatever that case may be.
But these are things that people have never experienced. That’s
why they don’t even have the words for it.

Speaker 5 (28:55):
Imagine a shot of adrenaline spurts across your spine and
you just don’t know what to do. You don’t know
how to react. That’s also why memories, you know, there’s
little bits and pieces that are missing there because you’re
just kind of in that survival mode. And I think
that’s why there’s an overwhelming sense of fear. Actually, in
all of these cases, the beings that they came across

were not trying to hurt them. They didn’t harm them
at all. It’s just the overwhelming sense of fear because
we don’t understand what we’re seeing that we interpret it
to be a threat.

Speaker 4 (29:26):
And you know, I don’t know how i’d react to
any of these things. I just hope to God I
never wake up and see some alien looking being at
the end of my bed. I’m afraid of that. Ever, happening.

Speaker 5 (29:36):
That’s too bad. You should be kind of excited and welcoming.

Speaker 4 (29:39):
Well, people all tell me, yeah, don’t you want to
meet this? No.

Speaker 5 (29:42):
I there was a mothman sighting of a woman who
kept seeing UFOs outside of her house and she wakes
up them mill of the night and sees this thing,
the mothman, hovering over her. And I’ll take a reptilian,
I think over a very tall, gray winged creature.

Speaker 4 (30:01):
I don’t want to see anything.

Speaker 5 (30:02):
Just don’t spread the wings.

Speaker 4 (30:04):
Brie. I need to stop you from going on and
on and on and on and on and on and
boring our audience. We need to move on to the
next segment. When we come back, we’re going to look
at one more case, the Kelly Hopkinsville Goblin Encounter. Love
that name. Can’t say it, but I love the name.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on

Beyond Contact. I’m speaking with producer Breed today about some
classic UFO cases. We have one more today called the
Kelly Hopkinsville Goblin Encounter, which is a fascinating and bizarre
event that took place back on August twenty first, nineteen
fifty five, in a rural area right where the town
of Kelly and Hopkinsville, Kentucky are. According to the witnesses,

the encounter began when one member of the Sutton family
went out of the farmhouse and they were outside and
they saw a meteor or bright light go across the
sky that seemed to land in a nearby field. Instead
of crashing down like a meteor wood, it seemed to
sort of land again, kind of like the Flatwood’s case.
Some strange noises outside their farmhouse, and so they went

outside to investigate. Walking around, they found these two to
four foot tall what they called at the time goblin
like creatures, again not knowing what to describe these things,
as the creatures were described as having large round heads,
long thin limbs, oversized bug eyes, pointed ears, long arms,

and claw like hands. They seemed silver and moved in
a bizarre floating manner, again the local motion that we
talked about, and also they emitted another strange, high pitched
hissing sound like we’ve heard in at least two of
the other cases today. As the creatures approached the farmhouse,
the Suttons in Their friends armed themselves with firearms, believing

that their lives were in danger, so in this case,
they did feel like these creatures were coming at them.
They reported that the creatures attempted to enter the house
through the windows, and that they would peer in and
then disappear when they approached them. A series of frantic
moments unfolded, and the group fired shots at the beings,
claiming that the bullets seemed to have no effect. They

described the creatures as appearing to be impervious to their gunfire,
as they would simply roll away from it. They did
a somersault move and went away from the bullets, which
only seemed to make the people more scared. Later that night,
five adults and seven children went to the Hopkinsville police
station claiming that small possible alien creatures from spaceship were

attacking them at their farmhouse and that they’d been holding
them off with gunfire for three to four hours. Concerned
about the gunfire, four different police officials, five state troopers,
three deputy sheriffs, and even four military police officers all
came down to the Sutton farmhouse. Their search yielded nothing
other than the evidence of gunfire and holes in the

window and the door, and the screens made from their gunfire.
This was a Christian household, and there was no alcohol
consumed by any of the witnesses. The family story received
widespread coverage in local and then national press. Early articles
didn’t refer to them as little green men, but later
newspapers started calling them little green men as per usual.

Uphologists regarded as one of the most significant and well
documented cases in history. Skeptics maintained that there was no
real physical evidence for the encounter, and that the reports
were due to the effects of them being over excited
and misidentifying. Great horned owls, which are also nocturnal, fly
silently yellow eyes, and they aggressively defend their nests. And

they also say that the meteor sightings occurred on that
same night, so that would have been the light in
the sky that he saw. Project Bluebook also quote unquote
in investigated this case, calling it simply a hoax. I
find this a very interesting case as well. I like
that they called them goblins. It’s nineteen fifty five. They
really have no idea what they’re dealing with. I still

have no idea what they were dealing with. What could
possibly have happened to these people. I have no idea.
I do find it interesting to hear elements again in
their story that we hear time and time again in
stories of the Grays again, the long, spiny arms, the
big glowing eyes, the silver suit. The same themes are
heard over and over. I find it very difficult to

believe that this was a hoax. There are a lot
of witnesses here who all seem to have stuck to
their same story. The fact that there were seven children there,
some of them were very small. This was a family
in the early fifties. I can’t even imagine they would
fire guns inside their house and drive their kids to

the station at midnight for a joke. It seems unlikely
to me. If it was a hoax, it would have
been a couple of the guys outside or something. But
there’s gunfire throughout their home inside, and in this case,
I find it very unlikely that the family misidentified horned owls.
They live in the middle of nowhere. Surely they would
have seen owls before, and the gunfire, I would think,

would scare off anything like an owl. They wouldn’t keep
coming back for three or four hours NonStop. I have
no idea what scared these poor people, but I do
not like the canned explanation that it was a meteor
and then they saw owls. That seems even harder to believe.
What do you think, Brie?

Speaker 5 (35:35):
I had this funny vision in my head of a
stitch looking you know from Lailo and Stitch looking being
just going around doing somersaults. Can’t help but kind of
laugh at that. I think it is ridiculous that they
said it could have been an owl. That is the
go to excuse, along with swamp gas and you know
venus it’s an owl. Yet a great point that if

they’re shooting rounds, which I think they went through like
a hundred rounds of gunfire, ye, there’s no way that
an owl is going to stick around for that. There’s
just no way in hell. And these are countryfolk. They
know what an owl looks like, they know their surroundings,
they know, you know, the animals and the birds in
that area. There’s no way all of a sudden they

would be freaked out by a bunch of owls. I
also thought it’s pretty interesting that one of them said
that when he shot at one of these beings, it
didn’t fall like you would assume, it floated down, almost
like it was gliding. So again we have that strange
movement between these creatures.

Speaker 4 (36:35):
I think. I think it’s very interesting how there’s so
many ties to all four of these cases, which are
very unique cases, yet there’s underlying elements of each of
the four that tie in together that keep repeating themselves.

Speaker 5 (36:49):
These beings in Hopkinsville had long gray arms just like flatwoods,
and that they had quaal like talents on their hands.
That’s exactly like flatwoods. I think it’s funny that you
mentioned that there were green because the original one they
were almost silver in color. They look like they’re wearing
these little silver suits that to me is more like

these grays or even the android version of grays. Mofman
and in Kentucky Hopkinsville, they both have their own festivals
for these sightings.

Speaker 4 (37:23):
And we’ve heard each of those things in other cases
previous and recently. Of course. The other thing I found
interesting is, of course I did a lot of research
on all of these cases and did a deep dive,
and you see as these stories evolve over the year,
new things get added to the story. A newspaper personal
ad that there were green a newspaper personal ad. So

like these little elements, I of course always always always
like to go back to the original report. There are
cases that years later they called it a UFO, that
he said he saw ufo outside, But when you go
back you read his statement he said he saw a
meteor or a shooting star. He never said UFO or spacecraft.

So these things get added. So I don’t like how
these stories all get colored over the years as they
get more famous and get more written about, because everyone
else has to add their own thing. But that’s what
happens in this community. We’re going to have to stop
there for the debris. Thank you for coming on, thank
you for joining me, and good luck editing this piece.

Speaker 5 (38:31):
Thank you for having me on. It is very interesting
to be on the microphone and.

Speaker 4 (38:37):
So don’t worry about it. This will be okay, just.

Speaker 5 (38:40):
One and done. That’s all I got my five minutes.

Speaker 4 (38:43):
Thanks everyone for listening to Beyond Contact. We’ll be back
next week with an all new episode and hopefully a
song performed by Briet. You can follow me Captain Ron
on Twitter and Instagram at CD underscore Captain Ron, Stay
connected to me and Bree by checking out Contact in
the Desert. Stay open minded and rational as we explore

the unknown right here on the iHeartRadio and Coast to
Coast am Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (39:15):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
Day and Paranormal Podcast Network. Make sure and check out
all our shows on the iHeartRadio app or by going
to iHeartRadio dot com.


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