Episode 22: The Captain and Mark Anthony examine similarities among abductees, The 1947 Roswell Incident, and much more

Oct 18, 2024

Ron interviews Mark Anthony about the anniversary of The Pascagoula Abduction, Mark’s connection to the Roswell crash, and the shocking commonalities among alien abductees.                                                                                 

MARK ANTHONY, JD, PSYCHIC EXPLORER (aka The PSYCHIC LAWYER®) is an author, psychic medium, expert on the paranormal, after death communication and near death experiences.

Episode Transcript

Captain Ron:
Welcome to Beyond Contact. I am Captain Ron, and today
we’re going to be speaking with Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer.
He is the fourth generation psychic medium who communicates with spirits.
He is an Oxford educated attorney licensed a practice law
in Florida, Washington, d c. And before the United States
Supreme Court. He recently won the Omy Award for the
Best Psychic Medium. He’s also very well versed in UFO
cases and has even traveled to mystical locations in remote
corners of the world to examine ancient mysteries and supernatural phenomenon.
Hey Mark, good to see you again, brother.

Mark Anthony (01:51):
Hey Captain Ron, it’s great to be here and thanks
for having me on Beyond Contact.

Speaker 6 (01:56):
Absolutely looking forward to it tonight.

Speaker 4 (01:58):
Let’s start off, brother, talking about the Pasca Lucas case,
because that just passed the fifty first anniversary, which was
on Friday the eleventh, fifty one years ago. So I
think that that is a very very important case. It’s
a strong case, and I find both Calvin Parker and
Charles Hickson to be very credible. They’re very real guys.

They’re down to earth, you know, they tip polygraph tests.
They’ve stuck to their story to their death. I think
you knew Calvin right.

Speaker 6 (02:30):
I did.

Speaker 5 (02:31):
I considered Calvin a friend and I got to know him.
I was interviewing him for a podcast that I was
working on, and I would call him up and i’d
talk to him, and we just hit it off really well,
and I actually did a reading for him as a
psychic medium. I did a reading for him, and we’ll
get into that a little bit later. But Calvin, like

you indicated, is considered. Calvin and Charles Hickson are considered
the most credible alien abductees on record. And back in
October eleventh, nineteen seventy three, nineteen year old Calvin Parker
and forty two year old Charles Hickson, they were family friends.
They went fishing in Pascagoula, Mississippi, and Calvin is the trip.

He goes, you know, there’s one thing you don’t mess
with from a boy from Pascagoula, and that’s his fishing pole,
you know. So they’re a real serious fishermen. And so
there they are fishing. It’s in the afternoon and he
said suddenly this large metallic object. Says, it looked like
he was about one hundred feet long, shape like a football,

was a silver colored. He said they were terrified and
they wanted to run, but it hit him with this
light and he said neither of them could move, and
then out of it came these these three entities. He said,
they had like lobster claws. He said, they look like
robots and they grabbed us and he said they brought
us on board. Now, he said, they separated Charles from me,

and then they put me on this table and thented
him with something. He said that that calmed him down.
There was a what he believed was a humanoid woman
seemed to be the commander, and he said she was
in you know, pardon me if I mimic. Calvin goes,
that was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, he goes, mark,
if I was in a bar, I would have talked

to her. But he said one thing that was really freaky, said,
the two middle fingers on each hand had these long protrusions.
He said, it looked like something from a reptile. And
he said when she communicated with the robotics, she made
these croaking sounds, sound like kind of like a bullfrog
or an alligator, and the robotic entities powered down. He said,

this device came out of the ceiling and it started
making these clicking noises all over his body. Long story short.
Later on, he and Charles, the robotics dumped them off
right back where they were, and they made a promise
to each other not to say anything to anybody. Well,
of course they and that that night they went to
the Sheriff’s department. And this has come out in more

recent years because you know, obviously it hit world news
and a lot of people were scoffing at them. But
they were examined by a doctor and the doctor did
notice strange puncture marks all over both of their bodies,
which is in conformity with them saying that they were
probed and things were injected into them. Calvin said, you know, Mark,

you don’t get rich going around saying you get abducted
by aliens. And he said, the last thing I wanted
to do was something like this two weeks before I
was getting married, you know, so yeah, he said, he goes, Mark,
do you have any idea of the way my in
laws looked at me for the rest of my life?
And he said it just created a complete, complete disaster

in his life. Charles Hickson, on the other hand, went
very public with it, ended up on The Tonight Show
hosted by Johnny Carson at the time, you know, to
become a celebrity. But as you indicated, over the years,
they were both subjected to polygraph light detector test, interrogation,
truth seerium, sodium pentathole, hypnotherapy and in all of that,

as long as Charles Hickson lived, and right up until
before Calvin lived, no deception. So when they’re being subjected
to the most exact forms of interrogation and means of
ascertaining the truth and they passed it consistently. And being
an attorney, I’m used to questioning people, but I wasn’t

there to interrogate Calvin. I got to know him. What
a nice man. He’s a man of faith. He was
a good person. He said it was terrifying, and I
asked him. I said, well, I hear that abductees, many
of the abductees that I’ve encountered, say that this has
happened to them multiple times. And he said, yeah, they

came back for me.

Speaker 6 (06:55):
Oh he did.

Speaker 5 (06:55):

Speaker 6 (06:56):
That’s not really well known. Did he actually have another encounter?

Speaker 5 (07:00):
Oh, yes he did, And he said twenty years later,
he was in his truck by himself and.

Speaker 6 (07:06):
He goes, dag nab it.

Speaker 5 (07:08):
There it was again, he said, the big metallic object
and he goes and then that white light hit me
and those robotic things yanked me out of my truck,
he said, But this time he goes, I was mad,
and so they brought him on board and he goes,
and there she was again, that beautiful woman, and he
goes nic shoved her as hard as I could.

Speaker 6 (07:26):

Speaker 5 (07:27):
When he shoved her, he said, it looked like this
projection over her body faded for a minute, and he
said there was this reptile like creature under it, and
then the facade reformed, and so as he described it,
it sounded like some type of holographic projection. And he said, well,
heck yeah, he goes, if that lizard thing came walking
up to me.

Speaker 6 (07:46):
And I’ve been terrified.

Speaker 5 (07:47):
Instead, it was the most for me, the most sexually
attractive beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, he said. But once
he got violent, those robotics came off the wall, grabbed him,
slammed him down, roughed him up, and he said, the
next thing he knew, he was back in his truck.

Speaker 6 (08:04):
But she was mad, which when he went at her,
she was angry.

Speaker 5 (08:08):
She sure was, and she said, those robots and it
is going to call him robots on him. And then
he said, after that second experience, his health began to
decline steadily and then he developed cancer and I said,
do you think they did something to you?

Speaker 4 (08:25):
He said, yes, I do. That’s very interesting. I wonder
if that, of course, that’s possible. I mean, it’s so
hard to know. Are there other effects that he had after.

Speaker 5 (08:34):
Most certainly as a former prosecutor and criminal offense attorney
and victim’s advocate. The focus my life is now on
my spiritual work, my paranormal investigation, near death experience in
afterlife research, and of course my mediumship. And Calvin fit
the profile of somebody suffering from post traumatic stress disorder PTSD.

He also showed the same type of PTS symptoms of
somebody of rape victims. And I’m not saying that they
raped him, but it’s that obtruption, trauma, the feeling of powerlessness,
the violation of your body with all these probes, and
he said it just he couldn’t sleep. He said it

created so many problems in his life. He said, I
didn’t get rich off this in the books that he wrote.
Is the proceeds that he made from his books, he
donated it to charity. I mean, this was a good man.

Speaker 4 (09:31):
And he didn’t want to profit from this. To show
that they were doing this for the money. He absolutely
said that, which is really really important. You know another thing,
you said that he had these things. I think Charles
Hickson’s wife said that he was never the same, that
Charles was never the same, and neither was she.

Speaker 5 (09:49):
That makes a lot of sense, because when you’re involved
with somebody that’s gone through a horrific trauma and they change,
it’s going to change the dynamic of your relationship. It’s
going to change every thing about it. A ordinary, average
joe kind of a guy. I mean, this was two
weeks before a nineteen year old was going to get married,

and the next thing it’s all over world news that
he’s been abducted by robots from a flying saucer. How
do you think that went down with I think it’s incredible.

Speaker 6 (10:21):
What about it?

Speaker 4 (10:22):
Didn’t he have like something with protein or cravings? Was
it salt to or just protein?

Speaker 7 (10:27):

Speaker 5 (10:27):
Assault in protein. I’ve done readings for a number of
alien abductees. Well, this is not the first time that
this has come up. Every time I’ve done a reading
for somebody who claims to have been an alien abductee,
their loved ones and spirit ron always come through and
talk about the protein and so then I contacted Calvin

and I asked him about about the protein, and that
came up in his reading. He goes, Mark, I can’t
get enough of it. Sausage, ham burger, steaks, you name it,
can’t get enough protein.

Speaker 6 (11:02):
So we’re gonna have to say great.

Speaker 4 (11:04):
Here when we come back, we’re going to talk to
Mark about the Roswell case and we’ll pick it up there.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network.

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Speaker 4 (12:45):
We are back on Beyond Contact. We’re talking to Mark
Anthony about UFO cases. Mark, my favorite case of all
time is the Roswell case. And I know that’s a
little bit cliche because a lot of people use Roswell
and they say it all the time, But I just
love how much supporting evidence this case has. There’s all
these little details that all kind of fall into place

and line up to this nice narrative. What do you
think about this case?

Speaker 5 (13:10):
I think Roswell is an extremely significant event in world history,
and I’m glad that it keeps being brought up, and
I think that it’s high time the entire world know
exactly what happened here.

Speaker 6 (13:21):
Mark, tell me how you’re connected to Roswell.

Speaker 5 (13:24):
For the benefit of the listeners that may not be
fully aware of Roswell, let me give a very brief summation.
In early July nineteen forty seven, and that’s why July
is World UFO month and July second is World UFO
Day because of Roswell. But in early July nineteen forty seven,
roughly seventy five miles north of Roswell, New Mexico, this

rancher by the name of Mac Brazil found a debris
field of really weird metal and it was shiny, and
he didn’t know what to make of it, so he
brought pieces of it to the sheriff, who notified the
Roswell Army airfield and the Roswell Daily Record, the local newspaper,
broke a story that a flying saucer crashed and that

the army had it, and the Army initially said yes,
they had recovered a flying saucer. Well, immediately the Pentagon
stepped in and said no, it was a weather balloon.
They covered it up they said it was all mistaken,
and according to many sources, non human bodies were recovered

from the scene. All of the metal that the sheriff
had that the army had was confiscated by the Pentagon.
What’s really fascinating about this is that for a while
that seemed to take care of things and sort of
sated the public desire, but inquiring journalists still didn’t believe it.

Plus there was too many locals who saw very weird
things there. Well, about twelve years later, it was nineteen
fifty nine, there was this young aerospace engineer and he
had just recently earned a top secret security clearance, and
he had been in the Navy and he was one
of the first Navy seals underwater demolition team. He earned

his top secret security clearance, and he was taken with
a special team to a laboratory in California. So there
he was with the vice president of the company that
he was working with, which I believe at the time
was Reaction Motor, and I believe it eventually became Morton Thiacol.
And he said that there were some generals there and

all these scientists. So here they are in this laboratory,
and they said we’re going to show you something, and
they were growing silicon chips, and the vice president and
the scientists were explaining, this is the greatest leap forward
in electronics technology since the invention of the light bulb,
because nineteen fifty nine, because ron at the time, transistors

were being used to amplify electrical signals, and which makes
sense because it’s an electronic device. But it’s a series
of wires and you can see how going from a
light bulb wires fuses transistors. But now growing silicon chips,
it takes a month to grow the chip and then

it has to be folded and folded. It’s an extremely
elaborate process. And the engineer said, where in the world
did we get the idea to do this? And the
vice president of the company said, well, that’s just it.
It didn’t come from this world. Because a few years
ago something happened in Roswell, New Mexico, and the Pentagon

brought all of us in there. They covered it up,
said it was was a weather balloon. Now, this young
engineer’s name was Earl, but I knew him as Dad
no way, Yeah, and the thing is my dad and
I we had a really good relationship and we would

always talk about space and space travel because he was
in aerospace. He worked with Chuck Jeger, He worked he
was one of the brains that helped figure out how
to get Apollo thirteen back after it was damaged.

Speaker 6 (17:15):
In fact, and he was a Navy sealing.

Speaker 5 (17:18):
Guy, yeah, you know, and he when they were working
on the lunar module. Because not long after this, at
that company, Reaction Motor, another vice president came in and
said President Kennedy will be making a speech next week
about landing a man on the moon. He said, you
guys have to figure out how we’re going to do this.
And so my dad said that when they were looking

at initial schematics and plans for the lunar module, he said,
it’s going to come down too fast, too hard. We
need to have backup engines. He called him retro rockets.
And all the other engineers are laughing at him, and
they were. They nicknamed him rocket Man and all this.
But then the lead engineer said, Earl, what’s your idea.

He said, we need to have smaller thrusters, retroactive rockets
that will will be gentler and will buffer the landing.
So let’s fast forward roughly nine years to nineteen sixty nine,
and buzz Aldron and Neil Armstrong or in the lunar
module the Eagles the name of it, and so they’re

going to land on the Moon. And what happened Ron
is that the lunar module overshot the landing spot by
twenty miles and in so doing they burned up all
of their reserve fuel. And this just came out about
twenty years ago. Buzz Aldron released this. And when they landed,
and of course we all know Neil Armstrong, he said,

one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,
and history was made. Meanwhile, on board the lunar module,
the ignition switch had broken. Buzz Aldron was the engineer,
Neil Armstrong was the pilot, and Neil said to Buzz,
because Buzz, can you fix this? And he said, well,
we got one chance, and he took a big ballpoint

pen and he unscrewed the part with the pen and
the cartridge and he pulled that out. And meanwhile President
Nixon had been notified and a speech had been prepared,
and Nixon was ready to give it that these heroes
are going to die on the Moon because they knew
exactly how much oxygen that they had, So meanwhile NASA

is scrambling. Buzz Aldron takes this pen and he jams
it into the ignition switch, pulls it up to hear
a click and boom ignition. Because they had overshot the
landing spot by twenty miles, NASA engineers using slide rules
had to recalculate the orbit of the lunar module so

that it could synchronize and intercept and dock with the
lunar module with the command module. I saw it, and
I’ve had the honor of meeting both Neil Armstrong and
buzz Aldron in my life. Amazing, and buzz alder and said,
if it weren’t for retro rockets, we never would have
gotten off the Moon alive. And you know, Ron, it

was my dad’s idea. He’s not in any history books.
He didn’t even make a footnote, but he was the
one that figured it out. And my dad has has since,
you know, transitioned to spirit to the other side. So
in honor of my dad’s legacy, I’m letting the world
know it was my father, a brave, ingenious man who

came up with the idea for retro rockets.

Speaker 4 (20:34):
That is an absolutely amazing story, how fascinating, and it
made me immediately think, I wonder how many more unsung
heroes are out there who have done some great thing
that just sort of never gets known.

Speaker 5 (20:45):
Oh well, I mean the women from Hidden Figures, African
American win Those women were geniuses, okay, and they were
using advanced forms of geometry and telemetry that that that
made our space program happened. And finally they’re getting the recognition.
But yeah, there’s a lot of people that are part

of the team, and the people like my dad, you
don’t go into it for fortune and glory, for personal recognition.
He was part of a team. Later he left NASA
and went into defense and he was working on the
sam D Surface to air Missile defense contract. He was
part of the team of Martin Marietta, which is now

Lockheed Martin. He said they got into negotiations with the army.
They said that the brightest guy there was this black
general and one of the people on a break one
of his team made some racist comment and my dad said,
you’re off the team. Take you and your racism the
hell out of here. Got rid of them, all right,
And then dad said. They went back in and Dad
was the lead negotiator, and he said, then it was

my dad against this general. And I remember he came
home that night and says, man, I met the smartest
general imaginable. We negotiated. He goes, we got the contract.
Fast forward about ten years and my dad calls me
up and he said, remember that black general that I
told you about.

Speaker 6 (22:05):
I go, yeah.

Speaker 5 (22:06):
He goes, turn on the TV and on the TV
Colin Powell make a speech and my dad says, that’s
the black general my dad squared off against Colin Powell negotiations.
Said he was the best, the brightest, the smartest general
he’d ever met.

Speaker 4 (22:24):
What an amazing guy. Wow, he’s got some amazing, amazing
life stories.

Speaker 6 (22:29):
That’s great.

Speaker 4 (22:29):
When we come back, we’re going to talk to Mark
about other alleged abductees and what he’s learned from.

Speaker 5 (22:34):

Speaker 4 (22:35):
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Speaker 9 (23:22):
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Speaker 6 (24:02):
Okay, we are back on Beyond Contact.

Speaker 4 (24:04):
We’re talking with Mark Anthony about various UFO cases in space. Mark,
you’ve spoken to and even done readings for a lot
of other people who are alleged abductees. Do you find
their accounts to be very similar or do they very widely?

Speaker 5 (24:19):
There seems to be a similar pattern to them. I mean,
certainly we talked in depth about Calvin Parker. Nancy Tremaine.
She was a little girl. I think she was about
six years old. This is in I believe nineteen sixty
three sixty four, and she went outside in front of
her house and there was this large object hovering right

near her house. And she was with a friend of hers,
another little girl, and the entire neighborhood was out there.
There was a police car and the next thing she knew,
it was several hours later and she was in bed
and her parents were just horrified that she had disappeared,
that she had been taken up into this UFO. She

has also explained that the abductions they’ve come back for
on a number of occasions and get this run. She said,
there’s the robotics, and the most handsome man she had
ever seen was in charge. And she said one time
he turned really quickly and it looked like the facado’s
face blurred for a second and there was this reptile,

she says, like this alligator type creature underneath it. So
we have two accounts now three actually Charles Hickson and
Calvin Parker are now Nancy Tremaine both talking about reptilians,
and that they use a facade to appear as the
most physically attractive to the particular subject that has been abducted.

And think about it makes sense.

Speaker 4 (25:46):
I meantle depicted in some of these films where they
show like a static and then you could see underneath
that there’s like yeah.

Speaker 5 (25:54):
And that’s where the writers for these things have gotten
their ideas. Now, according to some of the latest theory
from muffon the grays, they could be a species or
they could be a biologically engineered servant of aliens, and
they’re the ones that come and abduct people. And all
the abductees that I’ve encountered and done readings for, they

all talk about the various probes and injections into their
bodies where they’re extracting material, and that material appears to
be highly related to protein. Protein is vital in the
human body for building and repairing tissue, but it’s also
essential for cloning. Through gene cloning genetic engineering, you can

give a foreign gene to another species. This species internal
make the protein coded for by the gene through its
protein synthesis mechanisms. And I don’t want to get too
technical with this, but it appears. I mean, this is
a theory, but according to Elmhurst University and Northern Arizona University,
prothesis is essential for cloning. Also, not all amino acids

are produced by the body. Certain amino acids are obtained
from the diet and within the cells, proteins are generated
involving what’s known as transcription and translation proceeds that cells
undergo to metabolize protein, which in my discussions with Moufon

makes sense they’re targeting specific people based on how they
metabolize protein.

Speaker 4 (27:33):
Dare I say the word hybrid instead of cloning. Perhaps
it’s a hybridization.

Speaker 5 (27:38):
That is exactly where we’re going with this very good ron.
One thing I’ve always been impressed about you is you’re
the sharpest tack in the alien box. Yeah, the alien
human hybridization program. Now, we certainly saw this in that
series X Files, which back in the day I used

to love watching. But once again, life imitating art and
the writers for these stories they certainly were aware of
the books like Fire in the Sky and Calvin Parker’s
Accounts and so on and so forth. But there’s a
lot of people the abductees, including Nancy Tremaine, who told me, well,
they are already here. They’re among us, and that’s what

the hybridization program is going on. You know, it’s interesting
because you wonder, you know, have have you met any aliens?
Have you met that strange person that seemed to know
a lot of things but was rather aloof than off
the grid.

Speaker 6 (28:34):
People who claimed that they’re hybrid so hey, you never know.

Speaker 5 (28:38):
Move On. Thinks that the protein extraction is not just
for possible study and hybridization, but it also appears, based
on accounts of several abductees, that it’s being made into
a paste which the grays slather on their bodies because
that’s how they absorb nutrients. So they are extracting protein
from humans and also from cattle, the butcher cattle that

are found all over the world, usually near crop circles,
as a food source. And this is very disconcerting because
some abductees claim, and you’ll have to check Crystaperno on this,
but some abductees claim that while they are on board,
they saw human body parts like you would see in
a slaughter house. But for some reason, these people proteins

being extracted from them. But other people, it’s been taken
to an even greater extent, and how many worldwide one
hundred thousand people a year or so disappear without a trace.

Speaker 6 (29:36):
Yeah, missing, Yeah, absolutely missing.

Speaker 5 (29:39):
So you know they’re here, and there’s more than one
alien species coming to Earth. There appear to be several.

Speaker 4 (29:46):
One of the big issues we have is people not
believing that UFOs can’t get here from there.

Speaker 6 (29:51):
What are your thoughts about that? Well, there’s two thoughts.

Speaker 5 (29:54):
One is that aliens are from our future. They’re us
maybe fifty or one hundred thousand years from now, and
they have figured a way to time travel back in time.
I think that’s interesting. I don’t necessarily subscribe to that one,
but I don’t rule it out the other one. According
to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, nothing can exceed the

speed of light, which is one hundred and eighty six
two hundred and eighty two miles per second or in
metric two hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and seventy
four kilometers per second, I believe, and so that’s an
incredible speed. The closest star to Earth is Alpha Centauri,
which is four light years away. So assuming let’s say

some of these aliens are coming from Alpha Centauri. They
would have to be traveling at the speed of light
for four years NonStop. Now, let’s say Alpha century doesn’t
have habitable planets. Another one does. It’s a thousand light
years away. All right, So are UFO’s tin cans floating
through space? The consensus among the physics community, the astrophysics

community is no, according to Professor al Kubera, a Mexican physicist.
He said that if an energy field can be generated
around the spacecraft of sufficient magnitude, it will cause a
curvature in the time space continuum. Think of a piece

of paper. Go to the upper left hand corner, that’s
where they come from. Go to the lower right hand corner,
that’s where we are, and say there’s one thousand light
years between. By engaging in this warp bubble, you’re warping
space time. You’re not exceeding the speed of light. What
you’re doing is folding space time. So you take the

upper left hand corner and you fold it down and
touch the lower right hand corner. So what you’re doing,
or what they’re doing, is jumping from one coordinate in
space time to another without viol Einstein’s theory of relativity.
So you’re not going faster than the speed of light.

What you’re doing is creating a curvature in it. This
is known as the Alcuberra metric, and physicists, astrophysicists the
world over are saying, yes, this is possible. At some
point we may be able to duplicate this, but at
this point in history or in this point in our technology,

we don’t have the technological capability of doing this.

Speaker 6 (32:34):
Now it gets even better.

Speaker 5 (32:36):
It appears that the warp field cannot be generated by
the craft. It has to be done externally to it
and projected to it. So at least that’s what the
theory is. Now we’ve all heard of warp drive and
warp speed, you know, Scotty warp bait, you know, and
all that. Yeah, the star Trek in to a lesser extent,
Star Wars is all based on sound scientific principle. So

these theories of warp drive have been circulating for decades.
But now we have actual physicists who are saying that
this is indeed possible. Once again, like the silicon chips,
we just simply have not yet developed that technology.

Speaker 6 (33:17):
So I hope that answers your question. It does.

Speaker 4 (33:19):
It’s fascinating and it does solve that problem. And there’s
your answer that it is I guess possible to traverse
that much space, and if they’ve figured it out, maybe
they’re doing that. When we come back, we’re going to
talk to Mark more about UFOs and his book as well.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 2 (33:53):
The Internet is an extraordinary resource that links our children
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also expose them to risk. Teach your children the basic
safety rules of the virtual world. Our children are everything,
Do everything for them.

Speaker 7 (34:24):
On the iHeartRadio and Parental Podcast Network. Listen anytime, any place.

Speaker 2 (34:40):
Hi, this is Sandra Champlain. Ever wonder what happens when
we die? Well, I’m going to make it easier for
you to understand. Join me for my show Shades of
the Afterlife. New shows come out every Friday, so I’ll
be looking for you right here on the iHeartRadio and
Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 4 (35:11):
We are back on Beyond Contact talking to Mark Anthony. Mark,
does alien visitation tie in in any way to the afterlife?

Speaker 5 (35:20):
In some ways.

Speaker 6 (35:21):

Speaker 5 (35:22):
In my personal experiences with spirit communication, I refer to
mediumship spirit communication. I’m a science based evidential medium, and
I don’t believe that spirit communication is hocus pocus or magic,
but it’s based on sound scientific principles rooted in quantum physics.

And I refer to spirit communication as inter dimensional communication.
That’s because a spirit think of our material world dimension
as AM radio, the spirit realm as FM radio. Two
energetic systems, both based on energy and frequency, and they’re separate,
but there are times that they can overlap and align

with each other. Similarly, based on the al Kubera metric,
we’re having aliens from a different coordinate in space time,
maybe even a different dimension, able to jump from one
dimension to the next. In paranormal investigations where I’ve encountered
the shadow people and other spiritual entities, it appears that

they’re doing a very similar type of activity is, in
other words, jumping dimensions. So it is theoretically possible that spirits,
aliens different types of non human intelligence may be utilizing
a similar energetic modality to jump from one dimension to

the next, which would explain how and why spirits are
able to communicate and to contact us so quickly. You know,
the heaven, the afterlife. It’s not some nebulous place or
opening alpha centry. It’s a dimension that runs parallel to ours.
According to string theory, there’s not just one universe, but
several universes, and within a universe are different dimensions. So

these aliens could be coming from another planet within our galaxy,
or they could be coming from other galaxies, or they
could be coming from another dimension. But one thing is clear.
They have mastered the ability to jump from coordinate to
coordinate using energy that we can’t even conceive of yet.

Speaker 6 (37:35):

Speaker 4 (37:36):
Spring theory the math apparently does check out that all
of this is possible to exist. It’s very very interesting stuff. Hey, Mark,
you’re known as the psychic explorer. What is that exactly?
The psychic lawyer, the psychic explorer. And I once heard
the psychic fishermen. Is that true?

Speaker 6 (37:53):
I don’t know if.

Speaker 5 (37:53):
That’s well, the psychic Fisherman. I used to go deep
sea fishing a bit when I was young, but I
don’t seem to have the time for that any so
much now. I was at a media conference in New
York City about fifteen sixteen years ago, and some of
the reporters found out that I was not only a
psychic medium but an attorney, so they started following me

the Psychic Lawyer, and it hooked on.

Speaker 6 (38:18):
I mean it caught on.

Speaker 5 (38:20):
In fact, my publicistem my manager, said hey, this is great.
It’ll get you on television, and it has. I’ve been
honored bound Coast to Coast twenty four times. I’ll be
on for the Day of the Dead show November November
two and so I really enjoy working with everybody on iHeartRadio,
Beyond Contact and Coast to Coast. I’ve been on numerous

TV shows. I’m going to be on a news show
called Destinations of the Damned on Discovery Channel. But a
lot of people started thinking, oh, the psychic lawyer. It’s
all about finding dead bodies and solving cases and all that.
And certainly I’ve worked with law enforcement, and when I
was on the CBS TV show, the information that I
received during a reading led to the police cracking a

cold case murder. But I also have spent my life
traveling to mystical and spiritual locations around the world. I
have a fascination with archaeology, history, theology, philosophy, quantum physics.
I’m an afterlife researcher. I’ve had a near death experience,
so I’m a near death experience researcher as well and

a paranormal investigator. And so another media outlet started calling
me the psychic Indiana Jones, and we didn’t want to
use that because I don’t want to infringe on anyone’s copyright.
So they started calling me Mark Anthony, the Psychic explort.
So my brand is Mark Anthony JD. Juris Doctorate, my
law degree, Psychic Explorer. So that’s how all that came

to be wrong. That’s hilarious. Well, let me tell you
sometimes I have to pinch myself. I mean, I have
an interesting life. I mean in the last couple months,
I mean when I was at the Edgar Casey Ancient
Mysteries Conference, I’m having a dinner with some of the
top Egyptologists in the world, and they were very pleased

and happy with my presentation, which was the Secrets, Mystery
and Curse of Tute in Common because I found some
really juicy stuff. Oh, speaking of UFOs touton Common, you
wouldn’t think of King tut Well, long story short on
his mummy as they’re unwrapping his mummy, they found two
daggers on it one hundred and twenty five pieces of jewelry,
some of the most incredible beautiful, but they found one

of the daggers was iron. It hadn’t rusted for thirty
two centuries, no rest on it. In twenty twenty two
there was a metallurgical analysis of this iron dagger and
it showed not only did it have iron, but also
high amounts of cadmium, nickel, and troilite. That combination in

iron is found nowhere on planet Earth. It only comes
from meteorites.

Speaker 6 (41:00):

Speaker 5 (41:01):
In the royal archives of the City of a Marna,
there is a description of an iron dagger that was
given as a wedding present to Teuton Common’s grandfather, who
was Aminhotep the third, and it was given to him
by the king of the Matani, who would be in
what is now a rock. It appears that this iron

that fell from the sky was a gift from the gods,
so it was made into a dagger that was fitting
for a gift.

Speaker 4 (41:34):
To a pharaoh. That is incredible, incredible. I wish we
could just go back in time and find out all
about what actually happened there. Hey, Mark, before we go,
I really want to find out about your book, The
Afterlife Frequency. I believe you say that this will give
us scientific proof of spiritual context, two of my favorite
words right there, scientific proof. Can you shed a little

light on what this about?

Speaker 5 (41:57):
Absolutely? In The Afterlife Frequency, I introduced several new concepts
to define and explain spirit communication in twenty first century terms.
One of the most important concepts is the electromagnetic soul.
We know from quantum physics energy is neither created nor destroyed,
only transferred from one form to another. Every belief system

from the stages of ancient India through Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi
all the way up to Mother trace it to today
that the soul, the spirit pre exists the human body,
comes into the body, moves on after the body dies.
So I developed the term electromagnetic soul to describe what
we really are, which is pure consciousness, which can also

be called a soul or a spirit, which is eternal
electromagnetic energy. And many scientists, including doctor Gary Schwartz from
the University of Arizona, have adopted the term ems the
electromagnetic soul, and in the Afterlife Frequency, I explain how
the EMS provides the science basis for not only the

existence of the soul, but of the afterlife, of spirit communication,
and for all the forms of spirit communication, including near
death experiences, share death experiences, deathbed visions, out of body experiences,
and reincarnation, and all of this is based on sound
scientific principles. My approach to spirituality, I approach it with

reverence and honor to the divine power. But this is
not hocus pocus. This is magic. And you know what, Ron,
When I was about eight years old, my dad and
I were looking at the stars one night and we
were talking about infinity. That’s why I just just about
my dad being here. And my dad said to me,
there is no such thing as a mystery, Mark. There’s

only questions for which we do not yet have the answer.
And if enough money, enough funding, enough research, and enough
focus goes into it, you’re going to find an answer
for everything, and it’s going to be based on science.

Speaker 4 (44:04):
I love it. Your dad sounds like an incredible guy,
really does. He’s had an incredible life and you’ve got
amazing stories here, Guys, check out Mark at that title
afterlifefrequency dot com. That’s where you can find him and
thanks for coming on, Mark, I really appreciate it.

Speaker 6 (44:20):
A lot of interesting information tonight.

Speaker 5 (44:22):
It’s my pleasure. It’s an honor to be here, Ron,
and thank you and for all the listeners. Keep tuning
in to Beyond Contact. I’ve known Captain Ron a long
time and all I can say is he is the
man when it comes to Beyond Contact.

Speaker 4 (44:38):
Thanks man, Thank you guys for listening to to Beyond Contact.
We’ll be back next week with an all new episode.
You can follow me Captain Ron on Twitter and Instagram
at CID Underscore Captain Ron. Stay connected by checking us
out at contactintheesert dot com.

Speaker 6 (44:52):
Stay open minded and.

Speaker 4 (44:53):
Rational as we explore the unknown right here on the
iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast am Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (45:11):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Ghost
Day and Paranormal Podcast Network. Make sure and check out
all our shows on the iHeartRadio app or by going
to iHeartRadio dot com


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Episode 44: UFOs & theories surrounding them with Dean Aliotto

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