Episode 21: Join Captain Ron this week as he interviews Author, Aviation Historian, and UFO Researcher Jim Goodall

Oct 11, 2024

This Jam-packed episode features Captain Ron and Jim Goodall discussing Jim’s work in documenting military aircraft, particularly those associated with secret programs and advanced technology. They will discuss the possibility of aircraft being reverse engineered, the credibility of Bob Lazar, and more.

Episode Transcript

Captain Ron (01:04):
Welcome to Beyond Contact. I am Captain Ron, and today
I’ll be speaking with mister Jim Goodall. Jim’s an aviation historian, photographer,
UFO researcher, and the author of at least twenty seven books.
I’ll get the latest total from him today. He’s known
for documenting military aircraft, particularly those associated with secretive programs

and advanced technology. Jim knows more about the development and
operations of the world’s only mock three capable manned air
breathing aircraft, the SR seventy one Blackbird, than probably anyone
on the planet. He’s had an incredible life and seen
and done things most of us will never get to do.
It’s a pleasure to see him again. We were just

talking about hanging out a few years ago at UFO Congress.
Good to see it, Jim. I’m glad to be here.

Speaker 5 (01:54):
Been no a whole bunch of years since we talked, Yeah, previous.

Speaker 4 (01:58):
To the pandemic, and now we’re so it’s really great
to see you. I want to jump right in and
get into some of these hard questions for you, because
we’re all dying to hear about this from you. Let’s
talk about some UFOs right away. It feels to me
like it’s quite possible that many of these UFO sightings
and the reports we hear could be possibly military aircraft

that the public just doesn’t know about. Yet you would
be the man who would know this. What do you
think about many of the UFO reports actually being military
test aircraft.

Speaker 5 (02:29):
Well, I’ve mentioned it to a lot of people, and
I think it’s starting to sink in that most of
what we’re seeing in the skies that you know, the
TR three’s, the triangles and some of the other weird
stuff to kick tacks, their man made. And I had
I had a conversation with a guy who has has

been there at Area fifty one and elsewhere, and he
said that ninety percent of what’s being reported as a
UFO or a man made objects. It could be manned,
it could be unmanned, but the fact is that all
it takes is one to be you know, from you know,
from another solar system, another galaxy, and you know, another planet.

And he said, he said, there you know there are
there are non US based or American based or Earth
based objects flying over our airspace. We do that is
he confirmed that, but he said ninety percent of what
the general public is seeing are man made.

Speaker 4 (03:33):
What are your thoughts about things like this TR thirty eight.
They’re talking about the triangular plane that we’ve heard rumors about,
and it sounds like it’s a triangular shaped craft very
similar to what people sometimes see and they call them
a UFO and they think they’re driven by ets. Do
you think this could be like you know, reverse engineered craft, Well.

Speaker 5 (03:52):
It’s it’s probably using alien technology, and I did ask
the senior vice president general manager the Skunk Works when
I did book signing in June of twenty one. We’re
heading over to the U two operation there at Palmdale.
I looked im straight in the eye. I said, okay,
how much alien UFO technology is being utilized in Skunkworks
airplanes and projects? And without hesitation? And I’m looking right

in the eye. And if he was a politician, I
know he would be full of crap and lie to me.
But he said, I mean, he said, I have no
knowledge of anything like that. And then he said, but
that doesn’t mean this wasn’t something like that wasn’t utilized
or built in the past, and it’s above my pay grade.

And also my job is to look to the future,
not necessarily to the past, and I want to look
at the past. I’ll grab your books, and he was tickled.
He said he has two books in his man cave
that no one can touch. They were both developed at
Area fifty one, and one is one is my seventy
five years book and the other one is my SR

seventy one book from Shepherd Publishing. I’m very proud of that,
and you should be.

Speaker 4 (05:03):
Those are incredible and those photos are amazing.

Speaker 5 (05:06):
It is a passion of mine that started back in
March of sixty four. That’s a long time ago. I
was an eighteen year old kid. I was assigned at
Edward’s Air Force based to support three programs, and one
of them turned out it was the Blackbird. It’s incredible.
Never been the same, never been the same.

Speaker 4 (05:25):
With regards to some of these strange UFO sightings people report.
Sometimes they say things like they’ve seen an object traveling
at high speed and making ninety degree turns. Do you
think those things are possible with our technology today to
do that? E guess they’re unmanned.

Speaker 5 (05:42):
I sat down with a late dear friend. He had
almost forty years of the skunk Works, of which ten
of those years he was full time at Area fifty one,
and I asked him this years ago, and his name
was Bill Fox, everybody called him Foxy. He said, we
had the technology today in an Unmann object to be
going three thousand miles an hour and do a ninety

degree urn or do a onet eighty. That technology exists,
and you just harden it. I mean they’ve been they’ve
been using electronics, and I think it was a copperhead
around I think it’s one hundred and fifty five millimeters.
How it’s around that you can guide. Wow, So that
that pulls about three hundred g’s or four hundred g’s

when they fire it, So make it making a turn
ninety degrees at extremely high speed. And I asked them
that question, probably thirty five years ago, maybe even longer. No,
it’s twenty twenty four. I would say forty five years ago.

Speaker 4 (06:39):

Speaker 5 (06:41):
He said that, No, that technology is a piece of cake.

Speaker 4 (06:44):
You just use.

Speaker 5 (06:45):
You have to use the right components and design it,
you know, to take those extreme one hundred to four
hundred g It turns an acceleration bomb Bazaarre. He said
that what they’ve discovered that when a when an alien craft,
not a human built craft, but an alien craft, when
it’s flying it, it can make those turns. But when

you’re inside the craft, it’s not affected by gravity, so
you really don’t have you don’t have any sensation of
making a ninety degree or one hundred and eighty return
going four thousand and five thousand miles an hour. It’s
a technology that they’ve developed. It’s there and a lot
of stuff that we see, we see new weapons. We

see new technology, everybody’s oh, oh, g whiz, that’s really incredible.
It’s probably twenty years old. Anything the military the government’s
going to show us in the form of high technology
or g whiz technology, they probably had it for twenty
or thirty years working on it, or maybe it was
even operational.

Speaker 4 (07:49):
Jim, this is one of the questions I had for you.
I’ve I’ve always heard, just anecdotally that by the time
we see a craft, like in nineteen eighty eight, nineteen
ninety when we when we saw the Stealth Fighter, by
the time the public sees it, it’s obsolete. What do
you think of that idea?

Speaker 5 (08:06):
By the time they ink the final design on it,
before it goes into production, it’s obsolete. As far as
the advancement and technology in the airplant that comes off
the assembly line. I mean, I don’t care if it’s
a seventh generation Stealth it’s already obsolete. And asked. I
asked Ben Rich, who at the time was the president
of the Skunkworks. The F one seventeen or half Blue,

which was the technology demonstrator, was flying along the same
time as the north Throp tasse it Blue, and they
had blended fuselage and the F one seventeen and have
blue head a faceted He said, you have to get
to a point. And most most of the virtually all
of the algorithms that allowed to develop a true low

observable aircraft were taken from Russian documents. They felt they
didn’t need it need stealth because they have a very
very robust air defense system.

Speaker 4 (09:02):
We don’t.

Speaker 5 (09:04):
We used to back in the fifties up through about
the mid seventies, as the Cold War was drinding down,
they started closing their defense command bases and all the radars,
and they shut down all the Nike Ajax and Nike
Hercules sites that were stationed around major cities around the
US primary coastal cities. But the techno, the technology that
we have today, when you see it and you go,

oh wow, it’s old stuff, fascinating. I’ve been at five
of doctor Grier’s presentations. Everything they’re looking at and whatever
is is real. The people, what people are seeing in UFOs,
they’re not hallucinating. They’re seeing real things. And again, all
we have to do is have a handful of them

that are alien for them for them to say.

Speaker 4 (09:50):
Wow, one is like you said, one, Yeah, yeah. One.

Speaker 5 (09:55):

Speaker 4 (09:55):
When we come back, we’re going to ask Jim about
the pyramids in Belieze that he started in investigating. You’re
listening to Beyond Contact right here on the iHeartRadio and
Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network.

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Speaker 4 (11:28):
We are back on Beyond Contact and we’re talking with
Jim Goodall today.

Speaker 1 (11:32):

Speaker 4 (11:32):
It’s interesting also to me that you know about this technology.
You know that we’re able to make these incredible maneuvers
in the sky. You know that when we see something
it’s already obsolete, and yet you still think it seems
that perhaps some of these craft that we’re seeing in
the sky are indeed from off planet or our extraterrestrial craft.

Speaker 5 (11:53):
Right right right, Bombas mentioned multiple times that his sports model.

Speaker 4 (12:00):
That’s the bob Azar small UFO.

Speaker 5 (12:02):
It’s about thirty foot diameter. It was uncovered and an
ancient site. We were actually doing some clearing of a
very large pyramid complex and Belize about a month ago.
The leader of the group got a cease and to disorder,
saying that we weren’t authorized to do what we did
and that it came to an end. But it was

because of disinformation or misinformation on both sides.

Speaker 4 (12:30):
So why don’t we just venture there for a second, Jim,
let’s talk about this in Belize. So you were looking
at a complex that I think was a Mayan pyramid
complex right right.

Speaker 5 (12:41):
It was three hundred and five acre site and they
had five pyramids in it, which would have been if
it had been all cleared and whatever, the largest pyramid
and Mayan complex in all of Belize. And we believe
that that was sort of the center of commerce. And
the last time out there, which was November November last year,

we went up what we call Pyramid five Pyramid G.
This particular pyramid I got about three corps the way up,
about five months from hitting the Big eight zero. I mean,
I’ve had all my I’ve finished all my birthdays in
the seventies, and I said, and I don’t know how
I got this far, just only the truth. But I

was about three corps the way up, and the other
guys got up to the top. It was a two
hundred and sixty foot pyramid, which would make it one
of the largest in Mesoamerica. In the movie The Last
Indiana Jones movie, which was centered around a crystal skull,
that’s all based on stuff that was found in beliefs

at a site called Limnin Poet. It’s about thirty miles
outside of Punta Gorda in the south end of the country.
That’s where they found the crystal skull back in nineteen
twenty twenty two twenty three time frame. Even today, we
wouldn’t have the ability to do that sculpture because that

the crystal is so extremely brittle. You start trying to
polish it or cut it or whatever, it’s going to
shatter into your hands and you’ll have a pile of
coarse sand. It was fractures. So they still don’t know
how that technology existed. Also, one of the most interesting
things from the archaeologists that I talked to in Belieze.

Every site has the guides are our archaeologial students. You know,
they’re either working on their masters or their PhD. So
they’re very well informed and their own minds. And I said,
we’re talking about the age of the Pyramids, and he said, well,
it’s a common understanding today that the minds did not
possess the technology to build the pyramids. Neither did the

Incas or the Aztecs. He said, we honestly believe, based
on studies and scientific research that they’ve done in country,
that the pyramids are somewhere between twenty thousand and two
hundred thousand years old.

Speaker 4 (15:04):
That’s older than anything else. I think gobecley Tepe is
about the oldest megalithic structure that we officially know of,
right right, but they’ve I don’t know, there’s a way
to determine non organic material for age.

Speaker 5 (15:19):
If it was buried four thousand or twenty thousand years ago,
and we’re able to identify that these are the crystals
in the ground, they’d have to be found in the
dark because sunlight would wipe them out. But they can
get with it maybe two hundred years or five hundred
years of the date. What century was this dirt covered up?

Or if it’s stuff stuck in between the stones or
whatever it is, and they retrieve it under darkness. That’s
a way to determine the true age of something that
is that’s not organic.

Speaker 4 (15:52):
Well, if it’s anywhere close to twenty thousand years, it
would be you.

Speaker 5 (15:56):
Know they I mean, they don’t said we’re not questioning
the twenty thousand, the two hundred thousand years maybe, but
there are in various ancient sites there are columns that
have been cut and that we’re abandoned it some time,
and they’re thirty feet by thirty feet by two hundred
feet long. They’re probably weigh one hundred thousand or two

hundred thousand tons.

Speaker 4 (16:19):
That’s bigger than Bulbuck.

Speaker 5 (16:21):
I mean, it’s bigger than a Nimitz class aircraft carrier.

Speaker 4 (16:24):
Now, this is if any of this comes to fruition,
this will change the history as we know it completely.

Speaker 5 (16:30):
And I think there are places within our federal government,
which is supposed to be for we the people, but
it’s not. There are places within our government that know,
I have to believe that.

Speaker 4 (16:43):
Gen this fields so far we know you as an
SR seventy one guy and a photographer and an airplane guy.
How did you get involved in something like this at all?
How did this even come into year?

Speaker 5 (16:54):
Well, I mean when I started meeting skunkwards guys that
had spent time at Area fifty one, and I’ve asked him,
I said, do you guys do you believe in UFOs?
And all of them have said absolutely positively. Do exist.
He said, We’re not flying him out of Area fifty one,
but they do exist.

Speaker 4 (17:15):

Speaker 5 (17:16):
And it’s just maddening, it really is. And I know
when I was talking with Ben Rich just before he died.
And Ben, for those who don’t know, was the president
and general manager of the Lucky skunk Works. He was
Kelly Johnson’s right hand man and he was probably the
only one of all the eleven heads of the skunk
Works that could step into Killy’s shoes. And we were

talking to USC Medical Center. He’s nine philosophical cancer and
I said, we’re talking about old friends, John Andrews from
Testers and John Lear and all the other characters. And
he said, Jim said, we have things out in the
desert and he wasn’t referring to area fifty one. He said,
we have things out in the desert that’s fifty years

beyond on what you can comprehend. Now. I can comprehend
a hell of a lot. I have a very vivid mind,
and I’ve been digging into this stuff forever. I’m not
an engineer, but I did stay at a holiday and
express a couple of nights ago. So he said, if
you’ve seen movies like Star Trekers, Star Wars, we’ve been there,

done that, or decided it wasn’t with the effort. I said, Ben,
you want to expand upon that? He said no, and
then the sound bitch had the nerve to die on
me about ten days later. So, but I was very
very close to Ben. We talked once a quarter for
about twenty plus years. He’s the reason I was able
to scrounge a blackbird and move it to Minnesota.

Speaker 4 (18:42):
Jim, considering his position and who he was as the
head of skunk Works, that is a hell of a
statement coming from him. Oh, absolutely, achnology fifty years beyond
what you can imagine. I mean, that is you know,
pretty incredible. Well, at a talk at you see LA,
I think it was in ninety three. It’s right after
he retired. He retired from the last bomb dropped on

Baghdad during desert storm. And he said, you know, I
wanted to be the president of the skunk works to
see his baby. He said, he’s the most proud of
the F one seventeen coming out of his skunk works.

Speaker 5 (19:16):
I thought that was your baby. Well it was too,
but he gave birth to it. I just saw it. Afterwards,
he was at UCLA. He was given a talk. I
was a grad student from the Aeronautical School, and in
his prepared statement, he said, and this is probably the
most incredible statement that someone like ben Rich could make.

Now this is nineteen ninety three, so it’s fuzzy a
little bit. It has been thirty years. Yeah, he said,
we have the technology to take et home. Now just
think about that statement. We have the ability to take
et home. And you have to sit back and say, wow.

Speaker 4 (19:57):
Well, yeah, there’s a lot of things to unpack there.
Number one, that’s a famous statement that we’ve all heard,
and it is an incredible thing, especially coming from someone
of his pedigree. And then you know that’s almost acknowledging
there is et.

Speaker 5 (20:10):
I mean I mean he did, there was there was
no question about it. There’s no question about it. Amazing again,
anything anything that we see today as far as military hardware,
ge whiz, Oh, you know we’ve just uncovered it or
just you know it was just made public. It’s not there.
I mean, we don’t know anything about it, but it

was developed twenty plus years ago. Wow.

Speaker 4 (20:35):
When we come back, we’re going to talk to Jim
about the SR seventy one Blackbird airplane, the one that
Ben Rich said that Jim knows more about this plane
than anyone. You’re listening to Beyond Contact right here on
the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

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Speaker 4 (22:34):
We are back on Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron and
today we’re speaking with mister SR seventy one himself, mister
Jim Goodall. Well, listen, you were talking about Ben Ritch here.
I believe he’s the guy that said that you know
more about the SR seventy one Blackbird plane than anybody.

Speaker 5 (22:49):
Yeah, I’ve heard.

Speaker 4 (22:50):
You say specifically that how the development of this airplane
was very compartmentalized, so oftentimes the workers didn’t realize the
full picture of what they were even working on. How
did you, Jim Goodall, get to see the full picture?

Speaker 5 (23:04):
Every black extremely classified program is compartmentalized. If you’re looking
on working on the whist, the left hand widget of
this craft, the guys working on the right hand widget
has no idea what you’re working on. You’re forbidden from
sitting down and chewing the fat, even at Area fifty

one or at the skunk works, you know, during a
break or whatever, to talk about, well, what component are
you working on? You don’t do that. I wasn’t part
of that environment, so I didn’t have any of those restrictions,
either the gag orders or the noncompete or they’ve signed
waivers saying that they can’t and will not divulge any

information on what they’re doing and what the it on
that part of the aircraft or the craft is. But wasn’t.
I wasn’t part of that. So I would track these
guys down and interview them, and they said, you know,
this is this is all I know about this part
or this area, get hold of so and so because
I know he worked in another part of this particular program.

And I did that over fifty years. I mean, I
saw my first blackbird. I was eighteen years old. It
was March tenth, nineteen sixty four, and I have never
been the same since. So I started digging. And the
first thing I did when I actually when I got
out of this out of the Air Force in the
end of nineteen sixty six, I wrote letters to Lockheed

Air Force, DoD CIA, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the
Air Force. I wanted eight by ten photos, preferably color,
but I would accept black and white SR seventy ones
and WYF twelve’s in the air. I wasn’t aware of
the A twelve at the time, and the official policy
from our government is not to cooperate. So because they

didn’t cooperate, I started digging. And the more I dug,
the more I found out, The more I found out,
the deeper I dug, and I ended I ended up
learning more from a historical point of view, not necessarily
an engineering point of view. Were pilot’s point of view,
but historian’s point of view and that’s why I was
able to put together and go around all the compartmentalizations

on the program. And I’ve even had blackbird pilots. So
the hell do you know that? I heard that in
a briefing and it was it was above top secret,
and you’re talking about it like he went to the
local seven to eleven and picked it up off the shelf.
I said, well, I try to be good at what
I do. I’m not always successful, but I do my
best and I’m relentless. I’m not discouraged. Someone says, no,

that’s when the selling job starts. Ben Ritchie even mentioned
he says, all of us at this conquests are fascinated
by Jim Goodall and by your your passion, and he
appreciated that passion, but he said that it just blows
his mind that I could I can get a small
little kernel of information looking through a cracking the door

about maybe an eighth of an inch wide, and I’m
starting to I’m starting to see the big picture.

Speaker 4 (26:07):
And I was.

Speaker 5 (26:07):
And you do that over a number of years. It
has an effect and one of the reasons why there
aren’t a lot of people talking about the things that
go bumping the night at the Skunk Works and possibly
other location. But I can’t imagine the lockeyed Advanced Development
Projects is a one of a kind ADP slash the
Skunk Works. McDonald douglas slash Boeing called it their phantom works.

Northrop referred to early on on development of The Wife
twenty three that it was our but our black widow
works after the P sixty one Black Widow. And what
keeps these all these engineers and maintenance people and designers
and pilots from spewing your guts their livelihood and they’re
paid well, their livelihood is having a Q clearance or above.

And if they were to even suspect that I was
talking to some guy who’s working on a in an
ultra black program today, if I don’t near start talking
to him and he gives me a tidbit information, they
won’t prosecute him. They’ll just pull this clearance. And without
a clearance, if you spent your entire life working in
a black program or programs, and all of a sudden

you don’t have a security clearance, you’ve already signed your NDAs,
so you can’t talk about it. And if you violate that,
not only have you lost your job. But there’s probably
there’s probably mechanisms in the non disclosure agreement that if
you say anything, then you lose your retirement as well.

So that’s how they keep them quiet.

Speaker 4 (27:46):
That makes sense. I’m sure that works.

Speaker 5 (27:48):
When I came out with my F one seventeen book
for the first time, this is the first really really
black program at its inception, and I talked to I
was at a black reunion and there was a couple
of wives there that their husband, now only did they
fly the Blackbird at sometimes, they also flew the F
one seventeen. And they said, my husband came home. He’s

never told me what he does at the skunk works,
and he handed me your book you did with Bill
Sweetman on It was the very first book on the
F one seventeen. It sold almost seventy thousand copies, which
is the only book I’ve ever made any money on.
But I was going through a divorce and I was
sort of homeless, and that really helped. They said, I

can’t tell you what I did, but just take a
look at mister Goodall’s book. There you go, and I’ll
lead the rest up to you. So they didn’t violate
their security they bought a book. They said, I can’t
say anything more, but read the book.

Speaker 4 (28:43):
Nice Hey. Back in seventy when the SR seventy one
came out in I think sixty four, it seemed like
that was the fastest plane that we had. And it
still seems to be on the top of the list,
or certainly near the top of the list of the
fast the planes. But that was sixty years ago. Jim
at aircraft way faster.

Speaker 5 (29:05):
Than that, right, I believe so, And according to ben Rich,
he believes so too. In nineteen eighty two or eighty three,
in February, I got invited to a banquet for Engineering
Week at Honeywell Avionics division they called Ridgeway. Those are
the guys that make all the you know, the stabilization

augmentation system, the autopilot, the ADF system in the control system, everything,
all the electronics using the Blackbird, most of them made
by Honeywell. And the director of Engineering called me at
home and he said, Jim, I says, I know, I
know you’re not an engineer and you’re not an employee
of Honeywell, but I’m inviting you as my guest to
our banquet and our keynote speaker is Kelly Johnson. So

Kelly gets up there and he’s talking about all sorts
of stuff, and he said, you know, you know, you
all know about what we’ve done on the SR seventy
one and on A twelve and on y F twelve.
But I’m you know, I’m not allowed. I’m not allowed
to talk about the Little Bird, which was the D
twenty one. And I said, there’s some sound Bits Toy
company in San Diego. He was referring to John Andrews

and some other no nosy guy who lives somewhere up
in the Midwest. He was referring to me. He didn’t
name my name, so that you know they they keep
sticking their nose into everything. He said, we have the
ability today to build a manned air breathing platform will
fly at mark four, Mark six, Mock eight, Mock twelve,

Mock sixteen. It’s like it’s like in drag racing, speed
costs money. How fast do you want to go? That
was forty years ago. We had the technology, so we
can only imagine and guess where we’re at today.

Speaker 4 (30:51):
It must be far beyond anything we’ve.

Speaker 5 (30:55):
And we’re not We’re not going to We’re not going
to know it for another twenty years. Yeah, here is
I’m going to be ninety nine.

Speaker 4 (31:03):
You’ll probably still be doing this stuff.

Speaker 5 (31:05):
I will as long as as long as I’m my
hands work on a keyboard and I have a voice.

Speaker 4 (31:11):
Yep, we need to take a break right there, Jim.
When we come back, we’re going to talk to Jim
about his thirty five year friendship with Bob Bazaar and
talk about Jim’s first hand experiences with Bob. You’re listening
to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
AM Paranormal Podcast Network. Hey, it’s the Wizard of Weird

Joshua P.

Speaker 2 (31:36):

Speaker 8 (31:36):
Don’t forget to check out my show Strange Things each
week as I bring you the world of the truly
amazing and bizarre right here on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 6 (32:00):
Hey, this is George Nap and you’re listening to the
iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (32:14):
Thanks for listening. Keep it here on the iHeartRadio on
Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 4 (32:30):
Jim would like to ask you a bit about your
friend of thirty five years Bob Lazaar. I know you
guys have been friends for a long time, and Bob’s
a highly controversial figure, as you know.

Speaker 5 (32:40):
Always has been.

Speaker 4 (32:42):
Yep. He does have some incredible stories though, and may
indeed be one of the early whistleblowers regarding all of this.
You actually met him before he went to work at
S four, and I think this really speaks to his
credibility before he believed in UFOs. What did he tell
tell you about John Lear and UFOs back then?

Speaker 5 (33:04):
Well, the way I met Bob is through John Lear,
and that particular day that I met him was a
day I photographed my first, very first F one seventeen
and I was the first time in F one and
seventeen had been photographed by someone not associated with the program.
I shot it at the fence on a tone pottest
rains and this is before digital photography, and I was
shooting with a nikon, hoping we can get back before

the photo mats closed. So I had this roll of
Coda color one hundred and I was really frustrated that
I was going to have I wouldn’t be able to
get a processed for two or three days. But John
Leair has said, Hey, I met a new friend. He’s
had just moved here from Albertquerque. He’s interviewing for a
job out in the desert. He hasn’t been hired yet,

or maybe he has been hired, but he hasn’t his
Q clearance hasn’t been upgraded. And he’s to be over
here in a few minutes. So about nine fifteen, nine
twenty knocking the front door. This is at night. This
young man comes in. It’s Bob Bazar, soft spoken. You
can tell the guy’s brilliant, not smart. I’m talking about
genius level. And he has a photographic memory. I found

that out later and I told him about my role
of film, and he says, I have a C forty
one processor which is used for developing colored print film.
So let’s go, let’s run to my house. I live
on the other side of the town and off of
West Charleston. And to see if you get your thing processed,
see if anything, if if all of them are blurry.

And the reason I was saying that photograph in the
F one seventeen for the very first time, it was
like a ten year old boy seeing a naked woman
for the first time. My hot whole body was literally
vibrating the probably a sixty or one hundred and twenty cycle,
and then it was an incredible experience. So I said,
let’s jump over, Let’s jump in my car, let’s go
over the thin processed. So we’re not more than a

block from John Lear’s house. And Lazarre looked at me
and he said, you know, I feel sorry for that
son of a bitch. I said, why is that? I said,
the idiot believes in UFOs. How stupid is that? He says,
I’m a nuclear physicist, and if I can’t prove it
mathematically or put my hands on it, it doesn’t exist.

That’s a hell of a statement, especially considering that a
couple months later, there was maybe a year almost a
year later, there was a guy named Jared silhouetted with
an altered voice, talking about working on reverse engineering. That
was Bob. So when I was at Bob’s house in
twenty three twenty two, time flies when you’re old, I

asked him. I said, do you remember what you told
me the first night we met when we were I
didn’t prompt him. When the first night we met, when
we’re hitting over your house to get the film process,
said you mean the fact I didn’t believe in UFOs.
I said, yes, he says absolutely, you couldn’t put a
gun to my head. Convince me UFO was real at

that time. So is Bob a plant? No. And probably
the most I can’t say damning proof was when I
was in the Pentagon during Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
I was enlisted. I was a historian Air Force historian,
and I had Bob Azzar’s W two and it was
always in my back pocket. So I had a down day.
I don’t know if things in bag Dad were real

calm on that particular day or whatever, but there was
no need for me to do any brief I did
briefings for the press. I was reading a top secret
document in a vault and at the same time I’m
here in CNN and it’s reading verbatim what I’m reading
and it just came in, so they must have had
their own link, but I had. I had downtime, so

I’m in uniform at the time. I’m in East six.
I have all my ribbons, I had this good haircut,
shine shoes, I was in my light blue shirt. I
couldn’t find the Department of Navy that paid Bob, it
wasn’t anywhere in the Pentagon directory, which is kind of suspect. Later,
I was told that there are about four ZIP codes
that go to places that don’t exist. So I wandered around.

I decided to go to Naval Investigative Services. I think
that was the office, and the door was opened. There’s
a young Lieutenant JG behind the counter and I said, Sara,
I have a question. I said, I can I help you, Sory?
And she said, where is this department of the Navy?
And I hand them Bob’s W two and he looks
at it, it looks at me, looks at it again.
Excuse me, sergeant. He gets up, he walks into the

two star admiral’s office. He’s in here ten or fifteen seconds,
maybe twenty seconds. He comes out and he says, the
admiral will see you.

Speaker 4 (37:34):

Speaker 5 (37:34):
Now, anybody who’s been in the Navy or in the military,
you know that some no two star admiral is going
to talk to an enlisted puke. And that’s the way
they sort of look at us, enlisted puke. And to
add insult to injury, not only is the Air Force,
I’m also Air National Guard because I rejoined the Guard
after I got out of the Air Force. So I

go in there and I give him a sharp salute.
He doesn’t say at ease, he said, parade rest. So
I’m standing there and he has Bob’s W two in
his hand and he’s shaking. He said, Sergeant, I don’t
know where you got this, but if I ever see
your face cross the threshold of my office ever again,
you’ll be the most sorry son of a bitch NCO

in the United States Military. Do you understand me, Sergeant?
I said, yes, sir. He said with that, he said,
you’re dismissed. But he took Bob’s W two and put
it in the shredder. I gave him his hearty good salute.
Did about face, walked out, and I said, oh boy.

Speaker 4 (38:34):
Those are two really strong, credible pieces that support Bob’s
story from first hand you personally, so I think that’s
a really important piece right there. Can you tell us
a little bit about this upcoming project?

Speaker 5 (38:48):
It is incredible. I’m listed in the credits a technical
advisor Luigi project crevitor. Yeah. The official title of the
movie is Bob Bazaar, and then underneath the original whistle
blower talking with Bob. He said he’s seen some of
the images and clips and he’s been working very closely

with him for about two and a half almost three years,
and he said it’s given him chills. He gets goosebumps
when he sees it. He says that you can almost
smell the hanger. And there’s three parts. There’s three parts
to the original Whistleblower. When is the movie and it’s
going to be premiered in Las Vegas around Christmas time

and Luigi is trying to get the Las Vegas Fear
the Big Old Ball.

Speaker 4 (39:33):
Yeah, that’d be great.

Speaker 5 (39:34):
For the world premiere, and I’m one of the VIP guests,
so I’m going to be I’ll be in the front row.
That is exciting. The other part they’re going to come out,
they’re going to come out with a I think it’s
in cast metal, but it would be a quarter inch
hangar area S four hangar with all the equipment in it,
with a complete sports model UFO that you can take

the recreation recreation. It is absolutely phenomenal. The box that
the sports model comes in. The inside of the box,
if you cut off the side of S’ laying down flat,
that’s going to be the inside of the hangar, all
the artwork on the walls, but then all this support equipment.
I don’t know what that’s going to cost, but I’m
getting one. And then Bob told me there’s a third

segment to the program and if it works, it will
literally be the most significant event since man stood up.
I said, it’s either going to be the most incredible
release of information and technology or it’s going to literally
blow up on our face. I said, well, have you

secured the required elements to fly it? That being Element
one fifteen that the world said it never existed, it
doesn’t exist. Well, and then the Swiss actually made some
and I think it has been made a few other places.
Said do you have enough Element one fifteen if you’re
going to fly whatever this thing you’re talking about. He

just smiled, and he said, and nothing is in one location.
It’s scattered all over the place and there’s only a
handful of people who know where that stuff is.

Speaker 4 (41:11):
This is going to be very exciting when all of
this comes out.

Speaker 5 (41:13):
Jim, Oh, it is, And I was I’m welcoming it
in Bob’s place anytime. He said, bring your dog. And
he has ten acres and he has three big Dogs
and it’s just a lot of fun. And Bob is
real and that’s that’s the other thing that you see
some of these characters and you have to shake your head,
especially the ones that work for our government coming out.

Speaker 4 (41:32):
Yeah, help me ask you another question, Jim. You’ve seen
these big three UFO videos that were officially released by
the Department of Defense, like the TikTok and all that.
What do you think of those?

Speaker 5 (41:43):
That’s like having the moon Lisa and you go to
the back corner behind the frame and rip off a
piece of canvas and say, well, here’s your proof.

Speaker 4 (41:55):
So Jim, we’re gonna have to stop there. This was
really awesome. I really enjoyed hearing these story rais, as
I’m sure everyone listening does too. And you can follow
his exploits on Facebook. Just search for James See goodawe
and thank you for listening to Beyond Contact. We’ll be
back next week with an all new episode. You can
follow me Captain Ron on Twitter and Instagram at CID

Underscore Captain Ron. Stay connected by checking out Contact inthedesert
dot com. Stay open minded and rational as we explore
the unknown right here on the iHeartRadio and Coast to
Coast am Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (42:40):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Ghost
Day and Paranormal Podcast Network. Make sure and check out
all our shows on the iHeartRadio app or by going
to iHeartRadio dot com


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