Episode 18: We’re Not Over the Hill (Case): Kathleen Marden on the 63rd Anniversary of The Hill Abduction

Sep 20, 2024

Kathleen Marden, niece of Betty and Barney Hill, offers her unique insights into this landmark alien abduction case. Kathleen shares decades of research and recent scientific discoveries strengthening the case’s credibility. She examines the initial UFO sighting, the alleged abduction experience, and the enduring impact on ufology. This episode revisits a pivotal moment in extraterrestrial encounter investigations, showcasing the continuing relevance of the Hill abduction.

Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 (00:02):
You’re listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast Day
and Paranormal Podcast Network, where we offer you podcasts of
the paranormal, supernatural, and the unexplained. Get ready now for
Beyond Contact with Captain Wrong.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
Welcome to our podcast. Please be aware the thoughts and
opinions expressed by the host are their thoughts and opinions
only and do not reflect those of iHeartMedia, iHeartRadio, Coast
to Coast AM, employees of Premier Networks, or their sponsors
and associates. We would like to encourage you to do

your own research and discover the subject matter for yourself.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Hey everyone, it’s Captain Ron and each week on Beyond Contact,
we’ll explore the latest news in ufology, discuss some of
the classic cases, and bring you the latest information from
the newest cases as we talk with the top experts.

Speaker 4 (01:17):
Welcome to Beyond Contact. I am Captain Ron, and today
we’re going to be speaking with Kathleen Martin. Kathleen’s interest
in UFOs and et contact first began back in nineteen
sixty one, when her aunt and uncle, Betty and Barney Hill,
had a close encounter in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. Kathleen
was right there when her mom got the call from
Betty the next morning after the incident. She has devoted

years and years to painstakingly investigating the anomalous events in
archival research on their case. This formal investigation of the
Hills UFO case led to her career as an author, investigator,
and researcher. From nineteen nineteen one till twenty twenty three,
she volunteered for the mutual UFO New Network in various

positions such as the director of Field Investigator Training, and
she was the founder director of Muffon’s Experience her resource team.
In twenty twelve, Mouffon even recognized her contributions by presenting
her with a very well deserved Researcher of the Year trophy.
The Betty and Barney Hill UFO case is absolutely one

of the most important groundbreaking cases we have and we
all are very thankful to Kathleen for her careful documentation
and preservation of the facts of this case. Hi, Kathleen,
thank you for coming on specifically on this day, which
happens to be the sixty third anniversary of the incident,
which of course took place on September nineteenth into the

morning of September twentieth. And also we just lost James
Earl Jones, who actually starred in the UFO Incident, which
was the film version of the story made back in
nineteen seventy five. How are you doing, Kathleen.

Speaker 5 (02:54):
I’m doing fun. It’s great to be with you.

Speaker 4 (02:57):
I’m really glad to have you here. You know, we
need to start with Benny and Barney Hill case. Even
though you’ve talked about it so many times, there’s just
so much to get through today. I really want to
get this all out for people. It’s such an important case.
And you know, just a few years ago you published
the anniversary edition of your book Captured with new information
and new evidence, which I want to get to here

at a minute. Although we now hear of some cases
throughout early history which may have been alien encounters, really
in the modern era, this was the very first experiencer
case to really hit pop culture, and it introduced people
to the idea of what they at the time called
an alien abduction. There are a few things I really

just genuinely love about this case. This was really not
at all in the zeitgeist of our culture back in
nineteen sixty one. All of these claims were pretty much
unheard of at the time, and now over sixty years later,
nearly all of their claims really are what we hear
repeated time and time again from alleged experiencers. These include

seeing a pancake or disc shaped light in the sky,
object hovering over a car, the experience of missing time,
reports of being taken aboard a spaceship, being face to
face with an alien being, humanoid figure with large eyes,
medical procedures performed upon them, the fact that Betty was
shown a starmap and under hypnosis they recounted their abduction

experience in full detail. All of these things we’ve heard
from other experiencers since then. Are those still the temples
of the experiencer cases that you’ve investigated today.

Speaker 5 (04:37):
Well, very often it is, at least initially, but over
time the relationship with the non humans might change so
that the individual becomes accustomed to having a relationship with
a non human entity that they see periodically throughout their lifetime,
and they receive education from that INDI and might receive

a tour of the craft. Might be healed if there
is a physiological problem the experience initially that Betty and
Barney had was a little different than the extent of
what we hear about today. I think that the ets

have more compassion toward those who they have cared for
over a very long period of time. And I use
the word care for Maybe that’s not the appropriate word,
because oftentimes they’re taking DNA, they’re monitoring the health of
the human body. They’re doing that sort of thing. They

might set up experiments for the humans to take part in.
They’re masters in genetics, that sort of thing. We know
a lot more today, obviously than we did back in
nineteen sixty one. The Hill case was the first scientifically
investigated alien abduction in the United States.

Speaker 4 (06:07):
It’s not as typical either, as as we’ve found out
now through investigations and reports and hypnosis that these typically
tend to be lifelong experiences, or at least the bulk
of your life, at least your reproductive years, let’s say,
and there’s reoccurring instances of visitation. If I’m correct, isn’t
this more like the Travis Walton more of a one
off kind of case.

Speaker 5 (06:29):
I doubt it. I have recordings that I have not released.
Betty did not want people to know about this because
there was so much ridicule in her life from a
nasty disinformants who were attempting to ruin her reputation repeatedly

throughout her lifetime, and so she simply didn’t talk about it.
But she was taken periodically.

Speaker 4 (06:58):
Interesting, fascinating. Actually, another thing that you’re bringing up right here,
which is a good point I want to inject right here,
is that they didn’t really want us to come out
at all. Betty and Barney were not interested in getting
their story out. Particularly Barney didn’t want to talk about
this publicly. They were both very well respected in the community, right,
that’s correct.

Speaker 5 (07:18):
In fact, in nineteen sixty five, we were invited to
Lyndon Johnson’s inauguration and went because of our political activity
in the state of New Hampshire. Barney had been appointed
to the US Civil Rights Commission in nineteen sixty five
as a representative for the state of New Hampshire. He
received an award from Sergeant Shriver for the work that

he and Betty did with a group of people from
Rockingham County to set up the Community Action Program using
federal funding through the Office of Economic Opportunity. He had
even received an award from the Archdiocese in Manchester, New
Hampshire for setting up a literacy in the days when

you had to pass a literacy test in order to vote.
So they were very active doing good things for people
in the community. They certainly did not want to be
known as a couple who believed they had been abducted
by non humans, right.

Speaker 4 (08:18):
And that goes on today even still, which is shocking,
but yes, that’s still the case, right. That is the
second important thing about this case to me is that
obviously it was a multi witness Kate with conscious memories also,
and they both have the same story pretty much. I think.
Have you compared their two tapes from the when they
recounted under hypnosis their individual experiences and how do those

match up with each other?

Speaker 5 (08:42):
Well? I did a comparative analysis of their statements under
hypnosis with doctor Simon. I also know their statements in
all of their reports because I have their reports to
the Air Force, Deny, cap, et cetera. As a social scientist,
I wanted to to transcribe their hypnosis tapes ten hours

and to line up their statements to determine their style
of description, how they spoke. I found Betty would just
speak about anything that entered her mind, whereas Bonnie was
very reserved. He always thought about what he was going
to say before he said it, even hypnosis, Yes, I

believe that. Interesting is that that was his style. You
don’t change your style under hypnosis. I was able to
start with their statements when Bonnie was planning the surprise
trip for Betty to Niagara Falls and making the decision
that they were going to move on and travel back

toward New Hampshire. And very very interesting that all of
those statements I’ve lined up and to compare those with
the statements they made separately to doctor Simon, who hypnotized
them separately and reinstated amnesia at the end of each session.

So I did that vis a v Betty’s dream material,
and it was ten days after their experience, and they
lasted for five days. She had these dreams in the
morning just as she was waking up. Dreams that you
dream at that point are hypnotic. They can contain information

that is from your biological or your biographical history. If
you’re experiencing anxiety about any of this, which Betty obviously was,
you will add fantasy material to just make yourself feel better.
So you know, that is why the entities in her

dreams were very human looking, you know, black hair, eyebrows,
normal human eyes, wearing Cadet uniform and Cadet caps. That
sort of thing. That is not what Betty and Barney
recalled under hypnosis.

Speaker 4 (11:07):
We’re going to have to take a break there, Kathleen.
When we come back, we’re going to talk about the
third incredible thing about this case. You’re listening to Beyond
Contact right here on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
AM Paranormal Podcast Network. Okay, we are back on Beyond Contact.

We’re talking with Kathleen Martin. Kathleen, the third incredible thing
about this case is the amount of physical evidence that
is involved. Here. We have two witnesses who, as you
just noted, have the same story, the same recollection under
hypnosis of what happened to them other witnesses, including yourself,
who are adjacent to this incident. There was a possible

radiation on the car. There are spots on the back
of the car, Betty’s torn dress, Barney’s shoes were badly scuffed.
There’s a broken binocular strap. There’s the fact that both
of their watches stopped working, and the fact that these
people’s lives were changed forever after their experience. And now
there’s some new evidence that you have uncovered, including there’s

there’s some radar evidence. Apparently it turns out that there
I believe twelve to fourteen other people who witnessed a
large light in the sky right where they were correct
And then this material that you found on Betty’s dressed
and you had scientifically tested. Could you share with us
all this new evidence that you’ve uncovered recently.

Speaker 5 (12:38):
First of all, you mentioned radiation on the trunk of
the car. There were highly polished spots there, about a
dozen or so of them, the same color the blue
color of the vehicle, only highly polished concentric circles, and
there was a magnetic field around those circles in the

area where that craft was causing these codelike buzzing sounds
to strike the car. Just before they lost full consciousness,
the car vibrated. They felt a tingling sensation passed through
their bodies, and then their memories began to fade. I

saw those spots in the trunk of the car within
a day or two of the time the incident occurred.
My family drove to Betty’s and Barney’s home. I saw
Betty’s watch that had stopped. I just recently realized that
she set her watch when she arrived in the house.
She had wound it at ten oh five pm the

previous evening, and the watch had for some reason just stopped.
She did not note the time at which had stopped,
but she said it to the time of the clock
in her home, and I have her watch. It reads
five sixteen, So it was sixteen am when she went

into her house after she arrived home. So that clarifies
that question about what time they arrived home and whether
or not they were missing time. Yes, they were missing
at least two hours. They had anticipated an arrival between
two and three am. Betty’s dress was torn in several places.

The back of the dress, the top of the zipper
was torn. The thick zipper fabric was torn the stitching,
and that corresponded when the examiner was attempting to remove
her dress but did not know how to unzip a zipper,
so he tore the dress and then she assisted him.

The dress dropped to the floor, and the lower part
of the dress that hit the floor grew this pink
powdery substance on it. Also, the hem was torn down
on one side, the side where she tried to escape,
and she kicked one of these entities and it tore

the lining of the dress on that side as well.
The dress was heavily saturated with that pink pottery substance
around her sleeves too, where the entities had wrapped their
long hands around her up her arms as they were
escorting her. I happened to be at the University of
New Hampshire with Ben Hansen. He was interviewing me. At

the University of New Hampshire. I set up the archival
collection there. Betty left instructions for me to go through
her archival collection and selectively choose the files that I
thought belonged there, So that’s what I did. We were
examining the dress. We turned it inside out and I

had had the back of the lining tested. I’d taken
samples from the underarms from near the zipper very areas,
but this time Ben was examining the front of the lining.
He was started to ask me about three spots that
were on the lining of the dress that looked like blood,

and they were in the area of Betty’s navel. Hemined, yes,
that’s correct, and so he examined the outside of the dress.
There was no stain on the exterior of the dress,
only on the lining, and it appeared to have come
from where it was next to her body. I am

the individual who gives permission for scientists to do studies
on that dress, and I am the only person who’s
permitted to cut a sample. So I cut it for Ben,
and then I took the sample home with me until
we were able to find a laboratory. And I thought
of the Mutual UFO network. I knew that they had

a biological scientist, and so I contacted that scientist and
asked her if we could get her to do a
DNA analysis. I also had a disc with Betty’s blood.
I would send away a little section of it along
with a sample, and so we did send it to

Muffon’s laboratory. DNA testing was conducted, and what she discovered
was that it was DNA from Betty’s body. The blood
sample was too old to determine whether it was blood.
It appeared to Ben to be blood, but the blood

samples were simply too old, so the scientist could only
say that it was fluid from Betty’s body in the
area of her navel, and so yes, that might indicate
that Betty’s memory of having a needle inserted into her
navel it was correct, and we know that over the

past how many sixty some odd years experiencers have reported
this time and time again. I had also sent three
samples of the dress in different areas to doctor David
Soriano from the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford and he

is a tenured professor in the chemistry department thirty five
years experience. He worked with another tenured professor who also
had thirty five years experience, training a graduate student to
use X ray fluorescence to detect heavier elements on that dress.

They detected three heavier elements. One of those elements had
a prosaic explanation because it was used in the die
in the period of the time in which the fabric
of Betty’s dress was dyed. The other or two were
extraordinarily rare and expensive. One of them was roodium, which

is one of the rarest and most valuable precious minerals
on Earth, with a higher melting point and lower density
than platinum, and the other was tulorium, which is rare
in the Earth’s crust but more abundant in the universe.
So I mean these could be the smoking gun. This

was very exciting information to receive. They could think of
no earthly explanation for how these metals were deposited on
Betty’s dress.

Speaker 4 (19:43):
It’s incredible. And the rodium being one of the rarest
elements on Earth, how does that end up by this
woman’s dress in nineteen sixty one. It just seems so unlikely.
It’s not like she worked in a lab or. It’s
it’s something that you should be exposed to say such
a thing, right.

Speaker 5 (20:01):
That’s correct. I mean I can only think that when
her dress dropped to the floor of the craft, that
that might have been the time that these fragments were
deposited onto her dress.

Speaker 4 (20:16):
I love that. It’s another piece of physical evidence too,
that you know we have scientific you have those reports.
I’m sure, yes. Now you’ve kept everything so diligently. I
think that really supports the case, and I think it’s wonderful. Again,
that’s one of the strongest things about the Benny and
Barney Hill Cakes. Let’s take another break here, and when
we come back, I want to talk to Kathleen about

the starmap, the infamous starmap that Betty was shown when
she was aboard the craft. It’s very interesting. You are
listening to Beyond Contact right here on the iHeartRadio Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast Network. We are back on

Beyond Contact. It’s Captain Ron talking to Kathleen Martin about
the Benny and Barney Hill case. And Kathleen, let’s talk
about this interesting aspect of the case, the star map
that Betty was shown. Not only is the map interesting,
the way she was shown the map is interesting. It
was sort of a I don’t know how to describe it,
a holographic projection. That’s interesting because again, this was nineteen

sixty one and that sort of thing wasn’t really thought of.
They didn’t have monitors and phones, and just the idea
that this was sort of a digital thing, to me
is another interesting part of it. Can you tell us
how that map was presented to her and then what
you found out about this map afterwards?

Speaker 5 (21:54):
When Betty was on the craft after her examination had
been completed, she said to the leader that she was
beginning to trust at that time. I know that you’re
not from here, where’s your home port? And he produced
this three dimensional star map, and there were stars of

various sizes and colors blowing on this map. She even
compared it to like looking out a window and seeing
these stars. These stars were connected some in the foreground
by five solid lines. There were solid lines connecting other stars.

There were two solid lines going to our sun, and
then there were dotted lines going to other stars. So
twelve stars connected by lines, and sixteen stars in all
on this map. Doctor Simon said to Betty, if you
can remember this accurately and it doesn’t trouble you too much,

go home and sketch this star map from memory. And
fortunately Betty had a photographic memory and she sketched it.
The only problem she had is that she was using
pencil and paper and she saw it as a three
dimensional map. And it was published in the first book
ever written. It’s also in Capture The Betty and Barney

Hill UFO Experience. Now, once that was published, Marjorie Fish
who was a brilliant woman from Ohio who ended up
working at the nuclear laboratory, the Oakridge Nuclear Laboratory. But
Marjorie had an interest. She was skeptical, but she thought

that if this place actually existed somewhere in our galaxy,
that maybe she would find a match. Now, there were
no computers that she could use in that timeframe, or
no Xerox machines for photocopy machines. She had to go
to the university in hand copy all of the distance

data on all of the stars in our local galactic
neighborhood out fifty four light years, and she had to
know the characteristics of those stars. And then she would
construct a three dimensional model using a frame silk thread
and these beads of various sizes and colors. Imagine the

math that she had to do to know where to
place every one of those stars in its proper location.
She had built fourteen It had taken several years, and
she didn’t find a match. She only found a match
after we had made scientific progress, we had developed technology

where we could get a better reading on the distance data.
She went back to the university astronomical catalog and copied
down the new distance data and started rearranging those stars,
and finally she had a map for Betty’s map. So
Coral Lorenzen, who was the director of APRO at the

time contacted Stanton Friedman to evaluate her. If he thought
she was a credible scientifically oriented individual worthy of having
her work vetted by astrophysicists, he could make that recommendation
and find the scientist to vet Marjorie’s work, and that’s

what he did, such as Alan Heinek, a statistician, and
also the Ohio State University when they had computers vetted
Marjorie’s work and all said that her work was accurate.
And so the chance of this happening just by accident
that Betty would draw this confus uration is astronomical at

the moment, yes, and.

Speaker 4 (26:07):
Just to think that she could do it from memory
days later, you know, you remembered something. As if there’s
not enough going on being confronted with an alien being
on a spaceship, she’s still able to remember what she saw,
and that is truly, truly remarkable. You’ve worked on a
lot of these large studies of nearly five thousand experiencers,
including the Edgar Mitchell Free Organization, and looked at the

surveys by those experiences. I think you said about twelve
percent of respondents say they are shown some kind of
a map. Has anyone ever pulled together these different maps
and compared them to Betties or even to each other.
To me, we have an opportunity here to really add
credibility if these things line up together, and I wonder
if any of them like match up with the Dogon

tribe or any other map.

Speaker 5 (26:52):
I personally have not asked anyone who participated in our
studies to sketch the maps that they were and then
find an astrophysicists who could work on that who would
be willing to do that. I do know that there
were star map researchers who were looking for other stars

in our galaxy that would match up with Betty’s map,
and some were able to do something find something similar.
The problem is they were dissimilar than the stars on
Betty’s map because all of the stars on Betty’s map
were sun like stars, although only five percent of the

stars in our local galactic neighborhood are sunlike, and all
the sun like stars in that volume of space were
on Betty’s map. In fact, one of the astrophysicists stated
that if we lived in the Zeta reticular star system
and we had developed the technology to travel through space,

to explore space, that is precisely the route that we
would take because all of the stars are in a plane,
so it’s easier to go from star to star. It
all makes sense. And so that was a tremendous finding.
And I know there are people who have said that

Marjorie Fish before she died, she conceded that her star
map was not accurate. That was a misquote. Stanton quite
concerned about this when we received this information. He contacted
Marjorie’s niece and it was a family member who was

speaking to the funeral director who somehow there was a misunderstanding.
Marjorie’s work still holds up today, and a new study
was done I believe it was in two thousand and three,
twenty two hundred and eighty nine different computer models. Wow,
and still Marjorie Fish’s identification. If Betty’s map is still the.

Speaker 4 (29:02):
Closest, that’s great clarification as to what really happened. That’s
really great. Thank you for sharing that. There’s been countless
articles written about this incredible case over the years. Of course,
in the famous book The Interrupted Journey by John Fuller,
which was written back in nineteen sixty six, I believe
you said that the publisher would only publish this book

if he added some embellishments to make it more sensational.
This infuriates me, as for some reason, these incredible stories
of these people’s claims aren’t amazing enough. We have to
embellish them. To me, this hurts our community, That hurts
our stories. Then these stories are not being accurately portrayed.

This famously also happened with Travis Walton, as I’m sure
you know with Fire in the Sky that movie. I
genuinely don’t understand why this is necessary. What are your
thoughts about what’s happening in ufology, particularly with regards to
the Benny and Barney Hill case, the way it has
to be portrayed this way, why they can’t do it accurately? I.

Speaker 5 (30:02):
As a researcher, as an investigator, attempt to be as
accurate as I possibly can, try to be one hundred
percent accurate in everything I do, backed up very carefully
by evidence, by archival records. The others the movie makers
are entertaining the public. That’s the difference between a documentary

and a movie. Right to entertain the public.

Speaker 4 (30:32):
Well, let’s take a break right there, Kathleen. When we
come back, we’re going to ask you about some of
the other cases that you’ve looked at. You’re listening to
Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM
Paranormal podcast network. We are back on Beyond Contact, Kathleen.

You were just talking about how you’ve kept these records
over the years for Benny and Barney Hill. How were
you able to stay objective when looking at the Benny
and Barney Hill case. Since you’re so closely involved in.

Speaker 5 (31:18):
It, it was important to me to be unbiased. I
committed myself to the idea that if I discovered that
this didn’t really happen, that it was just a mistake
made by Betty and Barney, then I would reveal this
as an innocent mistake. But the more I investigated, the

more evidence I collected, I realized that this was absolutely
true and under hypnos separate hypnosis, their accounts matched. This
happened several times, plus all of this physical evidence. My
husband and I drove the entire route that Betty and

Barney drove in the same time frame, on the same
roads when possible, stopping in the same locations. They were
like twenty years younger than my husband and I. When
we did this.

Speaker 4 (32:18):
I love that you’re very careful with all of this,
and you could tell how measured you are. And you’ve
been that way the whole time. I mean, you’ve been
recounting the story years and years and years. It’s truly remarkable.
I know you went back and you even helped Betty
as she approached the end of her life. What was
her takeaway thoughts about the experience for her at the
end of her life.

Speaker 5 (32:36):
Well, I was caring for her in her home as
she was suffering from fatal cancer of the lungs in
a great deal of pain. She also had a brain tumor,
and we had hospice care for the last several months
of her life. And so we would review her life
and we would reflect upon that experience and ask, if

you could undo this, would you would you prefer that
this had not happened? And she said, although it was
difficult for them, particularly in terms of the disinformation that
was disseminated regarding the case, she would have done it
again because she had met astronauts from another planet and

she was very pleased to have done that, and also
that she had met and had a relationship with people
that she never would have encountered as a social worker
in civil rights advocate, women’s advocate, that sort of thing.
She met some top ranking scientists who are very interested

in her case, military officers who were very interested and supportive.

Speaker 4 (33:56):
I love that she calls them astronauts. That’s really cute.
I like that. But you are also a member of
MUFIN since ninety one. Correct, You’ve looked at so many cases,
well beyond just your aunt and uncle’s case. After all
of this research, years and years and years, what do
you think are the most compelling cases or the most

solid piece of evidence that we have today for et visitation.

Speaker 5 (34:22):
It’s really hard to say. One case is the smoking gun.
I’ve worked on many cases privately and a few for
the mutual UFO network. I discovered that I had to
work as an independent investigator so that I could keep
a long term relationship with people who were being taken,

so that we could collect evidence over time. They needed
to know how to collect evidence, what to look for.
So I had one extraordinarily compelling case from Canada, Winnipeg,
and and this experiencer had initially reported his close encounter
to moufon. We didn’t have an investigator in that part

of Canada at the time. So Muffon asked me to
investigate the case. And he had this amateur astronomer had
this close encounter and he said, I think I’m being
taken and so we worked together. He had a lot
of photographic equipment set up to attempt to capture evidence

and he did. He sent me a great deal some
incredible patterned marks on his body. He finally contacted me
and said, I’m very afraid that i have a fatal
case of cancer and I’m going to have surgery. He
sent me a photograph of his neck. He had lymphoma,

very enlarged nodes on his neck, and I just said
to him, I have worked with several people who have
the ets for healing. If you can meditate, become very
relaxed and attempt to communicate with them a few times
a day, ask them for healing. And I said, I

meditate too. I will do the same thing, ask them
to heal you well. Within a couple of weeks, he
sent me a photograph of his neck. There was no
longer those huge nodes on his neck. He sent me video.
The video showed an orb that entered through the ceiling

and slid down the wall. It was a beautiful orb
sort of baby blue around the exterior, then white and
shades of turquoise, and then sort of an acre colored center.
And it morphed as it flew across the room and
then it hovered above his body. It put down, or

it might have just been on the film from it
diving down into his body. He then became unconscious and
he woke up twelve hours later and he was healed.
When he went in for the surgery, he did not
know how to explain to the surgeon anything that had happened.

He shared his story his experience with his physician, who
believed him his primary care physician. He even had an
implant removed by him, but he was healed.

Speaker 4 (37:36):
That is a fascinating case right there. I’ll tell you it.

Speaker 5 (37:40):
Was an incredibly fascinating case. And if we have time,
I have another one that was so compelling. So there
were two paranormal investigators that Stanton Friedman had introduced me to,
and they were seeking a confirmed experiencer so that they
could set up appointment to go to this experiencer’s home

to try to capture EVP recordings and maybe video recordings
of a UFO and this experiencer could call in craft.
They went up there, they had their equipment set up.
It’s ten o’clock at night and they’re outside looking the
experiencers calling in craft, and something shows up beside the

moon and starts descending in their direction. They’re asking questions,
they’re receiving responses. Suddenly they find themselves in a different location.
They’re not holding their equipment any longer. They’re holding each other.
They’re feeling nauseated. They’re weaving back and forth. Don’t know

what’s happened. They don’t realize time has passed. They find
their equipment under a bush. They pick up their camera.
They go inside the experiences home. His wife meets them
and says, where have you been? Said, well, we’ve just
been outside in the backyard the whole time. And she said, no,

you were not. I was looking for you. You weren’t there. Well,
they were missing about two hours. Well, the researchers drove
home and they started later to look at any evidence
they might have collected. Well, on that camera, it showed
two beams of light coming out. They were kind of

indigo colored, and then you see entities starting to drop
off those beams. They’re not fully materialized, but they become
more solid as they moved toward the ground. You see
one seated on the ground. He is obviously wearing some

kind of technology on his back, becomes enveloped in blue
light and he rises into the air, crosses in front
of that screen with a blue light in one hand,
and he’s moving back and forth. You can see that technology.
He’s sitting on technology on his head, looking back and forth.

I think he’s looking for those humans that he wants
to capture. There were other entities as well, non human
entities wearing headgear. Just remarkable video evidence.

Speaker 4 (40:29):
That’s incredible. That is absolutely incredible. You don’t get much
video evidence like that of her. And thank you, Kathleen.
I really appreciate it. This was fascinating information and we
all appreciated all the work you do for our community.

Speaker 5 (40:40):
Thank you. It was a pleasure.

Speaker 4 (40:42):
Well, we will be back next week with an all
new episode. You can follow me Captain Ron on Twitter
and Instagram at civ Underscore Captain Ron. Stay connected by
checking out contact inthedesert dot com. Stay open minded and rationalist.
We explore the unknown right here on the iHeartRadio and
Coast to host AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (41:09):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Ghost
Am Paranormal podcast Network. Make sure and check out all
our shows on the iHeartRadio app or by going to
iHeartRadio dot com


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