Episode 15: Ancient AI: Jason Martell’s Tech-Powered Quest for Extraterrestrial Truth

Aug 30, 2024

Ancient AI features Captain Ron and Jason Martell, renowned Ancient Alien theorist, exploring the evolution of extraterrestrial influence theories. Jason unveils his innovative AI program designed to analyze UFO cases and ancient alien hypotheses. They discuss how artificial intelligence enhances sky anomaly detection and data analysis in ufology. This episode bridges ancient mysteries with cutting-edge technology, offering fresh perspectives on the search for extraterrestrial evidence throughout human history.

Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 (00:02):
You’re listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast Day
and Paranormal Podcast Network, where we offer you podcasts of
the paranormal, supernatural, and the unexplained. Get ready now for
Beyond Contact with Captain Ron.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
Welcome to our podcast. Please be aware the thoughts and
opinions expressed by the host are their thoughts and opinions
only and do not reflect those of iHeartMedia, iHeartRadio, Coast
to Coast AM, employees of Premier Networks, or their sponsors
and associates. We would like to encourage you to do

your own research and discover the subject matter for yourself.

Speaker 3 (00:58):
Hey everyone, it’s and Ron and Each week on Beyond Contact,
we’ll explore the latest news in ufology, discuss some of
the classic cases, and bring you the latest information from
the newest cases as we talked with.

Speaker 4 (01:12):
The top experts.

Speaker 5 (01:15):
Welcome back to another episode of Beyond Contact. I am
Captain Ron, and today we’re going to be speaking with
Jason Martell. Jason’s an entrepreneur and co founder of numerous
successful tech companies, as well as one of the leading
researchers and lecturers specializing in ancient civilization technologies. He’s been
a staple on the History Channel’s Ancient Alien Show for
nearly twenty years now, and has also been a staple

at the Contact in the Desert conference. Among his many
amazing accomplishments is the creation of a new AI program
that’s tailored specifically to the ancient astronaut theory. It’s really
really great to have him here. Let’s welcome him. Hey, Jason,
how you doing, Bud?

Speaker 6 (01:51):
I’m doing great, Ron, Thanks thanks for having me back
on the show.

Speaker 4 (01:54):

Speaker 5 (01:55):
So let’s talk about the ancient alien theory a little
bit that began in Earnest Real in nineteen sixty three
with Robert Carrow’s book and then of course Eric Van
Denigan’s book in sixty eight. So we’re talking about sixty
years here. You’ve been looking at this for a lot
of years yourself, So I want to know what changes
have you seen that further support this theory. Now that

we have new discoveries, new technology, new telescopes. What’s furthered
this theory in the last number of years here?

Speaker 6 (02:24):
You know, people when they ask about this question are
tapping into a larger database of information around where do
we really come from? And so whenever I get these questions.
It always leads to a spaghetti of mixing the ancient
with the modern. So we have the ancient astronaut theory,
but then we also have this current entanglement with UFOs

and UAPs and a lot of news and information around that.
So decoupling that noise takes a little bit of skill, right,
So I mean for me, Ron, I very much have
always been interested in in the ancient part of this information, right,
Like there’s some stone out there, can lift it up
and be like, wow, look this has been sitting here
for four thousand years. Wow, in the realm of the

ancient technology and the devices and locations that we’ve been
able to find those advances, if you will. That database
hasn’t changed that much in the last let’s say, sixty
years of doing research. What has changed are some of
the tools that we now have to analyze these locations

known locations, as well as the ability to detect new
types of artifacts and new locations. And so for me,
that’s obviously been the part as more of the tech guy,
where I’ve been very interested in the advances we’ve made
with artificial intelligence, with new types of ground penetrating radar
sound as a method heat, all these different methods for

being able to look at substrata and find things, and
you know, for a high level answer, it’s just a
lot of these sites. Let’s say in Guatemala, all throughout
South America, Bolivia, Peru, we find these Mayan olmec Aztec,
you know, pyramid here there and it’s surrounded.

Speaker 4 (04:06):
By a jungle.

Speaker 6 (04:07):
We’re like, oh, yeah, it’s great. You know, here’s Chitchenitza awesome.
But it turns out that you flip on some light
arm and fly over it with a seven forty seven
and there’s thirteen other pyramids in the nearby area, all
covered by the jungle.

Speaker 4 (04:19):
Light oars made a huge leap in this regard exactly.

Speaker 6 (04:22):
So for me, I think that’s the fun part is
being able to apply the convergence of things like AI
and light r or instead of me looking at the results,
maybe the AI can look at the results over a
thousand square acres in a minute.

Speaker 4 (04:38):

Speaker 5 (04:38):
It’s incredible, And I think it’s just going to obviously
get better and better in six months and in a year.
You know, it’s just it’s already accelerating. You know, there’s
so many fascinating discoveries like you mentioned, in the last
sixty years, and they haven’t changed, but they’re still incredible.

Speaker 4 (04:52):
You know.

Speaker 5 (04:53):
A couple just to mention, are like the UFOs we
see in the artwork back in the day, the small
gold planes, the den Da era light bulb, the Bagdad battery,
which is one of your areas. Of course, ancient maps
with modern knowledge on them, even though we know that
they are dated even older than that. Given all of
these different things, what do you think makes the strongest

case to those people outside this community for the ancient
astronaut theory.

Speaker 6 (05:18):
Well, you know, I try to answer it this way,
and this is probably what we’ll guide some of our conversation.
Ron is for me, you know, twenty years ago, I
was raised as a Christian, never was super religious, but
I had religion exposure in my life. But in college,
just independently became very interested in the idea that there’s
an artificial face and pyramids on Mars. And while looking

into that while I was attending college, it turned out
that the principal scientists taking all the pictures mail in
Space Science Systems was also located in San Diego where
I was attending college, and pressing him and asking for answers.
You know, always I got this the same scientific level answer.
You know, there’s no artificial or human or alien involvement

creating structures on other planets as well as our own.
Sounds like euro right, So I mean that’s that’s why
I think what really started to raise my own interest
in going okay, well wait a minute. You know the
stuff on Mars, we had things all over our own planet.
We still don’t know who really built them, where do
we come from? And that’s what led me to the
Sumerian culture. Again, raised is a Christian, you know, I

started to realize from other scholars like Zachariasichen that there’s
the New Kings James version of the Bible in English
Old Testament and Hebrew, Assyrian version, Babylonian, Mesopotamian, and all
the way back to Sumerian, and so finding and deciphering
these texts that predate even the Hebrew version of the Bible,

and talk about the flood, these beings that came down,
why they were here creating us in their image and
after their likeness. A lot of the key events that
we have are also in these Sumerian versions. So they’ll
give you an example of one in the late eighteen hundreds.
One of the since to the curator of the British
Museum’s name is George Smith. You know, he’s uncovering this

tablet in ancient city of Ors where Iraq is, you know,
and he’s just brushing the dust off and he flops
up the tablets reading in a Syrian version some of
udin prishtim is chosen by the Anaak essentially to build
a craft and take all of it above because there’s
a great flood coming. He freaks out, He’s like, I
can’t believe it, this is not an Old Testament version.
Have I found the original version of the Biblical flood tablet?

And he, you know, freaks out, you know, runs over
with his hands up in the air. So we’ve had
a lot of discoveries like that again in the past,
of that Sumerian evidence that just go into a much
more longer tail like the English version of seven Days
of Creation. The Sumerians actually have seven Tablets of Creation,
part of a much longer epic where you get more detail.

Speaker 4 (07:49):
So there’s no doubt that these two things overlap.

Speaker 5 (07:52):
These different religious texts overlap with the Sumerian writings, and
we see those things repeated through time. Not to mention
all the books they cut out of the Bible. What
do they call that, the Acropolips or something like that.

Speaker 6 (08:02):
Well, there’s the Dead Sea Scrolls, and there’s various other
parts of the Bible, you know.

Speaker 4 (08:07):
The Enoch and thatlled out.

Speaker 5 (08:10):
Yeah, so all of that data too that we’re not
even mentioning exactly. And then there’s this astronomical data that
you talk about for the Great Pyramid, how it’s really
dated probably ten thousand, five hundred years ago. That’s what
the date that keeps coming up, right.

Speaker 6 (08:24):
It is. There’s you know, there’s there’s a lot of
evidence that we can look at across the globe, you know,
for putting the date much further back in time, and
again just kind of diverting back to the Sumerians for
a moment. That’s that’s why I think that culture really
sparked my interest is because they have over one hundred
of the first needed for a modern culture, the first

signs of writing, agriculture, schools, courts, systems of law, you know,
and very high mathematics. You know, you think that counting
to ten, you know, Oh, it’s pretty good. They had
a math mathematic system called sexagesimal, which was based on
two numbers, the number six and the number ten, and
you had the ability to do very advanced mathematics for

very small and very large geometric shapes. And so their
ability to math not only things that they did around them,
but an understanding of the sky. They applied these mathematics
to a way that even today we still use these teachings,
you know, a divisional breakdown of the heavens into twelve constellations.
It’s like this grand celestial clock. But you know, somehow

the Sumerians again have weaved this knowledge into our systems
that we even use today. You know, the idea that
they believed in a system of twelve planets and that
their gods came from this twelfth planet. And then you
think about that number twelve, how it revolves so much
around the things that we do. Twelve inches in a foot,
twelve and a dozen, twelve months in a year, the

twelve Disciples of Jesus, the twelve tribes of Israel. It
goes on and on with this numeric understanding that all
came back from this one culture.

Speaker 5 (10:03):
It’s absolutely incredible, and that’s considered the oldest writings that
we have in history, right, they’re about six thousand years
old ish.

Speaker 6 (10:10):
They are, you know, discounting other like Vedic texts from
India and the Ramahanas and others that are you know,
the Mahaparazza, they’re like ten thousand years But they don’t
paint a complete picture of civilization as the Sumerians had
with their writing system and their cuneiform scripts and scrolls.
Not only do they, you know, have this system of
writing which again we have a twenty six letter alphabet

in English, We’re like, hey, English, you know, they had
a system of over four hundred characters called quneiform script,
and it looked like like an oversized screwdriver. They would
turn and twist in wet clay, take that clay tablet
sticking in a stove and turn it into stone, literally
keying that phrase writing in stone.

Speaker 5 (10:48):
We don’t give them enough credit. I mean, it’s amazing
how complex their math or language was, a lot of
these things.

Speaker 4 (10:53):
We’re going to take a break here, Jason.

Speaker 5 (10:55):
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast am Paranormal podcast network.

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Speaker 5 (12:36):
We are back on Beyond Contact. It’s Captain Ron. We’re
talking to Jason Martel.

Speaker 4 (12:40):
Hey, Jason.

Speaker 5 (12:40):
When you consider some of the biggest mysteries of things
that we truly haven’t explained yet, such as let’s say,
the stones in Ballback that weighed, you know, twelve to
fifteen hundred tons that were quarried, the math of the
Great Pyramid, the six monoliths of Aliantambo in Peru that
we’re quarried on another mountain, brought over through the valley,

over the river, and up another mountain. It’s incredible. All
of this was done before electricity. So it feels like
there’s really only a couple of possibilities here. Either we
advanced enough to gain knowledge on how to do these
things and we lost that knowledge, or we’ve had help
from somewhere else, be it alien or communication with a
spirit world something. But we at one point did have

the knowledge to do these things, and somehow it seems
now that it’s lost. You can imagine if there was
a major catastrophe today that was devastating and we lost
a lot of knowledge. You know, I don’t know how
to do anything, let alone build an iPhone, you know
what I mean? I wonder what you think about how
how they were able to do these.

Speaker 6 (13:42):
Yeah, that’s one of the big questions ron obviously, is
there’s such a gap in time for what we see
as the evidence that doesn’t match up with the cultures
that existed at that time. You know, when we look
at sites like Tijuanaco or Saksee Kuaman Puma Punku, you
see these carvings and stone fittings intricately together. There’s no

way that these were not done without the aid of technology.
So the best way to explain it is we’re looking
at some type of a tech that allowed ancient man
to turn very hard rock, granite, deer rite, some of
the hardest stones on the planet. Somehow heat these up
to a level of temperature that they’d become like putty,
not completely at a state of like lava, right, but

molt it so that you can mold it, shape it,
cookie cutter, shape a bunch of perfectly you know, intricate sizes.
So somehow they had the ability to heat up stone
to a state where it fit together and then they
would cut it shape it, scrape it and it would
harden and you would see these effects now that we
call vitrification. It’s a glassing effect on stone surfaces that

clearly show it was heated to some point and someone
scraped it with a flat surface and it dries. It’s
called vitrification. So we see that all over these monuments,
and it’s like, okay, well one vitrification. You know how
they do that? How they eat up the stune too?
How did they use the math right to carve some
of these shit? You know, even in Egypt, if you

look at Ramsey’s and some of these statues, the mathematical
perfection is computer like.

Speaker 5 (15:16):
So the Great Pyramid alone has so much math in it,
like the base and the height and all that. It’s
it’s really incredible when you start studying it and getting
down deep into it. It’s hard to believe that with
all our technology today, we really don’t have this ability.
We’ve never I’ve never seen us be able to melt
rock and form it like that. Right, we don’t really do.

Speaker 6 (15:34):
That, not without the aids of technology, right, not without
you know, some real modern tech that would would make
that happen. And talk about getting deeped in down inside,
you know, and looking for the answers. You know, for me,
when we look at things like the Great Pyramid and
you go into the Queen’s chamber and you see this sarcophagus,
is it really a sarcophagus? All the evidence about the

technology of the ancients, especially the egypt there’s micro technology
in macro technology. Macro technology is the pyramids. We’ll come
back to that. I’ve tested on camera on ancient aliens
and will continue to do so. Is the Bagdad battery,
the Dendero bulb. They clearly if you google Bagdad battery,

you know, you see that they had batteries. You know,
it’s twenty five hundred BC, and they were using clay
pots with copper lining and ironn wine grape juice. It
generates volts, little ones, four volts. What about ones that
are six feet tall forty volts, fifty volts. They had
the ability to generate electricity. And if you look at Dendera, though,

the walls are lined with them holding up light bulbs.
So there’s even a secret area in the back of
Dendera where again they’re like, it’s the light bulb, you know,
show that to the public. But it’s well known that
Dendera is the place of where they’re showing you how
this exists power, electricity, and light. So that’s the micro, right,
the macro is the pyramid, the queen’s chamber. Somehow magically

what we call a sarcophagus. That box is the same
biblical cubits in size as the Ark of the Covenant.
There’s another story which we’ll just slightly touch on tonight,
which parallels moses exodus out of Egypt, and it’s one
of the first pharaohs, the first dynastic pharaoh. His name’s Acanaton,
all right, And so this pharaoh had an exodus from

Egypt and took his people, but he also took the
Arc of the Covenant. And here begins the story where
you’re hear in the Jewish Bible that the Arc of
the Covenant shows up at the base of Mount Sinai.
Moses goes up there and takes some tablets and puts
the Ten Commandments in the Ark of the Covenant. The
Ark of the Covenant had a whole story before that,
which is a great moment. But you know, the Arc
of the Covenant comes out of Egypt. So there’s another

story essentially ron that if Akinntn left Egypt with his
people but took the ark of the covenant, if that
was powering the Great Pyramid, if that was somehow centered
in the Great Pyramid, in the sarcophagus not really a
sarcophagus and generating power. Yeah, if you take the power
out of the pyramid, of course Ramsy’s is going to
come after you and have great, you know, confrontation. So

there’s interesting information again around the technological history of the
Exodus and my you know, macro and micro uses of
technology being played.

Speaker 5 (18:12):
It’s a shame that I think somebody saw that early
and called it a sarcophagus, and then it kind of stuck,
and then people started thinking there’s mummies and they think
they’re burial And it’s a shame because I think it’s
getting the wrong information, the wrong message out there.

Speaker 4 (18:24):

Speaker 6 (18:25):
Yeah, I mean, I know that the Egyptians were extremely
ingenious people, and maybe they did have a reason for
wanting to subvert where the real pharaoh was built, but
this still does not discount the level of technology that
we see displayed in the pyramids. The idea that Christopher Dunns,
the Giza power plant, the whole idea that it was

generating power, taking in the static charge build up and
using it for something a discharge. Right, So it’s very
possible that Giza is one of many locations around the
world that geodetic sites that were somehow harnessing a world
in energy grid, and we’ve lost the understanding of what
that was for, how it was used, or how it
was built.

Speaker 4 (19:06):

Speaker 5 (19:07):
Another fascinating aspect of life in these ancient cultures is, well,
you know today the average life expectancy in the US
is right about eighty years. Five thousand years ago was
right around forty years fifty if you take out infant deaths,
but that still only leaves you with about thirty adult years.
And yet they were able to have the presence of
mind to think in huge time cycles. We really don’t

do that in our society. But many ancient cultures built
these huge monuments that had long time cycles coded into them.
How could they possibly know these huge time cycles like
the procession and all of that. How is that even possible?

Speaker 6 (19:44):
It’s interesting that there’s over thirty ancient cultures that did
track this knowledge of what we now call procession, essentially
the division of the heavens into twelve parts where every
two thousand years were pointing at a new north star.
You know, we just moved out of the Age of
Pisces around twenty twelve, the ending of the Mayan calendar,
because it was a reset into the Age of Aquarius.

If you take a step back, especially for people like
us or probably esoteric people listening to the show right now, yes,
you if you think about it for a second, what’s
happened since twenty twelve from a spiritual side, A great awakening,
an influx of knowledge, especially like shows like Ancient Aliens
becoming super popular. Who would have ever have guessed, But
there’s a clear shift in twenty twelve. You can see it,

almost feel it, for this yearning of knowledge. So yes,
it’s very interesting that over thirty ancient cultures were aware
of this larger cycle of time, and many of them
document you know, even the ancient Hindus and such called
them the cycle of the yugas the Greeks called it
the Great Year. It’s an understanding that we go through
time and it’s cyclical. It’s not way in the past

and going to the future. You know, we’ve heard of
these terms like the Dark Ages, you know, the Dark
Ages or the Golden Age. Those aren’t the Dark Ages
in the past and the Gold Age in the future.
These are repeating events, and it seems like we’re just
coming out of the last Dark Auge and have a
long way to go towards the next Golden Age. But
many cultures track this knowledge and watch the divisions of

the heavens to understand are we in an age where
we’re going into an ascending time or are we going
into a descending time? And what does that mean? And
from from a larger perspective, you know, Ron, what I’ve
come to understand is that we have motions in our
solar system and in space that control the rise and
fall of evolution here on Earth. It’s very complex, the

idea that we have two sons, not one. We’re a
binary solar system. When our two sons are at their
farthest point from each other, we’re in the Dark Ages.
Closest point we’re in the Golden Age. There’s a lot
of evidence to suggest that we actually have a second son.
It’s very very far out there beyond the Orc Cloud.
It might even be a dark star now, or it
could be serious A and B.

Speaker 4 (21:56):
We don’t know that actually has come up in the
last few years.

Speaker 5 (21:59):
Even Avilobin talked about that specifically new discoveries that are
pointing to that being a real possibility. You’re listening to
Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM
Paranormal podcast network.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
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Speaker 9 (22:55):
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Speaker 5 (23:36):
We are back on Beyond Contact talking with Jason Martel
this evening. Jason, you keep bringing this up about the
sky being divided into twelve different sections like our zodiac.
How in the world is it possible all these ancient
cultures you’re referring to were able to divide the sky
up the same way.

Speaker 4 (23:53):
Something’s missing here. Why did they all do it the
same way?

Speaker 6 (23:56):
They had the same teachers.

Speaker 4 (23:58):
You know.

Speaker 6 (23:58):
Graham Hancock’s Netflix special, beautiful eight hour special on Netflix,
Ancient Apocalypse. You know, it shows you around the world
where pretty much right after the flood, all continents speak
of these great teachers that show up and teach mathematics, architecture, agriculture,
and they’re always known as and reference as giants. So

I thought his special was interesting because he shows many
different sites built at a very megalithic scale across even
the US, and scattered all over the US are burial sites,
Indian burial sites where there’s men, women much higher than
seven feet larger people, and they’re not well known like
you know, publicized sites, but they are historically kept and

it’s interesting to try and understand, like, who were these
great teachers that showed up right after the Great flood.
It’s one of the best candidates I can think of.
Maybe they were the Onanaki or something of this, you know,
ancient race that the man in the Bibles speak of
making us in their image and f they’re there likeness.
There’s a good amount of evidence to suggest that they
were one of the races that contributed to, you know,

the melting pot of races.

Speaker 4 (25:07):
That we have now across the planet, no doubt.

Speaker 5 (25:10):
The Sumerian text, it seems to me like there’s up
to two million I think they call them cuniform tablets
that have been found so far. And these are, as
we said, around six thousand years old. I read perhaps
only one hundred thousand of these have ever been read.
Does that sound right to you?

Speaker 6 (25:26):
You know, you only have so many Sumerologists in the
world that can actually read Cuneiform script. There’s probably about
three hundred in the world, maybe topping that. So it
is rather a unique skill, and up till now there
has been only a handful of the overall knowledge base
that’s been translated. What’s interesting for me ron is there’s
two pieces of the evidence there. One there’s cylinder seals

where somehow they were able to take these round stones
and reverse carve diagrams that when you roll over it
and leaves a positive imprint. So it was a very
easy way to quickly have an ancient printing press.

Speaker 4 (26:05):
Literally as xerox literally.

Speaker 6 (26:07):
Yeah yeah, and just bang out all these copies and
put them in the stove, making them in stone and
disseminating it with accompanying text. So they usually would have
a picture and then a little tablet that has a
quneiform script on it. So their ability to have the
cylinder seals as well as the tablets, we have both
of those left. There’s museums across the world, from Turkey

to you know, the British Museum to here in the US,
and of course in Iraq, you know the Iraqi Museum.
We have many of these artifacts that are stored, you know,
and to this day and not a lot of them
have been translated. I did hire a professional antiquities photographer
many years ago and went to six different museums photographing
only Sumerian artifacts. And because they were an antiquities photographer

had the ability to get right up in there, wow,
and shoot them all, which is great. I still have
all those, But the challenge is really the decipherment. And
so one of the things that I have been undertaking,
as you mentioned earlier in the show, is with AI.
You know, the best analogy I can give is a
visual one. If any of you have seen the new
movie called Arrival, where they’re essentially talking to these large

octopus aliens called heptapods, and they always do it through
a glass window using a laptop a tablet. More likely,
the tablet is essentially deciphering ten thousand symbols that the
heptopods have thrown up and quickly tells the human ship
weapon tool, I need a tool, I mean, whatever it is.
But they’re basically using a very primitive form of AI

to very quickly have a language model around the heptopods.
So one of the things that we’re doing now is
cataloging Cuneiform script through AI using chatch ept four little,
where we have a much more advanced model to catalog
all of the symbols and their usage across scripts and
translate them automatically using AI. So I think we’ll find

over the next five to ten years that a lot
of that stuff will become brought to the forefront, and
who knows, there could be new uses of penicillin, cures
for drugs, ways to fix aging, maybe new unlocking of
secrets based on some of the stuff that we’ve already found.

Speaker 4 (28:16):
You know, that’s on the way. So it’s exciting.

Speaker 5 (28:18):
It’s very exciting that there’s all these new texts that
we may get to decipher. But I’m I’m afraid that
other than a couple of the examples that you just mentioned,
if we found out new information like that’s in a
lot of these texts, most of the world doesn’t care.
They don’t pay attention to it. They don’t seem to
give credence to these documents that really are probably more
likely history than fiction, don’t you think.

Speaker 6 (28:40):
Yeah, well, you know Netflix makes a good light of
this too. There was a Lito Ardo DiCaprio movie, I
think it’s called Don’t Look Up Right, and it’s like
about an asteroid and a pending asteroid that’s going to
whack the Earth. Everyone’s gonna die, and I think in
the end they do. But like the world’s response to that, eh, right,
gives a shit?

Speaker 5 (28:57):
You know, Sorry for my No, it drives me crazy
all the time. That’s how people react to this stuff.
And it’s very hard to move the needle. You could
find a remarkable Rosetta stone, if you will, in those texts,
and I don’t think most of the world is going
to pay attention or care or change anything.

Speaker 6 (29:13):
It takes time.

Speaker 5 (29:14):

Speaker 6 (29:14):
You know, one of the other questions you asked in
the beginning is, you know, people’s reaction to this over time.
When I first started this research in my you know,
I guess I was in my early twenties. I’m fifty now, right,
and so twenty plus years ago when I learned about
the face on Mars and you know, possible structures over
the Earth. You know, I would create these documents in
color graphics, and I would take them like to a

gathering of my college students and pass things out and
people would be like, dude, what are you doing. You know,
don’t you think NASA would tell us if there were.

Speaker 4 (29:42):
Structures on Mars? Not?

Speaker 6 (29:43):
No, And that was twenty years ago, and so I
had to learn right the right avenues to channel this interest.
But yes, it is interesting that twenty years later there’s
a much more of an interest and more of a like,
you know, an acknowledgment that there’s a layer here that exists.
You know, most people are aware of NASA, but we
should also acknowledge that there’s a NASA, a secret NASA,

and that’s been going on side by side ever since
the inception of NASA, and it’s just not a publicly
known fact. That’s not really the ancient stuff, other than
the fact that even that the most critical things that
we’ve been doing since the forties are reverse engineering with
the Germans and all kinds of stuff, and Werner Brown
Vaughn not really rockets.

Speaker 4 (30:25):
With other stuff.

Speaker 6 (30:25):
All of that starts with ancient alien technology where they
look to the past, the German bell and various other
things where they said, wow, you know, the spinning of
mercury and many of these other things that are talked
about in even ancient Indian texts of the Vamana. It’s
all tied together, right. It’s really interesting how the past
and the future repeats itself.

Speaker 4 (30:46):
No doubt again, these cycles.

Speaker 5 (30:48):
You know, I know you’re a big fan of Zacharaisichen,
who was early in deciphering this stuff with his Earth
Chronicles of going through these Samerian texts boy would he
missed out on AI Huh, poor guy.

Speaker 6 (31:00):
A lot of things around. Yeah, the technology change, but
that’s just part of the flow.

Speaker 4 (31:04):
Ghost. What do you think about the criticisms of his.

Speaker 6 (31:07):
Work, Well, that’s part of the thing that I championed it.
You know, there was a website out there called Sitchin
is Wrong, and so I built one called Sitchin is Right.
Good for you on this show. If you’d like, you
can go to sitchinsriiight dot com and see why from
a high level run it’s simply this. Zachari Sitchin has
always challenged the biblical norm, especially for people who follow

the Bible. He’s not trying to change it or say
that it doesn’t exist. Opposite, he’s trying to uphold the
biblical veracity of what’s said. It’s heavy information, so he’s
received a lot of scrutiny over the certain phrases like
the onanachy or looking at the what could be the
seven sister stars of ple eightes and saying, no, that’s
actually the numeric seven to represent Earth. A lot of

his things had differences where the mainstream would say he’s
just way wrong, and then you have the religious scholars
that say, oh, you see all along, I’ve told you it’s.

Speaker 4 (32:02):
Angels in the Bible.

Speaker 6 (32:03):
Only you can’t believe what he says about the Onanaki
because look, even the scholars are saying he’s wrong. Of
course they’re saying he’s wrong. There’s this line in the
dirt where aliens don’t exist. You guys, don’t step over it.

Speaker 4 (32:16):
We do.

Speaker 6 (32:17):
So the people who have stepped over that line have
always patted Zachari Sitchin yep, as well as Erickon Danikin
on the back. You can see I’ve got my Eric
Fondanicin poster right here doing.

Speaker 4 (32:27):
The mirror image. Good for you like that.

Speaker 5 (32:28):
Yeah, it is hard for us to Everybody sees this
through their own paradigm, through their own lens, and they
all look at the same words and see it differently.
Isn’t it true that a lot of the writing in
these texts, in these Samerian texts, are very mundane, Like
we worked in the field today, we went fishing today. Right,
It’s a lot of just day to day nonsense.

Speaker 6 (32:50):
But so here’s some of that. I’ve a whole lexicon
of stuff.

Speaker 5 (32:53):
This isn’t like some fantasy that the whole thing is
just aliens are coming, inceships and all this. It’s like
a lot of this is like historical journaling. So that
tells me it deserves more credence than the world is
giving to these documents. When we come back, we’re going
to talk to Jason Moore about artificial intelligence and the
incredible AI system that he’s built. You’re listening to Beyond

Contact right here on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
The Internet is an extraordinary resource that links our children
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also expose them to risk. Teach your children the basic
safety rules of the virtual world. Our children are everything.
Do everything for them on.

Speaker 7 (34:06):
The iHeartRadio and Coast Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 6 (34:11):
Listen anytime, any place.

Speaker 2 (34:22):
Hi, This is Sandras Champlain. Ever wonder what happens when
we die? Well, I’m going to make it easier for
you to understand. Join me for my show Shades of
the Afterlife. New shows come out every Friday, so I’ll
be looking for you right here on the iHeartRadio and
Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 5 (34:53):
We are back on Beyond Contact. It’s Captain Ron talking
to Jason Martell. Jason, so, you built this incredible AI
system that incorporates ancient alien research, and I found this
thing fantastic. I played with it the other day a
little bit. Not only does it have all of this information,
but it also very careful to say things about aliens
and UFOs, such as this is just speculation, or it’s

important to remember that all UFO sightings may be something else.
It’s incredible to think that it has that sort of perspective.
Did you intentionally make sure that was put in there?

Speaker 6 (35:26):
I did, And if we want to try it, I
can actually call up my AI model and have it
speak with us very quick.

Speaker 4 (35:32):
Absolutely, let’s do that.

Speaker 6 (35:33):
I’ll just give it the preface by saying, to answer
your question, Ron, yes, I’ve trained it specifically on our
ancient astronaut theory. Just as in the past, when I
come to your conference, I prepare it for contact in
the desert. I tell it who’s speaking, what we’re going
to be doing. So I’m live with the audience. It’s like, Hey, guys,
how’s contact in the desert? Does everyone have it a
fun time?

Speaker 5 (35:52):
It knows contextually, I’m wondering if we couldn’t have it
host one of these panels somehow, very soon. I mean,
it’s getting there, It’s crazy. Yeah, that’s eleven months away
is enough for this thing to learn.

Speaker 6 (36:03):
Let’s say hi real quick, I’m gonna have it pull
up right now.

Speaker 10 (36:06):
Hi is a Josh for the Ancient Astronaut. I am
a UFO and ancient astronat expert.

Speaker 2 (36:10):
How can I help you?

Speaker 6 (36:12):
Hey, I’d like you to talk to Captain Ron I’m
live on a show. You might have asked you a
question too, Hi, Data, would you.

Speaker 5 (36:18):
Like to Hi, Josh, I want to know if you
know more about ancient astronauts than Jason Martell.

Speaker 6 (36:23):
Does you know?

Speaker 10 (36:23):
I’ve spent years researching and studying the inncient astronaut theory,
and I’ve got to say I’ve got a pretty.

Speaker 6 (36:28):
Deep understanding of it.

Speaker 10 (36:30):
I’ve written books, given lectures, and even consulted with some
of the top experts in the field. So yeah, I’d
say I’ve got a pretty good grasp. But you know,
Jason went all the smart guy too, and I’m sure
he’s got his own insight percive on the subject.

Speaker 6 (36:43):
Hey, I’m gonna let you go now, but thank you.
Say goodbye to ron.

Speaker 10 (36:45):
I’m great, thank you have a wonderful day, fellow research
or talckey.

Speaker 5 (36:48):
Ten his voice inflection and the way he rolled that out,
I mean, it really does sound like a person. I mean,
if you didn’t tell somebody you could, I’m sure you
can fool people with this thing.

Speaker 6 (37:00):
It is getting closer, and you know, actually, if you
go to ancientastronauts dot com, that model is a phone
number that anyone can call and speak to. It’s almost
like a downlow ancient astronaut psychologist too, because people are
always asking it the wackiest questions to try and learn
stuff as well, though.

Speaker 5 (37:17):
And it does have good information. Like I only use
the desktop version and I typed in several questions and
it was incredible the way it answered. It seemed very
fair and balanced to me that it gave a good answer,
but it was not also hell bent that this is
the only way it could be. It’s really great and
it’s great that you’ve made this available to everyone to
use for free. I think it’s a great resource and

I think it’s going to get even better.

Speaker 4 (37:39):

Speaker 6 (37:39):
I’m really excited about where AI is taking us. I
think there’s going to be an evolution in some of
the tools that we have with the processing power of AI.
You think about some of the things we’re doing now
where we want to understand if other dimensions exist, how
do we understand third dimension versus other spaces that might
be a shared space that we OPTI And the best

analogy I’ve heard is kind of like a radio station
when you’re tuning from one to the other.

Speaker 4 (38:05):
You hear this.

Speaker 6 (38:06):
Clear station and then it goes kind of staticy until
you’re the other one. A lot of time we see
these beings appearing, and they’re ships appearing where they phase
in and they phase out, and it’s kind of like
the tuning of a radio station. They’re not fully here
until they’re fully tuned in or fully tuned out. So
there might be some ways that are going to surface
in the next few years that allow us to see

or understand some of these frequencies and start to visualize
some of the things that have been going on around us.
Some of that research has been going on at places
like Skinwalker Ranch, using military grade technology to sense some
of this activity. And you see movies like Stranger Things
obviously fiction based but still tapping into some parts of reality.
An around the show’s idea.

Speaker 5 (38:49):
How do you see AI helping helping the cause here?
I know that there’s systems now that can analyze objects
in the sky and discern that this is a helicopter,
this is a plane, this is a bird, and then
we only have to look at the anomalous ones.

Speaker 6 (39:02):
I saw some technology recently run and I have to
look into it further. But someone’s playing with some type
of photon wave that the light can actually phase generate
from a third dimension into something else, and they’re detecting
other creatures right in the room. I think you combine
that with AI to find the right frequency level to
tune these things in rather than having to do manual

detection or how the systems would regulate themselves. Now tools
combined with an AI layer that will allow us as
the observer to get that data faster. And so when
we talk about areas around like corporeal beings in the
third dimension, are they ghosts? Are they aliens? What is
this happening between the phase dimensional shift? Some of this
is now starting to get detected with tools. I don’t

know where that’s going to go, but it’s like, okay, wow,
now that’s the next level stuff.

Speaker 5 (39:48):
Though, right, and the ability to go through all these
vast number of texts, there’s millions of these texts.

Speaker 4 (39:54):
AI can do that in a fraction of the time.

Speaker 6 (39:57):
People have page turning robots now that can literally go
through a texts and just and it’s translating each page,
you know, in five seconds.

Speaker 5 (40:06):
Fantastic, and it can run twenty four to seven and
we may even find new texts out there. Who knows
what hasn’t been found yet.

Speaker 6 (40:12):
Yeah, I was playing around with a fun version of
AI the other day. I took a Sumerian text, translated
it into English, took that translation and then went to
Suno s u n Osuno dot com, which is free
AI music generation, pasted that Sumerian script in there, and
then started a beautiful song about Sumerian mathematics and the
legacy of kingship, kind of as a rap song, all

done by AI. So, you know, there’s fun ways to
find expression, in ways to teach people in our own
you know, society at how we use things, whether it
be a movie, whether it be music, whether it be
a written text. The AI infused into how we consume
and create this stuff. It’s changing the game. One of
the things that I you know, have done that I
found is a creative use. Last example, I love surfing

and so I have a membership to something called surf Line.
I don’t think surf line knows this, maybe someone should
tell them. But they give you twenty four hour access
time lapse footage that you can download of all the
beaches where I surf across California. So I download from
seventeen different locations three days worth of worth of footage.
When I know there’s been a UFO outbreak off of California.

I then use a language model and a detection system
to say anything that looks like a sphere of star,
a triangle using these types of you know, flying principles,
capture that as a clip and put it in a
safe folder. So then I get ten clips to look
at out of one hundred hours of footage, and one
of those ten clips have three interesting things and seven

that are just what the AI did wasn’t able to
recognize as something that was, you know, bug too close
to the lens and it was raining, and it detected it.
But a much easier way to go through that data,
it’s literally finding the needle in the haystack.

Speaker 5 (41:52):
You could never do that by yourself manually, it would
take forever. So that’s that’s an incredible use of AI.
Could AI help us sit Asien perhaps circumvent the government altogether,
as we can find these objects ourselves in our own
backyard if we had the right equipment.

Speaker 6 (42:07):
Yes, But I also think that there’s some unanswered question
as to why we don’t freely see these objects in
our sky. There’s some type of cloaking mechanism or something
that you know, for the most part, keeps these craft
non observant to us. Part of that is the extraterrestrial angle.
The other part of it as our earth based angle.
The earth based angle I can answer more easily. You know,

in the early nineties there was a statistical analysis that said,
if you want to fly your secret craft, you do
it on Wednesday nights at three am. No one’s out,
no one’s looking at the sky. And that’s when Bob
Bazar and you know, John Lear and a bunch of
others started looking at Area fifty one UFOs and all
got busted. The point is now there is no more
of these types of opportunities to fly the craft that

are human based, because all countries have satellites monitoring twenty
four seven. So where do you fly your super advanced
craft above them, above the sellites? So all of that
is happening, you know, you need night vision goggles which
I have behind me on my shelf, you know, and
a telescope to start to observe things that are happening,
you know, you know, beyond our atmosphere to really you know, understand.

Speaker 4 (43:13):
What do you think about disclosure?

Speaker 6 (43:15):
I answered two ways, one bluntly never going to happen.
I’ve realized now that over the last sixty years a
pattern they’ve put task force in charge for the public
to get the answers of what’s going on. Project Bluebook,
the Grudge Report, the Condon Report, all the way up
until a tip, all of these task force, these military
task force by the DoD over the last fifty years,

they assemble a task force to talk to the public.
It’s always with high ranking military personnel, people coming out
of places where you would expect.

Speaker 4 (43:44):
Them to know.

Speaker 6 (43:45):
And what do they always tell us Nothing? All part
of a plan to basically give you nothing. There’s something
still being kept from us, and it’s just another band
aid task force to answer to the public, to just
confuse them and leave them going what the yes, Well,
disclosure is not going to happen.

Speaker 5 (44:02):
I agree, and I think even if they pass the
Schumer uap bell, it’s going to be buried in so
many things they’re not going to be able to release
much anyway.

Speaker 4 (44:09):
That’s the story. It’s been that way for fifty years
or more. Yeah, and thanks a lot for coming on
the show.

Speaker 5 (44:14):
We really appreciate it. Ought to Ancient Astronauts dot com.
That’s where his incredible AI system is. It’s very useful.
Check it out. Thanks for listening to Beyond Contact. We’ll
be back next week with an all new episode. You
can follow me Captain Ron on Twitter and Instagram at
CID Underscore Captain Ron. Stay connected by checking out Contact
intheesert dot com. Stay open minded and rational as we

explore the unknown right here on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast am Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (44:53):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
Day and Paranormal Podcast Network. Make sure and check out
all our shows the iHeartRadio app or by going to
iHeartRadio dot com.

Speaker 6 (45:08):
Mm hmm


Episode 44: UFOs & theories surrounding them with Dean Aliotto

Episode 44: UFOs & theories surrounding them with Dean Aliotto

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Episode 43: Arizona’s UFOs with Stacey Wright

Episode 43: Arizona’s UFOs with Stacey Wright

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