Episode 13: Star Struck: Thomas Jane’s Cosmic Awakening

Aug 16, 2024

Captain Ron and Hollywood actor Thomas Jane, reveals his profound fascination with extraterrestrial phenomena. Thomas shares insights from years of UFO research, contrasting witness accounts with cinematic portrayals. They explore the actor’s cosmic awakening and how it shaped his view on UFOs and potential alien life. This episode bridges the gap between Hollywood and ufology, offering a unique perspective on otherworldly encounters and their media representation.

Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 (00:02):
You’re listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast Day
and Paranormal Podcast Network, where we offer you podcasts of
the paranormal, supernatural, and the unexplained. Get ready now for
Beyond Contact with Captain Ron.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
Welcome to our podcast. Please be aware the thoughts and
opinions expressed by the host are their thoughts and opinions
only and do not reflect those of iHeartMedia, iHeartRadio, Coast
to Coast AM, employees of Premier Networks, or their sponsors
and associates. We would like to encourage you to do

your own research and discover the subject matter for yourself.

Speaker 3 (00:53):
Hey everyone, it’s Captain Ron and each week on Beyond Contact,
we’ll explore the latest news and you discuss some of
the classic cases and bring you the latest information from
the newest cases as we talk with the top experts.

Speaker 4 (01:12):
Welcome back to another episode of Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron,
and today we’re going to be speaking with Thomas Jane.
Thomas is an actor, director, and producer who’s had an
incredible acting career, appearing in well over fifty movies and
TV shows. He’s also a triple Golden Globe nominee. For
the comedy series hung He’s with us today because he
just about completed his nonfiction book, A Humans Guide to

Advanced Visiting Aliens. More than that, he’s genuinely dove into
this material and is incredibly well versed on the topic
and he’s got many great insights. Hey, Thomas, how you doing.

Speaker 5 (01:45):
I’m doing great, Ron, It’s nice to be here.

Speaker 4 (01:47):

Speaker 5 (01:47):
I’m glad we got to do this.

Speaker 4 (01:49):
Yeah, I am too.

Speaker 5 (01:49):
Did you Is the book done? Where are we at
with the book? The book is being edited now. I’m
completing that. I’m actually going to take a two week
sabbatical in the beginning of September and where I’m just
going to do nothing but do that, you know, and
wrapping up press on my show Tropo, which is now
number four on Prime Video.

Speaker 4 (02:10):

Speaker 5 (02:11):
So in between that and so I just said, I
got to get I got to like clear out the
decks and just get some time in front of the computer.
And I’m doing that at the end of the month.

Speaker 4 (02:21):
Okay. Cool. So it was in twenty twenty four. Was
that your first experience at a UFO conference, coming to
contact in the desert? What’d you think of that?

Speaker 5 (02:28):
I was number one? Yeah, I didn’t know what to expect. Yeah,
but I got to tell you, I’m not sure that
the other conventions or conferences can beat that one. That
was relaxed. Everyone felt comfortable. There’s a lot of people
to talk to. The people that just show up for
the conference, they’re all fascinating. They’ve all been into this

stuff for years and all, you know, and you’ve got
the whole gamut from selling the crystal skulls in the
on the tables and listening to Avi Lobe. So it’s
a really great I had a blast.

Speaker 4 (03:01):
It’s fun that, you know, we have the whole building,
so everybody there that you talk to is part of
the community, and you could talk to anybody. Anybody there
has something to say about this topic. Either they’re new
to it, or they’ve had an experience, or they’re interested
for one reason or another. Right, It really makes it
a fascinating unique thing. Some of these other conferences I’ve
gone to, you know, they’re like in the middle of

a casino or whatever. There’s a thousand other things happening
and it’s just kind of like you can’t find your people.
This is you know, all your people. We’ve all made
a pilgrimage to that location.

Speaker 5 (03:30):
Yeah, they take over the whole resort. The resort’s gorgeous.
I was pleasantly surprised, and how much fun I had.

Speaker 4 (03:38):
That’s good. Glad to hear it. Man. So you clearly
have taken a deep dive into the subject, and I
really appreciate a lot of your perspectives on it. I
thought your lecture was outstanding, by the way, Thank you.
It sounds like you started with the idea that UFOs
weren’t even real at all, that you actually thought it
was like made up by Hollywood or something, right, That.

Speaker 5 (03:55):
Was my first impression.

Speaker 4 (03:56):

Speaker 5 (03:57):
I remember there was a TV show based on Project
Blue Book back in the seventies or something, and at
the end of every episode it would always be a
weather balloon or you know, a be caught in them
between two panes of glass, and I bought it. And
then when the flying saucer stuff, I thought that flying
saucers versus the Earth, just like every other Hollywood creation, monster,

space alien, that’s what it was. I mean, they even
looked really simple. It kind of looked low budget, you know,
because they were just these saucers like placed on end.
You’re like Okay, yeah, that sets perfect Hollywood right exactly.

Speaker 4 (04:35):
So we are, we’re both on the HDA board, and
I think we would both agree. I’ll let you speak
for yourself, but I think we would agree that Hollywood
does an awful job at how they deal with the
subject of UFO is an alien life. In just one example,
I’ll give you take the Travis Walton case, which I
think is an excellent case. I’ve got a lot of
experience with Travis directly. It’s a very credible case. He’s

a good guy. Here. We have this amazing story of
this guy and his co workers who came across this
UFO and he goes aboard the ship. And yet when
they make the story, they make the film Fire in
the Sky, they have to change everything. It frustrated Travis,
it frustrated me, and I even spoke to Tracy tore Me,
the director of that film, and to a degree, he

wanted to do it differently. So why why is this
story not incredible enough that we can’t take it word
for word out of Travis’s mouth? I mean, talk about
a story that doesn’t need embellishing. It should be that one.

Speaker 5 (05:30):
I think that there’s a kind of momentum that Hollywood has.
In other words, if something has worked in the past,
producers who are going to give you millions of dollars
are trying to ensure that they get their money back.
So if anything has worked before, then that’s what they
want to imitate. And they’ll, you know, they’ll mix it up,
you know, they’ll put a little more vegetables, a little

less meat, but it’s the same dish. And that’s what
happens with Fire. And this guy actually work with the
director of Fire and this guy he did an episode
of The Traces did he directed an episode of the
expanse All and we got to talk about the show,
and I remember him being frustrated. You know, the directors
are caught in the same spot that the script writers are.

You know, it’s you’re serving a master. And until we
have a film that makes a lot of money that
is true to the events as we understand them to be,
this will continue. I think we’re at an inflection point now, though.
I think that the subject is getting more attention than
it’s ever gotten before in a way that it’s never

gotten before, thanks to the Internet, thanks to social media,
thanks to the dissemination of information that is happening in
the world today. I think we’re right for a change
and this hopefully with the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance and interested
writers and directors, we can finally break through.

Speaker 4 (06:56):
There’s no doubt that there’s more interest in this topic now,
there’s more just in general about this topic in the
real world. But don’t you think the Hollywood itself that
the industry has changed with streaming services and everything to
make one of these movies. That’s why we’re seeing so
many sequels, right, We’re seeing a lot of sequels. We’re
seeing less movies made, therefore their bigger budgets. I think

it’s harder and harder to get one of these real
stories made today, wouldn’t you agree.

Speaker 5 (07:23):
I think that if we look back at the history
of Hollywood, sequels have always been a thing, you know,
and they ebb and flow like everything else. We’re still
living in the Marvel universe, and that’s finally starting to
lose its grip a little bit, which again usually makes
room for something else to come in and take its place.
It’s cyclical, for sure. We’re always looking for great stories.

We’re always looking for a great script and a great
story to tell. The truth is those are rare and
everything else is kind of filler. That’s why when you know,
look back at any given year nineteen fifty, there’ll be
seven films are really memorable out of the hundreds that
came out that year, and that’s true of every year.

Speaker 4 (08:06):
Yeah, how about has Renegade Entertainment ever thought about taking
on this subject? Have you seen any of those come
across with us?

Speaker 5 (08:12):
Absolutely? Yeah, and I’m starting to see those come across
my desk. Now, there’s a couple of really interesting stories
that I think would be really fun to tell. First,
there’s always a remake of the Travis Walton story. I
think that that would be phenomenal. He’s ever wanting to
do that for I know, Yeah, he’s poor guy. I
feel for him because I think that, yeah, he wants

to get he wants people to see it the way
that he experienced it. It makes perfect sense, you know,
good for him. The other great story is Pascagoula nineteen
seventy three. Absolutely, Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson’s that’s a story.

Speaker 4 (08:49):
No doubt of. You just lost him though, yep.

Speaker 5 (08:52):
We did, but we have we have enough documented books
and stuff. Philip Mantle, of course, who has been really
instrumental in keeping that story alive. And the other story
that I really like is nineteen sixty six, Dale spar
and Barney Neff. There were two cops who actually saw UFO,
and that UFO somehow stayed with them as they chased

it in their cop cars eighty six miles through two states,
calling everybody. The whole police force was a buzz with this,
so much that so that it became headline news Project
blue Book. Quintin Nella had to be brought in interviewing everybody.
Heinek was there. I mean, it was sort of a
peak event in the Project blue Book sort of saga

which would then be shut down three or four years later,
right jail Sparr basically lost his mind after that, he
got hit with a sledgehammer. He woke up one dude
and went to bed another, and that other dude that
he woke up with one day, he was never the same.
His wife left him, you know, he got fired, He
ended up living in a shack. He got destroyed, you know,

because he became that cop that saw the UFO when
nobody almost nobody believed him.

Speaker 4 (10:08):
You know, especially back then.

Speaker 5 (10:09):
Right, Yeah, that’s a that’s a peak story because it’s
the confluence of the phenomena and human society, right, And
that’s interesting, that confluence where the two meet. The phenomena
which is what it is, and then how we deal
with it, interpret it, ridicule it, and then the effect

that that has on real experiencers that have seen something
that nobody believes is true. That’s a good story.

Speaker 4 (10:37):
Absolutely. When we come back, we’re going to talk more
with Thomas Jane about what made him interested in this topic.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM paranormal podcast network.

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Speaker 4 (12:14):
You’re back on Beyond Contact with Captain Ron. We’re talking
to Thomas, Jane Thomas. We were just talking about that
case from nineteen sixty six and how that guy’s life
he went to bed one guy and woke up another.
You know, you hear these stories. I’m sure you’ve seen
these accounts of how people’s lives get turned upside down.
They lose their job, they get divorced, they’ve had a
normal job. You know, they had a normal life or
an accountant. They’re forty eight years old, they’ve got the

same life, and then all of a sudden, this experience happens. Yeah,
the whole thing falls apart.

Speaker 5 (12:42):
You’re putting in a tough spot because if you’ve seen
something that is dead real, right, and you don’t understand
and it’s obvious some sort of futuristic technology. Sometimes they
see alien beings and it’s not a dream, and then
you have to somehow integrate that experience with the world

that you live in, and the world that you live
in knows absolutely nothing about that. But some people feel
an obligation. In my opinion, most people just keep their
mouths shut, but some people the experience is so overwhelming
that they feel an obligation, like Charles Hickson, like, hey man,
this might be the beginning of war of the world’s

or something. Is there more of them out there? Is
this going to start happening to other people? They have
no idea, so they feel an obligation and go to
the Air Force and go to the cops and go, look, man,
I don’t know what’s going on, but this has happened
to me, And they feel like they’re doing their civic
duty and then all hell breaks loose.

Speaker 4 (13:41):
I think they are. I think of these people as heroes.
Good for them coming forward and stepping up and doing that.
I mean, I think most people, certainly back in the
day wouldn’t have done it. It’s a little bit more
open now. I think it would be a little less
slightly less ridicule from someone coming forward with a story
like this, but it’s still tough. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (14:00):
There’s a guy named Aaron Schultz who I talk about
in my Contact in the Desert lecture. So he came
out on Twitter, you know, and his experiences happened to
him in the nineties, but because of the attention that
the phenomenon started to receive, he felt like he could
add something to the conversation by relaying his He has

three abduction experiences that he remembers without he’s never done hypnosis,
but he’s lived with this since he was nine years old, right,
and tried to learn about it. But then, you know,
we get congressional hearings about UFOs and the guy’s like, well,
here’s my experience. And he has taken a lot of
shit on Twitter. But also he has supporters. There’s a
lot of people probably more than ever who take his

account seriously. But he’s a hero. The guy is brave
enough to come out and tell the truth about something
that happened to him. All those guys are here heroic.

Speaker 4 (14:53):
I feel the same way. I agree. I feel thank
God for them for coming forward with that. You know,
you and I are pretty well versed in We’ve read
the books, we’ve met the people, we’ve interviewed people, we’ve
talked to people we know about this topic. If I
woke up and found one of these beings at my bed,
my head would still explode. I wouldn’t know how to
deal with that. Oh, absolutely, And I’m embedded in this community.
It’s still an overwhelming experience. That’s true.

Speaker 5 (15:16):
That’s very true. I think about that too myself, you know,
and I’d probably be terrifying, but I’d also be, you know,
utterly fascinated. And I would give anything to have a
close encounter, you know, to see a UFO that’s close
enough that I could see the material that it was
made out of.

Speaker 4 (15:34):
Oh, a ship. I’m fine. You and I we talked
before we came on here that I feel we’re very
aligned in this. Here’s what we differ. Thomas there’s no
way I want to see the being the ship. I
think would be great if a ship came up right
outside of the window, I’d be fine with that. I
do not want to wake up with a big ied
being at the end of my bed. I do not
want that.

Speaker 5 (15:53):
I would be fascinated to just try to get a
look at what their biology really is, if you can
even call it biology, whether they’re biosynthetic organisms or they’re
you know, natural born creatures from another planet or something else.
I mean, I would be fascinated. I’ve always tried to
go through abductee accounts. They’re pretty good. Up until now,

we’ve just had basically police sketch drawings. Some of them
are better than others, so you get a kind of
an idea, but it’s always an artist’s interpretation, right. But
to see the skin, to see how the musculature is
put together, to see what kind of frame that musculature
hangs on, to just get a glimpse at that alien biology,

you know, and that.

Speaker 4 (16:37):
Rminator kind of being. Is there flesh on mechanics? Is
it right? Is it? Yeah? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (16:42):
And I think that any biologist or scientists would lose
their minds to study this phenomena, if we can just
get them over the hump, the sociological hump of actually
taking a chance and taking it seriously. I think a
lot of people do privately. In fact, I know scientists
do privately to be able to study this and to

submit papers and to get feedback and peer review. That’s
what we need.

Speaker 4 (17:08):
It’s remarkable how often, I mean, I still talk to people.
I’ve met people that work at NASA, for example, and
they fully believe in all of this. They don’t come
out publicly with it, which is interesting. They like their jobs,
you know, yeah, exactly of all places you can’t come
out and talk about it. So you’ve delved into this
subject matter pretty heavily. What was it that pushed you
over the edge into thinking, you know what, there’s really

something to this.

Speaker 5 (17:30):
In twenty eleven, I had an experience that I don’t
talk about, but that I couldn’t explain, and I’ve kept
it under my hat for almost fifteen years, doing the
research privately. Like everyone else with an interest in this
thing outside of the UFO researchers who make it their
business to do so. For me, it was just an
all encompassing hobby, a side project that eventually grew. The

most amazing thing about it is how much information there
is out there. I’ve been doing this for fifteen years
and I still have only scratched the surface. It’s just
such a complex, deep, all encompassing subject that touches on
every aspect of human existence and existence itself. So that
list led to me to start taking notes, and then

the notes led to paragraphs, and that led to some chapters,
and before I knew it, I had a book. Actually
have two books on the topic. Yeah, so the first
one I’m editing and then the second one. After that
one comes out, I’ll start editing the second one.

Speaker 4 (18:29):
Awesome. When you were looking into this research, did you
have a favorite case, what’s the strongest evidence that you
felt you saw in someone else’s work and you said, oh,
this is what’s the point too.

Speaker 5 (18:39):
Well, I’ve been affected by quite a number of different
books and researchers, but I guess the one that really
caught my imagination the most was David Jacob’s work with
abductees and the hybrid breeding program. Now, a common misconception
is that the gray alien is all there is that

were being visited by aliens. They’re gray and they like
to abduct people and apparently have something to do with
sexual reproduction and all that crap. That’s just a sliver
of the actual phenomenon. I would direct people to Preston
Dennet’s work, who has a YouTube channel.

Speaker 4 (19:19):
Every Friday.

Speaker 5 (19:20):
Preston Dnnet on YouTube Every Friday, he’ll do ten or
so contact cases. He combs through the literature, going all
the way back as far as the literature goes, and
selects different contact cases and puts those together. He’s got
alien encounters. You know, there’s a few gray alien stuff
in there, but the rest is completely almost unique. You know.

Some of these aliens you’ll see described repeatedly. A lot
of them you’ve never seen before or been described before.
So you’re like, where are these little dudes coming from?
Some of them are so little. Some of them are
two meters tall. Basically, you go from about thirty centimeters
to about two meters, and that’s sort of the range
you know that I do. I’m like, why is that?

Why don’t we see little three inch dudes?

Speaker 4 (20:06):
You know?

Speaker 5 (20:08):
Right, So that’s the range. It seems to be about
two feet to two meters. Most of them fall between
three and a half to five or six, right, But
then you’ve got a few outliers. So that’s fascinating. Does
that have something to do with habitable planets? And they’re
the gravitational pull of different planets. A planet that’s too small,

it doesn’t create intelligent life. A planet is too big.
You know, there’s too much.

Speaker 4 (20:34):
That person’s interpretation and their account, you know, their recounting
of the story has to factor.

Speaker 5 (20:39):
You have to get into all that. But it’s interesting,
you know. So say you’re dealing with one hundred cases
and seventy five percent of them don’t get the height
exactly right. But when you put them all together, you’re
going to get a range. You know, one person’s account
might not be the whole truth, but when you get
one hundred people’s accounts, you start putting that together, you

start to narrow in on sort of like, you know,
well the guy wasn’t three hundred and fifty pounds, you know,
the guy with the gun and you’re testifying. You know,
well he wasn’t a big fat dude.

Speaker 3 (21:10):
You know.

Speaker 5 (21:11):
But you’ll get a range and you’ll be able to
zero in on absolutely or break here.

Speaker 4 (21:17):
When we come back on beyond contact, we’ll pick this
up with Thomas Jane. You’re listening to Beyond Contact on
the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network.

Speaker 1 (21:32):
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Speaker 2 (21:45):
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Speaker 8 (22:08):
My name is Mark Rawlins, president of Paranormal Day dot com.
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Speaker 4 (22:49):
We are back on Beyond Contact. I’m keptain Ron. We’re
talking to Thomas Jane about accounts of alien abduction and
first hand accounts with different people. Yeah, it’s interesting how
people have these different and interpretations of what’s happened to them.
Not only do they see different beings and different entities,
which all may be true or may may not be true,
but they also are seeing it through their own paradigm lens.

You know a lot of these guys, maybe they have
a religious overtone and they might consider it a spiritual being,
or some people might think it’s, you know, a demon
or whatever. They all have their own sort of view on.

Speaker 5 (23:22):
It, right, right, right, right, that’s right. Yeah, that the
fish bowl that humanity sees reality through is limited. It’s
incredibly limited. We only see a little bit of the truth.
Donald Hoffman, you know, the brand guy. He says, where
we’ve been tuned to survival, we pick up on what’s

most important to our survival. You know, if you took
the electromagnetic spectrum and you rolled it out as a
roll of thirty five millimeter film, and you started in
Los Angeles and rolled it all the way to New
York City, the visible light spectrum in that role of
film would be one frame.

Speaker 4 (24:02):
Oh my god.

Speaker 5 (24:03):
So we’re already these tiny little receivers that receive a
very specific radio channel, and then we have to interpret
that radio channel, right, So that’s two layers of obfuscation.
We can only see a little bit, we can only
hear a little bit. There’s only there’s limits to what

we can observe. And then what we do observe is
limited again by our education, by our belief system, by
a whole host of other things. If we woke up
pissed off of your wife that morning, all these different
things have an effect. So again, I think that taking
the bulk of the information that we have and trying

to filter it out, filter it into, I think that’ll
get us closer to what’s actually going on than any
one specific case exactly.

Speaker 4 (24:57):
You mentioned doctor David Jacobs. I’ll tell you what this
I think is. He’s not as recognized or known as
I think he should be. I feel he’s one of
the top important people in this community. I think he’s
done incredible work because you know, he does have data,
as Richard Martinez says, you know you can pull data
from objective data from subjective comments. If you ask everybody

the same question, so you know, he sees the same
exact accounts with repeating the exact same story. You know,
his research is I think incredibly valuable.

Speaker 5 (25:29):
I think it’s some of the best we have, you know.
I think John Mack of course did his own work,
and Bud Hopkins did his own work. Those are the
three giants. John Carpenter did great work, and Druffel. So
there’s a lot of different people who are making contributions.
I think Jacobs, for me, is at the top of
the pile. You know, I agree, and he’s an awesome guy.

I don’t know if you ever had a chance to
talk to him.

Speaker 4 (25:52):
I certainly have. He’s got a very no nonsense approach
to this. He’s like, yeah, it seems absolutely insane and ridiculous,
but just telling you that’s what the data show is like.
He’s matter of fact.

Speaker 5 (26:04):
And at the beginning of his books he always says,
there is no world in which I am completely right
about any of this, you know, which I admire. He’s
taking as objective an approach as can be done with
the tools that we have, and so I think there

is something to what he’s reporting. I think there is
a hybrid breeding program, as crazy as that sounds, and
I think we are in the middle of some sort
of operation program something. And my own failing is that
we’re not the first that this is. This program that

we’re interacting with or being engaged with, whether we like
it or not, is so detailed that it feels like
it’s been done hundreds or thousands of times before.

Speaker 4 (26:57):
Agreed, and Jacobs points that out that this goes back generation,
generation generation, and it doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care where
you live on the planet. It doesn’t care what your
income is, races, none of that. That’s right.

Speaker 5 (27:11):
The technology that they use, the ships, the equipment they
have on board, all of that points to me as
a program that they’ve done on other civilizations on other
planets who may or may not be at similar levels
of development than we are. So we’re being engaged in
a program that doesn’t begin and end with Planet Earth.

It’s just another number. It’s just another coordinate on their
map that’s been circled and you know, targeted.

Speaker 4 (27:42):
That’s another interesting aspect of this. I didn’t even think about. Yeah,
that’s true, it could be going on in all these
other different things.

Speaker 5 (27:47):
I think it must be. You know, it’s completely possible
that we’re the only ones.

Speaker 4 (27:51):
But just feel you look at a math, there’s no
possible way, and most most physicists will say that as well.
I mean, now we’re just getting into the billions and
building millions of trillions of galaxy. I mean, it just
gets worse every time.

Speaker 5 (28:03):
The odds are against the people who still hold out
for the rare Earth hypothesis, which was very popular in
the nineteen eighties and nineties, you know, because we didn’t
have James Webb or the Hubble that time, we no
exo planets had been discovered. The leading theory among cosmologists
was the rare Earth hypothesis, which is there’s way too

much fine tuning going on. There’s way too many happenstance
events that have happened to create life on Earth. It’s
way too hard, you know, when you look at it,
it’s just like ridiculous. No, it’s ridiculous that this happened randomly, right,
But that’s what our best science said. This happened randomly,
this life thing, and then intelligence that hadn’t happened randomly,

And I think we’re still caught in this random loop.
But when you look at all the different species that
are visiting us. When you look at the abduction program
and say, this looks like part of a program that’s
been very well rehearsed. That points to what you were
just saying, which is the idea that there are thousands
or hundreds of thousands of planets or maybe millions who knows,

with life on them that are developing intelligence. And if
that’s true, then you have to say, well, why are
they interested in these these young civilizations that are just
learning about atomic nuclear physics, you know, that are that
are seemed to be on the cusp of artificial intelligence?
You know, goes to the Richard Dolan thing. Dolan thought

that we were part of a breakaway civilization. Anyway, it’s
a program, it’s been around for a long time. Why
why are they doing it? Why are they here?

Speaker 4 (29:44):
You know? Well, Jacob says he has no idea, and
he’s looked at seven thousand cases, so he you know,
it’s like, right, we don’t know. That’s the problem.

Speaker 5 (29:53):
And Dolan says, well, it’s probably because we’re on the
cusp of breaking into their sphere year or whatever that is,
you know what I mean, Like we could be one
scientific revolution away from interstellar travel.

Speaker 4 (30:08):
Well, listen, I think we are listen to this. I think, well,
I’m astually interstellar travel. But we are certainly one step
away from knowing more about these alien beings because as
we get each new technology. When we first got the
Wilson Telescope in nineteen twenties, we suddenly learned that what

we thought was the universe is in fact just our
little galaxy, and in fact, there are galaxies beyond ours,
and there’s a whole universe out there. Then we get
the you know, Kepler, and we get James webs. Now
we have all this new knowledge, and I think we’re
just going to have new technology that’s going to reveal
the aliens to us. Because we learned to see in

the infrared. We never could see in the infrared before.
Maybe there’s another spectrum or of vibration that we’ll be
able to pick up on our future.

Speaker 5 (30:58):
And it’s so quick, you know, it was just like
less than one hundred years ago that we didn’t even
know what a galaxy was. You’re right, You’re right. Probably
before we you know, start zipping around with interstellar machines,
we will learn that we are not alone and that
really is what we’re on the cusp of, isn’t it.

We’re on the cusp of a neo Copernican revolution where
we will never be the same again. And now it
will be the before disclosure or and there’s after disclosure
a D. Right, that’s what the book is by by
Richard Dolan, A D after Disclosure. That’s a completely different

universe you know that we will be living in and
it will be a major upheaval.

Speaker 4 (31:46):
We have only known there are galaxies beyond ours for
less than one hundred years. It’s incredible. We’ll be right
back with Thomas Jane on Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio
and Coast to Coast am Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 2 (32:07):
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Speaker 6 (32:38):
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Speaker 2 (32:55):
Hi, this is Sandra Champlain. Ever wonder what happens when
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Speaker 4 (33:27):
We are back on beyde Contact. We’re talking with Thomas
Jane here. Thomas, this is interesting stuff in it. It’s
like as we learn more knowledge and we get more technology,
we have more access to more information, which I think
may actually one day be how we find out more
about these beings.

Speaker 5 (33:43):
We are on the verge of a revolution. Our biggest
question is why are they here? And we can only
put clues together. It’s we’re like a detective trying to
solve a crime. You know, we have no idea, we
don’t know, we don’t have a suspect. All we have
are these events. We have potential suspects, we have unsubs
unidentified suspects, and we’re trying to piece together what the

hell is going on. And I think that that’s a
big clue. Where we are in our own technological evolution
is a clue. And if you think about it, aliens
have arrived at least eighty years before that disclosure moment,
which means that after that disclosure moment, when the world

understands when scientists understand because that for me, that’s real disclosure.
When the scientists who study this stuff say we have
evidence of alien civilizations, we’re not alone.

Speaker 4 (34:38):

Speaker 5 (34:38):
I don’t care about any president, I don’t care about
any congressman, I don’t care about Twitter. I care about
the cosmologists who study this for a living, and they
have to admit. Then we’ll create a reassessment of all
the evidence that all the great UFO researchers have collected
for the past eighty years, and that will become some
of the most important body of evidence that humankind has

ever had, the UFO researchers and the heroes that have
done that kind of work up until now.

Speaker 4 (35:09):
Now, I know this is a complete unknown, But after
looking at so many first hand accounts as you have,
do you have an inclination as to what you might
guess could be happening? Like do you think this is
an interplanetary beings coming here across the galaxy? Do you
think they’re from Earth maybe? Or the future? Or interdimensional
which seems to be the front running theories right now.

Speaker 5 (35:30):
The only different dimension that I can think of that
science says exists the dimension that light lives in. A
photon will take one hundred thousand years to cross the
galaxy from our point of view Einsteinian at the speed
of light, space and time disappear. There is no time,
and there is no space at the speed of light,
and that’s a measurable thing. It’s three hundred thousand kilometers

a second from our point of view, but from photon’s
point of view, there is no time between the point
of emission when a photon blasts out the Sun to
the point of absorption wherever it may land. So that
creates a dimension timeless and spaceless that I think that
aliens might utilize to travel the stars because it would
literally be instantaneous, which is amazing because then the entire

universe is your oyster.

Speaker 4 (36:19):
Perhaps that technology to do that. You know, we’re limited
by what we can see with our vision as human beings,
that’s how our spectrum is, and then we’re limited by
our technology, which sees a little bit more than what
we can see.

Speaker 5 (36:31):
To answer your question, I think the most obvious answer
is probably the right one. That there are trillions of planets.
It’s like two hundred quintillion plants.

Speaker 4 (36:41):
Oh, it’s so insanely high. And you know what you
just brought up that we saw our first exo planet,
like what late eighties, nineties right in there, that was
the first one. So before that, we never even thought
there were any planets out there. Then we found one,
then we found two. Keeps going up. Now it’s believed
that for every star that we can see, I think
it’s one, one in five will have an north like planet.

Speaker 5 (37:02):
One in five we’ll have a rocky planet, a rocky planet.
One in five stars out there have a rocky planet.
And then some percentage of those will be in the
Goldilock zone, and some percentage of those will have actually
given birth to what we define as life.

Speaker 4 (37:19):
Now, when you talk about the trillions of stars that
we know of, the math starts getting pretty likely that
there’s intelligent life out here. Of course, the debates whether
or not it’s been here exactly, and how in the
world they would do that.

Speaker 5 (37:32):
You know, I mean, for a long time it’s nothing
can travel at the speed of light. Well, yeah, nothing
physical can travel at the speed of light, but light
travels at the speed of light. So if there was
a way to convert regular matter into photonic substance and
then back again, and this might be why we hear
reports of UFOs breaking into two pieces merging back together

when some people enter a UFO, that the UFO will
be thirty meters across and inside it will be the
size of a football field. They obviously can play with matter, space,
and time in ways that we can’t fathom. It might
be why UFOs appear to blink out of existence faster
than the eye can follow. There’s a lot of evidence
pointing to the fact that they may have technology like

that that can somehow convert matter into light and back again.

Speaker 4 (38:22):
Where these guys talk about folding space that they’re not
really transversing that distance. They’re folding space right, doing a
wormhole thing. So maybe they have the technology to do that.
And it’s not a long journey. When people say you
can’t get there from here because it would take us
one hundred years to get there or whatever, that makes
no sense to me because that’s just going on the
rockets that we have today.

Speaker 5 (38:42):
Oh yeah, that’s Stanton Friedman. He tore that apart.

Speaker 4 (38:45):
He looked great with that.

Speaker 5 (38:47):
You know, he’s one of the heroes of ufology because
he just ripped that to shreds as a nuclear physicist.

Speaker 4 (38:54):
Yeah, it was awesome. There’s enough evidence of something going
on here to warrant more scientific investoration of these claims.

Speaker 5 (39:01):
I think it’s the only thing that’s going on that
truly warrants more scientific investigation. Look, science itself has been
at a standstill for fifty years. Okay, we have made
zero progress in physics. I mean we’ve lost sight of
the real problems of physics, you know, one of which
is why the hell does time and space disappear at

three hundred thousand kilometers a second? What’s going on there?

Speaker 4 (39:26):
What happened to three oh one?

Speaker 5 (39:27):

Speaker 4 (39:29):
That’s good stuff, Thomas. I want to get your thoughts
on what you think our government might know, and if
you’ll indulge me for just a second here, I wanted
to kind of run through a couple of these things
for you. They have this huge history of what certainly
appears to be intentional denial of any knowledge of ET
life or UFOs, going back to nineteen forty eight, Project
sign forty nine had Project Grunge, and then we had

Project Blue Book of course for seventeen years, and then
there was these other series of reports that came out
in fifty three we had the Robertson Panel, then the
Content Committee, and in sixty eight leave not to mention
the nonsense that they put out about Roswell. In forty
seven it was a weather balloon, and in ninety four
it was Project Mogul, and then in ninety seven it
was a parachute crash test dummy, all of which do

not seem to be true. So then we finally get
some actual information in twenty seventeen when they said that
the a TIP program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program,
was made public, admitting that they were in fact looking
into these aerial phenomena. Then in twenty twenty one, the
Director of National Intelligence released reports saying we cannot explain
one hundred and forty three of these one hundred and

forty four UAP cases. So we get to twenty twenty
four and this new department ARROW, the All Domain Anomaly
Resolution Office, is finally going to give us some information.
And what happens even though all these things happen in
twenty seventeen, and even though all these people gave them
all this information, they come out and say there’s no
evidence of anything at all being extraterrestrial. It could have

at least said we can’t explain everything, but they didn’t.
They went the other way. To me exposes them as
merely a proper Ganda organization.

Speaker 5 (41:01):
What do you think, Well, that’s exactly what they are.
They’re doing their job. They’re trying to put the toothpaste
back into the tube. Government, the control, the structures of control, right,
the pillars of power that run this world and have
run the world for the last two thousand years. You know,
we’re still living under a rain. You know, there are

kings and queens. Now it’s a money rain. They’ve just
changed the names and the faces. But we still live
under a serious power structure. And that power structure is
struggling with something right now that no other power structure
has had to before, and that is the democratization of information.
That’s why they’re trying to shut down TikTok. You know,
it’s not because the Chinese are stealing information. All those

companies have access to all of the information. Of course
they do. It’s a commodity. What they don’t want is
some kid on TikTok learning about what’s really going on
in the Ukraine, right right, that’s what they don’t want one.
That’s why we’re dealing with the advent of what I
think is totalitarian control here in the West, and in

a lot of ways, the UFO phenomenon is the tip
of the spear. That’s the one thing that could blow
this whole thing wide open. They can’t have that. They
also understand that it’s happening, so trying to get a handle,
trying to get ahead of it, trying to stay in
control of it is their number one job. So it’s
people like you, it’s people like us, it’s everyone listening.

It’s the people who are interested in this. We’re the
only hope. We’re the last and only hope to keep
the flame alive to get the truth out there, because
it will happen. I mean, it’s inevitable, the truth will
out right.

Speaker 4 (42:42):
I definitely think we’re on the right side of history here.
I definitely believe that. Well, brother, we got to stop
there now. A lot of fun. Brother, Thanks again for
coming on. We will be back next week with an
all new episode. You can follow me Captain Ron on
Twitter and Instagram at CD underscore Captain Ron. Stay connected
by checking out Contact in the Desert dot com. Stay
open minded and rational as we explore the unknown right

here on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal
Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (43:16):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
A and Paranormal Podcast Network. Make sure and check out
all our shows on the iHeartRadio app or by going
to iHeartRadio dot com


Episode 44: UFOs & theories surrounding them with Dean Aliotto

Episode 44: UFOs & theories surrounding them with Dean Aliotto

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