Episode 11: Flipside Frequencies: Richard Martini on NHI and Afterlife Connections

Aug 2, 2024

Captain Ron and filmmaker Richard Martini explore Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) and its potential links to alien beings and afterlife consciousness. Richard shares insights on near-death experiences and alleged communications with the deceased, which he terms the “Flipside.” This episode bridges UFO phenomena with afterlife research, examining the intriguing intersections between extraterrestrial contact, human consciousness, and the possibility of life beyond death.

Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 (00:02):
You’re listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast DAM
Paranormal podcast network, where we offer you podcasts of the paranormal, supernatural,
and the unexplained. Get ready now for Beyond Contact with
Captain Rong.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
Welcome to our podcast. Please be aware the thoughts and
opinions expressed by the host are their thoughts and opinions
only and do not reflect those of iHeartMedia, iHeartRadio, Coast
to Coast AM, employees of Premier Networks, or their sponsors
and associates. We would like to encourage you to do

your own research and discover the subject matter for yourself.

Speaker 3 (00:58):
Hey everyone, it’s kro.

Speaker 4 (01:00):
And Each week on Beyond Contact, we’ll explore the latest
news in ufology, discuss some of the classic cases, and
bring you the latest information.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
From the newest cases as we talk with the top experts.

Speaker 4 (01:16):
Welcome back to another episode of Beyond Contact. I am
Captain Ron and today we’ll be speaking with my friend
Richard Martini. Rich is a writer, director, author, and an
award winning filmmaker who has written or directed eight theatrical
features in a number of documentaries. He has also examined
near death experiences and compares their accounts to similar ones
during between life sessions. This is the technique used by

Michael Newton that allows people to access between lives realms.
He has been filming and recording interviews with people talking
to people who are backstage or off stage, as he
puts it, via hypnotherapy, mediumship, or guided meditations. He’s compiled
many of these accounts in his latest book, Close Encounters
of the Flip side by Richard Martini, this should be

a different sort of show for Beyond Contact, but certainly
an interesting one. Richard, I’m talking about why you’re on
a UFO show. It’s an incredibly difficult idea to digest
that not only can many of these different beings that
we interact with be humans, but they could be different
alien life forms. In fact, we could incarnate as different beings. Correct,

that’s correct.

Speaker 5 (02:24):
I’ve been doing this since two thousand and eight and
so I can remember. At one point a woman was
talking about seeing that she had a previous lifetime on
another planet. And the more I asked her about it,
It’s in the book Architecture of the Afterlife, she realized
that she’s concurrently living. She’s only got let’s say, twenty
percent of her conscious energy here and there’s like forty

percent on another planet where she’s a science officer. And
I said to how long did those people live? She said,
that’s a four hundred earth yer lifespan. She said, so
I’ve already had a number of lifetimes on Earth. I’m learning.
I’m helping helping people on the planet to shift conscioussiness.
Going back to the book Flip Side, there was a
guy who normally, he said under hypnosis, I normally incarnate

on this other planet, and he describes it. He describes
the intelligence, so listen. That goes into the question, which
is what are you doing here? Why are aliens coming here?
Two answers that I’ve got. One is there’s a pretty
cool interview in Close Encounters of the flip Side kind
with Simon Bowen where he accesses one of the gray

aliens who has come to collect DNA. It’s an incident
I didn’t know about. And I asked this gray person,
who are you? And basically what we got from him?
He said he was artificial intelligence, that he was created
by a group of people, and that his purpose and
job is to collect DNA to help other civilizations in

other realms. And I said, why would you do that,
because that’s really annoying because people haven’t given you permission,
and he said, well, yes they have. The people that
we can collect DNA from we’ve known from previous lifetimes.
They’ve agreed to do this. And then he said, have
you ever donated blood to the Red Cross? And I said, yeah,
I have. He said, well, it’s no different. These people

agreed to donate genetic material so that it could be
used in other places in the universe, so that life
could continue on. And because of the consciousness thing of
how it works, I mean, it’s not that disturbing to
realize that if you’re you were going to have a child,
but that child exists somewhere else and you’re going to
see them again. One of the unusual conversations we had

was with Stephen Hawking, because you know, why not let’s
talk to Stephen Hawking. And on the flip side, I said, so, Stephen,
you wrote a piece about being aware of or afraid
of aliens and his answer was, Richard, we’re all aliens
because we all choose to incarnate on the planet, so
that takes the word alien out of the mix.

Speaker 3 (04:55):
We don’t have terms for any of these words. That’s
the thing we don’t really know.

Speaker 5 (04:59):
You mentioned it non intelligent or non intelligence. And so
like when I meet people on councils, they’re usually higher thinkers.
There are people who you know, they serve on a
council as like an advocate and they help people. And
so when you’re asking them a question and they look
like a rhino man, or they look like a leprechaun,

or they look like a birdman, or they look like
an insect of some kind, or a gray or whatever
whoever you see, I haven’t seen any grace on there.
They appear to be like robots or ai and they
that’s their job. But let’s just say, when you’re talking
to somebody on a council, you can be pretty well
assured that they’re not only smarter than whatever question I’m

about to ask them, but they can give it to
us in a context that I can’t really comprehend that
idea of They’ve looked over all of this person’s lifetime.
Who is seeing them and they represent some quality, some
human quality of courage or selflessness, loyalty, history flow. Oh
I heard yesterday somebody said they this person representative flow

like a river flowing like the flowing of conscious energy.
So I listen. I know it sounds disconcerting for people
because we were so used to the term alien as
what it is. But like you say, I stumbled upon it.
I wasn’t looking for it. It just started to show
up and appear. And I realized, I’m judging that by
calling it a word or putting it aside. If I

just asked questions, you can get objective data from subjective
experiences if you asked the same question.

Speaker 3 (06:31):
I love that.

Speaker 4 (06:31):
Hey, continuing on this path about UFOs, I really liked
how your new book, Close Encounters are the flip side kind.
You also studied the work of John Mack, who’s legendary
in our field. What stood on for you in his work?

Speaker 5 (06:44):
I knew about his work, and I had read his work,
and I remember hearing that he had to recount it
or something along those lines, but I really wasn’t aware
of it. And so it was because in this book
I interviewed Jay ellen Heinik, which is Paul Heineg’s dad,
and as I point out, the head unusual experience of
he was my science mentor when I was in seventh grade.

He was over at Northwestern University. I was in North Perk.

Speaker 4 (07:07):
That is a funny, serendipitous thing, right, And I didn’t
know that. My advisor in school was Jay Allen Heineck.

Speaker 5 (07:14):
You know my State Science Fair which I won the
state Science Fair with his help. But I didn’t know
who he was. I just thought he was this kind
of weird scientist with a pipe. And then subsequently I
realized who he is is that we did an interview.
So I take my stuff to Jennifer and I said, Jennifer,
let’s do this interview. Then I did an interview with
Paul Heinich. We did a guide of meditation, and he

brought his father for it. So I can compare what
Jennifer has him saying and what Paul has him saying,
you see. And so when they say the same things
that I was annoying and I asked too many questions,
I know, I’m probably talking to the same guy. But
when it came to John Mack, because I had read
so much about his work, I thought, well, here’s a
perfect opportunity to speak to somebody i’ve never met. I

don’t know him. I was aware of the circumstances of
his journey, and I took that to Jennifer, and in
Jennifer’s case, like I say, I don’t say names, I
just say the first name. I want to talk to
somebody named John. Is he available? And does John know
what I want to ask him? And so within that context,
I was able to compare what John said in the

interview with him was what he said in many interviews
in print. Make that contrast and comparison.

Speaker 4 (08:23):
It’s really interesting. I think John Maxuff’s incredible, but you
said that there were parts of that that you almost
wish he knew about this.

Speaker 5 (08:29):
Work because he was doing hypnosis. He used hypnosis for
some of the cases. It was so controversial for him
in his career at Harvard because people that would come
in and talk to him about being abducted and then
they would have anomalies on their body, like here’s like
it looks like it was cut out, and so he
would do a hypnosis session and they would access what happened.

So in my questions, I say, well, let me ask
you did this happen or is this the etheric body
we’re talking about? And in almost every case they would
say that their body would stay in the bed, but
they’re a theoric body that the consciousness that is down
on the planet, you know, percentage a percentage of that
would go up into the spacecraft.

Speaker 3 (09:13):
Well, there you go.

Speaker 4 (09:13):
So even if we filled someone who claims to have
alien abductions, they wouldn’t leave the bed physically, we would
never see them leave because it’s not really their physical
body leaving.

Speaker 5 (09:22):
It’s consciousness.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
Yeah, consciousness.

Speaker 5 (09:26):
But then the question is, well, and I’m asking, I’m
asking gray alien, how do they get scars on them
that exactly how do you get scars? And what they
discovered in doing the scientific research of those scars and
the implants and stuff like that, they were all human based.
They’re all carbon based. There was nothing that was you know,
so even though they injected something, let’s say, so now

the question is are you injecting something consciously? And that’s
what they’re saying, and why are they doing it? It’s
because humans have to get to a point where they
realize we can communicate telepathic, and what the aliens are
doing is talking to us telepathically. The Grays are not
the best people to ask this too, because they’re AI.

But the people that are on councils that have a
much higher sort of awareness of what they’re doing there.
Those are the people who can really get into the
weeds about why is it important for us to understand
telepathy and how is telepathy something that’s going to help
us shift consciousness into the future.

Speaker 4 (10:27):
That’s very interesting because we often hear in these accounts
that the Grays didn’t seem like living entities, that they
seemed not pollogic, that they could be, you know, mechanical
or drone or some sort of being. You’re listening to
Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM
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Speaker 4 (12:15):
We are back on Beyond Contact talking to Richard Martini.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
Richard, let me see if I can get this right.

Speaker 4 (12:20):
How is the thirty percent of your life force that’s
chosen to incarnate with your soul group on this planet
doing well.

Speaker 5 (12:29):
First of all, let me say that the thirty percent
that’s here roughly loves being on the air with Ron.
Captain Ron what a treat. But in terms of the question,
what people report is that we exist prior to incarnation
and that we plan our lifetimes with a consortium of people, guides, teachers, councilmembers,
and then when we get here we only bring roughly

between twenty and forty percent on average of our conscious
energy to a lifetime. Like the word soul. I don’t
use that. I use conscious energy. But still so you
have to wonder if let’s say a third of who
I am is here the heck is the rest of
me doing playing Tiddley wings? Well, well, the world’s going
to heck in a handbasket. The question really is can

you access that persona that’s not on the stage. By
going through some studies of scientists, like University of Virginia
doctor Grayson’s book After covers filters on the brain that
block information that’s not conduced or just survival. And if
you think about the filters on the brain, it’s like
a stereo receiver on your board. There you’ve got filters

and limiters, the knockout radio bands and different airwaves, and
you just focus on the stuff that’s important. Well, the
brain works the same way like a receiver. We’re not
aware of previous lifetimes, we’re not aware of other dimensions
in aliens. Let’s just use that term. If they’re going
to show up and talk to us, they know how
to manipulate those filters so we’re not aware of them

being here, or if they’re allowing us to be aware
of it’s almost like they’ve dropped the filters a little bit.
What are some examples of filters hallucinogens Like our friends
who could do DMT and LSD, they’re bypassing of filters
to vivid dreams, near death experiences, out of body experiences.
And in my case, I’ve been focusing on hypnotherapy. So

after four to six hours of just calming somebody down,
it’s like it allows the filters to drop. It’s like
you’re in a dream.

Speaker 3 (14:24):

Speaker 5 (14:25):
But I’ve also learned that guide of Meditation does the
same thing. The Last Book of Divine Councilors in the Afterlife.
I’ve done it with twenty scientists, clergy doctors, all doing
a simple guided meditation, and I had all of them
try this technique. I wasn’t sure how many would be
able to, but all of them were. Well, you know,
we talk about paranormal and you know parapsychology. The norm

in terms of my study of twenty scientists, the norm
one hundred percent. They all were able to access this information,
so it would be paranormal to say that they could not,
or that anyone could not.

Speaker 4 (15:01):
Why don’t you back up, though, for those of us
who don’t know about this whole thing, Can you give
an overview of what Michael Newton and now you and
others have studied regarding our consciousness surviving death the way
you guys frame it, I think the analogy of the stage.

Speaker 3 (15:15):
If you could explain that, I think.

Speaker 4 (15:16):
Is really good to give people a basis of what
we’re talking about.

Speaker 5 (15:20):
Michael Newton was a hypnotherapist in Los Angeles in the
fifties and sixties. Did not believe in an afterlife, but
had a client come in who had a psychosomatic illness.
The doctors couldn’t figure out what his problem was. Under hypnosis,
Michael told him to go to the source of your pain.
He recalled dying in World War One. Newton took all
the notes as a skeptic, would set him off to

the British War Office and was surprised when they sent
him back and said, this guy did exist. This was
his mother’s maiden name, et cetera, et cetera, and so
that opened up his practice. Now, I’ve talked to scientists
at the University of Virginia who have turned me on
to the idea that hypnosis isn’t like a valid tool
of science. That’s the way they consider it because bias,

people want to have a past life, et cetera. Scientist
like doctor Helen Wamba, who ten years before Michael Newton
was working, she had the exact same results, but she
eliminated bias in her clinical case studies. For example, she
would have people choose what era that they wanted to explore,
and then she would ask detailed questions about the climate,

about clothing, about the cutlery. Every country has a date
when forks went from two prongs to three prongs, but
nobody’s aware of it. So she could compare that with
historical records, and that way you get some kind of
sense of what people are saying. And then she also
cataloged it as data, the same way that doctor Grayson

does with near death experiences. So I’ll give you one factoid,
one unusual one, which is she said that in her
twenty seven to fifty cases, all of them could not
recall coming into the mother’s womb conscious energy going from
home into the womb until the sixth month zero. People
don’t even show up in the body until the first trimester.

Now that’s not my opinion, that’s not my theory, that’s
not my belief, and I understand that upsets people to
hear it, but that is what people report, And so
I said that, you know, the best way I can
describe it for me from my terminology is we’re all
backstage before we’ve decided to do the play, and we
work in detail what the play is going to be
and what we’re going to roll is going to be

within the play, and people volunteer to play roles, and
we can turn them down and say, you know what,
I really don’t like what you did to me in
the Viking era. I really don’t want you to play
that role. You can be the bus driver who runs
me over. We work out the roles in detail. It’s
not set in stone. It’s more like an improv where
they hand you a three y five card before you
go on stage, and you just have basically you’re going

to meet this person, but you have to work it out.
And so while you’re there on stage, a larger portion
of your conscious energy is off stage you want to say,
it’s in the theater. It’s up in the upper deck
watching you on stage and saying, wait a minute, watch this.
This is going to be hilarious. Now it’s going to
get interesting. We don’t see that because of these filters
on the brain. So as an actor, and of course

a good actor is really well invested in their role.
And so the whole idea of a theatrical thing is
when people and the play is over, the curtain falls,
we drop the props and costumes, and we take our
conscious energy and return home. That’s what people report.

Speaker 4 (18:24):
And home, so the backstage is sort of the real reality.
That’s where our higher selves live, where sixty to eighty
percent of our conscious energy stays. And these earth lives,
for example, are just when we’re acting out these little
short lived lives. But our real ongoing soul or stays

backstage as you call it, right.

Speaker 5 (18:46):
That’s right, back home as I call it, And a.

Speaker 3 (18:48):
Lot of people do use that word home.

Speaker 4 (18:51):
Home is an interesting thing that comes up frequently in
this work that they want to go home, especially when
they die, They want to go home. And home is
that backstage area we’re talking about. The element I do
like about this field of study is that there is
a lot of data based on thousands and thousands of cases.
There are certain hallmarks, right, can you speak to the
sort of data that you get from Michael Newton and

doctor Grayson and some others who have studied this.

Speaker 5 (19:15):
Doctor Grayson did a talk recently it’s called Things I
Left Out of the Book After where he talks about
fifteen percent of the near death experience case studies report
seeing Jesus for example, Chase you wonder like, is he
wearing a name tag? How do they know that? But
he also pointed out that eighty five percent report and
experience with Source or God because they talk about this

indescribable joy, unconditional love, and non judgmental acceptance. In my case,
I started filming people back in two thousand and eight,
I think, and I’ve filmed two hundred people, so I’ve
done one hundred hypnotherapy sessions four to six hours. They’re
in the films hacking the afterlife and et cetera. And
then I started doing another one hundred guided meditations just

to see could people access the same information they are
subjective experiences? Oh I died, something happened et cetera. But
if you ask everybody the same questions and they named
the scale after Grayson, of those questions, seventy percent of
people who have a near death experience experienced something, One
to three percent experience something negative, something hillacious or scary.

Thirty percent don’t experience anything. But that doesn’t mean something
didn’t happen. It just means you can’t access it.

Speaker 4 (20:31):
When we come back, we’re going to talk more about
this with Richard, and we’re going to talk about our
council people that kind of our guides that help us
throw our life, and then the ones that we see
when we die. Typically people have a review and we’ll
talk about that next when we come back with Richard Martini.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
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Speaker 4 (22:19):
We are back on Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron. We’re
talking of Richard Martini. Richard, based on the data that
you’ve called through of studying cases of near death experiences
and doing hypnotic regressions with people, it seems like one
of the main hallmarks of this area is our council.
That it seems like people tend to have a group
of ten to twenty beings who watch over us, help

guide us through our lives, and then when we die,
we have a life review. With this council. They each
seem to have particular areas of focus, let’s say, courage
or love or whatever. Almost like that movie picks our
movie inside out, Like they’re really hard of these people
that are our council, and each of them have sort
of a little responsibility or an area to help us with.

Speaker 5 (23:05):
Yeah, and it’s a fascinating topic. I mean, I’ve I
just saw the other day that somebody had written a
book about talking to the divine council. And if you
look at religious dogma throughout history, they all refer to councils.
If you even look up the term divine council in Wikipedia,
you’ll find every religion from the Greeks on where they
would talk about a council. Well, as it turns out,

and Newton called them the wisdom makers. But I mean,
generally everybody has a group and it’s anywhere from three
to about fifteen, sometimes twenty people, and when you access them,
they may not all show up. Partially it’s because they’re busy,
they’re two and other things, and sometimes it’s because they
don’t want you to know this information yet.

Speaker 3 (23:51):
Well, they also serve on other councils.

Speaker 5 (23:52):
Sometimes they also serve another exactly, and sometimes they serve
a different role on different councils because I always ask.
So basically it’s this, I suggest to someone, let’s go
visit your council, and I ask them are we inside
or outside? And then they describe where that is, and
then I ask how many people are here? And then
I ask can we talk to them? And I go

to the first person on the far left and I
ask them if I have their permission. I also ask
this question, are you familiar with what I’m doing? Because
that helps me to understand what I’m going to ask next.
Sometimes they are, sometimes they are not. And sometimes I’ll
go through a council where like two or three people
are like, no, no idea, who you are. We don’t

know why you’re asking these questions. And then the next
person does, yes, Richard Very, I’m familiar with you, and
I applaud what you’re doing. The point is is that
we have these councils that are not judges. Even though
I call the subtitle of the book Divine Councils in
the Afterlife the flip side Court. That’s what people are
worried about. You know what it feels like that injury

So Okay, you’re going to court. They’re going to do
a life review where you experience it’s all the negative
things you’ve done firsthand. So all those ants you stomped on,
you’re going to experience. Well, not ants, but let’s just say,
all the people that you’ve harmed in your lifetime, the
ones you made cry, they’re going to be there as

well as your guides, and you were going to experience
that from their point of view. Doctor Kenneth Ring has
a wonderful account of a guy in his life review
seeing that he was punching some guy in the street.
Except when he saw that incident, he was the guy
being punched, and he was watching it from above, and
he felt, as he said, all the pain and humiliation

that he caused that guy happened firsthand. David Bennett’s book
Voyage of Purpose, he’s been studied quite a bit by
University of Virginia. Wonderful book his near death experience. He
also tells that story in Hacking the Afterlife, the film,
but it’s where he talks about two things. One is
a negative thing that happened in a bar fight in Texas.
But in the bar fight memory, he’s the guy getting

beaten up and experiencing that humiliation. But the other thing
was interesting. It was a random incident in his life
where he had gone out of his way to help
this little old lady who was a cranky person, and
he got her to laugh and smile, and they showed
him how that selfless act of joy changed her life,

changed your children’s lives, and rippled out like you know,
like a ripple through a lake, through on into the ocean.
How many lives were changed by a single selfless act.

Speaker 4 (26:31):
That is though, Richard, Also, when you come there, even
if you were you had an awful life, let’s say
you were Hitler or whatever, some negative person, when you
go back to stage again, it’s okay.

Speaker 3 (26:42):
All that gets washed away, right.

Speaker 5 (26:44):
You know, when it comes to the Adolph question, there
are people who’ve caused mayhem an harassment. In Michael Newton’s work,
he talked about some people being isolated because they’ve been
given a chance many times to come back to the planet,
but all they do is create chaos, and so they
voluntarily go to a place that’s temple of isolation.

Speaker 3 (27:05):
I don’t know.

Speaker 5 (27:06):
So they go to a place where they think about
all the people they’ve harmed and they go through that.
You know, this topic comes up quite a bit because
of course we’re so used to thinking of justice and
judgment and rock being examined it. So Jennifer Schaefer and
I were talking about it, and if you look on
our website, on our podcast Hacking the Afterlife, just look
up Genghis Khan. She said, there’s a guy here who

says he’s Genghis Khan. And I was like, what the
heck does he want?

Speaker 3 (27:31):

Speaker 5 (27:31):
This is a guy responsible for forty million deaths. He
makes all those despots like pale, and so I asked
him what was it like? What was your life review like?
And he said it was awful because he experienced all
the trauma that he had caused. And then I said,
have you worked that out? He said, well, I’ve had
many lifetimes since trying to work out that. And he said,
even one lifetime as a monk where I thought that

would work, but that didn’t work either. And then he
had other lifetimes where you know, wound up in a
prisoner of war camp and all the things that he
did to other people happen to him. The idea that
we work these things out, but still he has a
sense of humor. You see he is now. Of course,
he died in twelve seventy seven. Like I say, time
is a little different, but he’s able to come forward

and observe that you learn these things. And that’s a
very difficult part of the research. It’s in the film
Flip Side. The very first person I interviewed was a
woman who passed away in the Holocaust. She experienced talking
to her guides and going back to her council and saying,
why why did I have such a terrible journey? And

they showed her a couple of things. One that all
the people she lost in that lifetime are with her
now in different roles. She said, Oh, this is going
to be hard to say, but it was harder to
choose to play the role of a perpetrator than a
victim in that lifetime because it affects them over many lifetimes.
And in my case, she said, I learned intensive lessons.

And like you said, each guide has a certain quality
in selfless or courage or loyalty and working out those details.
And so somebody who goes through an incredible trauma may
get a bunch of council members out of that experience.
I had one person say, Earth is like the show,
like the Big Game. This is where you come and

you can experience. You can learn more about spiritual matters
and one day of trauma than you can in five
hundred years on some boring planet. Wow. And that’s another thing,
you know. Thirty five percent of the reports from the
Newton Institute include people remembering lifetimes on other planets. We
have to throw that into the mix as well, which
is trauma here is pad is trauma in another dimension?

It appears to be, so appears Earth. Because of its
polarity positive negative, we experience things in a very visceral way,
whereas on other planets. We’ve talked to people like that,
especially in councils. Sometimes I’m going along the council and
remember I said, person on the far left, you keep
going down, and they’ll say, oh, this is an alien
and then I’ll ask them to describe it. And there’s
many different variations. And I’ll ask this person and I’ll say,

have you ever incarnated on Earth? And one guy said,
I wouldn’t stoop so low, meaning it’s too much drama,
it’s too much the warrior planet. Even for him, it
was like man, I prefer being on a council.

Speaker 3 (30:20):

Speaker 4 (30:21):
Hey, Richard, you also spoke about cases where people spoke
about these floating fractals that each contain a memory. Again,
that’s very much like the film Inside Out, where each
memory stored in a marble.

Speaker 5 (30:32):
Well, it actually happened in the second person that I filmed,
and she said, I’m seeing these geometric shapes sort of
zipping around. And by the time I got to use
guided meditation, I could say, well, let’s freeze one and
let’s open it up.

Speaker 3 (30:45):
What is it?

Speaker 5 (30:46):
And what people would say? And I’ve had the experience
myself doing a hypnotherapy session examining these fractals that carry
all of the information from all of our lifetimes and
are like volumes in the Akashak life library. So it’s
like you could pull out a volume from an Akashak
librarian and say, can I look at my previous live
deck and it might be in a geometric shape, and

they travel around with us, you know, people see those
circles flying all through the air all the time. Those
two could be a little piece of the overall information.

Speaker 3 (31:19):

Speaker 4 (31:20):
When we come back, We’re going to talk more with
Richard about this and how it ties into the UFO phenomenon.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact right here on the iHeartRadio
and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 2 (31:47):
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Speaker 6 (32:18):
The iHeartRadio and cost AM Paranoral Podcast Network. Listen anytime,
any place.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
Hi, this is Sandra Champlain. Ever wonder what happens when
we die? Well, I’m going to make it easier for
you to understand. Join me for my show Shades of
the Afterlife. New shows come out every Friday, so I’ll
be looking for you right here on the iHeartRadio and
Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 4 (33:10):
We are back on Beyond Contact with Richard Martini. Richard,
wouldn’t it be fair to say that, after all of
this research on what happens when we die, that we
probably shouldn’t necessarily be praying to God per se as
we are all part of God or part of Source,
but perhaps would be more valuable or more accurate to
pray to or simply talk to our counsels when we

need guidance on this planet.

Speaker 5 (33:33):
Two things come to mind. One is I’ve asked counsels like,
are you guys tethered to us? And they’ve said, for
the most part, yes, meaning they’re always connected to us.
So these higher beings are tethered so that we can
ask them. And I say, well, why don’t people ask them?
People will say they just aren’t aware that they can,
you know, and part.

Speaker 3 (33:53):
Of the same lifetime or just this one lifetime. They’re
tethered to us.

Speaker 5 (33:56):
They’re always tethered to us, but they’ve been overseeing us
for all our lives. The guide is basically tethered to us.
But of course I’ve discovered that guides have more than
one person that they’d watch over, so they could be busy,
which is kind of disconcerting to think about. All right,
But there’s this secondary part of your question, which was
the G word. I ended up interviewing a skeptic who

wanted to ask the question what or who is God.
We asked the question to an Acasac library, but the
librarian said, was God is beyond the capacity of the
human brain to comprehend it’s just too much information for
the hard drive to process. He said, however, you can
experience God by opening your heart to everyone and all things.

And I’ve thought about that statement a lot. Literally, if
you can open your heart to everyone, who can do that?
I mean it’s impossible to even consider the guy who
cut me off a traffic and the barista gets my
coffee wrong. But all things, why, things from what I
can gather, things are all conscious, They’re all sentient, They’re
atoms agreeing to hold space. So the whole fabric of

our reality and the fabric of the universe appears to
be consciousness that instead of thinking of it as some
quality that arises out of something, it exists in the
fabric of it. And because once we are aware that
the cup we hold, the monitor, we’re looking at the
frequency of another human being, those things are all part

of the fabric. And if we can open our heart
to it, wow, then we can experience what or who
God is. So when you say should we pray? To
pray is a great term and a great thing to do.
I tell people to focus on meditation. You can cure depression.
According to Richard Davidson, University of Wisconsin, So what’s prayer,

what’s meditation, or what’s having in a conversation. Have a
conversation with your guides, have a conversation with your avatar.
Invite that avatar to sit across from you. Let’s play
a game. Can I ask you a question? They can’t
alter your path because you signed up, Because if they
change the path, you’d have to do it again, you
have to learn the lesson again. But they can give

you solace, they can give you joy, they can give
you unconditional love. All of those things are available to us.

Speaker 3 (36:12):
Of course.

Speaker 5 (36:13):
You know we’re having so much fun on the planet
with cappuccinos and pizza.

Speaker 3 (36:17):
You know that we.

Speaker 5 (36:18):
Don’t really stop to go Do I really have to
think about where this came from? Or can I just
enjoy the pizza.

Speaker 4 (36:24):
I don’t think most of us think about any of
these things. It’s the max Plink thing again that you
cannot get behind consciousness. So somehow that ties all this together,
which brings me to another question. It seems like many
of these different phenomenon may actually overlap that the UFO,
the alien world, these near death experiences people have, as
well as the study of consciousness itself, may all intersect somehow, right.

Speaker 5 (36:46):
Absolutely, And I think it really comes down to that
concept of filters on the brain. And when Grayson mentions him,
I know it’s on page one twenty five because I’m
always quoting it in his book after he talks about it.
But so did Helen Wombach fifty years ago exact same phrase.
Filters on the brain that prevent information not conducive to survival.

Some children don’t have them until like the age of eight,
you know, they see people that aren’t there, they remember
previous lifetimes. Some people that are elderly lose the filters
just prior to passing. Grayson mentions them in this YouTube
talk is consciousness produced by the brain? How in the
UK dementia patients suddenly spontaneously we recover seventy percent recover

their memory. The filters are dying in the atropeed brain.
So these filters appear to be important because we need
to fear things to survive, Okay, But if we want
to bypass that stuff, we can, and that’s where they
all intersect. Bypass the filters, then we see, oh, this
is how consciousness functions, This is how incarnation works. But

whatever we can talk to aliens so called aliens, people
that we know, people that we might have agreed to
meet on this planet, but we’re not aware of it.
Once we bypass those filters even a little bit, we
can access why we’re on the planet.

Speaker 4 (38:04):
Okay, I’ve been very easy on you today, and you’re
welcome because normally you and I get into these much
harder things.

Speaker 3 (38:11):
But I do have to ask.

Speaker 4 (38:13):
You are saying that you can access the other side,
and you’re also able to access new information from the
other side. If those two things are true, why can
you not go on TV tomorrow night and prove this
to the world by saying, what do you want to know?
Let me ask Stephen Hawking and let them give you
a math problem that maybe Richard Martini couldn’t do, but

Stephen Hawking could, And if you could get that information
downloaded to you, you would prove that all of this
is real. Why can’t we do that?

Speaker 5 (38:43):
I’ve been doing that for fifteen years. My podcast is
I mean, I’ve been doing with Jennifer Schaeffer for eight years.
We have four books, Backstage Pass to the Flip Side, one,
two and three, Tuning into the Afterlife, and every week
Jennifer and I do a podcast. We don’t talk beforehand.
We do it live on the air. Lawana Andrews the
person I mentioned earlier on she’s our moderator. On the
other side. She brings people forward. She is the person

with the as Tom Petty called it, the person with
the guest list who lets people into the VIP lounge. Basically,
we asked them questions that I don’t know the answer to.
So Stephen Hawking came forward and I said, Hey, Hank
azariad told a joke on Colbert last night. Tell me
the punchline. Jennifer hadn’t seen it. Hawking knows it, but

he didn’t watch the show. And what it was is
that Hank Kazaria was telling a story of how Hawking
was late for a table read and how Harry Shearer
had said, the man has no sense.

Speaker 3 (39:36):
Of time right, And he’s the guy that said.

Speaker 5 (39:40):
She heard it from Hawking literally word for word exactly
what Now, here’s the point. If your adamant that life ends,
you will never be able to access this information. And
where did I get that from? Harry Dean Stanton Harry
Dean was a very famous eighth theist skeptic. We interviewed
him a week after you passed away, and I said, Harry,
what’s it like for a skeptic to realize there is

an afterlife? And he said, tell people there is to
believe in the afterlife. And I said, Harry, none of
your friends are going to believe that. I said that.
So he gave me three private messages to people at
his memorial and I went up to each one of them,
and they were health related issues. I couldn’t know. Jennifer
couldn’t know, but they knew. Each was flabbergasted by what
he said. But ultimately I told them what Harry told me.

Believe in the possibility of an afterlife, and then you
won’t waste another minute of your life arguing about it.
Proving an afterlife, it’s like proving there is life. You
really can’t do that either, because life is this thing
that we experience. People talk about death all the time.
They aren’t dead. They clearly are off stage. They clearly

know new information. You can ask them questions and learn it.
So and so died, they didn’t die, they left the stage.
And so when you try to talk about the proof
of death, you have to also concern yourself with proof
of life. If you can have a conversation with a
child that hasn’t quite come yet and ask them why
didn’t you come at this time or what happened, and
they can tell you, oh, there’s a genetic problem, that’s

why it didn’t come. When you get new information from
people off stage. For those who are aware of this information,
they know that they’re accessing the truths and other people
it’s their journey and path. They may have chosen a
lifetime not to know, because you know, if you think
about it, why would you beat yourself up to cure
a disease if you thought, oh, well, next lifetime, I’ll

care it. It’s this lifetime. Everything has to be now.
But there’s a few of us who are concerned with that.

Speaker 4 (41:39):
Yeah, you’re you’re you’re stuck in the middle there, man, Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 5 (41:42):
And you know, try to enjoy the pizza and the
cuppucino because it’s very difficult to create those on the flip.

Speaker 4 (41:47):
Side, and well, they sure seem like it’s really a
great joy to experience our lives on earth. They want
to incarnate and they want to experience this, so we
should all cherish what we have. Of course, please check
out close encounters of the Flip Side Kind by Richard Martini.
Thanks a lot, brother, always.

Speaker 5 (42:04):
With a great gosh dang it, and thank you for
inviting me to the Contact of the Desert. I had
so much fun and it was so great to see you.

Speaker 4 (42:12):
Hey, I thank you everyone for listening to Beyond Contact.
We’ll be back next week with a new show. You
can follow me Captain Ron on Twitter and Instagram at
CD Underscore Captain Ron. Stay connected by checking out Contact
intheesert dot com. Stay open minded and rational as we
explore the universe right here on iHeartRadio and Coast to
Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (42:43):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Ghost
Day and Paranormal Podcast Network. Make sure and check out
all our shows on the iHeartRadio app or by going
to iHeartRadio dot com.


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