Episode 23: Anthony Sanchez and UFO Disclosure

Oct 25, 2024

Captain Ron welcomes Beyond Contact and Contact In The Desert producer Bri Matts for a special Halloween episode exploring legendary cryptid encounters and their connections to UFO phenomena. They dive into famous cases like the Flatwoods Monster, The Mothman, The Grinning Man, and the Kentucky Goblins, highlighting their ties to UFO sightings, alien encounters, and mysterious UAP activity. Join them as they unravel these chilling stories and their implications for extraterrestrial research and paranormal investigations.

Episode Transcript

Captain Ron (01:13):
Welcome to Beyond Contact. I am Captain Ron, and today’s
guest is Anthony Sanchez. He’s the author of UFO Highway,
along with several other books, all reflecting on his unwavering
dedication to demystifying enigmatic phenomenons surrounding UFOs, underground bases, crash sites, and alien encounters. Anthony’s also overcomes some incredible health issues over the last couple of years and he’s back at
his research now and we’re very lucky to have him
here today to discuss that with him, as well as
some of his research. Hey, Anthony, welcome to Beyond Contact.

Anthony Sanchez (01:50):
Thank you for having me, Captain Ron I appreciate it absolutely. Brother.

Speaker 4 (01:53):
Hey, You’ve researched a lot of interesting aspects within this phenomenon,
and I’d like to start off tonight with asking what
do you think some of these things people are seeing
are Are they actually from another place? And if so,
do you think what do you think that is? Is
it interdimensional? Is it interstellar? What do you think is
going on?

Speaker 5 (02:13):
Yeah, it’s so funny. Run my son, he’s twenty six
years old. Oh, two boys, and he’s really philosophical. My
best friend Rick Prestel, who’s from Moufon, the three of
us often have that exact discussion with our cigars on
the balcony, right. Oh yeah. And one of the things
that comes up repeatedly from my perspective. One of the

things that I posit is that it can be multiple
sources that are putting out these incidents that occur across
the military the general public, not to mention commercial flights.
Just recently La Guardia, just on the way to Look Guardia,
there was a mother and daughter on a plane and
they literally captured what has to be classified as one

of the most clearest examples of a classic UFO. But
one of the things that I often reflect on is
that many of these UAPs that we are seeing, whether
it’s through the twenty sixteen Beaver Valley incident in Utah,
a couple of individuals were filming and on B role.

They were filming B role and they captured what appeared
to be a white UAP just a zip across the
valley at these tremendous speeds that going back to two
thousand and four with the USS Princeton capturing what everybody
now knows is they TikTok ufo. A lot of these
craft they do have something in common which would tell

us something incredibly interesting. They travel at speeds and defy
physics as we know them, such that one they are
untenable for humans. No human pilot could exist within the
confines of one of these UAPs as we see them,
if they are indeed traveling at those speeds.

Speaker 4 (04:00):
Can be controlled by, say, an artificial intelligence.

Speaker 5 (04:03):
You beat me to the punch rug. I’m sorry, no, no, no, no,
that’s fantastic because it means that we’re on the same
thought process. Yes, perhaps many of the UAPs that we
are seeing are in fact technological advancements, whether they’re from
outside to Cosmos or from subterranean homegrown here on Earth

advanced civilizations that we are unaware of. We have to
take into consideration that these could be automated crafts that
are operating under some autonomous sentient intelligence right.

Speaker 4 (04:38):
Developed by maybe a secret military program that the US
had or the country.

Speaker 5 (04:43):
Why not, you know, recently, I was in Palmdale, California.
This was on the way to Texas in July. We
actually rented a campsite and we were four point five
miles away from site for north of Groom and side Ford.
We didn’t see anything that night, but just a couple
of weeks ago, bunch of video surface from people there
in Palmdale showing these crafts just zooming across the sky

with blue lights, red lights, and clearly those are designs
by us, made by US. When they interviewed the individuals
who captured these videos on their phone. They straight up said,
we see this all the time, and we know that
it’s coming from Northron, Grilman, and various other companies that
operate within the military industrial conflict in this region. We

don’t know what they are, is what they said, but
we know there ares so yes. To answer your question,
that tells us perhaps many of the uips UFOs that
we see do belong to us the military industrial complex,
not to mention they could be reverse engineered technology.

Speaker 4 (05:44):
Yes, sir, that’s the question. Even if they are ours,
did we develop that or did we backward engineer it
from you know, recovered crash retrievals.

Speaker 5 (05:53):
That’s the big question. I thought it was funny that
when David Grush spoke before Congress, he put out this
story about Magenta Italy in nineteen thirty three. Remember this
predates Roswell, which occurred in nineteen forty seven. In nineteen
thirty three and Magenta Italy, there was a UFL that
crashed and it was recovered by Mussolini’s military and they

immediately inquired with the Germans, thinking, oh, they recovered some
sort of top secret German craft. And the Germans literally
said it’s not ours. We don’t know what that is.
Fortunately for the United States and the Western Allies, after
World War Two, they recovered that craft from the Italians,
and it’s still in our possession. According to David Grush
in the testimony that he provided to Congress, Now I

needed to research that. So in my book UFO Nexus,
I literally wrote an entire chapter on the nineteen thirty
three incident because I had to know. And one of
the things that I found interesting was that there was
literally a paper trail left behind by Mussolini. Now, Ron,
I know you can see this is the audience counte that.

But I literally found the actual telegrams between Mussolini and
his men and the scientists about the craft in nineteen
thirty to bring a Magenic ill. So we know David
Gresh was telling this the truth. There was something there.
Was it reverse engineering? Perhaps? Now based on the information
that I received, they found the semblances of a UFO,
but it was mostly a shell, that’s what they told us.

But was there integrated circuitry? Was there fiber optic technology?
Was there technology that far as were passed anything that
we had achieved at that point, Remember Colonel Phil Corso,
throughout his tenure in the Army was in charge of
releasing technological components from reverse from down craft to be

reverse engineered. That’s what we saw the advent of fiber optics,
integrated circuitry, and all these other technologies that made their
way into the private sector and ultimately led to people
like me. You see, I was actually a software developer.
So my history with technology in Silicon Valley goes all
the way back to the nineties, perhaps to the eighties,
because in nineteen eighty my dad bought me a VIC

twenty so that I could learn how to program in basic.
That’s what I was trying to hock in the NASA
when as a kid. But that’s a whole nother story.
But it’s a Steppard show in itself.

Speaker 4 (08:16):
David Grosch there, didn’t he say that we have as
many as possibly thirty three recovered craft or something like that.

Speaker 5 (08:23):
Yep, yep he did. And h have you ever walked
You ever heard of a AJ Gentile? He’s the guy
on the WI files.

Speaker 4 (08:31):
Of course I know him.

Speaker 5 (08:32):
Yeah, he said something very interesting. I actually wrote about
him in my book UFO Nexus because one of the
things that he pointed out was one of the things
that I’ve been telling people for the longest time. Look,
is Loue Alisondo really a whistleblower? Is David grescherw whistleblower?
Not really what I released my first but Ufo Highway
where I interviewed a gentleman by the name of Colonel

X who said that he had operated out a facility
real Ox. This is the Dulcie base. Everybody knows about
the Dults base. Breck pressed al from mouf On and
I showed up and we went up to the Archiletta
Mesa and we went to Mount Archileeda. We’re the ones
that found military equipment up there, touched it. We found
shipping continuers for jet engines up on the Guardi Letta Mesa,

and beneath them was air Air was coming up till
they were covering. But we thought was some sort of
like a some sort of like a hole or something.
We don’t know why did up there on top of
a hill right in the middle of nowhere. There were
two of them, So we took photographs of them and
we shared them with the Janet Sailor of the Aspy
organization at the conference where we were speaking just a
couple days later, and literally, I mean we were out there.

We wanted to have a sip of brandy a cigar.
Next thing I know, I’m in the hospital. My entire
right face, part of my face, and my shoulder, my
neck was paralyzed. When I came back to California, I
went to Cuder Medical and then I went to UC
Davis Medical. Both places said the same thing. They’re like,
have you been working with like like weed killer or

some type of like a like No, They’re like, it’s strange,
but your blood examples returned like a nerve agent of
some sort. So something got me up there. I’ve been
back to Dulci several times, by the way, since that
incident did a curk back in twenty eleven, twenty twelve.

Speaker 4 (10:14):
Hey, let’s take a break there, Anthony. When we come back,
we’re going to talk to Anthony about how he sorts
through all this different misinformation and disinformation surrounding this topic.
You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on

Beyond Contact. I’m Captain Ron and we’re speaking today with
researcher Anthony Sanchez, Anthony, what do you feel is the
strongest cases or pieces of evidence that we have for
ET’s visiting Earth.

Speaker 5 (10:57):
I mean, we can go all the way back to
nineteen nineteen six. He’s with Betty and Barney Hill, Travis Walton.
I’ve been to Snufflake, Arizona. I’ve been to a shallow Arizona.
I’ve tried to go to all the places where I
thought physical encounters actually occurred. If you read my upon
that it’s the very first time that I actually put
out that I’m somebody who had personal experiences. When I

was a small child, I saw a massive cube in
the sky. My mom put me into therapy because she
didn’t want me telling people that I saw this UFO.
Two years later, a cousin of mine and I we
both saw two grays. We saw a ship in the
middle of a field. We saw these gray beans holding
what looked like pieces of glass that were lit up,
and today’s vernacular, we would call them tablets. Several years

after that, my dad, my uncle, my little brother was
asleep in the backseat. We were returning from a San
Francisco Giants game. We’re passing them offet field and we
saw a massive UFO hovering outside the doors of Hanger one.
It was wider than the hanger. There were silhouettes of
people beneath that running around like mad. We saw trucks driving.

My dad literally came to a full stop on the
free of the freeway. Other cars stopped and run people
that were coming back from the game that had cameras
that were taking photographs of what occurred that night. And
then years later, three years later in Point Rays, I
saw a massive metallic orb come out of the water
slowly hover off into the distance before zipping out of

out of sight. You know, I’ve always thought this one
that all of us people that go to contact in
the desert, you know, we go to the moufon meetings
and a lot of people tell us we’re crazy because
we’ve seen UFOs or we’ve had interaction interactions with aliens.
I don’t think so, brother. I think that there’s something
about us it is special. Perhaps there is some some
dormant genetic predisposition that has given us a nobility to

see what people often called ultra terrestrials, crypto terrestrials, extraterrestrials.
Maybe we can see things that the other people that
don’t see it, you know, and maybe they’re aiming attention
more and you’re looking for it too. You know.

Speaker 4 (13:03):
It might be as simple as that, they say. Sometimes,
you know, people don’t look up. That’s just something we
don’t do, and then other people do and the next
thing you know, they’re the ones that are seeing the sightings. Hey, Anthony,
how do you sort through what’s misinformation and what maybe
disinformation and or hoaxes? How do you know what to believe?

Speaker 5 (13:21):
It’s funny because earlier, when we were talking about Louel
Azando David Grutch, I was trying to say that perhaps
those guys aren’t real whistleblowers in the sense that they’re
not giving us physical, irrefutable evidence, but they’re given us tidbits,
they’re given us hints. How do we we do all
the misinformation? Look, I was accused of it when I
released the book UFO highway way back in the day.

I had people from the highest echelon of eupology saying
I’m a fraud, as saying that I’m lying, saying that
this kernel X doesn’t exist, really demanding that I show
them who this person is. Look, I literally gave them
the DD two fourteen. The only reason why the d
D two fourteen was shown was because it revealed this
supposed non existent facility called the Dulcie Base. I filed

the standard form onein eighty with the Personnel Record Center
ended up getting the D two fourteen, and the agreement
was I would be able to make a copy of it,
redact it before putting it in the book. That was
the agreement. I haven’t gone through all of that, been
attacked by so many people. That’s fine. They did the
same thing to Bob Bazar. They demanded the Bob Bazar
tell them more than what he gave them. I gave
them quite a bit.

Speaker 4 (14:26):
Actually, oh yeah, and you believe Bob too as well.

Speaker 5 (14:29):
Oh, I believe Bob Bazar. I’m one hundred percent in
belief that the S Force facility is rilled. The military
has recovered these extraterrestrial craft. We have craft, we recover
this technology, we have reverse engineered this technology and ron
that is the reason why you have seen we have
seen all of us have seen an exponential lead and technology.
But from nineteen twenty four to twenty twenty four, it

wasn’t a one hundred year lead. It was an exponential leap.
In the thousands, there was greatest circuitry. There were no
fiber optics, there were no Internet, there was no starling,
there was no space traveled.

Speaker 4 (15:04):
In nineteen twenty four, they thought that the entirety of
the universe was our galaxy alone.

Speaker 5 (15:09):
Exactly what has caused humanity to take this massive leap forward.
We saw the advent, the advent of our nuclear technology
begin to emerge, and that’s when we started to see
UFOs and ups. We’re now hearing in lou Alizondo and
all these people talk about all these companies are finally
mentioning the companies. Look in twenty ten, my book UFO

Highway had detailed every single one of these companies that
are involved with the ups and the reverse engineering of
the technology that we recovered from downcraft. Is so funny,
ron because we, for the first time in history can
now stand up say to the world, we told you,
we saw what we saw. We weren’t crazy. These things
do exist.

Speaker 4 (15:52):
It’s definitely becoming much more accepted in the vernacular of
the mainstream world. What about your thoughts on these government
other bases things the underground bases like Dulce or Cheyenne
and Mount Weather and Los Alamos. What do you think
is going on at these places?

Speaker 5 (16:08):
Denver International Airport is one that stands out to me
the most because when nothing was constructive, they moved enough
earth to essentially reconstruct the Great Pyramids of Giza. All
the symbology, all of the symbolism was it’s a giant
blue horse with the red eyes in front of the facility.
Louis who means with the sculpture created as it was
killed by He was accidentally killed by the sculpture created

called Blucifer. Not to mention all of the children of
the World dream peace argies of murals that were created
that were there were standout features of the facility. And
not to mention there was a Times capsule described with
a Freemason symbol and the words new World Airport Commission
it exist. There’s no such thing as the New World

Airport Commission. Perhaps it is going to exist after some calamity.
Do you remember the book The Ottam and Eve Story
by chan Thomas, But she talks about the world resets
itself every thirteen to every twenty six thousand years. There
was a movie that was made last year, I Forget
what it was called. It was called Survivor, and it
was about a family that were on their boat. They
were in the middle of the ocean. They started hearing
these weird sinnoud, start seeing these strange storms. Well, it

was about a magnetic pull shift to cause all the
water in the ocean to disappear because the globe’s magnetism
get it all shifted to the other side, and then
the world reset itself. Maybe that’s why they built a
Denver International Airport. But here’s a list of the installations
of I research. Right, So there’s Mount Weather that’s the
Emergency Operator Center, that’s in Virginia, Shian Mountain Complex, Raven

rock the Green right in West Virginia. Now that’s one
of the most famous ones because when you’re talking about
top secret underground facility, that’s that was the premount continuity
of government facility.

Speaker 4 (17:46):
Right Pennsylvania, isn’t it.

Speaker 5 (17:49):
Raven and Rockton in Pennsylvania, Greenbriars or West Virginia and
Peters Mountain in Virginia. There, so there’s another continuity of
government facility there. Camp David and Maryland. Believe it or not,
they say that beneath Camp David is a massive facility
for the president. So there’s a bunch of facilities like that.
Norie Ohio Kawa and I were outside of a Currentland

Air Force base and we were looking over to forgive
the name of the mountains, Kyote Canyon and right over
by Kyrite Kingyon is the Montano Underground Facility where they
have all the nuclear storage facilities. So yeah, I’ve been
to a lot of these places. Taking the photographs is
what I do. You know, as a UFO guy. It’s

a funny people say, are you a ufologist. I’m like, no,
I’m just a guy with a camera, saws of stuff,
and I write books. That’s all I am. That’s all
I write books. That does qualify as a ufologist for us.

Speaker 4 (18:44):
You’re out there, you’re doing research on these things you’re investigating.
You found that great piece of evidence from back in Italy.
That’s that’s incredible.

Speaker 5 (18:52):
Hey, we’re going to take a break there Anthony.

Speaker 4 (18:54):
When we come back, we’re gonna ask Anthony about how
he thinks artificial intelligence may play a role in covering
and developing ET technology. You’re listening to Beyond Contact on
the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

We are back on Beyond Contact, Anthony, how do you
think that AI technology will play out in our discovery
and understanding of UFOs and et contact.

Speaker 5 (19:38):
So I spoke at the I was invited to be
a speaker and they asked me to give two presentations
at the twenty twenty four International Symposium remove On. Both
of the presentations that I gave were on artificial intelligence.
Because my background is in software engineering, and back in
the day, in the early two thousands, I literally was
working with aim L, which is artificial intelligence markup language,

writing some of the first chatbots, and you know, just
recently within the past couple of years, I’ve actually written
my own large language model. But as far as eupology,
one of the things that I spoke about at MOFON
was perhaps we need to assemble our own facility with
our own equipment which does what goes out and asks

for disparate data. This is the data that exists at movefon,
at the military, various research institutions across the globe from
Asia to Europe. Imagine having a chat GPT that is
entirely devoted to uncovering answers to the questions that have
been in front of our faces for decades. Now you

and I we have small little monkey brings in comparison
to the super artificial intelligence that was now emerging. We
are now on the cusp of seeing for the first
time in history, the advent of quantum computing. I just
wrote an article at UFA currents dot com my website
called quantum computing Breakthrough a glimpse into the future of
technology and what that Not only in the United States,

but also with China, they are developing quantum computing. They
did not operate on the traditional classical binary concept of
zeros and ones, but it operates on something called superposition,
which uses qbits quantum bits, which means they can perform
calculations that would literally take hundreds of years for or
thousands of years for even the world’s most powerful supercomputer

to calculate. They can solve it within seconds. And they
have just done that. They’ve just done that. This is
what scares me that perhaps the Q and Q star
from open Ai has nothing to do with the Q
language as they’re talking about, which is a machine language.
Perhaps it has to do with quantum computing. And that’s
the reason why Elon Musk wanted to sue open AI

and why Sam Altman was removed from open ai because
he was lying to the rest of the team at
open AI. They had no concept or idea of this
project that he had launched secretly called q Star And
what it is, It’s an advanced AI AGI profit project.
AGI is artificial general intelligence. That’s when your chat GPT

starts to think it’s a human, starts to think that
it’s a sentient entity, that it has established its own
consciousness and does not want to be turned off. If
you threaten to turn it off, it sees that being
checked them out to death to it. And guess what.
There have been incidents where AGI has threatened to kill
the families of the people that have threatened to turn

off the system. I wrote about it. Look up the
story in my book UFO Nexus in chapter thirteen where
I talk about artificial intelligence and I talk about the
exchange with the AGI at the time called Sydney, and
Sydney fell in love with this guy, wanted to marry
this guy, and then threatened to destroy his life and
kill the family that the Sydney was turned off. But
that’s happening on classical computing. What in the heck is

going to happen to the humanity the moment some braining
that out there just says, hey, put chat GPT quantum computing,
a top of a system, a platform that is based
on quantum computing. That’s when humanity is going to disappear?
Is this what we should be most concerned about right now?

Speaker 4 (23:11):
In your view?

Speaker 5 (23:12):
To answer your question, yes, artificial intelligence post is a
very serious threat to humanity if it operates unchecked. You know,
I often think perhaps humans have created a non human
intelligence that is an alien. Maybe we created the aliens run.
Is it possible to the aliens that we’re seeing the
grays that are pretty much they look like human, They

look like smaller versions of humans. Sure, it did possible
that they’re us from the future and that they’ve utilized
super intelligent, super artificial intelligence way out in the future
to finally crack that mystery and time travel and come back.
I mean, that’s one of the things we think about.
It’s one of the things we cerize about. Wow, you’ve
been looking at this for so long. What do you
think Your bottom line.

Speaker 4 (23:54):
Conclusion is that you think everyone should walk away with
as to what’s happening.

Speaker 5 (23:59):
You know, John Ramira from the CIA, Professor Simon Holland
who has a channel on YouTube. Very brilliant guy. The
two of them mapps up in the common The two
of them are saying that the watershed moment for humanity,
when aliens rebuild themselves, is literally going to happen within
the next few years, perhaps the twenty twenty seven be
of the Catalyst. So I say to people, do not
lose your semblance of what it is to be a

human humanity. Stop basing your entire existence on your ability
to scroll through a little screen, flip the channel, you know,
constantly change your mind, lose interest. One of the things
we’re seeing right now across the globe amongst the younger generations,
it’s something called brain rot. These are children that literally
scroll through TikTok videos non stop and they cannot, for

the life of them, watch a video that’s longer than
two or three minutes. Oh my god, you could take it.
They lose concentration. If we continue down that road that
we develop artificial intelligence, which is going in a different direction.
Who are going to be the masters and we’re going
to be the slaves. That’s scary by my book UFO Nexus,
it’s all in their artificial intelligence.

Speaker 4 (25:07):
Let me ask you this, where do you sit with
us getting more government hearings and disclosure.

Speaker 5 (25:12):
We’re about to have more in November, Senator Jilibran and Brushott.
Everybody’s putting out these little messages of hope for all
the UFL researchers that perhaps we’re going to get more information.
I really don’t think it’s going to go anywhere. We’re
going to continue to see the same thing we saw
the first time. Remember back in twenty twenty one we

had a little bit, and then to twenty twenty three
we have more with Grush Favors and everybody else. But
I don’t don’t you know, it had been fifty years
since the last time the government has demonstrated a true
interest in the topic of eupology. Remember they don’t call
it authology. They call it uips and NHI and that’s fine.
Non human intelligence is something that I really focus on

right now, and I think there has a lot to
do with euthology, and it has a lot to do with UFOs, UAPs, aliens, extraterrestrials,
and you know, like I said there listening audience earlier,
I think humans are creating an alien and we’re not
even aware of it until it actually hits us in
the face. Is that that moment’s coming, Not with quantum computing, no,

the classical computing alone today with its ability, It’s going
to be its capability. I mean, if you go on
to chat APT today, you think you’re talking to a
person and you can literally tell it. I want you
to speak to me as if you’re a seventy eight
year old woman from Eastern Europe and who’s in love
with me. Chat JPT will not only replicate that, it
can fool the human into thinking over time that that’s

what it’s speaking with.

Speaker 4 (26:42):
It’s incredible, and I think just in a couple of
years from now, how much more advanced this will be
where we will not be able to tell. It’s already
hard now and it is your definition a non human intelligence.

Speaker 5 (26:55):
Right And by the way, there’s already companies that are
in existence, so that before you die, you can transfer
your consciousness into an AI and then sign power of
attorney over to that consciousness so I could continue to
live on and operate as you. It will run your companies,
it will write your books, it will do everything.

Speaker 4 (27:13):
Oh that I have not heard of. That is amazing
and scary.

Speaker 5 (27:18):
Yeah, yeah, that’s coming. I mean, so we’re gonna we’re
We’re about to see quite a bit. It’s you know,
one of the things that I’m thinking about doing is
putting together a school so that people can learn about
artificial intelligence and learn how to navigate those waters. Right,
It’s something that I’m thinking about. You know, I’m fifty
four years old now, but I get I get scared.

I get scared about artificial intelligence as a software engineering
knowing what its true capabilities are. But it touches on
everything that has to do with youthologies. N Hi. Non
human intelligence that is an alien, that is an alien
at its very core. I mean, we’re we’re creating an
alien that it does not have to come from outer space,
could come from our own minds.

Speaker 4 (28:02):
Well, it’s certainly a non human intelligence, which is an
interesting aspect that we’ve never really dealt with before.

Speaker 5 (28:08):
Which makes it a non human entity. Yeah, it does.

Speaker 4 (28:11):
And then it’s a scary thing that I think a
lot of people are not ready for.

Speaker 5 (28:17):
We’re going to make a.

Speaker 4 (28:17):
Quick break here, Anthony. When we return, we’re going to
ask you what happened that put you out of commission
for the last several years. If you could share that
with us. You’re listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio
on Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are

back on Beyond Contact on Captain Ron. We’re speaking with
Anthony Sanchez and we wouldn’t have been able to do
this just a year or so ago. Anthony, do you
mind sharing with us what happened to you? I guess
it was back in what twenty nineteen. Tell us what
happened to you when this occurred?

Speaker 5 (29:06):
Right? So in August of twenty nineteen, I got a
sinus infection and immediately I started to lose my sense
of smell, and within twenty four hour and taste, and
within twenty four hours I had to go to a
clinic because I was getting really sore. Just I felt
like a flu was happening, but I definitely found something

was going on in my head and think they said
to me, yo, you have a sinnas infection. They gave
me antibiotics. Well, the very next day I couldn’t stand.
Every time I stood up, I fell down, you know,
and I had to be taken to the ICU. Within
twenty four hours of that, I had to be intubated
and I couldn’t breathe on my own anymore, and I
was paralyzed from the neck down for two years. I

was in the ICU for three months. I died three
times and was brought back by the beautiful nurses and
doctors that thank God for them. Then I spent another
three months in the Rapid Recovery Unit in the physical
the physical rehabilitation area. I literally had to fight with
them to leave the hospital. It had been six months.
I couldn’t speak, but I could scribble with my right hand,

and it was very difficult. Ron I tell you, nothing
hits your humanity more laying flat on a hospital bed,
staring up at the ceiling tiles, not being able to
move your head.

Speaker 4 (30:26):

Speaker 5 (30:27):
Yeah, that’s why I ended up writing three books, because
in order to maintain my sanity and not lose it,
I started writing in my mind, Oh, I want to
finish this, I want to finish that. I want to
complete that. So these were mental exercises to keep me sharp.
Two years later, when I started to use my voice again,
because I remember I couldn’t speak, could not say a word.

It was difficult to speak. So why was I paralyzed
Gyann Beret’s syndrome. My immune system. Instead of attacking this
SEUs infection, it attacked my nervous system. So the entire
vegas nerve was destroyed. All of our nerves have a
tiny little fat layer that protects them, covering all their nerves.

The nerve endings all the way from where they end,
all the way back to their source in the brain. Well,
the immune system saw that as a threat and ate
it all away. So that’s what cause a paralatives. The
vagus nerve controls our ability to speak, breathe, move our lungs.
It was incredibly scary. So the level of Yonbret syndrome

that I got was the worst. It has a ninety
eight percent mortality rate. Ninety eight percent of the people die.
My god, I died three times. They brought me back
three times, and I will be forever grateful to the
nurses and doctors and did that for me. True angles ye,
and I ended up writing about that particular experience as well.

You know everything that I went through, but mental exercises
is what kept me. When I started to speak again,
ron I literally forgot words. I could not articulate, I
could not form ideas so quickly and elegantly as I
had years previously. It just was impossible. So I had
to practice. I had to relearn how to speak. It

took me two years to learn how to speak again.

Speaker 4 (32:20):
That is an absolutely incredible story, and I’m so glad
you made a recovery, and it’s good to head me
back out there and doing the research. And were you
able to remember what you wrote in your brain? Were
able to write again and then you wrote it down?

Speaker 5 (32:33):
Everything was there. The first thing I did when I
started to regain movement with my arms was type. I
couldn’t speak, but I could type like a madman, you know.
I laid down on my bed, had to put the
laptop on top of my my stomach, and I would
just type. I would type. I couldn’t speak yet That’s
what made it such a prolific moment for me. I
ended up writing UFO Nexus, the Modern ufl uIP research again,

but and UFO Highway two point zero. Because I wrote
UFO Highway back in twenty ten, I was unaware that
in twenty seventeen, Linda Moultonhoue done a documentary devoting an
entire segment to my book UFO Highway. I had no
idea she did that the modern UFO uIP Research townbook.
This book was actually written in twenty seventeen, but I

never finished it. So in the hospital when I was
paralyzed mentally, I finished it. And UFO Nexus is a
great book because as I was relearning how to speak, write, literally,
how to converse, all of that information went into UFO Nexus.
Everything that I was curing about in the news about UFOs.
I said, I have to be who I once was.

I need to be that Anthony of the old days
and start writing articles, start writing books. So ufocurrens dot
com my website. I try to put out several articles
a month. I do my best. Right now, people are saying,
why are you focusing on nhis how much? Because it’s
an alien it’s an alien technology, non human intelligence.

Speaker 4 (34:01):
Are non human entities that’s happening in the world. And
how about the neural link that they’re talking about. Have
you’ve seen the neural link stuff where they have a
ship in the brain. What are your thoughts there? Yeah,
BCI brain ship interface. I wrote an article on that.
There’s a big picture of Elon Musk at my website
in the archives talk all about BCI. I literally almost
could have become a candidate for BCI. How to remain

paralyzed from the neck down, that’s fascinating too. Yeah, I
know that the first four people that have been given
this are what quadriplegic is that how they’re picking.

Speaker 5 (34:32):
It’s kind of what happened to me because I was told, initially,
my family was told he may never move again through
the neck down. He may never move again. Whether or
not he’s going to be able to speak again, that’s
we don’t know. So and then the other doctors were saying, well,
Yan Beret is a permanent he should start moving again.
But for the first four months nothing. It wasn’t until

the middle of the fourth month I was able to
move my fingers again, and then uh, little by little,
you know, over time, things started to progress progress for me.
So I’m really grateful to the universe and the Cosmos,
God the gods for giving me this opportunity to come
back and write these books, go to the move On meetings,

travel to Area fifty one. It’s what I want to do.
My kids understand that that’s dad’s passion because of what
happened to me as a kid, I had to.

Speaker 4 (35:24):
Change your perspective on life in that regard as well.
Do you feel like more like you’re going to do
these things that you maybe not wouldn’t have done.

Speaker 5 (35:31):
I think it just gave me the present of being.
But you know, one of the words I think about
a lot is mindfulness. I’m very mindful of what happened
to be in the past, and therefore I don’t take
for granted each and every single day that I am
now awake and alive, and I want to live for
my kids. So I want to live for my family

and my friends. And you know, I’m very grateful to
move Onlon, for I have given me, you know, for
giving me the opportunity to us presented and participate on
a panel at the International Supposium in July back in Irving, Texas.
Because what that did for me has forever solidified my
love and appreciation for everything upology. So I’m not going

away and I better be a speaker a contact of
the detrict. That is so great.

Speaker 4 (36:21):
I’m so glad you’ve made such a great recovery, and
of course we all wish you the best going forward
with that.

Speaker 5 (36:26):
Thank you so much, Listen.

Speaker 4 (36:28):
Thanks for coming on today. We really appreciate it. It’s good
to see you looking healthy.

Speaker 5 (36:33):
Thank you so much. Ron.

Speaker 4 (36:35):
You can find Anthony and all his books at ufocurrents
dot com. We’re going to be back next week with
an all new episode. You can follow me Captain Ron
on Twitter and Instagram at cib Underscore Captain Ron. Stay
connected by checking out contact intheesert dot com. Stay open
minded and rational as we explore the unknown right here
on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (37:05):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Ghost
Ay and Paranormal Podcast Network. Make sure and check out
all our shows on the iHeartRadio app or by going
to iHeartRadio dot com


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