Unveiling the UFO Enigma: Exploring Established Facts, Legal Ramifications, Technological Impacts, and the Call for a New Human Worldview

Intensive with

Daniel Sheehan

Monday, June 3, 2024
Location: Inspiration Room

In this 150-minute “Deep Dive” into The UFO Phenomenon, Attorney Daniel Sheehan will follow up on his earlier Friday and Sunday “Workshop” and “Lecture” on The UFO Phenomenon with a detailed INTENSIVE discussion of: “The Basic Established Facts Regarding the UFO Phenomenon”; “The Legal & Constitutional Implications of The Eighty-Year Secret ‘Cover-Up’ of The UFO Phenomenon by The National Security State”; “The Technological & Economic Implications of The UFO & E.T. Reality”; “The Personal & Social Psychological Ramifications of the Impact of The UFO & E.T. Reality; “The Philosophical & Theological Ramifications of The UFO & E.T. Reality”; and “The Need for a “NEW PARADIGM” Human Worldview to Integrate The UFO/E.T. Reality Into The Present Octave of Human Worldviews Pursuant to which Our Human Family Presently Understands (or FAILS TO UNDERSTAND) The Nature of Reality Revealed by The UFO Phenomenon



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