It’s All In Your Head

Most people don’t realize osteoporosis of the skull produces numerous health issues including neuropathies of the 12 cranial nerves and spinal cord. These peripheral neuropathies can produce as many as 25 different diseases(AFIB, COPD, Reflux, Tinnitus, etc.)...

Hidden Anomalies of Antartica: The Latest Updates

Explore the Myriad of Anomalies in Antartica that Brad Olsen Learned About During His Recent Travels to this Frozen Lands. We’ve all heard the possibility of three massive UFO crafts under the ice of Antarctica. What’s the best evidence where they could be...

Artificial Structures on Mars

Analyzing the past 30 years of Dara and using new AI enhancement tools, Jason will show there is strong evidence to support artificial structures on Mars.

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