Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, Ph.D., is a Phoenix-based futurist, author, coach, and host of Exoconscious Humans YouTube. She founded the Institute for Exoconsciousness (I-EXO), the first post-disclosure organization of contactees to support co-creation between natural human and off-planet, interdimensional intelligences.
Rebecca developed the word Exoconsciousness, now in mainstream use, to describe the innate human abilities to connect, communicate, and co-create with ET, multidimensional, and spiritual beings that link us directly to the cosmos.
Rebecca is a lifelong contactee facilitating online individual and group Exoconscious Coaching™. She was a member of Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s Quantrek international science team, researching consciousness, the ET presence, and zero-point energy.
Her newest book, Exoconscious Humans: Will Free Will Survive in an Increasingly Non-Human World?, now translated into Japanese, examines the future through the intersection of AI and psychic intelligence.
Her Exoconscious Humans Substack applies knowledge and tools Where Psychic Contactees Shape their Earth and Cosmic Future.
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