Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell

Neuropsychiatrist, ESP Researcher

Diane Hennacy Powell, MD is a neuropsychiatrist and internationally recognized expert on autism and savant syndrome. Her research, which focusses on autistic children who have ESP as a savant skill, has been presented at international scientific conferences and is featured in the popular podcast The Telepathy Tapes. She trained in neuroscience at Ohio State University and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where she received her MD and psychiatric training, and was formerly on faculty at Harvard Medical School. She has been an invited member of think tanks, including the La Jolla Group for Understanding the Origin of Humans, and is serving for the third time on the Board of the Parapsychological Association. She has contributed chapters to five academic books, including AAPS’ Is Consciousness Primary? and the Oxford University Handbook of Psychology and Spirituality. Her 2008 book The ESP Enigma (Walker) received an award from the LA Festival of Books and has been translated into German, Portuguese, and Finnish.

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