The age old question, is Bigfoot an interdimensional being?

by | Sep 23, 2024

The legend of Bigfoot has captivated researchers for decades. Sightings of this elusive creature have been reported worldwide, often accompanied by blurry photos and fleeting glimpses. Reports of Bigfoot sightings date back centuries, with indigenous peoples of North America having their own legends of similar creatures. Modern sightings began in earnest in the 1950s, and have continued with numerous reports from people claiming to have seen the creature.

Enthusiasts of cryptozoology often consider Bigfoot to be a remnant of an ancient species, such as a relic hominid. While others completely dismiss the idea of Bigfoot as a simple misidentification of bears or primates. But I believe there are Paranormal Explanations to Bigfoot.

Let’s clarify what I mean by “interdimensional being.” Interdimensional beings are entities that come from or travel through dimensions beyond our three-dimensional understanding of space and time. If Bigfoot were an interdimensional being, it might explain many of the characteristics and behaviors reported by witnesses.

Some Bigfoot encounters are accompanied by unusual phenomena, such as strange lights or electromagnetic disturbances. These anomalies could suggest that Bigfoot’s presence disrupts our understanding of physics, hinting at its interdimensional nature.

Bigfoot sightings frequently include reports of the creature vanishing suddenly, often leaving no trace. This behavior aligns with the idea of interdimensional travel, where the being could simply slip into another dimension, making it nearly impossible to track or capture.

One of the biggest challenges in confirming Bigfoot’s existence is the lack of physical evidence, particularly any signs of a permanent habitation. Unlike known animals, no nests, dens, or homes attributed to Bigfoot have ever been discovered. It’s plausible that its “home” or resting places might exist in a different dimension entirely.

Some theorists suggest that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations might possess technology or knowledge that allows them to navigate through different dimensions. If Bigfoot were an entity from a more advanced civilization or a different dimension, its appearance on Earth could be a result of this advanced technology, similar to theories about UFOs.

The interdimensional hypothesis offers a fascinating lens through which to view the mystery of Bigfoot. If the creature is indeed an interdimensional being, it could explain many of the anomalies reported by witnesses, from inconsistent sightings to mysterious disappearances and the absence of physical evidence.

To me, there is a cosmic dimension to the legend of Bigfoot.

Bri Matts is the producer of the Contact In The Desert Conference and the Beyond Contact Podcast. Her interest in the UFO topic began with personal encounters, leading her “down the rabbit hole”. Bri first started attending Contact In The Desert in 2015 and never missed a show since. She also has a background in podcasting about UFO's, which became the path that enabled her to switch from behind the microphone, to behind the Contact In The Desert team. Bri firmly believes her unwavering passion, curiosity, and dedication to the integrity of the UFO phenomenon, is what manifested her life today.

–  Elsewhere on the Captain’s Log –



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